The Story Thus Far...
The return of the Ever-ending Plot (the EeP) is on everyone's lips and many groups prepare for its imminent return. However they are fragmented and groups contest with each other for dominance, despite the impending doom.
The Seals foretelling "The End" of the Never-ending Story are being broken one-by-one and it seems destiny is befalling the many Characters of these "Final Pages". The NeS Heroes, pursuing the Seals from breaking, most recently traveled to Darth Vice's private island, Isla de Morte, to confront Vice before The Last True Evil does. The Last True Evil, rejected by Losien, continues descending on his path to true evil, cited at the greatest evil the NeS will face in its Final Pages. However, others still would invoke the Ever-ending Plot and the legendary Britt, currently Brittica X, seeks to become the embodiment of the EeP after the demise of his own Story. In that desire, both Britt and Gebohq have been pulled into the shattered thread of NeS, where the source of the Ever-ending Plot looms.
If you're interested in how writers can get paid for writing, skip to Post #1901 down below:
Current Cast of Heroes: A Team
The legend continues on!
[quote=Britt the Legend: Chapter 43]Britt pops back into the late cretaceous period from the 1940s.
He sees the ladies around his sleeping body still, and grins - he's not lost his chance at a lay!
Britt: Hello, ladies!
Duchess of Squiremast: Baron! So good of you to time travel back. You're a bit late, I'm afraid.
Countess of Diggleton: You really are as virile as the Duchess said!
Duchess of Squiremast: We've all already sated ourselves on your comatose form, and I'm afraid we can only mate once per year. Biological restrictions.
Britt: But... but...
Countess of Diggleton: We could bypass that of course with a certain Engine of course, but no lady of quality would use such a... coarse device!
Britt: And my... *ahem* doesn't count as a coarse device?
Duchess of Squiremast: I should say not! Fare thee well, Baron!
Britt bids them glumly farewell, and looks jealously at his sleeping form from his personal past. He trods off to work out his frustration by shooting some dinosaurs.[/quote]
[quote=Chapter 43, Continued]A long time later, dinosaurs are dying out. Discharding hunting expeditions are fewer and farther between. Britt is resolutely tromping through bushes and foliage, looking for more prey, when he comes into a glade and espies an incredibly gorgeous woman! He grins.
His grin widens when he sees that the incredibly gorgeous woman has an identical twin!
His grin threatens to split his face when he sees that the incredibly gorgeous woman has an identical triplet!
Britt: Helllllllllo, ladies!
His grin falters when the three women turn a withering glare on him, and he notices that other figures are with them.
Three Fates: What mortal dares to interfere with our penultimate ritual?
The three women speak simultaneously, with identical voices and inflections. It's actually quite creepy.
Aeon: A time traveler, by the looks of it. I don't remember authorizing any such time travel!
Runekeeper: By his attire, I'd presume he's with the Discharding expeditions. Mega Jonestown Prime customs officials are remarkably lax about letting them come here.
The Three Fates looks hard at Britt, and he shifts uncomfortably under her threefold scrutiny.
Three Fates: You have a remarkably strong destiny, but it's not one I've ordained. It has... what are narrative threads doing in my universe?
She suddenly looks so hostile that Britt shrinks back.
Britt: Well, sorry to interrupt, but I suppose I'd better--
A soft and mild yet paradoxically firm voice interrupts them, and both gods and Britt turn to see a fairly nondescript being whose face can't be properly seen, as though they're looking at him out the corner of their eyes.
WriterGod: I'm afraid you may have to get used to narrative threads, my dear.
Aeon: Wait. Time is going into flux. I can sense it.
Runekeeper: It would appear that metaphysical narrative is being woven into the fabric of reality, retroactively.
Three Fates: A WRITER has interfered! This is your doing, old man!
WriterGod: The Ancient Writer wished a world of freedom. I showed him this one. You may find that Mega Jonestown Prime would not have become so great without a story here beckoning travelers through it.
Aeon: He's right. Wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff is happening.
Britt doesn't comprehend any of this, except that apparently one god is getting all the other gods mad at him? Time to make good his escape! But Aeon pauses from addressing his fellows to fix Britt with a stare.
Aeon: You're not going anywhere. I still have to determine the legality of your temporal traipses.
Britt finds himself rooted to the spot, unable to move, partially paralyzed as a pocket of time congeals around him. He can still hear and see, however, and finds himself ongoing witness.
WriterGod: The Ancient Writer only lays claim to Earth, so fear not for your demesnes.
Runekeeper: I'm afraid that is unacceptable. Earth is the crown jewel of our creation, we've spent eons creating and refining it. A locus of fate and magic, for Mega Jonestown Prime to land upon and take up its rightful place as metaphysical center of the cosmos.
Three Fates: Dammit, it's too late! Narrative has seized this world already!
WriterGod: This world is now freed from your purposes, and as such has a right to its own heaven and god. I have volunteered to be its divine steward.
Three Fates: We will have words with your Writer, old man.
WriterGod: I expect he is also eager to speak with you, once he manifests in this realm. For now, however, I believe this creature deserves a divine blessing?
The WriterGod gestures to the mostly formless shape of clay in the center of the glade, around which the other gods had gathered.
Aeon: Oh, come on! He was the finalizing of our creation! The first mortal of this world, to create a race of titans! To be gifted with infinite time, strength as mighty as destiny is certain, and arcane wisdom!
WriterGod: He will still possess all that. But I bestow also a fourth gift.
The WriterGod leans over the hunk of clay, and breathes gently on it.
WriterGod: will.
The WriterGod's breath becomes an expanding mist enshrouding the hunk of clay, obscuring it from sight. Glimmering light can be glimpsed within, and then Britt's heart almost stops as he hears an intake of breath from within.
He is witnessing the birth of human life on Earth!
The mist clears, and a man - the first man - stands to his feet, tall and strong.
WriterGod: I name thee Adam Terraleph... Man, first of earth.
The Runekeeper blinks, and looks between Adam Terraleph and Britt.
Runekeeper: Wait... these two... they're the same!
Confusion covers Britt's face. They don't look the same at all! Adam Terraleph is taller, and muscular, and much better looking, much as he hates to admit it--
Britt: OH. You mean we're both human.
Aeon: You're a future-human! What are you doing here?
WriterGod: I believe his credentials check out, if you care to examine them.
He throws a kindly wink at Britt - who can't quite comprehend how he can't make out the WriterGod's face yet can perceive a wink from him - and guides Adam Terraleph away, to show him the world he inherits.
Aeon, the cosmic god of Time, scowls at Britt, and looks at the badge pinned to his chest.
Aeon: TEA? What the hells is that?
Britt: Time agency?
Aeon: No, it's not, I run the time agency, and this isn't-- BUGGER IT! An Earth-based time agency from the future.
Runekeeper: This Ancient Writer has declared this world's independence in every way it seems. Earth gets its own time agency, its own god, its own hell, its own magic.
Three Fates: Its own fate.
A very black look is on all three women's faces. Britt, in a combination of terror from that look and of generally wanting women in his vicinity to be happy - they have better chances of sleeping with him if they're happy, after all - speaks up, in what is probably an unwise move.
Britt: Why don't you stand up to him?
The faces of all three gods - five faces total, considering that Three Fates has 3 - swivel to look at him. Their features are painted with consternation and shock.
Britt: Well, I mean, there's only one of him, and three - or five - of you.
Three Fates: Uh well, been great catching up, but I have, er, pressing business elsewhere.
Runekeeper: As do I.
Aeon: Yeah, and I have some urgent, uh, time crimes to investigate.
The gods vanish, and Britt finds himself able to move again.
Britt: Whoa. That was super weird. Like they're afraid of that guy or something.
He starts to walk in the direction that Adam Terraleph and the WriterGod went, but then thinks better of it.
Britt: If those bigwigs are afraid of him, maybe I don't want to tangle with him either.
He walks in the other direction.[/quote]
[quote=Chapter 43, Later]Millions of years pass. The dinosaurs are finally gone, save for a few in forgotten lands or exotic collectors' zoos. More humans start appearing, and Britt can only imagine that the WriterGod created a mate for Adam Terraleph, who then proceeded to breed the human race.
Britt finds lots of enterprise teaching the earliest humans about fire and wheels, but upon angling for payment realizes he then has to teach them about money too.
Years pass, and humans start expanding outward, and when they hit the ocean that will one day be called the Atlantic, Britt teaches them how to build a boat, and starts ferrying people across various seas, straits, and oceans.
Britt: If only Kaptin could see me now.
At this point, Britt is captain of his own ship - the world's first boat! in your face Noah! - and has a regular business of ferrying people, for which he is handsomely paid. It is one day however, that 12 men and their wives approach him for passage across the Atlantic to an island that he's never heard of.
Britt: I've never heard of a giant island in the middle of the ocean.
Farmer Zin: I know, I heard the Narrator say that.
Britt: The who?
Cakemaker Possipher: Ever since we were chosen by the Most High, we have been attuned to the secrets of the universe, including the ever-present Voice.
Britt: Right, so you're a bunch of crazies. Sorry, no can do.
Magician Luros: The Most High told us to tell you his name, and then you would take us.
Britt: Riiiiiiiiight.
Doctor Tennant: His name is... the WriterGod.
Long-ago images of three immortal and powerful beings looking fearful at the mild-mannered deity's mention flash across Britt's memory, and he chuckles weakly.
Britt: Right then. Where's this island again?
The trip is incredibly difficult, storms harassing them the whole way, and sea serpents surrounding them. In the midst of one particularly horrendous monsoon that is tossing giant sea serpents around them in the air, Britt is struggling to control the wheel.
Britt: Dammit, if the WriterGod has told y'all to do this, you'd think he'd at least smooth the passage!
Farmer Zin: That's why he told us to charter you! That you had the strength and ability to see us safely to our destination.
Britt: Look, while I like flattery, I prefer it from the lips of beautiful ladies...
Cakemaker Possipher: Land hooooooooo!
Britt whirls his head around, struggling to sea in the driving wind and rain.
Britt: Where?!
Cakemaker Possipher: Right th--
At that moment, the boat crashes upon a rock jutting out from the island. Everyone heaves themselves from the splintering boat onto dry land, and the cakemaker finishes his sentence.
Cakemaker Possipher: Right there.
Britt merely glares at him.
Apparently stranded for the moment on this island, Britt eventually decides to help these 12 men and their wives - and later their progeny - build the city that the WriterGod commanded them to found.[/quote]
[quote=Chapter 43, What's Twice-Forgotten]The city grows into a stunning metropolis, and the home of all 7 Wonders of the Even More Ancient World. Made rich and famous by its banana-crème Oreo knockoffs, prosperous in trade and in war, with cutting-edge magic and technology, the island of Atlantis becomes the greatest city in Earth's history. Britt becomes rather addicted to the banana-crème Oreo knockoffs, in fact.
Britt builds a new boat, and leaves Atlantis, but comes back several times. One time he comes back, a generation after his most recent visit, and finds the city's cultural climate much changed. There is a group of Champions defending and promoting the city; and 12 new lords have risen to prominence, including a mysterious and powerful new being known as the Ancient One.
Britt is walking through the city, still clad in his blue coat and monocle and steampunk hat, when he looks overhead to see two flying beings - one of which is an angel! The angel seems to be aware of Britt's gaze, for he looks down in mid-flight to fix his eyes upon the immortal man. The angel then speaks to his companion, and both fliers descend from the skies to speak to him.
Britt: Uh... whatever you think I did, I didn't do it!
The angel's companion - who is a serious-faced man cloaked in black and red - is staring intently at Britt, but the angel has an amused expression on his face.
High Angel: I suppose you didn't ferry the 12 founders of Atlantis through a monsoon nearly a million years ago then?
Britt: What? How could you know--?
The angel laughs.
High Angel: I was the WriterGod's angel who kept you safe upon that journey. It was my privilege, just as it is my privilege to see you again.
Britt stares. This angel is glorious in aspect, radiating light and power and strength. Yet he is merely a servant of the WriterGod? The WriterGod acts so mild-mannered, it hardly seems possible.
Highemperor: You're Britticus!
Britt: Huh?
Highemperor: I met you, long ago. Well, for me. In the 1800s.
Britt: Oh, uh, well, that hasn't happened for me yet.
Highemperor: Of course. Not every plebeian has access to the wonders of temporal translocation.
Britt has the vague intuition that he has just been snobbed.
Britt: Actually, I'll have you know--
Highemperor: It is fascinating to see you again though... through new eyes. I am so much more than I was then, and now I look at you, and I see power and destiny thrumming in you. Coursing through your veins is...
Britt: Tea, actually.
Highemperor: WHAT? No, that can't be-- Of course. The absurdist metaphysical structure of the NeSiverse.
He scowls.
Highemperor: Not how I would do it. But then, I'll have the chance to redesign it eventually.
High Angel rolls his eyes, as if used to hearing his friend proclaim his grandiose goals.
Britt suddenly becomes aware of a crowd around them. It is not often the two greatest Champions of Atlantis descend to the city streets, and so it is a spectacle to see them speaking to what appears to be an ordinary man, albeit one oddly attired.
A flying carriage pulled by two alicorns lands, and the crowd parts to give it room. Out of it step a tall man in a dark blue robe and a short young woman in a fine gown of exquisite tailorship.
High Angel: My lord and lady! What brings you out here?
Lady Fay: Why should the nobility of our fair kingdom not associate with the commonfolk?
The lovely and kind young woman smiles benevolently at the crowd, who are all cheering for her. Evidently she is quite popular. Her kindness and beauty are well known, and it is also quite well known that King Stafford courted her once... but she gave her heart to her husband, the Ancient One, who now speaks.
Ancient One: Highemperor, High Angel, your presence is required. Helebon plots against us, and the three cosmic gods of Time, Fate, and Magic defy the ancient contracts anew.
Britt: Ancient One...? What, YOU'RE the Ancient Writer?
The Ancient One's head swivels to look at Britt in surprise.
Ancient One: How do you know that name?
Britt: Er...
Lady Fay: Have a cup of tea, dear.
The Ancient One accepts a cup of tea from his wife, who is passing out cups of tea to everyone. Britt suddenly notices that she is filling the cups merely by flicking her fingers at them, which magically creates tea in them!
Britt: You're a tasseomancer?!
Lady Fay: Why, yes. It is how my bloodink manifested itself.
Britt: I'm a tasseomancer!
To demonstrate, he begins filling tea cups as well, and Lady Fay looks quite astonished. The Ancient One looks even more surprised though.
Ancient One: There is... a connection between us. I can sense it.
Highemperor: Let me summon my supreme powers of divination to discern the answer!
He waves his arms about in elaborate gestures, performing his magic. High Angel looks amused by his friend's performance though.
High Angel: Britt is your descendant, Lady Fay, and my lord Ancient One, from far in your future.
Britt, the Ancient One, and Lady Fay look in shock at High Angel, but Highemperor looks rather put out at not getting to perform his divination. High Angel shrugs.
High Angel: WriterGod told me.
Ancient One: In that case, blood of my blood, you must join us in our war council. Magistarr, the NeSorcerer, is summoning Count Desmond now, who will explain the situation in detail.
Britt pales.
Britt: Did you say... Desmond?
Highemperor looks astutely at Britt.
Highemperor: If you say my first meeting with you hasn't happened for you yet... how do you know Desmond?
Britt: It's a looooong story...
Highemperor: Well, you needn't fear. My power far outstrips his, and I extend the aegis of my protection to you, for as long as you are in Atlantis.
Britt looks at Highemperor in some consternation.
Britt: If you know him... if you know what he is like... how can you be friendly with him?
Highemperor smiles grimly.
Highemperor: Because he is useful.
They take Britt with them to the palace, but fortunately Britt manages to escape the upcoming war council by discussing favorite tea varieties with Lady Fay.
Over the coming months, Britt stays in the palace, acting as sidekick to the Champions of Atlantis, honored guest of the Illuminohqi, advisor to the king Stafford, and Master of Tea Ceremonies as appointed by Lady Fay. He becomes quite a celebrity with the masses when he invents the banana-crème-Oreo-knockoff tea flavor.
He manages to avoid contact with Count Desmond, unsure of how to deal with him, and fearful. But Highemperor's word is true, and Britt remains untouched. Count Desmond seems not to even notice Britt's presence, as though some kind of mental block has been placed on him... and Britt eventually realizes that's exactly what Highemperor had done.
He watches Highemperor very closely as well. If he is going to meet him again someday, he'd better be ready. He finds that Highemperor is by turns bitter and manic, but always melodramatic and self-important. The powerplayer receives the attentions of even more women than Britt does, who is himself no slouch in that department.
Britt: Damn, maybe I should consider powerplaying...
These are words he utters every so often, but always rejects, seeing what kind of man Highemperor is. Noble, yes... but ambitious and grasping.
War breaks out when Helebon, steward of Hell, rebels against the WriterGod, and invades Atlantis. Despite being a midget, Helebon is possessed of incalculable power. Angels and demons clash in the skies, and Atlantis marshals all the powers and resources at her disposal.
Helebon's armies are slowly whittled down, but the archdevil's own personal power is unyielding. In a final push, he seizes the Grand Temple of the WriterGod in the heart of Atlantis. Highemperor hovers up into the air, ready to zoom after the midget archfiend into the temple, but Britt stops him, tugging insistently on his cape.
Highemperor: What? I must stop him from summoning and fighting the WriterGod.
Britt remembers the looks of fear that passed over three cosmic gods from eons ago.
Britt: I don't think the WriterGod needs your help.
So the Champions of Atlantis and the armies of angels merely watch as within the Grand Temple, flashes of hellfire can be seen, before sputtering out. Nothing else happens.
Eventually, Britt and Highemperor go into the Temple themselves, and find Helebon, drained of nearly all his power, collapsed unconscious on the floor before the holy altar. For once, even Highemperor looks impressed.
And so the war ends. It is shortly after that, that Highemperor and High Angel depart the Champions, and Britt takes his leave shortly thereafter. Less than a year after his departure, he hears that Atlantis was destroyed by a gigantic plothole, but he takes comfort in the fact that the Ancient One and Lady Fay at least must have escaped, or the bloodline that would someday result in him would have never been produced.
More than that, however he mourns the loss of banana-crème Oreo knockoffs, and thereafter feeds his addiction with bananas and banana-flavored tea.[/quote]
[quote=Chapter 43, What's Remembered]Though the 12 men and their wives grandiosely proclaim their 'city' as Atlantis, it never grows beyond a large village. Britt finds himself with a constant craving for bananas whenever he is in the village, and is never sure why. He builds a new boat, and constantly travels back to Atlantis. Although the 12 founders grow old and die, the village remains hearty and reasonable prosperous, but obscure.
The hereditary council of the 12 founders' descendants is eventually dissolved as the villagers dispute over leadership, and a king is crowned over their village, Stafford the First. Britt is there at his crowning - munching on a banana - and is back during the reign of Stafford the Forty-Second when a mysterious being comes to the village.
His coming is rather sudden, in fact. Britt is walking through the village to the brothel, when a puff of smoke erupts in his path, and he bumps into a tall man in a dark blue robe.
Britt: Hey, watch it! You can't just go teleporting into people's way!
The tall man picks himself up and looks around, confused.
Ancient One: I... there should be... is this Atlantis?
Britt: You were expecting maybe Timbuktu?
The Ancient One shakes his head as if to clear the cobwebs.
Ancient One: Of course it's Atlantis. For some reason, I thought... but never mind. I have come to found--!
He stops in the middle of a dramatic declaration, hand raised dramatically to the night sky, confusion furrowing his brow.
Britt: Er yes, you were saying?
Ancient One: It was on the tip of my tongue. I had a cool name I was gonna use for them.
Britt: For who?
Ancient One: Whom.
Britt: What?
Ancient One: It's for whom, not for who.
Britt: Oh geez, give me a break.
Ancient One: Hey, I'm a writer, this is what I do.
Britt looks with some alarm at him.
Britt: You're not the Ancient Writer, are you? Because--
Flashes of light herald the arrival of cosmic gods.
Three Fates: We've been waiting for you, Ancient Writer!
Runekeeper: Yes, since you're the mouthpiece of the WriterGod, and all, hope you're ready to face us.
Aeon: And don't think we're total pushovers.
Ancient One: Well, geez, I just want to write a story on Earth.
Runekeeper: Oh, is that all? I thought you wanted to write a story across the whole universe or something.
Ancient One: No, just Earth.
Britt looks between the cosmic gods, somewhat confused. He seems to remember, millions of years ago, these cosmic gods being very protective of Earth. Calling it the crown jewel of creation or something... right? But even as he struggles to remember, the memories slip away.
Three Fates: Right, well, Earth is chump change. Fine, you can have Earth, just don't expand out.
Ancient One: Right. Expand beyond Earth. We don't exactly have sun chariots like Ra, you know... hmm, there's a thought.
He hurries off, to set quill to parchment, and the cosmic gods look after him.
Aeon: Odd, I could have sworn, we had some reason to be upset about him... is it just me, or is time a bit a hazy here?
Three Fates: I don't know about time, but I see lots of cut-off threads of destiny around here. Makes me jittery. Let's jet.
With that, the three cosmic gods vanish, and Britt is left to shake his head.
The Ancient One becomes a friend and advisor to the King Stafford, and eventually marries a local girl named Fay, who also happens to be history's first tasseomancer! Fay and Britt become best friends over their common talent and interest therein, but when Magistarr, the court alchemist finds out, he is quite interested.
Magistarr: Fascinating! I wonder if I could synthesize your abilities with tea potions!
Fay: Sounds lovely, Magistarr.
Britt: But, er... wouldn't that just be tea?
Fay: Britt! Be nice!
Magistarr: Bah, you sound like the Jade Emperor. He tells me the same thing in our correspondence. But anyway, the coincidence of the world's first two tasseomancers spontaneously forming at the same time in history... is incredible!
Britt: Well, she might be the first. I'm not. Well maybe I sorta am, since I remember the dinosaurs and she doesn't, but...
Magistarr: Beg pardon?
Britt: Blimey, man, I've done told you I'm from the future.
Magistarr: You did? When?
Britt: At the royal potluck last week.
Magistarr: Oh, I think I was busy observing the characteristics of two courting pigeons at the time. If I can convince them to breed properly, I might get mail pigeons to deliver my correspondence to and from the Jade Emperor in faster time than a year!
Britt: And I told you at the Ancient One and Fay's wedding... and when I saw you at the brothel a couple months ago... and--
Magistarr: Fine, I get the point already. But if you're both tasseomancers, and you're from the future... I suspect Fay is your ancestor, Britt!
Britt: Say what.
Fay: How amazing!
Magistarr: Of course, I'd need to take a blood sample from each of you to determine the veracity of that hypothesis.
Britt: You sly codger, you just want some tea-blood for your tea!
Magistarr: Tea-potions. They're tea-POTIONS!
And so years pass. Britt continues to stuff his face with bananas and banana-flavored tea, never quite sure why he has this craving. And he often looks up into the sky, as if expecting to see someone descending down to him, before shaking his head and dismissing the ridiculous notion.
Eventually, Britt leaves the island, and is afterwards sad to hear that it sank in a giant tsunami. But he takes comfort in the fact that Fay and the Ancient One must have escaped, or else they would never produce the bloodline that would once day produce Britticus himself.
And he never quite shakes the craving for bananas and banana-flavored tea. Almost as though he's craving something else, but he can't quite remember what...[/quote]
The return of the Ever-ending Plot (the EeP) is on everyone's lips and many groups prepare for its imminent return. However they are fragmented and groups contest with each other for dominance, despite the impending doom.
The Seals foretelling "The End" of the Never-ending Story are being broken one-by-one and it seems destiny is befalling the many Characters of these "Final Pages". The NeS Heroes, pursuing the Seals from breaking, most recently traveled to Darth Vice's private island, Isla de Morte, to confront Vice before The Last True Evil does. The Last True Evil, rejected by Losien, continues descending on his path to true evil, cited at the greatest evil the NeS will face in its Final Pages. However, others still would invoke the Ever-ending Plot and the legendary Britt, currently Brittica X, seeks to become the embodiment of the EeP after the demise of his own Story. In that desire, both Britt and Gebohq have been pulled into the shattered thread of NeS, where the source of the Ever-ending Plot looms.
If you're interested in how writers can get paid for writing, skip to Post #1901 down below:
Current Cast of Heroes: A Team
Losien Simon
Losien is the Main Character of the NeS and has a strong-mind and strong-will, yet she constantly feels unworthy of her mantle and her leadership of the group is often called into question - forcing her to act on her own when others don't agree with her choices. Her façade of bravery may be a mask to hide her true cowardice running towards death to escape dealing with the problems of her life. She wields Fred, Teh Uber Blade and wears Carlotta the Cape - both of which are sentient and able to communicate with Losien through her mind. She has also been somewhat detached from her soul, which is often either trailing behind her or leading her forward through the narrative. Her Potential is Gwenhwyfar.
Evil G
Evil G, who is sometimes known as Gebiyl, is an alternate dimension version of Gebohq Simon where he was a major Powerplayer of the NeShattered. However his cruel heart melted when he fell in love, and married, Young. He had to escape the confines of his own universe to escape the Ever-ending Plot which consumed it. He joined the NeS Heroes to be close to his wife, Young, and help raise his child, Chance. He is generally the anti-hero of the NeS Heroes and often has darker methods of dealing with situations than others would like. He also finds most of the NeS Heroes incredibly annoying as he's often smarter and, in some ways, more sensible then the rest. Yet he enjoys winding them all up with insults and sarcasm to entertain himself. Despite all of this, he is one of the few that is truly aware of what is to come. He carries his own NeShattered NeSword. His own Potential was killed many Story Arcs ago.
Tracer was a Man of Mystery and wandered around in his own detective novel. A mixture of Dick Tracy, James Bond and Neo from The Matrix, Tracer was often an ominous presence in the NeS Heroes' shadow, or a goofy loony bin narrating himself. However when he stepped through a shattered dimensional portal he shattered himself into pieces - pieces of Tracer from across the multiverse. Now Tracer is irregularly transitioning between different versions of Tracer from across the Multiverse, ranging from Sherlock-Tracer to Child-Tracer. MZZT believes that Tracer will be lost the longer he remains a part of this "ShatteredTracer" as the dimensional timelines diverge. Tracer's Potential is The Orator.
Amal is the adoptive nephew of Arkng Thand and then his care-taker switched to TLTE. Amal, however, went through a sudden growth spurt and is now a young man and potentially the future Main Character of the NeS. He is an eager learner and often understands more of the situation than most would believe, especially after learning much from Soriel. He is quite the heroic type, but does have a much darker streak that he likely learnt from TLTE. A hero that will do what he must. Amal wields a copy of the NeSword, given to him by Gebohq Simon. Amal's Potential, Qho Anima, was recently killed by TLTE.
Iriana Emp
Once the Princess of Atlantis - a title made possible by her mother - her status, along with the legend of Atlantis, was forcibly forgotten by Michael MacFarlane during the previous story arc. Iriana Emp is also the Queen of Armenia, made possible by her father, Highemperor (now Al Ciao), though she prefers to be called a princess. She has recently become reacquainted with her father, Al Ciao, and they have many issues that they need to work out. His arrival has caused Iriana to doubt herself and long to understand who she truly is, particularly now that she is no longer involved with Couchman. She is posh, spoilt and believes everyone should do as she commands them to. She also has an addiction to tea. Her Potential is Nyktelios.
Miss Fire
A long-time NeS Hero, Miss Fire was fatally wounded during a fight in a previous Story Arc and thus put into a stasis chamber that would keep her in state. When the Haunted Hall of Heroes was burnt down by the NeSferatu, the NeS Heroes had to save her pod from destruction. Finally she has been revived by Mecha Lou, a techno-witch, who gave her a cybernetic heart to help her live. The new heart runs on the mains and she must recharge from a power outlet when her energy runs low. She can supercharge herself to give herself a major adrenaline rush.
Polly Simon
Sometimes known as "Geb's Mom" or "Los' Mom", Polly Simon recently mingled with the NeS Heroes because she wants her daughter, Losien, to rise up and become the Queen of Jupiter. This would, however, mean she'd be frozen in carbonite for 500 years. Polly used a wish from Baba Yaga to grant her eternal youth and now appears the same age as her own daughter. When Losien refused, Polly tried to force Apple to take the throne instead, Losien's daughter, however Apple has since become Chronos and beyond such things - leaving Polly with only Losien as an option again. Polly succeeded in having Baba grant one last wish - a wish that Losien would stop loving TLTE. Baba Yaga revealed to Polly that TLTE only believes he loves Losien, it is not true love. Polly does not seem to have a Potential, possibly due to her use of Baba Yaga's wish.
The Potential of Losien Simon, Gwenhwyfar is a knight with a cataphract horse as her mount. She wields and overly large sword and, unlike her unPotential, is usually stern, strict and direct. Her motivations are unusual but she seems to harbour a grudge against the unPotentials and a strange envy for Losien herself. Despite once trying to destroy Losien, Gwen suddenly came around and saved her unPotential from certain death. Now she aids the NeS Heroes, already accepted by them regardless of their past. It is unclear if Gwen believes herself a NeS Heroes, but her new team mates certainly do.
Al Ciao
Al Ciao is often the goofy comic-relief for the NeS Heroes, yet he has the darkest and most elaborate history as Highemperor. Although most characters see Al Ciao as a goofball, he is also father to Iriana Emp, Lucy, an alien-thingy and now Lior, the child of his wife Verrine(Lady LightSide). However he also died sometime ago and was brought back to life in his new cyborg body by Mecha Lou. Now with his mechanoid body he is able to perform an array of awesome cyborg techniques and attacks. Mostly Al Ciao is trying to keep his "family" together, make amends with his daughter and now raise Lior with his wife. His Potential was killed by Antestarr many Story Arcs ago.
Subaru Yamamoto has powers over chi that allow her to perform many unusual tasks, including running up walls, walking on water and hurling herself around. She can also heal, which she considers to be her secondary task - her first is to maim anything before her with a gigantic axe. Once she was always second-fiddle to her friends, but lately she has come to shine alone. She loves Antestarr but she felt, recently, a pang of betrayal as he was turned into a vampire by another woman. Yet she accepted him still until he eventually turned her away and left the NeS Heroes to start turning people into NeSferatu and forming an army - along with Nyneve, the woman that turned him. Subaru is feeling emotionally fragile and hurt. She knows that Antestarr wants to turn Subaru into a NeSferatu, but she does not want to become like him. Although fragile, she is still head-headed, over-confident and brash on all other things. Her Potential is Orochi.
Frank Smith
he Time Cop from the future was sent back in time to deal with a series of time anomalies that led him to the character Apple of the NeS Heroes. However Apple would later turn out to be Chronos in the future, and head of the Time Enforcement Agency (TEA). Turns out she sent him back in time to purposefully lead to her own existence and, probably, to eventually save herself from her own mistakes. Frank is a confident, hero-type but he tends to get himself into a lot of trouble due to his over-confidence. He is also likely experiencing a mid-life crisis and had a dalliance with a much younger man. Frank has a watch that allows him to open a time vortex and transport himself, and anyone touching him, through time and space. The watch's A.I. is called CynthAI Mk XIV, however a second A.I. has also been installed into the watch known as CaptAIn and is, in fact, the personality of Captain Cadpill. Frank killed his own Potential to save Losien Simon and the others from a Potential attack.
Current Cast of Heroes: Elsewhere (for now)
With Emperor Pi at his residence
Emperor Pi
The secret Emperor of China and father to Rachel Pi, Emperor Pi lives in the forbidden city of the sky - a palace floating upon the clouds over China, hidden from all. He has many concubines and has mystical kung fu powers that he claims comes from his tea-drinking habits. He has a calm, serene demeanour and loves his daughter, Rachel, very much. He cares a great deal for his daughter and his recent involvement in the NeS has largely been focused on trying to keep her safe and support her through her romantic troubles with her lover, Gebohq. He has also proven to be quite enigmatic in his approach towards characters that are not his daughter, especially Al Ciao and Britt. He long ago achieved his Potential, as the Jade Emperor of China.
Verrine (Lady LightSide)
Once the Fallen Angel Verrine, she was consumed by her forever lover Marcus and he transformed into DarkSide. However her presence was buried deep within as the counter "LightSide". The events of Memory Lane Story Arc brought this old soul back to the surface of DarkSide and she not only married Al Ciao but got pregnant. When she gave birth, DarkSide was, once again, unleashed but LightSide survived and now the two entities are split and she joins her husband their new child, Lior. She is often a reasonable voice and is definitely a controlling influence upon Al Ciao, encouraging him in positive ways and keeping his idiocy in check.
Rachel Pi
Once merely a Random Audience Member, Rachel Pi wished for characterhood - autonomy in the NeS - when she fell in love with Gebohq. Her wish was granted when a deal was struck with Arkng Thand, who arranged to allow Rachel character autonomy in the story and seek Gebohq's heart in return for taking within her the potential of April Fools' Day. Rachel is now pregnant with Gebohq's child, but seems somewhat conflicted on the issue as her and Geb's relationship has been rather bumpy recently. Her father, Emperor Pi, is also hanging around after it was revealed that he had long ago evolved into his Potential. Rachel herself has been revealed to be her own Potential.
Outside the Magium
Mimiru is probably the wealthiest NeS Hero to exist, possessing a lot of money but also a lot of sense. She's smart and methodical and can sometimes find the stupidity of her team mates either grating or endearing. She is fast and skilled in combat, and while she is learning magic from her husband, Cool Matty, she has very little skill in the subject and is not a natural with magic. She put her own quest, to find her missing family, when she married Cool Matty.
Cool Matty
Cool Matty, otherwise known as Tsukasa, is one of the NeS Hero's most competent magic-wielders. He is married to Mimiru and tries to teach her magic, but she has no latent skill with the subject. He focuses on magical currents throughout the NeS and often acts on his own vendettas rather than abiding by the consensus of the team.
Other Major Characters: Various Groups
The Cult of X
The Cult of X are a group dedicated to the Plot. To this end varying leaders have either followed the Ever-ending Plot, or rejected it. However the group, under Aetas X, found a secondary objective - Britt, the Sleeper. Britt, however, was killed by Antestarr. He resurrected himself through Antestarr and eventually took the body of a clone (of Aetas X, who's clone is always the Seer for he cult) and made himself the Seer for the Cult of X as Brittica X. Members of the cult always end with "X" and includes long-term NeS Hero, Rob X.
Nyneve, once last of the NeSferatu, has become the Emperor of France and a bid to prepare against the impending arrival of the Eep. However this is also the return of her kind and she has not only the Emperor of France, but of the NeSferatu too. She is aided by two Potentials, Midas and Orochi, who want to stop the Eep. Young is a captive of Nyneve still.
Great Britain
Maeve became the Queen of Britain and, when she did so, established the Remembered Forces, from the former Forgotten Forces. They now use Britain as their HQ for operations across the world, liberating the Forgotten and preparing for the impending Eep.
The U.S.A.
In an unexpected move, Arkng Thand became the President of the USA and is intent on controlling the populace through mass media and his henchman, Thrawn42689. However Thand usually spends his time reading Britt: The Legend for insight and hasn't revealed his true motivations.
Hands of the NeS
Having defeated Mayaal, Venedite, a Potential, became the new Hand of the NeS. However Bhac kept Mayaal secretly chained up in the l33t. Only when the villains disappeared did Mayaal become free and joined Venedite despite their past. Gebohq recently took the mantle as the other Hand of NeS.
Heaven & Hell
Mr Nine, the current ruler of Hell, has returned and seeks to prepare for the coming of the Eep. Jim7 seems more concerned with his go-karting as God, however he has recently resurrected The Patriot as God's Advocate.
Independent Characters
Discarded by his love, Losien, TLTE is seeking is ultimate destiny as the true ultimate evil of the NeS and has broken several Seals thus far. He recently killed Qho Anima, the Potential of Amal. The Patriot has recently been resurrected and seeks his old team mates, Hero Force One, but they are unavailable. However he is the oldest rival to TLTE and his return right now may be part of destiny's weave. Ares and Athena, two Greek Gods, have currently got the NeS Heroes and all of the villains within the newly built Colosseum in Rome becoming to Athena and evidently intend to stage something epic for the paying audiences. MZZT is often available for tech support back at the old HoH, where the heroes often find themselves returning. He is also taking care of Chance and the ghosts from the now burnt down HHH are with him.
Losien is the Main Character of the NeS and has a strong-mind and strong-will, yet she constantly feels unworthy of her mantle and her leadership of the group is often called into question - forcing her to act on her own when others don't agree with her choices. Her façade of bravery may be a mask to hide her true cowardice running towards death to escape dealing with the problems of her life. She wields Fred, Teh Uber Blade and wears Carlotta the Cape - both of which are sentient and able to communicate with Losien through her mind. She has also been somewhat detached from her soul, which is often either trailing behind her or leading her forward through the narrative. Her Potential is Gwenhwyfar.
Evil G
Evil G, who is sometimes known as Gebiyl, is an alternate dimension version of Gebohq Simon where he was a major Powerplayer of the NeShattered. However his cruel heart melted when he fell in love, and married, Young. He had to escape the confines of his own universe to escape the Ever-ending Plot which consumed it. He joined the NeS Heroes to be close to his wife, Young, and help raise his child, Chance. He is generally the anti-hero of the NeS Heroes and often has darker methods of dealing with situations than others would like. He also finds most of the NeS Heroes incredibly annoying as he's often smarter and, in some ways, more sensible then the rest. Yet he enjoys winding them all up with insults and sarcasm to entertain himself. Despite all of this, he is one of the few that is truly aware of what is to come. He carries his own NeShattered NeSword. His own Potential was killed many Story Arcs ago.
Tracer was a Man of Mystery and wandered around in his own detective novel. A mixture of Dick Tracy, James Bond and Neo from The Matrix, Tracer was often an ominous presence in the NeS Heroes' shadow, or a goofy loony bin narrating himself. However when he stepped through a shattered dimensional portal he shattered himself into pieces - pieces of Tracer from across the multiverse. Now Tracer is irregularly transitioning between different versions of Tracer from across the Multiverse, ranging from Sherlock-Tracer to Child-Tracer. MZZT believes that Tracer will be lost the longer he remains a part of this "ShatteredTracer" as the dimensional timelines diverge. Tracer's Potential is The Orator.
Amal is the adoptive nephew of Arkng Thand and then his care-taker switched to TLTE. Amal, however, went through a sudden growth spurt and is now a young man and potentially the future Main Character of the NeS. He is an eager learner and often understands more of the situation than most would believe, especially after learning much from Soriel. He is quite the heroic type, but does have a much darker streak that he likely learnt from TLTE. A hero that will do what he must. Amal wields a copy of the NeSword, given to him by Gebohq Simon. Amal's Potential, Qho Anima, was recently killed by TLTE.
Iriana Emp
Once the Princess of Atlantis - a title made possible by her mother - her status, along with the legend of Atlantis, was forcibly forgotten by Michael MacFarlane during the previous story arc. Iriana Emp is also the Queen of Armenia, made possible by her father, Highemperor (now Al Ciao), though she prefers to be called a princess. She has recently become reacquainted with her father, Al Ciao, and they have many issues that they need to work out. His arrival has caused Iriana to doubt herself and long to understand who she truly is, particularly now that she is no longer involved with Couchman. She is posh, spoilt and believes everyone should do as she commands them to. She also has an addiction to tea. Her Potential is Nyktelios.
Miss Fire
A long-time NeS Hero, Miss Fire was fatally wounded during a fight in a previous Story Arc and thus put into a stasis chamber that would keep her in state. When the Haunted Hall of Heroes was burnt down by the NeSferatu, the NeS Heroes had to save her pod from destruction. Finally she has been revived by Mecha Lou, a techno-witch, who gave her a cybernetic heart to help her live. The new heart runs on the mains and she must recharge from a power outlet when her energy runs low. She can supercharge herself to give herself a major adrenaline rush.
Polly Simon
Sometimes known as "Geb's Mom" or "Los' Mom", Polly Simon recently mingled with the NeS Heroes because she wants her daughter, Losien, to rise up and become the Queen of Jupiter. This would, however, mean she'd be frozen in carbonite for 500 years. Polly used a wish from Baba Yaga to grant her eternal youth and now appears the same age as her own daughter. When Losien refused, Polly tried to force Apple to take the throne instead, Losien's daughter, however Apple has since become Chronos and beyond such things - leaving Polly with only Losien as an option again. Polly succeeded in having Baba grant one last wish - a wish that Losien would stop loving TLTE. Baba Yaga revealed to Polly that TLTE only believes he loves Losien, it is not true love. Polly does not seem to have a Potential, possibly due to her use of Baba Yaga's wish.
The Potential of Losien Simon, Gwenhwyfar is a knight with a cataphract horse as her mount. She wields and overly large sword and, unlike her unPotential, is usually stern, strict and direct. Her motivations are unusual but she seems to harbour a grudge against the unPotentials and a strange envy for Losien herself. Despite once trying to destroy Losien, Gwen suddenly came around and saved her unPotential from certain death. Now she aids the NeS Heroes, already accepted by them regardless of their past. It is unclear if Gwen believes herself a NeS Heroes, but her new team mates certainly do.
Al Ciao
Al Ciao is often the goofy comic-relief for the NeS Heroes, yet he has the darkest and most elaborate history as Highemperor. Although most characters see Al Ciao as a goofball, he is also father to Iriana Emp, Lucy, an alien-thingy and now Lior, the child of his wife Verrine(Lady LightSide). However he also died sometime ago and was brought back to life in his new cyborg body by Mecha Lou. Now with his mechanoid body he is able to perform an array of awesome cyborg techniques and attacks. Mostly Al Ciao is trying to keep his "family" together, make amends with his daughter and now raise Lior with his wife. His Potential was killed by Antestarr many Story Arcs ago.
Subaru Yamamoto has powers over chi that allow her to perform many unusual tasks, including running up walls, walking on water and hurling herself around. She can also heal, which she considers to be her secondary task - her first is to maim anything before her with a gigantic axe. Once she was always second-fiddle to her friends, but lately she has come to shine alone. She loves Antestarr but she felt, recently, a pang of betrayal as he was turned into a vampire by another woman. Yet she accepted him still until he eventually turned her away and left the NeS Heroes to start turning people into NeSferatu and forming an army - along with Nyneve, the woman that turned him. Subaru is feeling emotionally fragile and hurt. She knows that Antestarr wants to turn Subaru into a NeSferatu, but she does not want to become like him. Although fragile, she is still head-headed, over-confident and brash on all other things. Her Potential is Orochi.
Frank Smith
he Time Cop from the future was sent back in time to deal with a series of time anomalies that led him to the character Apple of the NeS Heroes. However Apple would later turn out to be Chronos in the future, and head of the Time Enforcement Agency (TEA). Turns out she sent him back in time to purposefully lead to her own existence and, probably, to eventually save herself from her own mistakes. Frank is a confident, hero-type but he tends to get himself into a lot of trouble due to his over-confidence. He is also likely experiencing a mid-life crisis and had a dalliance with a much younger man. Frank has a watch that allows him to open a time vortex and transport himself, and anyone touching him, through time and space. The watch's A.I. is called CynthAI Mk XIV, however a second A.I. has also been installed into the watch known as CaptAIn and is, in fact, the personality of Captain Cadpill. Frank killed his own Potential to save Losien Simon and the others from a Potential attack.
Current Cast of Heroes: Elsewhere (for now)
With Emperor Pi at his residence
Emperor Pi
The secret Emperor of China and father to Rachel Pi, Emperor Pi lives in the forbidden city of the sky - a palace floating upon the clouds over China, hidden from all. He has many concubines and has mystical kung fu powers that he claims comes from his tea-drinking habits. He has a calm, serene demeanour and loves his daughter, Rachel, very much. He cares a great deal for his daughter and his recent involvement in the NeS has largely been focused on trying to keep her safe and support her through her romantic troubles with her lover, Gebohq. He has also proven to be quite enigmatic in his approach towards characters that are not his daughter, especially Al Ciao and Britt. He long ago achieved his Potential, as the Jade Emperor of China.
Verrine (Lady LightSide)
Once the Fallen Angel Verrine, she was consumed by her forever lover Marcus and he transformed into DarkSide. However her presence was buried deep within as the counter "LightSide". The events of Memory Lane Story Arc brought this old soul back to the surface of DarkSide and she not only married Al Ciao but got pregnant. When she gave birth, DarkSide was, once again, unleashed but LightSide survived and now the two entities are split and she joins her husband their new child, Lior. She is often a reasonable voice and is definitely a controlling influence upon Al Ciao, encouraging him in positive ways and keeping his idiocy in check.
Rachel Pi
Once merely a Random Audience Member, Rachel Pi wished for characterhood - autonomy in the NeS - when she fell in love with Gebohq. Her wish was granted when a deal was struck with Arkng Thand, who arranged to allow Rachel character autonomy in the story and seek Gebohq's heart in return for taking within her the potential of April Fools' Day. Rachel is now pregnant with Gebohq's child, but seems somewhat conflicted on the issue as her and Geb's relationship has been rather bumpy recently. Her father, Emperor Pi, is also hanging around after it was revealed that he had long ago evolved into his Potential. Rachel herself has been revealed to be her own Potential.
Outside the Magium
Mimiru is probably the wealthiest NeS Hero to exist, possessing a lot of money but also a lot of sense. She's smart and methodical and can sometimes find the stupidity of her team mates either grating or endearing. She is fast and skilled in combat, and while she is learning magic from her husband, Cool Matty, she has very little skill in the subject and is not a natural with magic. She put her own quest, to find her missing family, when she married Cool Matty.
Cool Matty
Cool Matty, otherwise known as Tsukasa, is one of the NeS Hero's most competent magic-wielders. He is married to Mimiru and tries to teach her magic, but she has no latent skill with the subject. He focuses on magical currents throughout the NeS and often acts on his own vendettas rather than abiding by the consensus of the team.
Other Major Characters: Various Groups
The Cult of X
The Cult of X are a group dedicated to the Plot. To this end varying leaders have either followed the Ever-ending Plot, or rejected it. However the group, under Aetas X, found a secondary objective - Britt, the Sleeper. Britt, however, was killed by Antestarr. He resurrected himself through Antestarr and eventually took the body of a clone (of Aetas X, who's clone is always the Seer for he cult) and made himself the Seer for the Cult of X as Brittica X. Members of the cult always end with "X" and includes long-term NeS Hero, Rob X.
- Antestarr
- Brittica X
- Rob X
- The Cult of X - Including Maxim X, Cygnus X.
Nyneve, once last of the NeSferatu, has become the Emperor of France and a bid to prepare against the impending arrival of the Eep. However this is also the return of her kind and she has not only the Emperor of France, but of the NeSferatu too. She is aided by two Potentials, Midas and Orochi, who want to stop the Eep. Young is a captive of Nyneve still.
- Nyneve
- Orochi
- Midas
- Young
Great Britain
Maeve became the Queen of Britain and, when she did so, established the Remembered Forces, from the former Forgotten Forces. They now use Britain as their HQ for operations across the world, liberating the Forgotten and preparing for the impending Eep.
- Queen Maeve
- Couchman
- Twin Suns (Kern)
- The Remembered Forces-includes Sran Cadpill, The Otter, Voodoo Snowflakes, Ping, etc
The U.S.A.
In an unexpected move, Arkng Thand became the President of the USA and is intent on controlling the populace through mass media and his henchman, Thrawn42689. However Thand usually spends his time reading Britt: The Legend for insight and hasn't revealed his true motivations.
- Arkng Thand
- Thrawn42689
Hands of the NeS
Having defeated Mayaal, Venedite, a Potential, became the new Hand of the NeS. However Bhac kept Mayaal secretly chained up in the l33t. Only when the villains disappeared did Mayaal become free and joined Venedite despite their past. Gebohq recently took the mantle as the other Hand of NeS.
- Venedite
- Gebohq
- Mayaal
- Bhac Ssylan
Heaven & Hell
Mr Nine, the current ruler of Hell, has returned and seeks to prepare for the coming of the Eep. Jim7 seems more concerned with his go-karting as God, however he has recently resurrected The Patriot as God's Advocate.
- Mr Nine
- Jim7
Independent Characters
Discarded by his love, Losien, TLTE is seeking is ultimate destiny as the true ultimate evil of the NeS and has broken several Seals thus far. He recently killed Qho Anima, the Potential of Amal. The Patriot has recently been resurrected and seeks his old team mates, Hero Force One, but they are unavailable. However he is the oldest rival to TLTE and his return right now may be part of destiny's weave. Ares and Athena, two Greek Gods, have currently got the NeS Heroes and all of the villains within the newly built Colosseum in Rome becoming to Athena and evidently intend to stage something epic for the paying audiences. MZZT is often available for tech support back at the old HoH, where the heroes often find themselves returning. He is also taking care of Chance and the ghosts from the now burnt down HHH are with him.
- Ares
- Athena
The legend continues on!
[quote=Britt the Legend: Chapter 43]Britt pops back into the late cretaceous period from the 1940s.
He sees the ladies around his sleeping body still, and grins - he's not lost his chance at a lay!
Britt: Hello, ladies!
Duchess of Squiremast: Baron! So good of you to time travel back. You're a bit late, I'm afraid.
Countess of Diggleton: You really are as virile as the Duchess said!
Duchess of Squiremast: We've all already sated ourselves on your comatose form, and I'm afraid we can only mate once per year. Biological restrictions.
Britt: But... but...
Countess of Diggleton: We could bypass that of course with a certain Engine of course, but no lady of quality would use such a... coarse device!
Britt: And my... *ahem* doesn't count as a coarse device?
Duchess of Squiremast: I should say not! Fare thee well, Baron!
Britt bids them glumly farewell, and looks jealously at his sleeping form from his personal past. He trods off to work out his frustration by shooting some dinosaurs.[/quote]
[quote=Chapter 43, Continued]A long time later, dinosaurs are dying out. Discharding hunting expeditions are fewer and farther between. Britt is resolutely tromping through bushes and foliage, looking for more prey, when he comes into a glade and espies an incredibly gorgeous woman! He grins.
His grin widens when he sees that the incredibly gorgeous woman has an identical twin!
His grin threatens to split his face when he sees that the incredibly gorgeous woman has an identical triplet!
Britt: Helllllllllo, ladies!
His grin falters when the three women turn a withering glare on him, and he notices that other figures are with them.
Three Fates: What mortal dares to interfere with our penultimate ritual?
The three women speak simultaneously, with identical voices and inflections. It's actually quite creepy.
Aeon: A time traveler, by the looks of it. I don't remember authorizing any such time travel!
Runekeeper: By his attire, I'd presume he's with the Discharding expeditions. Mega Jonestown Prime customs officials are remarkably lax about letting them come here.
The Three Fates looks hard at Britt, and he shifts uncomfortably under her threefold scrutiny.
Three Fates: You have a remarkably strong destiny, but it's not one I've ordained. It has... what are narrative threads doing in my universe?
She suddenly looks so hostile that Britt shrinks back.
Britt: Well, sorry to interrupt, but I suppose I'd better--
A soft and mild yet paradoxically firm voice interrupts them, and both gods and Britt turn to see a fairly nondescript being whose face can't be properly seen, as though they're looking at him out the corner of their eyes.
WriterGod: I'm afraid you may have to get used to narrative threads, my dear.
Aeon: Wait. Time is going into flux. I can sense it.
Runekeeper: It would appear that metaphysical narrative is being woven into the fabric of reality, retroactively.
Three Fates: A WRITER has interfered! This is your doing, old man!
WriterGod: The Ancient Writer wished a world of freedom. I showed him this one. You may find that Mega Jonestown Prime would not have become so great without a story here beckoning travelers through it.
Aeon: He's right. Wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff is happening.
Britt doesn't comprehend any of this, except that apparently one god is getting all the other gods mad at him? Time to make good his escape! But Aeon pauses from addressing his fellows to fix Britt with a stare.
Aeon: You're not going anywhere. I still have to determine the legality of your temporal traipses.
Britt finds himself rooted to the spot, unable to move, partially paralyzed as a pocket of time congeals around him. He can still hear and see, however, and finds himself ongoing witness.
WriterGod: The Ancient Writer only lays claim to Earth, so fear not for your demesnes.
Runekeeper: I'm afraid that is unacceptable. Earth is the crown jewel of our creation, we've spent eons creating and refining it. A locus of fate and magic, for Mega Jonestown Prime to land upon and take up its rightful place as metaphysical center of the cosmos.
Three Fates: Dammit, it's too late! Narrative has seized this world already!
WriterGod: This world is now freed from your purposes, and as such has a right to its own heaven and god. I have volunteered to be its divine steward.
Three Fates: We will have words with your Writer, old man.
WriterGod: I expect he is also eager to speak with you, once he manifests in this realm. For now, however, I believe this creature deserves a divine blessing?
The WriterGod gestures to the mostly formless shape of clay in the center of the glade, around which the other gods had gathered.
Aeon: Oh, come on! He was the finalizing of our creation! The first mortal of this world, to create a race of titans! To be gifted with infinite time, strength as mighty as destiny is certain, and arcane wisdom!
WriterGod: He will still possess all that. But I bestow also a fourth gift.
The WriterGod leans over the hunk of clay, and breathes gently on it.
WriterGod: will.
The WriterGod's breath becomes an expanding mist enshrouding the hunk of clay, obscuring it from sight. Glimmering light can be glimpsed within, and then Britt's heart almost stops as he hears an intake of breath from within.
He is witnessing the birth of human life on Earth!
The mist clears, and a man - the first man - stands to his feet, tall and strong.
WriterGod: I name thee Adam Terraleph... Man, first of earth.
The Runekeeper blinks, and looks between Adam Terraleph and Britt.
Runekeeper: Wait... these two... they're the same!
Confusion covers Britt's face. They don't look the same at all! Adam Terraleph is taller, and muscular, and much better looking, much as he hates to admit it--
Britt: OH. You mean we're both human.
Aeon: You're a future-human! What are you doing here?
WriterGod: I believe his credentials check out, if you care to examine them.
He throws a kindly wink at Britt - who can't quite comprehend how he can't make out the WriterGod's face yet can perceive a wink from him - and guides Adam Terraleph away, to show him the world he inherits.
Aeon, the cosmic god of Time, scowls at Britt, and looks at the badge pinned to his chest.
Aeon: TEA? What the hells is that?
Britt: Time agency?
Aeon: No, it's not, I run the time agency, and this isn't-- BUGGER IT! An Earth-based time agency from the future.
Runekeeper: This Ancient Writer has declared this world's independence in every way it seems. Earth gets its own time agency, its own god, its own hell, its own magic.
Three Fates: Its own fate.
A very black look is on all three women's faces. Britt, in a combination of terror from that look and of generally wanting women in his vicinity to be happy - they have better chances of sleeping with him if they're happy, after all - speaks up, in what is probably an unwise move.
Britt: Why don't you stand up to him?
The faces of all three gods - five faces total, considering that Three Fates has 3 - swivel to look at him. Their features are painted with consternation and shock.
Britt: Well, I mean, there's only one of him, and three - or five - of you.
Three Fates: Uh well, been great catching up, but I have, er, pressing business elsewhere.
Runekeeper: As do I.
Aeon: Yeah, and I have some urgent, uh, time crimes to investigate.
The gods vanish, and Britt finds himself able to move again.
Britt: Whoa. That was super weird. Like they're afraid of that guy or something.
He starts to walk in the direction that Adam Terraleph and the WriterGod went, but then thinks better of it.
Britt: If those bigwigs are afraid of him, maybe I don't want to tangle with him either.
He walks in the other direction.[/quote]
[quote=Chapter 43, Later]Millions of years pass. The dinosaurs are finally gone, save for a few in forgotten lands or exotic collectors' zoos. More humans start appearing, and Britt can only imagine that the WriterGod created a mate for Adam Terraleph, who then proceeded to breed the human race.
Britt finds lots of enterprise teaching the earliest humans about fire and wheels, but upon angling for payment realizes he then has to teach them about money too.
Years pass, and humans start expanding outward, and when they hit the ocean that will one day be called the Atlantic, Britt teaches them how to build a boat, and starts ferrying people across various seas, straits, and oceans.
Britt: If only Kaptin could see me now.
At this point, Britt is captain of his own ship - the world's first boat! in your face Noah! - and has a regular business of ferrying people, for which he is handsomely paid. It is one day however, that 12 men and their wives approach him for passage across the Atlantic to an island that he's never heard of.
Britt: I've never heard of a giant island in the middle of the ocean.
Farmer Zin: I know, I heard the Narrator say that.
Britt: The who?
Cakemaker Possipher: Ever since we were chosen by the Most High, we have been attuned to the secrets of the universe, including the ever-present Voice.
Britt: Right, so you're a bunch of crazies. Sorry, no can do.
Magician Luros: The Most High told us to tell you his name, and then you would take us.
Britt: Riiiiiiiiight.
Doctor Tennant: His name is... the WriterGod.
Long-ago images of three immortal and powerful beings looking fearful at the mild-mannered deity's mention flash across Britt's memory, and he chuckles weakly.
Britt: Right then. Where's this island again?
The trip is incredibly difficult, storms harassing them the whole way, and sea serpents surrounding them. In the midst of one particularly horrendous monsoon that is tossing giant sea serpents around them in the air, Britt is struggling to control the wheel.
Britt: Dammit, if the WriterGod has told y'all to do this, you'd think he'd at least smooth the passage!
Farmer Zin: That's why he told us to charter you! That you had the strength and ability to see us safely to our destination.
Britt: Look, while I like flattery, I prefer it from the lips of beautiful ladies...
Cakemaker Possipher: Land hooooooooo!
Britt whirls his head around, struggling to sea in the driving wind and rain.
Britt: Where?!
Cakemaker Possipher: Right th--
At that moment, the boat crashes upon a rock jutting out from the island. Everyone heaves themselves from the splintering boat onto dry land, and the cakemaker finishes his sentence.
Cakemaker Possipher: Right there.
Britt merely glares at him.
Apparently stranded for the moment on this island, Britt eventually decides to help these 12 men and their wives - and later their progeny - build the city that the WriterGod commanded them to found.[/quote]
[quote=Chapter 43, What's Twice-Forgotten]The city grows into a stunning metropolis, and the home of all 7 Wonders of the Even More Ancient World. Made rich and famous by its banana-crème Oreo knockoffs, prosperous in trade and in war, with cutting-edge magic and technology, the island of Atlantis becomes the greatest city in Earth's history. Britt becomes rather addicted to the banana-crème Oreo knockoffs, in fact.
Britt builds a new boat, and leaves Atlantis, but comes back several times. One time he comes back, a generation after his most recent visit, and finds the city's cultural climate much changed. There is a group of Champions defending and promoting the city; and 12 new lords have risen to prominence, including a mysterious and powerful new being known as the Ancient One.
Britt is walking through the city, still clad in his blue coat and monocle and steampunk hat, when he looks overhead to see two flying beings - one of which is an angel! The angel seems to be aware of Britt's gaze, for he looks down in mid-flight to fix his eyes upon the immortal man. The angel then speaks to his companion, and both fliers descend from the skies to speak to him.
Britt: Uh... whatever you think I did, I didn't do it!
The angel's companion - who is a serious-faced man cloaked in black and red - is staring intently at Britt, but the angel has an amused expression on his face.
High Angel: I suppose you didn't ferry the 12 founders of Atlantis through a monsoon nearly a million years ago then?
Britt: What? How could you know--?
The angel laughs.
High Angel: I was the WriterGod's angel who kept you safe upon that journey. It was my privilege, just as it is my privilege to see you again.
Britt stares. This angel is glorious in aspect, radiating light and power and strength. Yet he is merely a servant of the WriterGod? The WriterGod acts so mild-mannered, it hardly seems possible.
Highemperor: You're Britticus!
Britt: Huh?
Highemperor: I met you, long ago. Well, for me. In the 1800s.
Britt: Oh, uh, well, that hasn't happened for me yet.
Highemperor: Of course. Not every plebeian has access to the wonders of temporal translocation.
Britt has the vague intuition that he has just been snobbed.
Britt: Actually, I'll have you know--
Highemperor: It is fascinating to see you again though... through new eyes. I am so much more than I was then, and now I look at you, and I see power and destiny thrumming in you. Coursing through your veins is...
Britt: Tea, actually.
Highemperor: WHAT? No, that can't be-- Of course. The absurdist metaphysical structure of the NeSiverse.
He scowls.
Highemperor: Not how I would do it. But then, I'll have the chance to redesign it eventually.
High Angel rolls his eyes, as if used to hearing his friend proclaim his grandiose goals.
Britt suddenly becomes aware of a crowd around them. It is not often the two greatest Champions of Atlantis descend to the city streets, and so it is a spectacle to see them speaking to what appears to be an ordinary man, albeit one oddly attired.
A flying carriage pulled by two alicorns lands, and the crowd parts to give it room. Out of it step a tall man in a dark blue robe and a short young woman in a fine gown of exquisite tailorship.
High Angel: My lord and lady! What brings you out here?
Lady Fay: Why should the nobility of our fair kingdom not associate with the commonfolk?
The lovely and kind young woman smiles benevolently at the crowd, who are all cheering for her. Evidently she is quite popular. Her kindness and beauty are well known, and it is also quite well known that King Stafford courted her once... but she gave her heart to her husband, the Ancient One, who now speaks.
Ancient One: Highemperor, High Angel, your presence is required. Helebon plots against us, and the three cosmic gods of Time, Fate, and Magic defy the ancient contracts anew.
Britt: Ancient One...? What, YOU'RE the Ancient Writer?
The Ancient One's head swivels to look at Britt in surprise.
Ancient One: How do you know that name?
Britt: Er...
Lady Fay: Have a cup of tea, dear.
The Ancient One accepts a cup of tea from his wife, who is passing out cups of tea to everyone. Britt suddenly notices that she is filling the cups merely by flicking her fingers at them, which magically creates tea in them!
Britt: You're a tasseomancer?!
Lady Fay: Why, yes. It is how my bloodink manifested itself.
Britt: I'm a tasseomancer!
To demonstrate, he begins filling tea cups as well, and Lady Fay looks quite astonished. The Ancient One looks even more surprised though.
Ancient One: There is... a connection between us. I can sense it.
Highemperor: Let me summon my supreme powers of divination to discern the answer!
He waves his arms about in elaborate gestures, performing his magic. High Angel looks amused by his friend's performance though.
High Angel: Britt is your descendant, Lady Fay, and my lord Ancient One, from far in your future.
Britt, the Ancient One, and Lady Fay look in shock at High Angel, but Highemperor looks rather put out at not getting to perform his divination. High Angel shrugs.
High Angel: WriterGod told me.
Ancient One: In that case, blood of my blood, you must join us in our war council. Magistarr, the NeSorcerer, is summoning Count Desmond now, who will explain the situation in detail.
Britt pales.
Britt: Did you say... Desmond?
Highemperor looks astutely at Britt.
Highemperor: If you say my first meeting with you hasn't happened for you yet... how do you know Desmond?
Britt: It's a looooong story...
Highemperor: Well, you needn't fear. My power far outstrips his, and I extend the aegis of my protection to you, for as long as you are in Atlantis.
Britt looks at Highemperor in some consternation.
Britt: If you know him... if you know what he is like... how can you be friendly with him?
Highemperor smiles grimly.
Highemperor: Because he is useful.
They take Britt with them to the palace, but fortunately Britt manages to escape the upcoming war council by discussing favorite tea varieties with Lady Fay.
Over the coming months, Britt stays in the palace, acting as sidekick to the Champions of Atlantis, honored guest of the Illuminohqi, advisor to the king Stafford, and Master of Tea Ceremonies as appointed by Lady Fay. He becomes quite a celebrity with the masses when he invents the banana-crème-Oreo-knockoff tea flavor.
He manages to avoid contact with Count Desmond, unsure of how to deal with him, and fearful. But Highemperor's word is true, and Britt remains untouched. Count Desmond seems not to even notice Britt's presence, as though some kind of mental block has been placed on him... and Britt eventually realizes that's exactly what Highemperor had done.
He watches Highemperor very closely as well. If he is going to meet him again someday, he'd better be ready. He finds that Highemperor is by turns bitter and manic, but always melodramatic and self-important. The powerplayer receives the attentions of even more women than Britt does, who is himself no slouch in that department.
Britt: Damn, maybe I should consider powerplaying...
These are words he utters every so often, but always rejects, seeing what kind of man Highemperor is. Noble, yes... but ambitious and grasping.
War breaks out when Helebon, steward of Hell, rebels against the WriterGod, and invades Atlantis. Despite being a midget, Helebon is possessed of incalculable power. Angels and demons clash in the skies, and Atlantis marshals all the powers and resources at her disposal.
Helebon's armies are slowly whittled down, but the archdevil's own personal power is unyielding. In a final push, he seizes the Grand Temple of the WriterGod in the heart of Atlantis. Highemperor hovers up into the air, ready to zoom after the midget archfiend into the temple, but Britt stops him, tugging insistently on his cape.
Highemperor: What? I must stop him from summoning and fighting the WriterGod.
Britt remembers the looks of fear that passed over three cosmic gods from eons ago.
Britt: I don't think the WriterGod needs your help.
So the Champions of Atlantis and the armies of angels merely watch as within the Grand Temple, flashes of hellfire can be seen, before sputtering out. Nothing else happens.
Eventually, Britt and Highemperor go into the Temple themselves, and find Helebon, drained of nearly all his power, collapsed unconscious on the floor before the holy altar. For once, even Highemperor looks impressed.
And so the war ends. It is shortly after that, that Highemperor and High Angel depart the Champions, and Britt takes his leave shortly thereafter. Less than a year after his departure, he hears that Atlantis was destroyed by a gigantic plothole, but he takes comfort in the fact that the Ancient One and Lady Fay at least must have escaped, or the bloodline that would someday result in him would have never been produced.
More than that, however he mourns the loss of banana-crème Oreo knockoffs, and thereafter feeds his addiction with bananas and banana-flavored tea.[/quote]
[quote=Chapter 43, What's Remembered]Though the 12 men and their wives grandiosely proclaim their 'city' as Atlantis, it never grows beyond a large village. Britt finds himself with a constant craving for bananas whenever he is in the village, and is never sure why. He builds a new boat, and constantly travels back to Atlantis. Although the 12 founders grow old and die, the village remains hearty and reasonable prosperous, but obscure.
The hereditary council of the 12 founders' descendants is eventually dissolved as the villagers dispute over leadership, and a king is crowned over their village, Stafford the First. Britt is there at his crowning - munching on a banana - and is back during the reign of Stafford the Forty-Second when a mysterious being comes to the village.
His coming is rather sudden, in fact. Britt is walking through the village to the brothel, when a puff of smoke erupts in his path, and he bumps into a tall man in a dark blue robe.
Britt: Hey, watch it! You can't just go teleporting into people's way!
The tall man picks himself up and looks around, confused.
Ancient One: I... there should be... is this Atlantis?
Britt: You were expecting maybe Timbuktu?
The Ancient One shakes his head as if to clear the cobwebs.
Ancient One: Of course it's Atlantis. For some reason, I thought... but never mind. I have come to found--!
He stops in the middle of a dramatic declaration, hand raised dramatically to the night sky, confusion furrowing his brow.
Britt: Er yes, you were saying?
Ancient One: It was on the tip of my tongue. I had a cool name I was gonna use for them.
Britt: For who?
Ancient One: Whom.
Britt: What?
Ancient One: It's for whom, not for who.
Britt: Oh geez, give me a break.
Ancient One: Hey, I'm a writer, this is what I do.
Britt looks with some alarm at him.
Britt: You're not the Ancient Writer, are you? Because--
Flashes of light herald the arrival of cosmic gods.
Three Fates: We've been waiting for you, Ancient Writer!
Runekeeper: Yes, since you're the mouthpiece of the WriterGod, and all, hope you're ready to face us.
Aeon: And don't think we're total pushovers.
Ancient One: Well, geez, I just want to write a story on Earth.
Runekeeper: Oh, is that all? I thought you wanted to write a story across the whole universe or something.
Ancient One: No, just Earth.
Britt looks between the cosmic gods, somewhat confused. He seems to remember, millions of years ago, these cosmic gods being very protective of Earth. Calling it the crown jewel of creation or something... right? But even as he struggles to remember, the memories slip away.
Three Fates: Right, well, Earth is chump change. Fine, you can have Earth, just don't expand out.
Ancient One: Right. Expand beyond Earth. We don't exactly have sun chariots like Ra, you know... hmm, there's a thought.
He hurries off, to set quill to parchment, and the cosmic gods look after him.
Aeon: Odd, I could have sworn, we had some reason to be upset about him... is it just me, or is time a bit a hazy here?
Three Fates: I don't know about time, but I see lots of cut-off threads of destiny around here. Makes me jittery. Let's jet.
With that, the three cosmic gods vanish, and Britt is left to shake his head.
The Ancient One becomes a friend and advisor to the King Stafford, and eventually marries a local girl named Fay, who also happens to be history's first tasseomancer! Fay and Britt become best friends over their common talent and interest therein, but when Magistarr, the court alchemist finds out, he is quite interested.
Magistarr: Fascinating! I wonder if I could synthesize your abilities with tea potions!
Fay: Sounds lovely, Magistarr.
Britt: But, er... wouldn't that just be tea?
Fay: Britt! Be nice!
Magistarr: Bah, you sound like the Jade Emperor. He tells me the same thing in our correspondence. But anyway, the coincidence of the world's first two tasseomancers spontaneously forming at the same time in history... is incredible!
Britt: Well, she might be the first. I'm not. Well maybe I sorta am, since I remember the dinosaurs and she doesn't, but...
Magistarr: Beg pardon?
Britt: Blimey, man, I've done told you I'm from the future.
Magistarr: You did? When?
Britt: At the royal potluck last week.
Magistarr: Oh, I think I was busy observing the characteristics of two courting pigeons at the time. If I can convince them to breed properly, I might get mail pigeons to deliver my correspondence to and from the Jade Emperor in faster time than a year!
Britt: And I told you at the Ancient One and Fay's wedding... and when I saw you at the brothel a couple months ago... and--
Magistarr: Fine, I get the point already. But if you're both tasseomancers, and you're from the future... I suspect Fay is your ancestor, Britt!
Britt: Say what.
Fay: How amazing!
Magistarr: Of course, I'd need to take a blood sample from each of you to determine the veracity of that hypothesis.
Britt: You sly codger, you just want some tea-blood for your tea!
Magistarr: Tea-potions. They're tea-POTIONS!
And so years pass. Britt continues to stuff his face with bananas and banana-flavored tea, never quite sure why he has this craving. And he often looks up into the sky, as if expecting to see someone descending down to him, before shaking his head and dismissing the ridiculous notion.
Eventually, Britt leaves the island, and is afterwards sad to hear that it sank in a giant tsunami. But he takes comfort in the fact that Fay and the Ancient One must have escaped, or else they would never produce the bloodline that would once day produce Britticus himself.
And he never quite shakes the craving for bananas and banana-flavored tea. Almost as though he's craving something else, but he can't quite remember what...[/quote]