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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Anything games
Anything games
2018-10-04, 12:18 AM #441
Perhaps that is how this was actually legal.
Sorry for the lousy German
2018-10-04, 12:20 AM #442
Originally posted by Reid:
Hmm. I had the SoF2 demo as a kid and it had a sneaking thing on a ship i thought was fun. Speaking of, anyone know of any good sneaking games besides MGS games or the first Splinter Cell?

No One Lives Forever and especially the second game were quite sneaky and had awesome humour. They're abandonware (really, someone tried to buy the rights but nobody is sure who actually has the rights) and can be downloaded for free with a quick google search.
Sorry for the lousy German
2018-10-04, 1:04 PM #443
Shadow Warrior 2 is free on GOG right now if anyone is interested.

Finished Half-Life 2 today. I would go right into the Episodes but I think I need a break from it for awhile. It actually started to grow on me. I liked the portion with the preacher and I actually really liked the bizarre ending. I launched Episode 1 just to see what they did with that and they pretty much pull back and cancel it. I think I might try Morrowind next. I installed it a month or so ago to see how it would run and then used some mod utility that installs a lot of graphic updates.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2018-10-04, 1:06 PM #444
Don’t bother with vanilla Morrowind. OpenMW is much more stable and the gameplay is close enough that I can’t tell the difference.
2018-10-04, 1:20 PM #445
Oh that's interesting.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2018-10-04, 1:45 PM #446
So, that installed super easy but I don't know if it's because of the other mods applied to my installation but OpenMW did not seem to have a favorable effect on the game. When I entered the first door after disembarking from the ship, there is someone seated at the table and a man standing next to it. Immediately the person seated at the table rises to hover in the air writing his notes while the book is still on the table. Odd.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2018-10-04, 2:03 PM #447
Originally posted by Jon`C:
much more stable

omg. A Linux implementation of one of my very favorite games, and it doesn't even crash every couple hours like it did on Windows XP back in the day. Sign me up!

I even have a copy of the game that I bought a year ago, so that I could admire the artwork for old time's sake, but haven't done anything with, simply because I don't have any Windows machines.
2018-10-04, 2:05 PM #448
Well people don’t sit in the original game, so
2018-10-04, 2:19 PM #449
You're probably right, I see on there that it is incompatible with the mods I've got. Thanks. I fired up my old XBox version of the game to see what that room looked like on a plain version and there's nobody seated at the table. What a shock it was to see the original XBox graphics compared to the updated PC graphics. I was thinking last night that they had a Half-Life 2 for the og xbox as well. Wonder how that holds up. I just played the 360 version and the graphics were acceptable.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2018-10-05, 2:43 PM #450
So I decided on some lighter gaming right now and I never finished Star Trek Elite Force II. My version wasn't working so I had to find an alternate version. Easy to find. Anyway, I was screwing around with the first one which had problems installing and came across a completely legal free version here. It's the Legacy Edition, haven't tried the other versions yet, downloading the other one now. The only problem I've noticed is the volume is all over the place when it transitions to cutscenes and back.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2018-10-08, 7:15 PM #451
Is anyone else ****ing hard for Red Dead Redemption 2?

I don't know whether to get it for PS4 or XBone
2018-10-08, 8:09 PM #452
How about get it for PC? Oh that's right they're not releasing it on PC. Again. For "reasons".
2018-10-08, 8:10 PM #453
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
How about get it for PC? Oh that's right they're not releasing it on PC. Again. For "reasons".

I was about to post this
2018-10-08, 8:12 PM #454
Wow guys that's really interesting

No wait
Not interesting
The other one
That's really unproductive
2018-10-08, 8:41 PM #455
Anything games, Steven. Anything.
2018-10-08, 9:12 PM #456
Don't you bold italic me, @saberopus
2018-10-08, 9:19 PM #457
Don't you @ me, buddy.
2018-10-08, 9:26 PM #458
Originally posted by Steven:
That's really unproductive

If Massassi had rotating daily slogans or the like, "Really Unproductive" should be one of them.

The Massassi Temple: #1 Source For Everything Jedi Knight
The Massassi Temple: #1 Really Unproductive Source
The Massassi Temple: #1 Source For Everything FGR until the Reid Squad took over!
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2018-10-08, 9:36 PM #459
Since I'm always so far behind on games I don't even know why it's a deal. I mean, I know it's a deal, I just don't get it. Maybe I'll play the first one someday if I can find it on console.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2018-10-08, 10:23 PM #460
Not fun but got a sequel anyway?
2018-10-08, 11:14 PM #461
Here comes Brian to poo poo everything
2018-10-09, 3:52 AM #462
RDR2 is the first game I'm hyped for in a really long time. I only have a regular PS4 though so since it's not available on PC I guess I'll be playing in 720p at 25 FPS or something.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2018-10-09, 5:25 AM #463
Kroko, you just got me a little excited and a little wary of an R2-D2 game being in the works.
Sorry for the lousy German
2018-10-09, 7:43 AM #464
That could be wonderful!
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2018-10-09, 9:28 AM #465
Originally posted by Steven:
Here comes Brian to poo poo everything

Sorry, I never should have played Zelda III when it came out; it ruined every game after for me :(
2018-10-09, 9:48 AM #466
Originally posted by Brian:
Sorry, I never should have played Zelda III when it came out; it ruined every game after for me :(

Agreed. Other games have seemed frankly unnecessary since I started playing the link to the past item randomizer.
2018-10-09, 5:12 PM #467
Originally posted by Brian:
Sorry, I never should have played Zelda III when it came out; it ruined every game after for me :(

that explains video games
what about everything else
was the first movie you ever saw "Casablanca?"
and was the first TV show you ever watched "The Wire" because everything is downhill after those
2018-10-09, 6:13 PM #468
Brian on The Wire: "I watched the first couple episodes. Meh, just drags on and I was bored the entire time."

Written by somebody who hasn't seen the wire although I did recently learn some of the true backstory. Interesting. It's on the list.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2018-10-09, 9:26 PM #469
Originally posted by Wookie06:
Brian on The Wire: "I watched the first couple episodes. Meh, just drags on and I was bored the entire time."

Written by somebody who hasn't seen the wire although I did recently learn some of the true backstory. Interesting. It's on the list.

I definitely felt the vibe of The Wire was a bit odd at first. The reason, I figured out, is that there is no music score: if there's music, it's because it's literally there in each scene. We're used to being told how to feel in each scene in the shows we watch, The Wire doesn't give you that direction. It's odd at first but grows on you.

Overall though, it ties for #1 best show ever for me with The Sopranos.
2018-10-09, 9:31 PM #470
I can't stand cop/crime/war shows.

We get it, the pedophile/drug dealer/corrupt public official did it! I mean, for f***ing out loud---
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2018-10-09, 9:43 PM #471
Originally posted by Nikumubeki:
I can't stand cop/crime/war shows.

We get it, the pedophile/drug dealer/corrupt public official did it! I mean, for f***ing out loud---

The Wire is not a typical cop show. It's hardly even a cop show, as you know and see all of the criminals as long-term characters. It's part of what makes the show great, actually. Is its really realistic and compelling depiction of the relationships between cops and criminals.
2018-10-09, 10:01 PM #472
That description makes me stand it even less!

But yeah, I am confident that The Wire deserves all the praise it's gotten, it's just that I kinda can't stand anything anymore these days*. Or even before that.

... Come to think of it, these days people are like "wow, Brian, way to not like things" around here even though I was like that way before him. Dammit!
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2018-10-09, 10:08 PM #473
Because at least you acknowledge liking Woody Woodpecker (2017). Brian never likes anything. Not even avocados.
2018-10-09, 10:39 PM #474
Originally posted by Nikumubeki:
That description makes me stand it even less!

But yeah, I am confident that The Wire deserves all the praise it's gotten, it's just that I kinda can't stand anything anymore these days*. Or even before that.

... Come to think of it, these days people are like "wow, Brian, way to not like things" around here even though I was like that way before him. Dammit!

I had no idea what the show was even about but from what I hear it follows along after the show that was based on this exceedingly depressing nonfiction book.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2018-10-10, 12:46 AM #475
To get back to games, I got an Ipega 9087 controller for my phone and it's really awesome. I think this is the best way to play (old) games on your phone (or really anywhere, as it works with PCs [even without Bluetooth] and Android boxes) ever. It isn't too heavy or too big and can easily fit in a small bag or even in big trouser pockets. It has an easily switchable mouse mode for adventure games. And it works more or less out of the box with RetroArch. I had been selling some custom handheld Raspberry Pi builds with the intention of building one myself when I've got the money. But with this controller I don't think it will be necessary.
Sorry for the lousy German
2018-10-10, 7:44 AM #476
For the record, I'm now a fan of avocados as long as they're mashed up in decent guacamole and I'm also a fan of Woody Woodpecker (2017).
2018-10-10, 7:46 AM #477
Also I learned something new today. I clicked on that controller link and in the description I read this...

or Simulator games such as: Chicken Simulator
2018-10-11, 2:37 PM #478
Just started Life is Strange: Before the Storm. I heard it's not so good, but I wanted to support the newly released Linux version and I actually liked the cheesy teenager drama in Life is Strange, so I hope I'll get more of that. And it sure is a little more exciting that you can't just take back your choices to see what else could happen.

So far I'm hooked and I have to pry myself away from the computer.
Sorry for the lousy German
2018-10-11, 3:50 PM #479
If you're a bit autistic Rimworld is pretty fun. It's basically a watered down Dwarf Fortress, but has a managable UI and actual graphics.
2018-10-21, 5:29 PM #480
Just completed the first Starcraft for the first time in probably 20 years. Have to take a break from it for awhile but then on to Brood War which I never did finish. Playing the remastered version. It's pretty nice.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16


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