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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Anything games
Anything games
2019-03-25, 10:39 PM #1201
Originally posted by Nikumubeki:
I see. While JK doesn't have intricate detailed menus like Deus Ex does (thus being absolutely essential that you can see what you're clicking/reading), a lot of people have brought the un-scaling (inscalable?) HUD issue up before.

Also, Jon, I've got to ask you: Do you have an instant MAT->BMP/PNG/JPG converter at hand? For some reason none of the MAT editors (MATMaster, Mat16, JKPaint) that I have have a batch conversion like that (BMP->MAT is fine, though). And even if I'm currently mostly just toying with the thought of touching up some of TODOA's textures, converting 500+ textures to PNG for the injector one by one is far too boring and tedious even for me.

Yes, the Gorc material utility is what I've been using. It's not remotely feature complete or user friendly.
2019-03-25, 10:41 PM #1202
Lessons learned 21+ years later: command line utilities are a lot more useful than GUI ones. We probably should have spent more time making those, and less time ****ing around with visual mat editors.
2019-03-25, 10:55 PM #1203
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Yes, the Gorc material utility is what I've been using. It's not remotely feature complete or user friendly.

Anything like "convertMATtoPNG.exe -every_file_in_directory C:\GoddammitFGR"?
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-25, 11:18 PM #1204
Originally posted by Nikumubeki:
Anything like "convertMATtoPNG.exe -every_file_in_directory C:\GoddammitFGR"?

more like

for f in $(ls *.mat); do material --colormap dflt.cmp --output $(basename $f .mat) < $f; done
2019-03-25, 11:20 PM #1205
keep in mind, mats bundle multiple images into a single file. A mat that only has one image in it is the exception, not the rule. So no tool can ever be as simple as just that.

Gorc's material utility unpackages all of those textures and generates a json document explaining what to do with them. This tool was only meant for integration testing but it does technically kinda sorta almost work.
2019-03-25, 11:21 PM #1206
I wonder if you wrote all possible such Bash scripts wrapping the various permutations of running the program like so, the result couldn't possibly be worse than this.
2019-03-25, 11:29 PM #1207
I see, Jon. No wonder Mat16 and the like only have "BMP->MAT" instead of vice versa.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-26, 12:58 AM #1208

It's... yeah. I dunno. It definitely adds depth (exaggerated slightly here), which can definitely help sometimes, but JK's lighting model is so crap it almost looks more ridiculous than just the flat textures. I'm probably going to add them verrrry sparsely to the neural upgrade pack, let people disable it with a config option, and hopefully someone with better taste and more free time does a second pass over the textures some day.
2019-03-26, 2:14 AM #1209
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Last AR idea for the night: remote sex between couples, using proxies bodies (human or robotic) to paint the skin textures of your counterpart onto (so kind of like in the movie Her, but between symmetrically between humans, each with their own physical proxy to draw the textures on). Latency could make things awkward. Or your partner could reskin you (and vice versa). Maybe even swap roles between make and female if you're into that.

That was actually done in the new Blade Runner. The protagonist fell for his holographic assistant. So he brought in a prostitute and the assistant synchronized her movements with the prostitute. Can't remember if they actually had sex or if it became too weird for him.
Sorry for the lousy German
2019-03-26, 2:16 AM #1210
Uploaded build with parallax mapping, additive color effects (saber flashes), 16-bit mat support in compiler:
2019-03-26, 2:25 AM #1211
Very nice, I'll check it out as soon as I get home.

Yet another random feature thought: Could proper subtitles be injected in-game, instead of having to rely on the Print(); ones which will disappear from the screen too quickly - or would this require new COG commands (thus patching JK.EXE)?
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-26, 2:46 AM #1212
Originally posted by Nikumubeki:
Very nice, I'll check it out as soon as I get home.

Yet another random feature thought: Could proper subtitles be injected in-game, instead of having to rely on the Print(); ones which will disappear from the screen too quickly - or would this require new COG commands (thus patching JK.EXE)?

jk.exe patch.
2019-03-26, 2:53 AM #1213
Ah, nevermind then.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-26, 3:16 AM #1214
Originally posted by Nikumubeki:
Also, Kroko once again tested out JK@Steam with the injector yesterday, and confirmed that it didn't work with Steam's unedited version of JK (what with it having JediKnight.EXE instead of JK.EXE). So what have you been smoking, Impi!?

Meh, I guess I did actually use the original jk.exe. Thought I had somehow worked around that.
Sorry for the lousy German
2019-03-26, 6:47 AM #1215
Originally posted by Impi:
Can't remember if they actually had sex or if it became too weird for him.

2019-03-26, 7:24 AM #1216
I should get around to experimenting more with this, but this thing still creeps me out a bit for some reason:

[Unable to find specified attachment]

Had to temporarily fix it:

[Unable to find specified attachment]
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-26, 7:55 AM #1217
what are we seeing here
2019-03-26, 8:25 AM #1218
The answer lies in in the crosshairs, coney.

And yeah, a quick test shows that the 16-bit texture injecting (i.e. not having to convert 16-bit MATs into 8-bit ones) seems to work. Of course, TODOA TC MP for example has 990+ custom textures* so converting those MATs to PNG first would be quite the task...

* = Most of them JKR ones that weren't even used in the mod, but were included in the GOB anyway due to ZED's gobbing methods
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-26, 8:36 AM #1219
Did you also squish it down? Oh, I guess you could have scaled it too.

@saberopus: parallax mapping doesn't know when it "ends". Nikumubeki didn't have the texture stitched well before, so it created the appearance of a void (full of pipes) behind his wall.
2019-03-26, 8:44 AM #1220
Odd occurrence: Even though the graphics were glitching in a "BSP hole" like manner before in TODOA 2 - which disappeared after that one update - this was the first time when it actually crashed. I'll have to check the environment mode stuff to see if there's anything about it in there.

main.cpp|237|debug> Attaching renderer to process
main.cpp|245|debug> Finished attaching renderer to process
main.cpp|68|debug> CreateWindowExA hook called
main.cpp|85|debug> Detected main window creation
material_map.cpp|83|debug> Loading material map...
material_map.cpp|23|debug> Mapping materials from FGRHD (jkgm/materials/FGRHD/metadata.json)
material_map.cpp|23|debug> Mapping materials from Sample (jkgm/materials/oudir/metadata.json)
material_map.cpp|23|debug> Mapping materials from SABER19 (jkgm/materials/SABER19/metadata.json)
material_map.cpp|23|debug> Mapping materials from TODOA2 (jkgm/materials/TODOA2/metadata.json)
material_map.cpp|99|debug> Material map loaded
opengl_state.cpp|371|debug> Loading OpenGL assets
main.cpp|29|debug> DirectDrawEnumerateA hook called
main.cpp|20|debug> DirectDrawCreate hook called
ddraw_impl.cpp|219|debug> DirectDraw::SetCooperativeLevel(Exclusive Fullscreen)
ddraw_impl.cpp|222|debug> DirectDraw::SetCooperativeLevel(Normal)
main.cpp|20|debug> DirectDrawCreate hook called
ddraw_impl.cpp|219|debug> DirectDraw::SetCooperativeLevel(Exclusive Fullscreen)
ddraw_impl.cpp|219|debug> DirectDraw::SetCooperativeLevel(Exclusive Fullscreen)
ddraw_impl.cpp|222|debug> DirectDraw::SetCooperativeLevel(Normal)
main.cpp|29|debug> DirectDrawEnumerateA hook called
main.cpp|20|debug> DirectDrawCreate hook called
ddraw_impl.cpp|219|debug> DirectDraw::SetCooperativeLevel(Exclusive Fullscreen)
ddraw_impl.cpp|222|debug> DirectDraw::SetCooperativeLevel(Normal)
main.cpp|20|debug> DirectDrawCreate hook called
ddraw_impl.cpp|219|debug> DirectDraw::SetCooperativeLevel(Exclusive Fullscreen)
ddraw_impl.cpp|219|debug> DirectDraw::SetCooperativeLevel(Exclusive Fullscreen)
ddraw_impl.cpp|222|debug> DirectDraw::SetCooperativeLevel(Normal)
ddraw_impl.cpp|219|debug> DirectDraw::SetCooperativeLevel(Exclusive Fullscreen)
ddraw_impl.cpp|57|error> DirectDraw::CreatePalette(76)
ddraw_impl.cpp|219|debug> DirectDraw::SetCooperativeLevel(Exclusive Fullscreen)
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature da90a713b5537879abce1641267667d8
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature d12effd7247545d2349a33025da146ba
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature fcf14a49bf2bc3fe10288462d9fd74dc
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature a04a395195633285c374b1f2f25412a8
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 4ac5191e7aa4a9e7cf8b1f36edae0dce
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature cb48fb0228e6989533108550fa3ca9d8
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 946fffa0b46be77cfba23b5e39449796
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 4d1e64861bf122d999c463ac998bd772
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature f413a4060f2357f14eb1c9d865c98193
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature c98d908395d9e4fe46e96204eb1bc2b1
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature d0f46981bd96eaeb04566ac14ed09428
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 6592e4c94c8bb45111ce0725cda74ad9
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 354f2fe0eb1f24a0b3820fff48873757
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 51012be83ddba2bd272d35a4fc1a090a
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature f86b46d061bf012a1f914e4b7257dff4
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 634580e5fb68fa4f50c77ead33118933
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 6ff262a6be9b359d7c2019d3247362e2
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature d18b32108023129faf6e7fd2ecce5592
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 6a9b87bbe4cf90a3d69ac0563c41280b
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 7d47bbc7b15beff3f7a1efcbcbda34e3
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 4960ad387e415c067d2c3824032077db
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 35cd036b2c1dc597566251d9bb6a0e6b
vidmem_texture.cpp|61|debug> Found replacement
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature d92535a15f6310a8f0670c6abc7613f2
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 7c5780940d149bd5a811d1e432b3cd01
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 15a7c0c81538fed08d9bd8ff3c017738
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature c981715fbaefb0f829dac5e6dcd14778
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature aa53e1c62b5ac7397ed9fe301c0bb735
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 791f9ef0b44f235cfd0e0d2770a41c43
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 4624cd21cae63a4503c4d3dfc613f292
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 0af7a559b6aed99caa2001cd671b80cc
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 3ff8a9d456979955b40b507fe2e99d0f
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 4bbb5f2762841029f678a6a2ce4cf0e5
vidmem_texture.cpp|61|debug> Found replacement
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature c66cfbe0318e8d8fa06d3e604fae432a
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 3e8d6b0d33cc50a2b4c4b4b1833789c8
vidmem_texture.cpp|61|debug> Found replacement
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 4b40add8eba4fa8752087c5afabed420
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 9c41f5ea6687e873babfe489d6dabbf9
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature c08448b385136201091cd9c241e79950
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 959cb76112c40abfef0933cfbc1decaa
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 540472e96795c52d9aa5edd8797d9c03
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 0cbf26a4946250d9e5eecffde7358f78
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature f7b098153eca92f7de6f9fbcc3d08249
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 0350d1257625a8e335c40cfa2e5b8438
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 7d7345bc49ca3ae24fcfa94844c715bd
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 7c546687e3d5003a55c5a1be7794ec1c
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 2503eed083dc0fade0b306602dd84c96
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature fe71af2a1e8b1660f5c61863db20f8ba
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature bfa6393be2f69008cce6bc8aee1f39a4
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature e5b8b678cb9ca5f0a597c4c4c93eb97b
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 27526e78571081c4650876c8e268e7fc
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature cdfb1ecd43f57e061258b0aed19e9a5e
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature be4a3a2f541eed3f3ccd4d20c0fa3579
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 9d503bce9eee46abe1d26a194d8c43fb
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature e2bc964a4705a711357b322bd2a38dc6
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 3efbb86065be4d244a7c6fa7482bdc00
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 9aa656efdb7c53a1c46d48d3996a0fb9
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 52c68b60648ec2dd0caf9017eb746a80
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 56cf6bff3732b4d60f22e0b953f77441
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 4deb43e12b4ee7832c59ea26b95adb2e
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature db36518575a5465b886628b37c27a4d9
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature d250ca11f8c49c3172906679ade06c47
vidmem_texture.cpp|61|debug> Found replacement
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature fca4e5ebee2235c229be4a06435c9098
vidmem_texture.cpp|61|debug> Found replacement
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 04252c79163f446e2381fcdcd977d555
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature daff8b64f9faa22cb3178c8678ae8082
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 646134bbe5b1f28bc4acb6d03332194b
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature d49ed0535ff5baff6d6439a52589f25f
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature f0c36e50e9aa4e2cedf4e7844f576098
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 36af0c28a8df56773bc29defdab5edc6
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature c0fa4d2085c1da72e8047aff94ea1e09
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 61026672887e3682244e9e3d6e252a47
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 852fd0ef444ab9e27812f0d52db00772
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 2f77a4b71bca7902d8e0eb727c536fd9
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 9762eb1d4c7580efbebc296048c25329
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 2b2a4633320b50e3eccceca52601ea0b
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature d3851ec6a16c11206d5b7e23d9243a58
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 228f7d9e6db8743f32b6c536fe3d20e9
vidmem_texture.cpp|61|debug> Found replacement
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 8667774e72c6159979d774bc3fdd4f58
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 625c682dbb16540f1c4c856eb5caf2ae
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 42ef9886b644908047df68bf785758b6
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 748bbccf45a458a89f87df4d87761aa0
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 50770ebf30c9d60ccddb9ee3623ebd76
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 06b503e7c3ce96af6bad68b95fe91d17
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 06b503e7c3ce96af6bad68b95fe91d17
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 228f7d9e6db8743f32b6c536fe3d20e9
vidmem_texture.cpp|61|debug> Found replacement
main.cpp|237|debug> Attaching renderer to process
main.cpp|245|debug> Finished attaching renderer to process
main.cpp|68|debug> CreateWindowExA hook called
main.cpp|85|debug> Detected main window creation
material_map.cpp|83|debug> Loading material map...
material_map.cpp|23|debug> Mapping materials from FGRHD (jkgm/materials/FGRHD/metadata.json)
material_map.cpp|23|debug> Mapping materials from Sample (jkgm/materials/oudir/metadata.json)
material_map.cpp|23|debug> Mapping materials from SABER19 (jkgm/materials/SABER19/metadata.json)
material_map.cpp|23|debug> Mapping materials from TODOA2 (jkgm/materials/TODOA2/metadata.json)
material_map.cpp|99|debug> Material map loaded
opengl_state.cpp|371|debug> Loading OpenGL assets
main.cpp|29|debug> DirectDrawEnumerateA hook called
main.cpp|20|debug> DirectDrawCreate hook called
ddraw_impl.cpp|219|debug> DirectDraw::SetCooperativeLevel(Exclusive Fullscreen)
ddraw_impl.cpp|222|debug> DirectDraw::SetCooperativeLevel(Normal)
main.cpp|20|debug> DirectDrawCreate hook called
ddraw_impl.cpp|219|debug> DirectDraw::SetCooperativeLevel(Exclusive Fullscreen)
ddraw_impl.cpp|219|debug> DirectDraw::SetCooperativeLevel(Exclusive Fullscreen)
ddraw_impl.cpp|222|debug> DirectDraw::SetCooperativeLevel(Normal)
main.cpp|29|debug> DirectDrawEnumerateA hook called
main.cpp|20|debug> DirectDrawCreate hook called
ddraw_impl.cpp|219|debug> DirectDraw::SetCooperativeLevel(Exclusive Fullscreen)
ddraw_impl.cpp|222|debug> DirectDraw::SetCooperativeLevel(Normal)
main.cpp|20|debug> DirectDrawCreate hook called
ddraw_impl.cpp|219|debug> DirectDraw::SetCooperativeLevel(Exclusive Fullscreen)
ddraw_impl.cpp|219|debug> DirectDraw::SetCooperativeLevel(Exclusive Fullscreen)
ddraw_impl.cpp|222|debug> DirectDraw::SetCooperativeLevel(Normal)
ddraw_impl.cpp|219|debug> DirectDraw::SetCooperativeLevel(Exclusive Fullscreen)
ddraw_impl.cpp|57|error> DirectDraw::CreatePalette(76)
ddraw_impl.cpp|219|debug> DirectDraw::SetCooperativeLevel(Exclusive Fullscreen)
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature da90a713b5537879abce1641267667d8
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature d12effd7247545d2349a33025da146ba
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature fcf14a49bf2bc3fe10288462d9fd74dc
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature a04a395195633285c374b1f2f25412a8
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 4ac5191e7aa4a9e7cf8b1f36edae0dce
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature cb48fb0228e6989533108550fa3ca9d8
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 946fffa0b46be77cfba23b5e39449796
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 4d1e64861bf122d999c463ac998bd772
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature f413a4060f2357f14eb1c9d865c98193
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature c98d908395d9e4fe46e96204eb1bc2b1
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature d0f46981bd96eaeb04566ac14ed09428
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 6592e4c94c8bb45111ce0725cda74ad9
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 354f2fe0eb1f24a0b3820fff48873757
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 51012be83ddba2bd272d35a4fc1a090a
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature f86b46d061bf012a1f914e4b7257dff4
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 634580e5fb68fa4f50c77ead33118933
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 6ff262a6be9b359d7c2019d3247362e2
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature d18b32108023129faf6e7fd2ecce5592
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 6a9b87bbe4cf90a3d69ac0563c41280b
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 7d47bbc7b15beff3f7a1efcbcbda34e3
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 4960ad387e415c067d2c3824032077db
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 35cd036b2c1dc597566251d9bb6a0e6b
vidmem_texture.cpp|61|debug> Found replacement
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature d92535a15f6310a8f0670c6abc7613f2
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 7c5780940d149bd5a811d1e432b3cd01
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 15a7c0c81538fed08d9bd8ff3c017738
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature c981715fbaefb0f829dac5e6dcd14778
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature aa53e1c62b5ac7397ed9fe301c0bb735
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 791f9ef0b44f235cfd0e0d2770a41c43
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 4624cd21cae63a4503c4d3dfc613f292
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 0af7a559b6aed99caa2001cd671b80cc
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 3ff8a9d456979955b40b507fe2e99d0f
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 4bbb5f2762841029f678a6a2ce4cf0e5
vidmem_texture.cpp|61|debug> Found replacement
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature c66cfbe0318e8d8fa06d3e604fae432a
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 3e8d6b0d33cc50a2b4c4b4b1833789c8
vidmem_texture.cpp|61|debug> Found replacement
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 4b40add8eba4fa8752087c5afabed420
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 9c41f5ea6687e873babfe489d6dabbf9
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature c08448b385136201091cd9c241e79950
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 959cb76112c40abfef0933cfbc1decaa
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 540472e96795c52d9aa5edd8797d9c03
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 0cbf26a4946250d9e5eecffde7358f78
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature f7b098153eca92f7de6f9fbcc3d08249
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 0350d1257625a8e335c40cfa2e5b8438
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 7d7345bc49ca3ae24fcfa94844c715bd
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 7c546687e3d5003a55c5a1be7794ec1c
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 2503eed083dc0fade0b306602dd84c96
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature fe71af2a1e8b1660f5c61863db20f8ba
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature bfa6393be2f69008cce6bc8aee1f39a4
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature e5b8b678cb9ca5f0a597c4c4c93eb97b
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 27526e78571081c4650876c8e268e7fc
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature cdfb1ecd43f57e061258b0aed19e9a5e
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature be4a3a2f541eed3f3ccd4d20c0fa3579
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 9d503bce9eee46abe1d26a194d8c43fb
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature e2bc964a4705a711357b322bd2a38dc6
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 3efbb86065be4d244a7c6fa7482bdc00
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 9aa656efdb7c53a1c46d48d3996a0fb9
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 52c68b60648ec2dd0caf9017eb746a80
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 56cf6bff3732b4d60f22e0b953f77441
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 4deb43e12b4ee7832c59ea26b95adb2e
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature db36518575a5465b886628b37c27a4d9
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature d250ca11f8c49c3172906679ade06c47
vidmem_texture.cpp|61|debug> Found replacement
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature fca4e5ebee2235c229be4a06435c9098
vidmem_texture.cpp|61|debug> Found replacement
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 04252c79163f446e2381fcdcd977d555
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature daff8b64f9faa22cb3178c8678ae8082
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 646134bbe5b1f28bc4acb6d03332194b
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature d49ed0535ff5baff6d6439a52589f25f
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 625c682dbb16540f1c4c856eb5caf2ae
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 748bbccf45a458a89f87df4d87761aa0
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 42ef9886b644908047df68bf785758b6
vidmem_texture.cpp|56|debug> Loaded texture with signature 50770ebf30c9d60ccddb9ee3623ebd76

The crashing always seems to take place during the death animation of one of the rebel troopers (in a couple of my tests, the third one). A minor issue, tbh, but I'll let you know if it resurfaces elsewhere.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-26, 8:57 AM #1221
Oh yes! I wasn't looking at the crosshair at all -___-
2019-03-26, 10:12 AM #1222
But yeah, it's a bit tricky because the pipes look pretty great, but the grate just looks like a grate.

Or rather, if you look at the one in the crosshair, it definitely looks cylindrical and 3D-like in the middle, but gets flatter the closer it gets to the floor:

[Unable to find specified attachment]
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-26, 10:14 AM #1223
Originally posted by saberopus:
what are we seeing here

I eased the bloom a bit.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-26, 11:38 AM #1224
Originally posted by Nikumubeki:
But yeah, it's a bit tricky because the pipes look pretty great, but the grate just looks like a grate.

Or rather, if you look at the one in the crosshair, it definitely looks cylindrical and 3D-like in the middle, but gets flatter the closer it gets to the floor:

[Unable to find specified attachment]

I believe it's not that it's getting flatter, but rather that the elevations and depressions are only rendered in the area where that texture would be rendered normally. It's as if the bumps are not actually "physical" but more like an projection, so they're not actually "coming out" of the surface.

@Jon I played around with displacement maps for a minute or two and it actually made me nervous, because the possibilites are so many (also now I can do some extra details a little more lazily. yay). 3d textures, man.

Question: is it possible to make it so that materials can take more than 1 albedo map? This could be useful for mats that are mostly the same but of different colors, but some parts of it don't change. You could then just change the albedo factors for the lower "layer" without having to make a new texture for each color.
2019-03-26, 12:32 PM #1225
Oh yeah, those grates remind me of a lot of optical illusions.

I've also got to say, these injector additions are quite interesting in the regard that they've my texture enhancement (shader?) skills advance from mid-1997 to, what, early 1998?

[Unable to find specified attachment]
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-26, 12:36 PM #1226
"early 1998" includes MotS, so I think not quite

AFAIK texture displacement maps are a much more modern thing (but I wouldn't know how modern since I stopped gaming in 2005). I think I first started seeing bumpmaps around 2005, though.
2019-03-26, 12:41 PM #1227
Originally posted by SMLiberator:
"early 1998" includes MotS, so I think not quite

Hmm, good point. From now on, my "every time JK gets new (graphical) enhancements, I have to say "now a 1997 computer game looks like something from 1998"" jab policy will officially be changed to "every time JK gets new (graphical) enhancements, I have to say "now a 1997 computer game looks like something from 1999"".

*Law and Order gavel sound effect (actually a Roland D-50 preset) plays*
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-26, 12:43 PM #1228
I think Nikumubeki is officially better at making displacement maps than I am.
2019-03-26, 12:50 PM #1229
There should be an automated way for making these, though. Using the "polyline selection" tool in a graphics editor is actually hurting my eyes at this age.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-26, 12:51 PM #1230
You know, what's really interesting about these enhancements is that, from what little I've seen in this thread so far, I feel that the aesthetics of JK have now been elevated to the bar set by Dark Forces. With the displacement mapping, there's a lot more 'grit', compared to JK97, which looks closer to anime or a cel-shaded game, because of the flat, brightly colored textures (especially at high resolutions).
2019-03-26, 1:23 PM #1231
Quick question: would it be possible to have the texture injector:

  1. Completely replace a texture dynamically
  2. Do so at 24fps
  3. Write a plugin to your texture injector to read the bitmap data being refreshed from an arbitrary program running on the OS outside of JK


That is: can we have a Doom 3-style in-game video console which I can use to watch streaming video from the network in-game?

Or, alternatively: Can I use JK as a compositing window manager, and thus, e.g., browse Massassi in-game? I need to be able to talk about Trump while I play
2019-03-26, 1:38 PM #1232
It's already doing that to play cutscenes, so... I guess??
2019-03-26, 1:44 PM #1233
Hmm, on an arbitrary texture? Not just something flat and fullscreen. Anyway it doesn't matter, I was mostly curious since I don't really know how your program works.
2019-03-26, 2:05 PM #1234
same difference
2019-03-26, 2:33 PM #1235
This is just too good, I feel like that's cheating somehow.

This looks absolutely horrendous but I actually quite like it. It's surprising how much this doesn't hurt framerate.

@FGR I think I fixed the issues with the MotS mod. Also in the same folder I included a gob of the non-cone sabers I did, but it was based upon a custom saber cog I made where moves are eight-directional like in JK2/JK3 rather than... weird... like in JK. It was also made quite hastily so if I'm correct I believe sabers will always be green if you're not running JK13 (however they'll have normal widths rather than look super fat if you are).
2019-03-26, 2:42 PM #1236
sorry for riffing again on this "update textures dynamically" thing again, but why not mutate, e.g., a wall when a lightsaber touches it, a la Jedi Outcast, with its "scorched" wall effect?

Although... even if that was worth the effort to try and write a cog to somehow communicate the event of lightsaber contact to the external OS and then to the texture injector (by writing to a known location in memory polled by the texture injector, as a side effect of a cog statement???), JK probably has terrible collision detection, so it would never work...
2019-03-26, 2:50 PM #1237
JK doesn't provide a way for cogs to interact with things outside the game. The only way you can do that is by having an external program reading cog variables from memory and responding accordingly, but I suspect obtaining the exact offset in memory for the variable you want would be a big pain in the ass too.

JK's saber collision is actually surprisingly accurate IIRC (provided you have a good framerate). With enough patience (and some cog verbs provided with the unoficial patch) I believe you could recreate that saber collision effect from JO in JK without need for external programs.
2019-03-26, 2:50 PM #1238
The crates and grass look really cool.
2019-03-26, 3:33 PM #1239
Alright, it's been fun, but I need to get the texture pack off my plate. I could spend the next year making displacement maps and I do not have the time.

I'll upload what I have to... moddb, I guess? I've never used it before. I'll post a link when it's up.

(I'm fine extending/maintaining the injector, but this texture work is a time vampire.)
2019-03-26, 3:52 PM #1240
Thank you Jon!!!

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