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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Anything games
Anything games
2019-07-15, 10:26 AM #1681
Originally posted by Reid:
My stereotype of the average GameStop customer is a teenager or the parent of a teenager. In either case they won't spend the money to buy a VR headset, that's going to be purchased only by rich kids and young people with income, who don't shop at GameStop.

Sure, didn't say it was a good idea.

That said, if the field of VR is going with all this walled content gardens, surely there has to be a physical front of sorts to entice more people to play in those gardens.
2019-07-15, 12:17 PM #1682
IIRC, the only thing I've ever gotten from the (Finn) GameStop was this used XBox 360 version of DX: HR - Collector's Edition in 2012 - which indeed was covered in fingerprints and odd marks due to having been on the display shelf.

When I bought it (strictly for the extra material, since ofc I had and played the game itself on PC), the clerk said something like "dang, I was hoping I could have bought it instead". Fuh-reaky.

[Unable to find specified attachment]
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-07-15, 1:40 PM #1683
Originally posted by ECHOMAN:
Sure, didn't say it was a good idea.

That said, if the field of VR is going with all this walled content gardens, surely there has to be a physical front of sorts to entice more people to play in those gardens.
Theyve been doing that at places like the Microsoft Store and Best Buy. I’m sure HTC and Facebook have been paying them to do it, but it also makes business sense because VR is a complementary good for other things those stores sell (computers, software).

GameStop doesn’t have any of the PC centric vertical, so they’re already at a disadvantage selling VR headsets. Then there’s the fact that they don’t sell any higher margin complementary goods, not games (walled garden) or PC hardware. Sounds nice on paper but it’s not worth them doing it from a business perspective.
2019-07-15, 8:09 PM #1684
Makes sense. The Microsoft store in NYC even has a HoloLens demo area. Not my cup of tea with all the exaggerated hand gesturing (maybe ver. 2 is better).

GameSpot really is dead in the water. I guess they can just do the inevitable rebranding of itself with a passive new logo.
2019-07-19, 11:07 AM #1685
I always like seeing that while FGR has been forgotten - DXN will be remembered:
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-07-25, 12:31 AM #1686
The first few re-releases of the Star Wars games from Limited Run Games will be available tomorrow.

Only $384.99 for a Game Boy game, a NES game and a N64 game. Woohoo, what a time to be alive!
Sorry for the lousy German
2019-07-25, 7:24 AM #1687
Interesting timing, since I recently had a dream where I remembered that I never even got the big box for my PC copy of Shadows of the Empire (just the jewel case w/ booklet and disc) - as opposed to the ones for JK, MotS and many others which I had to throw away due to odd circumstances at the time. I guess I can finally pay 90 bux to fill that void- oh, wait, no.

(Not to mention how I could pay 140 euros instead)
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-07-25, 3:26 PM #1688
Originally posted by Jon`C:
nOT So FAsT gaMESToP beARs

2019-07-26, 4:28 AM #1689
former entrepreneur
2019-07-26, 7:55 AM #1690
2019-07-26, 7:58 AM #1691
I read a The Guardian review of the new Wolfenstein: Youngblood, and it got me highly interested in that game. Based on the review, it seems like a lot of fun. I've not touched any of the neo-Wolfensteins, including Return to Castle Wolfenstein from the early 00s. This would be the first single player game I try to play through in quite a while.

Edit: Looks like the Steam user reviews have a lot of unfavorable opinions, though. That's to be expected, but the amount of them seems quite high, and the response does not seem to revolve around some of the typical things that evoke protest these days, like publishers' business practices and whatnot that isn't so relevant to the quality of the game.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2019-07-26, 9:16 AM #1692
Start w/ The New Order prolly.
2019-07-26, 9:37 AM #1693
I don't want to, sabs. What do you think of that?
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2019-07-26, 9:43 AM #1694
2019-07-26, 2:10 PM #1695
Stepping away from games to games

Has anyone ever played games using the FU RPG or Risus rulesets or know of anything similar?
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2019-07-26, 2:11 PM #1696
And I mean I guess this is a video game thread and I'm unsure why I didnt make a new one. Didnt want to clog up the page or get lost amongst all the other anything threads maybe
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2019-07-26, 8:04 PM #1697
Originally posted by Jon`C:
nOT So FAsT gaMESToP beARs

So here's a funny one posted on Seeking Alpha yesterday. It was written by someone calling themselves "Prudent Finances", who focuses on precious metals and commodities!

There will still be a market for physical game discs for the next several years.

The next generation of PlayStation and Xbox game consoles will have an optical disc drive.
yes but walmart can do the job better.

Game Informer is a popular magazine that could be worth hundreds of millions.
ah yes that well known growth industry, print media

GameStop trades at a lower valuation relative to Barnes & Nobles.
because it's a worse company

Buybacks can resume on July 25th and could trigger a short squeeze.
"the best thing about gamestop stock is that there will be less of it soon"
2019-07-26, 8:06 PM #1698
Gamestop HAS NO STRATEGY. None! Zero strategy! What good can you say about the stock of a company that has absolutely no strategy? Holy ****, are they paying these people?

Even GameStop bulls (???!?) are down to saying “well it’s not HOPELESS, at least their one vertical probably won’t physically cease to exist for another 4 years”.
2019-07-26, 8:53 PM #1699
There are GameStop bulls? No way, I refuse to believe. It's people lying to help float the price while they dump shares. I refuse to believe anyone under the age of 87 sees a future there.
2019-07-27, 12:19 AM #1700
Originally posted by saberopus:

Guess what.

Wolfenstein: New Order and Wolfenstein: Old Blood were on sale, as are many other games right now, so I got them. And I already installed the former.

You won, sabsie! You won...for now.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2019-07-27, 12:28 AM #1701
Imagine, Cone Obie Saberi, I suggested Kroko to re-play Star Wars: TODOA (with the shiny new textures) OR through the DLCs of DXN (with full voice acting and additional RetroXor tracks - that the version he played/tested in late 2017 didn't have) instead!
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-07-27, 10:10 AM #1702
Wot r those on sale for
2019-07-30, 2:06 AM #1703
The free games from the Epic Store are getting quite good. Next week they're giving away Alan Wake and For Honor.

I don't care much about which store a game uses. Only the lack of Linux support even for Linux titles is a little annoying. But they tend to run quite well in Wine, so not that much of a problem. I have to juggle around too many stupid useless stores as is. One more doesn't make my experience any worse.
Sorry for the lousy German
2019-07-30, 5:56 AM #1704 > *

(Well, they should get Oni in their catalogue, though, then I'd finally have all the games that PastGamerr wanted in his collection back in the late 1990s and the early 2000s in my collection)
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-07-31, 11:09 AM #1705
Originally posted by Jon`C:
nOT So FAsT gaMESToP beARs

Here's some HOTT Gamestop deathwatch info that hasn't hit the financial press yet:

Gamestop's laid off about a third of their district and regional management as a cost-savings measure. Hopes are the company will be reorganized with the remaining middle managers taking over more stores, but it's a fairly safe guess that stores are gonna start getting the axe soon too.

Stock price and volume are up a good bit today, despite the layoff and reorg not being publicly announced yet. Probably because of insider trading.
2019-07-31, 5:00 PM #1706
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-07-31, 5:03 PM #1707
Short sell
2019-08-01, 2:07 PM #1708
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Originally posted by Jon`C:
nOT So FAsT gaMESToP beARs

Here's some HOTT Gamestop deathwatch info that hasn't hit the financial press yet:

Gamestop's laid off about a third of their district and regional management as a cost-savings measure. Hopes are the company will be reorganized with the remaining middle managers taking over more stores, but it's a fairly safe guess that stores are gonna start getting the axe soon too.

Stock price and volume are up a good bit today, despite the layoff and reorg not being publicly announced yet. Probably because of insider trading.

News hit the press shortly after I posted this. Usually companies get a stock price boost from management layoffs and restructuring, but not this time! New low, $3.78.

Note that the financial media consensus is still that Gamestop is going out of business because of digital distribution (despite noting 'although new physical disc consoles are launching next year, so they will likely remain cash-flow positive for at least three more years'), and not because of supply consolidation. You're free to decide which one of us is right.
2019-08-02, 11:52 AM #1709

u can buy my bideo game now
2019-08-02, 12:24 PM #1710
Looks pretty nifty, saberopus!
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-08-02, 2:33 PM #1711
Rude. I only dream of the skills this man possess.
2019-08-02, 2:34 PM #1712
Thrawn, I don't have a PS4. Any... internal... rumors of an eventual PC port?
2019-08-03, 12:16 AM #1713
Originally posted by saberopus:
Rude. I only dream of the skills this man possess.

If you believe in the heart of the cards - every skill is every molecule is every breath

You are both DEAD and ALIVE and THRAWN[NUMBARZ], obiesaber42689i, far out

- Koobs
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-08-04, 11:05 PM #1714
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Here's some HOTT Gamestop deathwatch info that hasn't hit the financial press yet:

Gamestop's laid off about a third of their district and regional management as a cost-savings measure. Hopes are the company will be reorganized with the remaining middle managers taking over more stores, but it's a fairly safe guess that stores are gonna start getting the axe soon too.

Stock price and volume are up a good bit today, despite the layoff and reorg not being publicly announced yet. Probably because of insider trading.

Oh the thickening plots.

I “stumbled across” a GameStop market HR director on LinkedIn who said he was part of the layoff.

Note: HR’s all corporate bag men who exist to create paper trails to legally fire people for discriminatory reasons, so **** this dude in particular. You’re allowed to feel bad for the middle managers who got fired. Not this guy. I sincerely hope his retirement fund is long in GameStop, and in keeping with the policies he has very likely spent his career supporting, that all of his future interviews end shortly after they see he’s 60. If you think that’s too vindictive, that’s ok; you can apologize to me whenever you meet one of these people IRL.

Now, for some fresh speculation:

Like I said, HR exists to find reasons to fire people. Laying off a senior manager is pretty weird, in no small part because HR basically runs most big companies. It’s about as close to a forever job as you can get. So with this in mind, I’m guessing the following:

It wasn’t a one-off, this-guy-has-to-go situation. When that happens it involves a lot more “spending time with my family” and a lot less “let go, looking for future opportunities”. Obviously he’s a bozo because they turfed him first, but probably not a professional liability/sexual predator/etc. (charitably assuming GameStop would even care about that; Blockbuster sure didn’t back in its day). They chose the timing and method pretty specifically.

Laying off managers at this level isn’t really the kind of thing you do to save money. Existing management isn’t going to be able to absorb a market-level HR organization as-is, and replacing bozo with a new manager isn’t going to save enough money to justify the recruitment cost.

So, my first guess is this is a prelude to a broader HR lay-off and reorganization under existing management. Why would you cut HR headcount? Really there’s only three possible reasons.

- First, because you don’t expect to fire as many people soon. I assume we can rule out GameStop’s managers somehow becoming ethical, so realistically this means: because there are going to be a LOT fewer GameStop employees very soon. This will likely mean reorganizing all stores under the surviving district managers, and making them responsible for tear down (a much much much lower-friction alternative to slashing headcount and making all district managers work though it, knowing a third of them are getting fired after the jobs done). Similar scenario would play out in staff organizations. This is also the scenario if the company is simply liquidating itself; same ****, different numbers.

- Second possibility, because they are soliciting M&A (or there is even an unannounced offer) and the company is preemptively cutting redundant staff positions (possibly to make itself look more valuable, possibly illegal coordination in advance of shareholder and regulatory approval, but the US doesn’t enforce its laws). HR, IT, similar ‘disposable’ orgs basically never survive mergers. A handful of workers get transferred, the majority always get laid off, especially the managers. The managers are useless. If you buy a company you want to integrate it, that means you want staff **** to be done your way with your managers.

- Third possibility, the new CEO sincerely thinks the HR department is over staffed / can function with fewer managers or workers. Maybe he’s right, maybe he’s an idiot who’s trying to dump work on the only people in his company that don’t want him in prison. Who knows???
2019-08-04, 11:21 PM #1715
Oh, I guess according to more official sources than the one I got the lay-off news from, they also laid off LP!!

Why would you ever lay off LP? Because you don’t expect to lose as much product. I.e. because soon you won’t have as much product to lose. That is the only reason. LP pays for itself, unless you literally do not have the losses to prevent.

Scenario 1 absolutely confirmed. Expect GameStop to announce its closing 30% of its stores very soon.
2019-08-05, 6:28 AM #1716
This insight into Gamestop end-times is interesting in the same way watching a Cordyceps fungus do its work on an ant is interesting.

But if they went with the M&A route, it would most likely be vertical?
2019-08-05, 10:49 AM #1717
Originally posted by ECHOMAN:
This insight into Gamestop end-times is interesting in the same way watching a Cordyceps fungus do its work on an ant is interesting.

But if they went with the M&A route, it would most likely be vertical?

Nobody should underestimate GameStop management’s habit of extreme incompetence, but if it is a vertical M&A they shouldn’t be laying off LP. Other kinds of companies may have LP but retail LP is its own special monster. That alone suggests that if it is a merger, it’s with another retailer that can replace those functions.

Or, more realistically, it means that GameStop is just going to close a lot of stores. You don’t need as many field managers with fewer stores to manage, as many field HR with fewer employees to torment, or as many LP managers with fewer inventories to get screwed up.

I’m also not sure what non-retail companies might give a **** about GameStop. Are you thinking of something like the Paramount/Viacom play on Blockbuster back in the day? This situation is different. As a specialty retailer with no other strategy, GameStop’s potential advantages are product variety and rep product familiarity (current management doesn’t seem to understand these advantages, but if a successful team were brought in this would be what they had to work with). Both of these advantages work against the interests of any game studio large enough to buy GameStop; they don’t want to compete against their own back catalogues, and they don’t want a vibrant, diverse game audience because they are harder to pigeonhole into the more limited “live services” games. As a result, both of those advantages also work against the interests of the platform vendors, who prefer people to buy more full-price new release games in order to maximize their platform royalties.

That doesn’t rule out a purely cynical acquisition for some non-synergistic, penny-pinching reason. But GameStop has *no strategy*. If there were a synergy building reason for a vertical integration, that would be tolerable. But by itself GameStop has absolutely no path toward success, so there actually isn’t a penny pinching reason to buy them. Every dollar you put into GameStop is a dollar that you aren’t getting back.
2019-08-05, 4:00 PM #1718
Originally posted by Jon`C:
I’m also not sure what non-retail companies might give a **** about GameStop. Are you thinking of something like the Paramount/Viacom play on Blockbuster back in the day? This situation is different. As a specialty retailer with no other strategy, GameStop’s potential advantages are product variety and rep product familiarity (current management doesn’t seem to understand these advantages, but if a successful team were brought in this would be what they had to work with).

Honestly I was shooting in the dark. I thought there maybe, *maybe* something in the fact that there are still GameStop store locations littered throughout the States that a non-retail company could have interest in. Basically for brick-and-mortar presence through their leases (at least around here, they aren't in bad locations too). I was remembering back (2014, 2015?) when I heard about RadioShack maybe could be acquired by Sprint or Amazon even. But RadioShack was a whole different mess. I just can't think of much value GameStop has for a large, established retailer.
2019-08-06, 12:34 AM #1719
Sorry for the lousy German
2019-08-06, 2:36 AM #1720
Originally posted by Impi:

Yep, since this is retail:

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