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Anything games
2019-03-26, 3:57 PM #1241
If you want to send it to me I can post it up on Massassi.

massassi dot temple

at gmail
2019-03-26, 4:26 PM #1242
It's half a gig. I'm definitely cool with you mirroring it once it's uploaded to moddb, but I don't really want to email it (and/or upload it a second time on rural internet).
2019-03-26, 5:03 PM #1243
Ok; alternatively you could send me a key and I could set you up an account and you could scp it.
2019-03-26, 5:33 PM #1244
Thanks for repeatedly whipping an algorithm until it spat out these leet textures, Jon. :cool:
2019-03-26, 5:38 PM #1245

well it's here and all of the files are uploaded, but it has to be approved by the moderators. If it's not up tomorrow I'll send you a public key Brian.
2019-03-26, 5:39 PM #1246
Don't thank the algorithm too much, I had to extract all of the emissive textures by hand.
2019-03-26, 6:23 PM #1247

2019-03-26, 7:45 PM #1248
Files are up
2019-03-26, 11:05 PM #1249
Thanks Jon and SMLiberator, I've got to delve into these files ASAP.

Already liking that there are plenty of displacement maps in the jknup folder.

@SMLiberator: Can you upload the script.json file as well?
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-26, 11:14 PM #1250
Also, for a "starting pistol credit", here's a reminder that all of this basically started from a Deus Ex thread:
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-26, 11:52 PM #1251
Interesting. From the screenshots in the first post of that thread, I'd say that the improvement in JK is more pronounced (maybe because Deus Ex starts off with higher res textures).
2019-03-27, 3:46 AM #1252
Originally posted by SMLiberator:
"early 1998" includes MotS, so I think not quite

AFAIK texture displacement maps are a much more modern thing (but I wouldn't know how modern since I stopped gaming in 2005). I think I first started seeing bumpmaps around 2005, though.

I actually saw my first bump mapping on a demo that came with my Voodoo 2 graphics card. That was about 1998. But displacement mapping is probably more recent.
Sorry for the lousy German
2019-03-27, 4:02 AM #1253

Damn, this is awesome!

Can I somehow get the injector to show fps? My laptop is actually struggling with this.
Sorry for the lousy German
2019-03-27, 5:43 AM #1254
Originally posted by Nikumubeki:
@SMLiberator: Can you upload the script.json file as well?

Wait. I didn't change anything in the included materials, they're exactly the same as the ones you shared.

@Jon ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. Out of the levels I tried, 19 was the one that stood out the most so far. I've actually been noticing details in the texturing I'd never notice before (for obvious reasons). Also, thank you for including the ESRGAN model, it will probably be very useful to me.

This dude has seen some stuff

Here's something cool I managed to make with displacement maps - bullet holes that actually look like holes.
2019-03-27, 5:52 AM #1255
Originally posted by SMLiberator:
Wait. I didn't change anything in the included materials, they're exactly the same as the ones you shared.

Oh! In that case.

That said, many many thanks for this - now there's finally a proper "JK13"-like saber + muzzle flash mod for MotS as well. I'll get around to more JKGR testing this weekend as a repayment.

A shame that the modified saber there only appears as a green one... well, until you modify this part in the COG:

    nosaber = JkGetSaberSideMat(player);
    if(nosaber == blueSide) len = blueTip;
    else if(nosaber == yellowSide) len = yellowTip;
    else if(nosaber == redSide) len = redTip;
    else if(nosaber == orangeSide) len = orangeTip;
    else if(nosaber == dredSide) len = dredTip;
    else if(nosaber == purpleSide) len = purpleTip;
        nosaber = dredSide;
        len = dredTip;

(Having already modified the COG for my TODOA 2 test lab)
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-27, 6:53 AM #1256
Yup, jkgfxmod definitely doesn't work with the Steam version. I'll need to think about what (if anything) can be done about it. From brief research it looks like Steam executables are just stubs that call into Steam, which then decrypts the actual executable.
2019-03-27, 7:47 AM #1257
Morrowind is currently available for free from Bethesda. You need a Bethesda-account and will have to download their launcher. You need the code "TES25TH-MORROWIND" to redeem the game:

Hopefully this version will run with
Sorry for the lousy German
2019-03-27, 7:54 AM #1258
Originally posted by Impi:
Morrowind is currently available for free from Bethesda. You need a Bethesda-account and will have to download their launcher. You need the code "TES25TH-MORROWIND" to redeem the game:

Hopefully this version will run with

I remember Morrowind the best from Burrie's rants in the chat back in 2004-2005 about how NWN was a much better game (or rather, its expansion packs were).
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-27, 8:59 AM #1259
And everyone knows that Gothic 1 and 2 are better than both!
Sorry for the lousy German
2019-03-27, 9:00 AM #1260
Also, after a quick test I can confirm, that the launcher does work with Wine (needed only a small workaround to download the game) and the game files worked with OpenMW.
Sorry for the lousy German
2019-03-27, 9:38 AM #1261
Did anyone post this yet? Great work and keeps with the feel of the original game.
2019-03-27, 4:48 PM #1262
Here's something different, interesting and ridiculously ****ty-looking I managed to do:

Anyone wanna take a guess at how I did it?
2019-03-27, 8:41 PM #1263
It looks pretty cool to me. A little choppy, what's the framerate?
2019-03-27, 11:52 PM #1264
I have my code injected into the Steam executable, but it's tamper-resistant and crashing mysteriously. So I guess the Steam version is gonna be broken for a while.
2019-03-28, 7:39 AM #1265
Originally posted by SMLiberator:
Here's something different, interesting and ridiculously ****ty-looking I managed to do:

Anyone wanna take a guess at how I did it?

Dang, son.

For his envmap-like floors, Xzero basically added an "envmap" layer on top of his surfaces (so basically the floor comprised of two surfaces practically on top of each other, or something).

No idea if that's the case here... however, those envmaps of yours look like they could be nice for simple glass surfaces and the like.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-28, 8:39 AM #1266
Yes, that's basically what it is. The faces on the outer layer however use a material with a completely white displacement map and a displacement factor of 1, so when you move the camera the "reflections" appear to move as well. I actually quite like the effect (despite the fact you can clearly see where each surface ends), but it's very impractical as you'd have to double the amount of faces and vertices for each car (or whatever it is you want to give this effect to).

@Jon, with this in mind, would it be feasible to make "layers" of materials? Like, adding an optional "overlay" property to materials that would link to another material (using that material's name?) that would always be displayed in top of that one.
2019-03-28, 9:18 AM #1267
Originally posted by SMLiberator:
Yes, that's basically what it is. The faces on the outer layer however use a material with a completely white displacement map and a displacement factor of 1, so when you move the camera the "reflections" appear to move as well. I actually quite like the effect (despite the fact you can clearly see where each surface ends), but it's very impractical as you'd have to double the amount of faces and vertices for each car (or whatever it is you want to give this effect to).
wow, very creative. That might explain the performance hitches, since the texture accesses would be nonlocal that way I think.

@Jon, with this in mind, would it be feasible to make "layers" of materials? Like, adding an optional "overlay" property to materials that would link to another material (using that material's name?) that would always be displayed in top of that one.
I’m not sure that’s the right solution to the problem. It’s feasible but all it would do is exactly what you’re describing - duplicating the model (just in memory, as jkgfxmod parsed the execute buffer, rather than on disk).

I think before going too much further down the materials rabbit hole I would like to see if there’s room to collaborate with someone familiar with jk.exe reverse engineering. If I can get just a little bit more per frame data there is suddenly a lot more low hanging fruit.
2019-03-28, 9:45 AM #1268
I tried alerting Xzero on Steam but he hasn't been around in a while.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-28, 9:48 AM #1269
Originally posted by SMLiberator:
Yes, that's basically what it is. The faces on the outer layer however use a material with a completely white displacement map and a displacement factor of 1, so when you move the camera the "reflections" appear to move as well. I actually quite like the effect (despite the fact you can clearly see where each surface ends), but it's very impractical as you'd have to double the amount of faces and vertices for each car (or whatever it is you want to give this effect to).

I see - still very neat for JK!

(Also bumping JK up a notch to "making a 1997 computer game look like something from February 1999")

(as opposed to January 1999)
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-28, 10:05 AM #1270
Parallax occlusion mapping was invented in 2002. Usually it's paired with per-pixel lighting, though, so you should split the difference - 2000, maybe 2001.
2019-03-28, 10:19 AM #1271
I wonder if HD textures from other enhancement mods (Duke Nukem 3D HRP, for example could be easily converted to JK and used with the same effects.

... also, looking at that picture, I wonder if colored lighting could somehow be implemented in JK with the injector?
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-28, 10:38 AM #1272
Originally posted by Nikumubeki:
I wonder if colored lighting could somehow be implemented in JK with the injector?

I'm pretty sure it could be enabled not only through the injector, but also through JK.exe patching alone, as well as fog. The thing is that it would be pointless to enable them without changing COG and/or JKL functions to actually use them. I suppose colored lightning could be controlled through materials (emissive textures would actually cast light etc) but you'd also need that extra info from JK.exe to track camera position etc.
2019-03-28, 10:41 AM #1273
Yeah, I was thinking of something like "if the injector can identify the MATs used in the game which can be then replaced with injected textures, could the light fixtures be detected and injected in the same way"
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-28, 10:48 AM #1274
Originally posted by Jon`C:
I’m not sure that’s the right solution to the problem. It’s feasible but all it would do is exactly what you’re describing - duplicating the model (just in memory, as jkgfxmod parsed the execute buffer, rather than on disk).

Still, would make the process easier for the modder :v: (that is, assuming it would be simple enough to implement)

Originally posted by Jon`C:
I think before going too much further down the materials rabbit hole I would like to see if there’s room to collaborate with someone familiar with jk.exe reverse engineering. If I can get just a little bit more per frame data there is suddenly a lot more low hanging fruit.
Originally posted by Nikumubeki:
I tried alerting Xzero on Steam but he hasn't been around in a while.

Like I said earlier, I also contacted Quib Mask and he replied at the time but didn't get into details. From what I can see, JK13 includes verbs for various camera-related info including GetCurrentCameraSector() and GetCameraFOV(), so I'm sure the info you need is retrievable. There is no GetCameraPos() however, so I'm assuming that's probably a little more tricky to obtain.
2019-03-28, 10:53 AM #1275
Originally posted by Ni:
Did anyone post this yet? Great work and keeps with the feel of the original game.

Oh, yeah! We covered this one a few pages back
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-28, 11:00 AM #1276
Originally posted by Nikumubeki:
I wonder if HD textures from other enhancement mods (Duke Nukem 3D HRP, for example could be easily converted to JK and used with the same effects.

That has normal mapping. Need eye space light positions at minimum; if you want it to look good, need world space light positions, camera position, vertex positions, and vertex normals (ideally vertex tangent and bitangent too, but this can be calculated in the fragment shader at a cost).

Assuming that JK's built in vertex dynamic lighting were also disabled, eye-space light positions (+intensity/color/radius/whatever) by itself would be enough to implement a basic per-pixel Principled BSDF model. This would include normal maps and metallic/roughness.

With the world-space data, you gain numerical stability and it becomes possible to use prebaked environment maps. The world-space data also means you could inject a proper sky scene in place of the sky textures, which currently isn't possible because there's no way to tell what direction the camera is facing (as far as the injector knows, the world rotates around the camera).

If in addition to the above world space data I had a callback that I could use to force JK to render a cubemap from the perspective of a thing, you'd gain soft shadows and some more environment mapping/IBL.

But right now it's pretty much tapped out on the data that's available.
2019-03-28, 11:11 AM #1277

Still might get some use out of some Q3 textures and whatnot that were used in JK mods without the normal/other maps. Might look into that at some point...
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-28, 12:54 PM #1278
I like how you can sort of make "buildings that look good from a distance" with these parallax maps:

[Unable to find specified attachment]

Of course, they can get quite psychedelic up close

[Unable to find specified attachment]
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-28, 1:17 PM #1279
Keep in mind that you’re basically raytracing inside a texture to save yourself 16 triangles
2019-03-28, 1:21 PM #1280
Yeah, I was trying to see if I could easily apply Cheap FGR Methods to these Duke HRP textures, but making them look serviceable would still veer into effort.

I also thought of giving this area in TODOA the"emissive textures" treatment, but I'm almost certain that making the whole thing look like a Christmas tree would also be within too much effort:

[Unable to find specified attachment]
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum

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