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Anything games
2019-03-21, 2:43 PM #1081
oh, and as a general note about materials: albedo factor isn’t clamped. If all you really want is a single bright texture then you might want to try experimenting with setting the RGB parts of albedo factor above 1.
2019-03-21, 10:14 PM #1082
Originally posted by SMLiberator:
An attempt has been made.

From what I gathered, the secret is to keep as little "glow" as possible in the texture for the emissive channel, so it's mostly just the "core" or white part, and leave the bloom and glow to the renderer. That way the glow looks more natural and you get rid of the oversaturated pixels around it. Most times you only need to darken the original image enough (via soft light or curves tweaking) so that only the white part is left. That's also what I did for the sabers.

Looks pretty good, gotta test it later.

Yeah, for these tests I just batch edited the original textures to have higher contrast and saturation, but apparently not enough!

If it weren't for the adjoin limit removal still being required, we could really have a JK2019* in our hands with this. But the combination of JkGfxMod + JKUP January 2008 is already pretty solid (aside from JK13's new COG commands and maybe the FOV changes, but aside from advertising it as a feature of TODOA TC, I don't really care that much about it).

I mean, I'm not gonna notice any differences between JK2013's 32-bitness and JkGfxMod's 32-bit rendering.

* = My definition of JK2019: Essentially a combination of JKUP 2008 and JK13 without the need for applying any patches/updates to JK.EXE (original CD version). Aside from the adjoin limit removal, JkGfxMod has pretty much already achieved that.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-21, 11:38 PM #1083
I've uploaded a build with SSAO and anisotropic filtering.
2019-03-22, 6:45 AM #1084
Yeah, this looks pretty good. Still would benefit from 4096x4096 textures, though.


Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-22, 6:54 AM #1085
Without SSAO/anisotropic filtering:

[Unable to find specified attachment] [Unable to find specified attachment]

And with them:

[Unable to find specified attachment] [Unable to find specified attachment]
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-22, 1:41 PM #1086
Alright, here's what I've got:

[Unable to find specified attachment]

Sample video:

Current version of the mod:

Before playng:
1) Get JKE first and install it.
2) Extract the contents of AlmostJK2019.7z to your root JK directory (assuming that you have either the original CD version, JKUP 2008 or JK13 installed).
3) Edit the resolution and possibly the MSAA/anisotropy values in jkgm.json.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-22, 2:17 PM #1087
I dunno what this JK20XX convention is about, but distributing the injector with mods is a great way to make bugs unfixable.

I promise I won’t break materials after 1.0, if that’s the concern
2019-03-22, 2:22 PM #1088
Yeah, these Dropbox files are more or less just "for the now" for anyone who's bored enough to test them out.

Making something like a retouched version of TODOA for the injector would already take a couple of years due to the "converting every 16-bit texture into an 8-bit one just to get the emissive stuff working" part.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-22, 2:25 PM #1089
Originally posted by Jon`C:
I dunno what this JK20XX convention is about

Well, for me, JK2019 could only be "fully realized" if the injector got rid of the adjoin/3DO limits, but that's not possible.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-22, 2:27 PM #1090
The video looks pretty cool but I'm not a fan of the flashes. Especially in 1st person mode. They're too big/bright.
2019-03-22, 3:08 PM #1091
Originally posted by Nikumubeki:
Yeah, these Dropbox files are more or less just "for the now" for anyone who's bored enough to test them out.

Making something like a retouched version of TODOA for the injector would already take a couple of years due to the "converting every 16-bit texture into an 8-bit one just to get the emissive stuff working" part.

If you want 16-bit mat replacement, all I need is a test case. Default box with one opaque and one transparent mat, plus the uncompiled material pack source.
2019-03-22, 3:12 PM #1092
Those JKE projectiles look kinda dodgy. Did you change them?

The original 3dos are a better basis for building emissive versions. Make the inside bit emissive, make the outside darker-coloured shell more emissive than the inside so it blooms out. I might do this after the level texture pack is done.
2019-03-22, 5:06 PM #1093
I was gonna say, I’ve also noticed that a lot of mods seem to include JK binary patches and ddraw replacements. This is pretty confusing. Are the binary patches backwards compatible? If I have JK2018 installed, do I need to install the mods JK2013, or can I just use what I’ve already got? Does the included ddraw.dll just fix the graphics, or does it do anything else? can I delete it? If I’m not careful, am I gonna overwrite my working ddraw.dll with your version that doesn’t work on my computer, and break JK again?

As someone who just got JK working on his computer for the first time in probably 12 years, coming back looking for recent mods to try I’m so confused about how to handle this stuff.

I understand someone wanting to make their mod self contained and to avoid confusing installation instructions, and it works - but only for your mod. In aggregate, for someone who plays more mods than one, it’s worse than doing nothing.

I have no right to tell anybody what to do with these ddraw “fixes” (that n.b. never worked for me) or JK20XX, but for the injector... yeah, please do not package it with your mod. If we need a better distribution/installation process for mods and the injector, that’s something we can and should discuss. Infinitely propagating dozens of broken versions of the injector is the worst answer.
2019-03-22, 5:28 PM #1094
@FGR who would've thought, a new JK mod by FGR.
I like the flashes (although they do look a little too large in first person), but why is the conc's purple?

@Jon I know those were rethorical questions, but I'm pretty sure every unofficial patch added upon the previous version so yes, they're all backwards compatible except for JK2018, which doesn't include the modified saber thickness from JK13 but was rather made to be compatible with modern machines without the need for extra fixes (like ddraw.dll), plus it provides support for A3D audio, 32bit colors and a 24bit z-buffer (and makes particles diamond-shaped rather than square-shaped). Probably due to these changes, it's also the only version of JK that seems to not be compatible with the injector.
2019-03-22, 5:30 PM #1095
but honestly, has anyone tried JKGR yet?
2019-03-23, 12:34 AM #1096
Originally posted by Brian:
The video looks pretty cool but I'm not a fan of the flashes. Especially in 1st person mode. They're too big/bright.

Originally posted by Jon`C:
Those JKE projectiles look kinda dodgy. Did you change them?

Originally posted by SMLiberator:
I like the flashes (although they do look a little too large in first person), but why is the conc's purple?

For comparison, here's the JK13 version of the saber and muzzle flashes:

Didn't change the JKE projectiles. And yeah, the injected muzzle flashes are quite raw and unoptimized (hence the purple conc blast), but for my part I just wanted to make them playable (and with the raw materials included in the 7z file - editable). After all, that required the least effort from me. Well, until I remove the files from my Dropbox at some point, but still.

Originally posted by SMLiberator:
@FGR who would've thought, a new JK mod by FGR.

Well, since T-O: DOA 2 was released in January, I had to edit my Obituary to reflect that - so I guess that means in 2020 I'll finally stop doing this stuff (having announced my retirement from game editing for the first time in 2013)?

That said:

Originally posted by Jon`C:
I have no right to tell anybody what to do with these ddraw “fixes” (that n.b. never worked for me) or JK20XX, but for the injector... yeah, please do not package it with your mod. If we need a better distribution/installation process for mods and the injector, that’s something we can and should discuss. Infinitely propagating dozens of broken versions of the injector is the worst answer.

Fully agreed, and that's why AlmostJK2019.7z is merely a showcase of what can be done with the injector (version 0.06) instead of something more permanent I'd have submitted to Brian after finishing zipping the file yesterday.

I think you can play through JK and possibly MotS with this stuff without a hitch. Maybe, haven't tried it (probably won't).

Both the injector and JK2018 (which I've never tried) seem to aim for the same thing: to be able to run and play JK in 2019 without the need for the ddraw.dll/JKUP/JK13 guff. I assume that JK2018 still patches the original EXE, so I think in that (and the emissive textures) regard the injector is a lot better and easier to use (and how it should be: extract the injector files to your root JK directory and that's it).

But since the injector can't get rid of the adjoin/3DO limits, for me JKUP 2008 (without ddraw.dll, so just the patched JK.EXE and JK-Extension.dll) + the injector is currently the go-to choice. Unless I felt like playing TODOA TC SP (which has been specifically optimized for JK2013), which I don't.

Originally posted by Jon`C:
If you want 16-bit mat replacement, all I need is a test case. Default box with one opaque and one transparent mat, plus the uncompiled material pack source.

I might get around to that, got to test some other things while at it.

One thing I've noticed so far was with the bar sign in level 1 of JK. While I had the injected textures installed, the JKR.gob 16-bit version of the .MAT file showed up (without the emissive additions), so I guess the engine still prioritizes alphabetically preceding files in the Resource directory over the injected ones.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-23, 12:37 AM #1097
Originally posted by SMLiberator:
but honestly, has anyone tried JKGR yet?

Have you uploaded a version with the new explosions yet?
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-23, 12:50 AM #1098
Originally posted by Jon`C:
I dunno what this JK20XX convention is about, but distributing the injector with mods is a great way to make bugs unfixable.

One bug that seems to have persisted: At the end of an episode (i.e. a level pack), the game crashes. It goes through the episode's levels properly so in a 2-level mod it luckily doesn't crash after level 1, for example.

However, when JK/inject.exe is run in -devmode and you play through some level in debug mode, the game doesn't crash and returns to the main menu properly.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-23, 1:49 AM #1099
Originally posted by Jon`C:
If you want 16-bit mat replacement, all I need is a test case. Default box with one opaque and one transparent mat, plus the uncompiled material pack source.

Here's a test build (includes the test level, both 8-bit and 16-bit versions of the test MATs, the PNGs for compiling the matpack and my additions to script.json for the matpack):

Making that test build also made me realize one thing why an inject.exe version of TODOA* will never come to pass: Remember this? Well, since a lot of TODOA's hi-res textures had to be multiplied in that way (to make the hi-res texture square), making an injector-friendly version of its hi-res textures would require manual editing of the textures to remove the squareness. In other words: No.

(* = Not that I'd ever be that keen on revisiting an old project of mine to begin with, though)
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-23, 2:42 AM #1100
More cheap FGR solutions, though: Decreasing the texture size of the muzzle flashes does shrink the size of the muzzle flashes nicely (seen above in the following screenshot):

[Unable to find specified attachment]

Shrank it further for [see the next post]
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-23, 3:22 AM #1101
In fact, I updated the AlmostJK2019.7z file with the fixed-size muzzle flashes:


I also like how Kyle has a sort-of-a-shadow below him at the end of the video.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-23, 5:40 AM #1102

2019-03-23, 5:44 AM #1103

Texture pack is almost done. Need to do some minor touch-ups and tweak emissive factors. Then it'll be... good enough.
2019-03-23, 7:54 AM #1104
Cool, really looking forward to it!

Originally posted by SMLiberator:
it's also the only version of JK that seems to not be compatible with the injector.

Which JK.dll does JK2018 use, I can't even get it to run without the injector (JK13's JK.dll doesn't seem to work)
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-23, 8:01 AM #1105
Also, Kroko once again tested out JK@Steam with the injector yesterday, and confirmed that it didn't work with Steam's unedited version of JK (what with it having JediKnight.EXE instead of JK.EXE). So what have you been smoking, Impi!?

I, however, forgot why it didn't work with GOG's version of JK, and on my end it seems that no matter what the resolution in jkgm.json, it runs the game at 640x480 but only shows the upper left corner of the screen (so you can barely make out the main menu of Single Player/Multiplayer/Quit) and when you try to run the actual game, it crashes and retains the monitor resolution at 640x480 so it has to be manually changed back from the Desktop settings.

(Also, speaking of that crashing bug, I haven't tried savegames with the injector which could be an issue to some - especially with certain levels)
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-23, 8:28 AM #1106
gawd damn it looks so good. What a difference a simple emissive channel makes in some of those "high contrast" scenes. Not to mention the general satisfaction of having lights be... lit...
2019-03-23, 8:33 AM #1107
I also tried incorporating the muzzle flashes in MotS, which works properly with a few COG and 3DO names changes/additions - except for the bowcaster and the blastech pistol (for the former, JK's bowcaster COG doesn't appear to work without editing in MotS and for the latter, the whole "muzzle flashes added to the 3D model" stuff should be done).
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-23, 9:09 AM #1108
Also, the injector makes the clone fetuses in TODOA look better than before:

[Unable to find specified attachment]

Good work, team.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-23, 11:26 AM #1109
Originally posted by Jon`C:

What's really intriguing to me about this first shot is that I can fully imagine a UE4 clone that takes inspiration from the now very well defined plumbing on the ceiling, replacing the flat 2D texture with the equivalent 3d model.

Anyway, it goes without saying that this is amazing work!
2019-03-23, 11:53 AM #1110
yup, if I had the data I needed from JK, I would have done displacement or parallax mapping
2019-03-23, 12:30 PM #1111
Originally posted by Nikumubeki:
Have you uploaded a version with the new explosions yet?

I did, but haven't tested the "release" versions yet. I feel like at this point JKGR has turned into an unexplainable mess of content, like there's just too much of it for anyone to take in, so as the only person working on it it's pretty hard to keep track of everything.

Material Pack (Mod)
Material Pack (Level)
WWII Expansion

Originally posted by Jon`C:


Originally posted by Nikumubeki:
Which JK.dll does JK2018 use, I can't even get it to run without the injector (JK13's JK.dll doesn't seem to work)

Weird. Isn't JK.dll just the new cog verbs? I use JK13's and it always worked flawlessly for me.
2019-03-23, 12:50 PM #1112
I always thought that JK.dll for JK13 was just the equivalent of JK-Extension.dll for JKUP (not that I know what JK-Extension.dll does either, I always assumed that they activated the Unofficial Patch updates). Oh well, doesn't matter that much to me at the moment because JK2018 indeed requires patching JK.EXE, whereas the injector doesn't (which I find far suitable for reasons I vaguely explained at some point before).

I've been planning to take a look at JKGR for a while, but my brain is currently not organized properly for stuff like "playing something new". Which is an interesting condition on its own (as in, even having a restraint like that), but such is the life of FGR.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-23, 1:20 PM #1113
(Also I extracted files from and in the same folder and JK crashes)
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-23, 1:35 PM #1114
Originally posted by Nikumubeki:
I always thought that JK.dll for JK13 was just the equivalent of JK-Extension.dll for JKUP

Pretty sure it is, and pretty sure that's the new cog verbs.

Originally posted by Nikumubeki:
(Also I extracted files from and in the same folder and JK crashes)

...Weird. GRTest is supposed to go into Episode, forgot to include that in a readme. Also, it must be ran from JK13 (haven't tested it with any older version, but I use many of some of the new cog verbs a lot).
2019-03-23, 1:52 PM #1115
Hmm, it still appears to crash on my end. I extracted the files from first to JK\Resource (with GRTest files under JK\Mod), it crashed. Tried putting the files to the JK\mod folder instead (ignoring the GRTest ones for that test), still crashed.

Also tried running the mod folder with JK13 (+dgvoodoo), still crashed.

Also had the JKGR Level and Mod texture packs in \jkgm\materials for all the above tests, then tried all of the above without those jkgm textures in - still crashed.

Gonna have to try this stuff on another computer at some point, this one seems to be kinda haunted...
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-23, 1:56 PM #1116
Very weird. This hasn't happened in any of the machines I tried JKGR on. Does it crash on startup? Or when starting a level? Any level?

I'll try making a fresh install of JK with JK13 in my end to see if it happens here too.

[edit: Works nicely. Without JK13 it doesn't crash, but literally nothing works.]
2019-03-23, 1:57 PM #1117
It crashes right after the "Loading" progress bar has filled up before even getting to the main menu.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-23, 2:25 PM #1118
When it crashes that way for me it's usually a cog causing problems (either too long or too many conditional statements etc). Do you have any other mods installed? If you don't, try renaming the "cog" folder inside the mod folder to something else. Nothing will work that way, but I want to be sure if that's where the problem is.
2019-03-23, 9:27 PM #1119

Remember how I said many games are plagued by hackers?

Pay close attention. See anything odd?

Pay closer attention. Look at this glasses.

Lol. Competitive matchmaking games are such a joke.
2019-03-23, 9:52 PM #1120
Unless I'm mistaken, the reflections shows a character (appears purple) that doesn't appear on the game image. Is that correct? Is he using some hack that allows him to see through walls?

Also, I've never understand watching someone else play a video game, especially online. It's all the worst parts of having to share a nintendo with your brother, but you don't get to fight with him and take the controller when you get bored.

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