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Anything games
2019-04-19, 7:11 PM #1401

The graphics mod has come up in the discussion. Jon may be one step closer to his PC Gamer article.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-04-21, 1:24 PM #1402
So Microsoft has Battlefront 1+2 in a bundle for about ten bucks so I picked it up not expecting much. I really only care to play the single player campaign anyway (still not expecting much).

Initial reactions:

What in the hell is it with load times in Battlefront 2? Terrible. And what in the hell is this crappy interface?

Okay, I get that Disney's Star Wars mantra is The Force is Female but it starts to get cartoony really quick when every other rebel looks like either a generic Leia or Twilek dancing girl in uniform. Considering this is OT time frame it feels particularly out of place.

Upon completing the first mission, where you get to an airlock, my screen went to black and I could only hear the cutscene. I actually had to play it again to retrigger the scene.

Endor level was actually pretty cool. I liked that I could take a stealth approach to taking out a bunch of rebels before I actually had to resort to blasters. There was one really poorly executed part, though. The protagonist is giving a pep talk to a bunch of stormtroopers before heading to retake a launch pad. I pictured all of them raising a fist and cheering hooray but, no, you get about three individual and quite unemotional voices with the last one being some anonymous stormtrooper chick saying "for the empire". Very underwhelming.

The gameplay actually seems pretty fair and I'm playing on the hardest difficulty and it definitely looks nice. I have a little while to go I suppose. I just got to the Luke level last night.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-04-22, 7:28 AM #1403
So loading the previous checkpoint resulted in this:

Except I was already past the cutscene so it just started that way. Restarting the level fixed it. Two major bugs so far. I don't remember ever experiencing bugs like this in a AAA title, especially one that's been out for awhile and fully patched. Just got to the Leia level last night, not sure if I'll get back on it tonight or not.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-04-23, 4:42 AM #1404
Deus Ex takes place in an unspecified near future in an alternate history where real world conspiracy theories are true. These include speculations regarding black helicopters, vaccinations, and FEMA, as well as Area 51, the ECHELON network, Men in Black, chupacabras (in the form of "greasels"), and grey aliens. Mysterious groups such as Majestic 12, the Illuminati, the Knights Templar, the Bilderberg Group, and the Trilateral Commission also either play a central part in the plot or are alluded to during the course of the game.

This makes Deus Ex sound incredibly appealing.
2019-04-23, 8:19 AM #1405
Originally posted by Reid:
This makes Deus Ex sound incredibly appealing.

**** yeah I didnt know that****
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2019-04-24, 9:28 AM #1406
Originally posted by Spook:
**** yeah I didnt know that****

I played it for a bit yesterday before I got serious with my day. It's great. You're literally an "anti-terrorist" FEMA agent and are sent in the first mission to kill civilian "terrorists", who just want to get food.

You ARE the globalist.
2019-04-24, 9:31 AM #1407

I've been suggested the game Nier: Automata by a friend. Typically I hate weeb **** and the above is part of why. Why does 2B's design have to be so obviously intended for sex appeal? Fan service in weeb **** is so bad, I can't even deal. Why are video games like this?
2019-04-24, 11:07 AM #1408
I think the main reason you should avoid anime or whatever it is you're referring to as weeb **** is that you're the type of person to refer to it as weeb ****.

In Nier: Automata, 2B is "obviously intended for sex appeal" because Yoko Taro "just really like[s] girls". What refreshing honesty, brings a tear to my eye.
2019-04-24, 11:19 AM #1409
remember that time EA couldn't get their ****ty engine working right, so they tried to rebrand renderer bugs as body positivity?

edit: on the subject of "refreshing honesty". Basically EA couldn't get their sex appeal to work right, so they lied about it. IMHO including a pretty girl for the sake of having a pretty girl is way less problematic.
2019-04-24, 11:26 AM #1410
Originally posted by Reid:
I've been suggested the game Nier: Automata by a friend. Typically I hate weeb **** and the above is part of why. Why does 2B's design have to be so obviously intended for sex appeal? Fan service in weeb **** is so bad, I can't even deal. Why are video games like this?

Originally posted by saberopus:
I think the main reason you should avoid anime or whatever it is you're referring to as weeb **** is that you're the type of person to refer to it as weeb ****.

In Nier: Automata, 2B is "obviously intended for sex appeal" because Yoko Taro "just really like[s] girls". What refreshing honesty, brings a tear to my eye.

I think the Yoko Taro quote is maybe misleading/overly modest b/c that game is extremely About Being Horny so there is definitely significance to the character designs

Kind of the opposite of the Kojima "when you find out why Quiet is naked you will be ashamed of your words and actions"
2019-04-24, 11:43 AM #1411
Yeah, Taro doesn't seem too concerned with laying out all his exact thoughts on the game.

Personally the sexiness of 2B doesn't bother me. It may to some degree be pandering or self-indulgent, but it aligns enough with the themes of the game to not feel feel egregious.
2019-04-24, 12:06 PM #1412
Originally posted by Reid:
Why are video games like this?

Maybe for the same reason boys like race cars or fighter jets? You might get more support for this kinda of vidya bashing over at r/justneckbeardthings, though.

Since you've recently been despairing that games aren't as deep as Dostoevsky, it might be sensible to at least admit that the median age / sophistication level is a bit lower than what you seem to want. That said, I looked at some art showing off the sexiness of 2B, and I can see how someone might call it tacky. If I still played games or watched anime, I guess the degree of sex in the genre might grate on me, especially if the 'finer' artistic parts of the work are hopelessly mingled with its occurrence. Actually, I don't mind sex in serious movies if it's done right (and judging from the other replies, it sounds like it's done well here too). There certainly is something about the proportions of anime characters that frankly never looks right to me, but hey, they are cartoons, after all....
2019-04-24, 12:17 PM #1413
kickin hornets' nests all day
2019-04-24, 12:25 PM #1414
One of my social justicie friends (apparently) hate watches reddit all day. He messages me to tell me about all the stuff that pisses him off. But my mentality is, if you hate it so much, just don't look at it...

Edit: though I would probably do well to take some of my own advice here...
2019-04-24, 1:08 PM #1415
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Since you've recently been despairing that games aren't as deep as Dostoevsky, it might be sensible to at least admit that the median age / sophistication level is a bit lower than what you seem to want. That said, I looked at some art showing off the sexiness of 2B, and I can see how someone might call it tacky. If I still played games or watched anime, I guess the degree of sex in the genre might grate on me, especially if the 'finer' artistic parts of the work are hopelessly mingled with its occurrence. Actually, I don't mind sex in serious movies if it's done right (and judging from the other replies, it sounds like it's done well here too).

I think it depends so much on context--is it aligned with the purpose of the game or is it at odds with it b/c the creator couldn't restrain themselves?

I always thought "Hunter" in Quake 3 was an interesting example b/c she's a totally oversexed character, but she exists in the context of a ridiculous gonzo fantasy. One of the characters is a skeleton. There's also several women characters who aren't sexpots. So IMO that's fine. On the other hand some of the women in Mass Effect 2-3, who are ostensibly soldiers/professional operatives, and their T&A costumes stand out amidst a lot of (relatively) more plausible worldbuilding.

Nier Automata is an interesting case b/c it has ambitions to talk about sexuality and violence and the character designs are definitely deliberate and connected to that. BUT at first blush it looks pretty indistinguishable from a hundred other anime fanservice games, so I don't blame anyone who has that reaction
2019-04-24, 1:50 PM #1416
Originally posted by saberopus:
I think the main reason you should avoid anime or whatever it is you're referring to as weeb **** is that you're the type of person to refer to it as weeb ****.

In Nier: Automata, 2B is "obviously intended for sex appeal" because Yoko Taro "just really like[s] girls". What refreshing honesty, brings a tear to my eye.

I'm 100% judging this book by it's cover, but the problem I have with anime and sexuality is it's often expressed at awkward times. Two instances I can recall are in Ghost in the Shell, the setting is just dialogue and they frame part of the scene with Motoko's breasts in the foreground. Another was in AnoHana, two characters meet who haven't seen each other in years, and it's a bit awkward and tense. You get a frame between her legs so you can see her panties.

I find that kind of fan service incredibly grating. Anime has a tendency to mix sexual elements with nonsexual contexts and the contrast just weirds me the **** out. Like, the kind of people who want to think about a girl's panties during a tense emotional moment are ****ing weird man.

It seems to happen in pretty much every anime which isn't for children so I've stopped trying to watch them for the most part. Put sexuality in a sexy context and it's fine. Put sexuality in a nonsexy context and you make me feel like I'm a pervert if I enjoy it.
2019-04-24, 3:33 PM #1417
To be fair, most anime is made in Japan, so

[respecting cultural differences]
2019-04-24, 7:55 PM #1418
I wish Carpking was still around so we could get his 2 cents on Reid's topic.
Last night I tried to watch the anime movie Godzilla: The Planet of Monsters on Netflix, it was a painful reminder of how much plodding exposition can be crammed into an hour and a half film. The entire movie is that some humans left Earth on a ship to get away from Godzilla because he was wrecking the place. They travel in space for 20 years, then decide finding another habitable planet is too much of a long shot, so they turn around and discover that due to relativism it has been 10K years since they left and that Godzilla is still there, and he kicks their asses. I should have watched TNG instead.
My blawgh.
2019-04-25, 9:49 AM #1419
^^ that actually sounds really cool.

TNG is overrated but I've been watching Enterprise and blaaahhhhh.
2019-04-25, 10:39 AM #1420
I loved Godzilla as a kid and generally like anime. I think these Netflix Godzilla films are pretty bad.

On the Battlefront 2 front the stormtrooper AI in the Leia mission was just weak. Still playing on the hardest difficulty and about the only way I would die is when I felt the need to really get in the fight. All I really had to do was hang back, take some out at a distance, and kill the occasional TR8R trooper. I think I last left the game in a Solo mission. I think he looks silly with the beard.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-04-28, 3:08 PM #1421
Smash Ultimate is a graveyard of abandoned characters.

I did some objective and totally scientific analysis by first thinking about the last time I saw one of these characters in their own series, and then thinking about the last time I saw these characters in a good game, and then looking up when those games came out. Lines are blank where I plain couldn't think of a game that even qualified. (Edit: Some re-releases are included, some excluded. Kinda variable on that one. If I thought of it, I included it. If I forgot about it, I didn't. Like I said, this is all very scientific.)

Fighter        Last flagship    Years since    Last good game    Years since
Mario        2017-10-27    1.50        2017-10-27    1.50
Donkey Kong    2014-02-21    5.18        2014-02-21    5.18
Link        2017-03-03    2.15        2017-03-03    2.15
Samus        2010-08-31    8.66        2007-08-27    11.67
Dark Samus    2007-08-27    11.67        2007-08-27    11.67
Yoshi        2019-03-29    0.08        2019-03-29    0.08
Kirby        2018-03-16    1.12        2018-03-16    1.12
Fox        2016-04-22    3.01        1997-07-01    21.82
Pikachu        2018-11-16    0.45        2018-11-16    0.45
Luigi        2001-11-18    17.44        2013-06-20    5.85
Ness        1995-06-07    23.89        1995-06-05    23.90
Captain Falcon    2003-07-25    15.76        2003-07-25    15.76
Jigglypuff    2018-11-16    0.45        2018-11-16    0.45
Peach        2017-10-27    1.50        2017-10-27    1.50
Bowser        2017-10-27    1.50        2017-10-27    1.50
Ice Climbers    1985-10-18    33.52        1985-10-18    33.52
Sheik        1998-11-23    20.43        2014-08-14    4.70
Zelda        2017-03-03    2.15        2017-03-03    2.15
Dr. Mario    2015-06-11    3.88        2015-06-11    3.88
Pichu        2017-11-17    1.44        2017-11-17    1.44
Falco        2016-04-22    3.01        1997-07-01    21.82
Young Link    2000-04-27    19.00        2015-02-13    4.20
Ganondorf    2006-11-19    12.44        2014-09-26    4.59
Mewtwo        2018-11-16    0.45        2018-11-16    0.45
Mr. G&W                
Meta Knight    2010-10-17    8.53        2010-10-17    8.53
Pit        2012-03-23    7.10        2012-03-23    7.10
Dark Pit    2012-03-23    7.10        2012-03-23    7.10
Zero Suit Samus    2010-08-31    8.66        2007-08-27    11.67
Wario        2018-08-03    0.73        2018-08-03    0.73
Snake        2008-06-12    10.87        2008-06-12    10.87
PKMN (Kanto)    2018-11-16    0.45        2018-11-16    0.45
Diddy Kong    2014-02-21    5.18        2014-02-21    5.18
Sonic        2017-08-15    1.70        2017-08-15    1.70
King Dedede    2010-10-17    8.53        2010-10-17    8.53
Olimar        2004-08-30    14.66        2004-08-30    14.66
Lucario        2013-10-12    5.54        2013-10-12    5.54
ROB        1985-10-18    33.52        1985-10-18    33.52
Toon Link    2009-12-07    9.39        2002-12-13    16.37
Wolf        2016-04-22    3.01        1997-07-01    21.82
Villager    2017-10-25    1.51        2001-04-14    18.04
Mega Man    2018-10-02    0.57        2018-10-02    0.57
Wii Fit TRAINER    2013-11-01    5.49        2008-05-21    10.93
Rosalina    2013-11-22    5.43        2013-11-22    5.43
Little Mac    2009-05-18    9.94        2009-05-18    9.94
Greninja    2017-11-17    1.44        2017-11-17    1.44
Mii FIGHTER                
Palutena    2012-03-23    7.10        2012-03-23    7.10
Pac-Man        2005-08-17    13.69        2005-08-17    13.69
Robin        2013-02-04    6.23        2013-02-04    6.23
Shulk        2012-04-06    7.06        2012-04-06    7.06
Bowser Jr.    2012-11-18    6.44        2017-08-29    1.66
Duck Hunt    1985-10-18    33.52        1985-10-18    33.52
Ryu        2016-02-16    3.20        2016-02-16    3.20
Ken        2016-02-16    3.20        2016-02-16    3.20
Cloud        1997-01-31    22.24        2009-04-16    10.03
Corrin        2016-03-10    3.13        2016-03-10    3.13
Bayonetta    2014-10-24    4.51        2014-10-24    4.51
Inkling        2017-07-21    1.77        2017-07-21    1.77
Ridley        2010-08-31    8.66        2007-08-27    11.67
Simon        1988-12-01    30.40        2010-08-04    8.73
Richter        1997-10-02    21.57        2010-08-04    8.73
King K. Rool    1999-11-22    19.43        2007-10-08    11.55
Isabelle    2017-10-25    1.51        2001-04-14    18.04
Incineroar    2017-11-17    1.44        2017-11-17    1.44
Average                8.49                8.52
Outliers Excluded        6.96                6.99

So excluding jokey-joke characters like ROB and Duck Hunt dog, it's been about 7 years on average since a Smash Ultimate fighter was in a game that was meaningfully about them, and also about 7 years on average since they were in a game that I may have given a **** about (even if I didn't necessarily play it).

That's ****in forever.

Here's some perspective. That means, for all the kids and teens at the widest part of the customer acquisition funnel, i.e. the future gamers, for their entire conscious existence most of the characters in Smash Bros Ultimate have just been Smash Bros characters. They've never known these characters as anything else.

So is this good marketing, or bad marketing? These brands are good enough to make it into Smash Bros, so obviously Nintendo et al see some value to them. But they're also not,... you know, ****in using them? Cross-marketing these characters maybe helps build up some interest (Melee is the only reason Fire Emblem games were ever released in North America), but at the same time there are perfectly serviceable brands that are basically rotting away on the Smash roster.

Nintendo seems committed to pushing their characters into the same niche as Mickey Mouse and Loony Tunes, some-day Nintendo World mascots they can use to sell hats, while their real business evolves into slime guns and phone games.
2019-04-28, 3:31 PM #1422
So to prognosticate, this is basically what I'm seeing for Nintendo's future marketing hurdles:

Fighter        Will kids born today even care?
Mario        Yes
Donkey Kong    Maybe
Link        Yes
Samus        No
Dark Samus    No
Yoshi        Yes
Kirby        Maybe
Fox        No
Pikachu        Yes
Luigi        Yes
Ness        No
Captain Falcon    No
Jigglypuff    Sorta (it is a Pokemon)
Peach        Yes
Daisy           No
Bowser        Yes
Ice Climbers    No
Sheik        Maybe
Zelda        Yes
Dr. Mario    No
Pichu        Yes
Falco        No
Marth          No
Lucina          No
Young Link    Maybe
Ganondorf    Maybe
Mewtwo        Sorta (it is a Pokemon)
Roy            No
Chrom         No
Mr. G&W         No
Meta Knight    No
Pit        No
Dark Pit    No
Zero Suit Samus    No
Wario        Maybe
Snake        No
Ike           No
PKMN (Kanto)    Yes
Diddy Kong    No
Lucas          No
Sonic        No
King Dedede    No
Olimar        No
Lucario        Sorta (it is a Pokemon)
ROB        No
Toon Link    No
Wolf        No
Villager    No
Mega Man    Yes
Wii Fit TRAINER    No
Rosalina    No
Little Mac    No
Greninja    Sorta (it is a Pokemon)
Mii FIGHTER     what the **** is a mii
Palutena    No
Pac-Man        Maybe
Robin        No
Shulk        No
Bowser Jr.    Maybe
Duck Hunt    No
Ryu        Maybe
Ken        Maybe
Cloud        Probably not
Corrin        No
Bayonetta    No
Inkling        Maybe
Ridley        No
Simon        No
Richter        No
King K. Rool    No
Isabelle    No
Incineroar    Sorta (it is a Pokemon)

So, yeah, it's pretty much dominated by Pokemon and Mario. Zelda has a chance but lets be frank, what little we've had of Zelda recently is a soft reboot, it's not the 20 year old Ocarina of Time stuff they're pushing everywhere else. Past that it's already neglected AF today and will only get worse over time. And even those recent on-brand games weren't made by nintendo, they were overwhelmingly made by third parties.

This all started from youtube recommending me a smash ultimate video, which then led me down this reasoning to the point that I'm now asking what nintendo is even working on anymore.
2019-04-29, 10:24 AM #1423
Why are they even making a Metroid Prime 4. How does it make sense resource-wise? I mean, I would like one with the same dev creativity and thought as the first one but those guys at Retro Studios have left. Nintendo don't want to disappoint weirdos like me? I've been eating disappointment since the end of HL2:EP2, and the fanbase isn't that big at all.

Can they not back out of this WiiU-era promise?

edit: Would kids really care about Mega Man?
2019-04-29, 10:37 AM #1424
Metroid Prime 4, more like Metroid Dime, heh... Store.
2019-04-29, 10:38 AM #1425
Sorry Echoman you deserve better how bout (heh) Metroid Crime: Bore
2019-04-29, 10:41 AM #1426
2019-04-29, 11:08 AM #1427
Originally posted by ECHOMAN:
Why are they even making a Metroid Prime 4. How does it make sense resource-wise? I mean, I would like one with the same dev creativity and thought as the first one but those guys at Retro Studios have left. Nintendo don't want to disappoint weirdos like me? I've been eating disappointment since the end of HL2:EP2, and the fanbase isn't that big at all.

Can they not back out of this WiiU-era promise?

edit: Would kids really care about Mega Man?

I don't know. When Metroid Other M came out it was simultaneously Nintendo's biggest budget game, biggest loss, but also the best-selling Metroid game in Japan. It's the kind of schizophrenic outcome that would give me pause if I were an executive at Nintendo, but since I don't know them, I don't know if it did or if they even understand what the problem is.

They rebooted development, and moved the project from Japan to the United States. So I think they possibly do understand where some of the problem is. That's a good sign for Metroid Prime 4.
2019-04-29, 11:48 AM #1428
Originally posted by Jon`C:
They rebooted development, and moved the project from Japan to the United States. So I think they possibly do understand where some of the problem is. That's a good sign for Metroid Prime 4.

For people who don't follow Metroid, I'll explain:

NoJ and NoA never established a consistent theme in Metroid games. They were pushed at different audiences in the two regions, more or less resulting in western consumers thinking of Metroid as some realistic space biohorror Aliens knockoff, and Japanese consumers thinking of Metroid as some dumb anime ****. NoJ, being the mothership, ultimately "won" this fight (airquotes because it was Pyrrhic AF). And that's how Samus got hypersexualized and hyperfeminized in modern portrayals, how we got an Other M that was uncomfortably sexist and a commercial flop despite selling the best in Japan of any Metroid game, and why Prime 3 is so aesthetically and stylistically weird and compromised. For people in the west who grew up with Metroid this is some uncanny valley ****, but from NoJ's perspective it's what Metroid kinda always really was....

fwiw, Mercury Steam did a fantastic job downplaying the regional thematic issues and hypersexualization in Metroid: Samus Returns. It does have the zero suit but it's... well, it's the bare minimum that you're probably allowed to do for a Metroid game these days, as opposed to some Smash Ultimate **** with SPACE hooker boots and a SPACE bikini. So I think there's a chance Nintendo understands where they went wrong here (let NoJ take the reins of a product only successful in western markets), but I'm also not totally convinced that there's much left to salvage at this point.
2019-04-29, 11:52 AM #1429
stay tuned for my 4 part essay about how there's never been a finished Zelda game, and my 17 part essay about how Nintendo doesn't know what the **** Star Fox even is
2019-04-29, 12:01 PM #1430
Uncanny Valley:

2019-04-29, 12:02 PM #1431
search "uncanny valley" on google images and try not to laugh uncomfortably
2019-04-29, 12:12 PM #1432
though tbf when EA forces you to use Frostbite you're not in for a good time

interesting how Apex Legends wasn't developed using Frostbite, and is by far the most successful EA title in recent memory ����
2019-04-29, 12:32 PM #1433
oof my finger slipped and i typed uncanny valley rule 34 by mistake
2019-04-29, 12:32 PM #1434
also i'm at work and i didn't get fired but my boss walked by and whispered 'nice' which is way worse
2019-04-29, 12:35 PM #1435
Originally posted by saberopus:
also i'm at work and i didn't get fired but my boss walked by and whispered 'nice' which is way worse

2019-04-29, 2:00 PM #1436
2019-04-29, 2:06 PM #1437
Originally posted by Jon`C:
So, yeah, it's pretty much dominated by Pokemon and Mario. Zelda has a chance but lets be frank, what little we've had of Zelda recently is a soft reboot, it's not the 20 year old Ocarina of Time stuff they're pushing everywhere else. Past that it's already neglected AF today and will only get worse over time. And even those recent on-brand games weren't made by nintendo, they were overwhelmingly made by third parties.

This all started from youtube recommending me a smash ultimate video, which then led me down this reasoning to the point that I'm now asking what nintendo is even working on anymore.

I looked it up and it looks roughly like 1.5~2 std of smash players are between 14 and 24 years old. You're absolutely right, none of these kids know the characters from anything but smash.

It is weird. But all Nintendo has been doing for years is release consoles, then release a smash, mario kart, mario and zelda game. Then like 3 other developers release 2 games. It's no surprise the characters are all rotting.
2019-05-01, 12:15 AM #1438
That new Sonic the Hedgehog movie looks like a pretty lousy Sonic movie, but possibly the best Ace Ventura
2019-05-01, 8:51 AM #1439
Just looked it up. It looks so bad I started laughing and throwing up at the same time.
My blawgh.
2019-05-01, 10:57 AM #1440
Originally posted by Jon`C:
NoJ and NoA never established a consistent theme in Metroid games. They were pushed at different audiences in the two regions, more or less resulting in western consumers thinking of Metroid as some realistic space biohorror Aliens knockoff, and Japanese consumers thinking of Metroid as some dumb anime ****.

Yup. I think Metroid is a prime (no pun intended...) example of these cultural differences since I can't think of any other game series that fluctuates thematically as much as this one. But I do wonder if Nintendo can afford to make a first ( or second?) party western game for western audiences these days; it has to appeal to some populace of Japanese gamers...or maybe not? Compromise the game more (like whatever the **** that 3DS game was)?

It's weird because if you were born when Prime 3 came out, you would be a kid entering your teen years without having seen a new, real entry to the series. Would you care? why does time fly so fast...

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