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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Anything games
Anything games
2019-01-28, 8:47 AM #641
woops, what I meant to say was I'm a fan of hentai, but I wouldn't be caught dead watchin' some wholesome-ass anime
2019-01-29, 1:44 PM #642
just the wholesome ass-anime
2019-01-29, 2:02 PM #643
2019-01-29, 3:53 PM #644
Originally posted by saberopus:
While I'm a fan of anime, I don't watch "those" kind.

I would get into anime more if it weren't for the excessive fan service. Even "good" anime still does it and I don't like it.
2019-01-29, 4:47 PM #645
Not sure you're doing this right: you're supposed to be getting off to it rather than into it.
2019-01-31, 9:00 PM #646

The glorious self-parody.
2019-01-31, 9:20 PM #647
Considering that the guy who shot up that movie theater in Colorado had modeled himself after the Joker, I'm not sure it's a good idea to channel this character in order to feed mentally deranged teenagers apocalyptic conspiracy theories about SJWs.
2019-01-31, 9:24 PM #648
Also, I must be seriously out of touch with dumbass teenagers these days, but looking at that video and reading some of the commen...

wait a minute, am I getting old? I basically sound like Red Forman from That '70s Show...
2019-02-01, 12:15 AM #649
how dare they tell me to stop being racist
2019-02-01, 12:29 AM #650
I very much doubt the comments on the video Reid is referring to (and which I just read) are telling people not to be racist (in case the gist of my post was unclear). Most of the ones I saw were about how insightful the joker was for "predicting SJWism" (???)
2019-02-01, 12:40 AM #651
"how dare they tell me to stop being racist" - racist children on youtube, while referring to adults as SJWs
2019-02-01, 3:16 AM #652
ahhhh. Yes.
2019-02-01, 3:17 AM #653
I don't know what it is about gaming that attracts such terrible people.
2019-02-01, 3:21 AM #654
Hmm. Well, can you think of any other expensive, time-consuming, unproductive hobbies that attract terrible people?
2019-02-01, 3:21 AM #655
Games make people terrible, duh.
Sorry for the lousy German
2019-02-01, 4:05 AM #656
I mean, kinda?
2019-02-01, 4:12 AM #657
Look, let me put it this way.

Being one of these kids means:
- You can afford a gaming PC or a console
- You can afford to buy an awful lot of games
- You have enough leisure time to play games to the point where it's an important part of your identity
- You have enough leisure time to make ****ty comments after watching youtube videos about playing games

Like, that's a whole pile of privilege heaped right up on there.

Video games are basically useless. Nothing that you do or learn in a video game matters, and no skills you learn will transfer in any meaningful sense. I mean, I enjoy them too, but video games are just a pastime. It's not like a hobby or learning a skill where you build up your self worth in a way that matters. And if video games are your all-consuming interest, like it is for a lot of these kids, their self worth is on a pretty shaky foundation tbh.

So basically:

- Born super privileged
- Nothing real to be proud of

And then "SJWs" criticize the idea of, you know, privilege, and then they criticize games for being, you know, murder simulator time wasters, and oh look that covers the totality of their existence
2019-02-01, 10:09 PM #658
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Look, let me put it this way.

Being one of these kids means:
- You can afford a gaming PC or a console
- You can afford to buy an awful lot of games
- You have enough leisure time to play games to the point where it's an important part of your identity
- You have enough leisure time to make ****ty comments after watching youtube videos about playing games

Like, that's a whole pile of privilege heaped right up on there.

Video games are basically useless. Nothing that you do or learn in a video game matters, and no skills you learn will transfer in any meaningful sense. I mean, I enjoy them too, but video games are just a pastime. It's not like a hobby or learning a skill where you build up your self worth in a way that matters. And if video games are your all-consuming interest, like it is for a lot of these kids, their self worth is on a pretty shaky foundation tbh.

So basically:

- Born super privileged
- Nothing real to be proud of

And then "SJWs" criticize the idea of, you know, privilege, and then they criticize games for being, you know, murder simulator time wasters, and oh look that covers the totality of their existence

Video games are the best way to waste thousands of your precious few hours alive on the planet.
2019-02-01, 10:20 PM #659
You've got to be kidding me.
2019-02-03, 2:31 AM #660
Those "THE CRIMINAL WAS RIGHT!" videos made by, well, those who'd identify with criminals are always amusing.

Freaking Americans and their American Internet terminology.

That said, those types are prevalent here as well, but they're 99% likely to focus their outrage on Arabs instead of Democrats or what have you.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-02-03, 3:05 AM #661
That said, while making TODOA and DXN didn't benefit me at all in real life, I still count them as my greatest achievements without a question.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-02-03, 3:19 AM #662
Originally posted by Nikumubeki:
That said, while making TODOA and DXN didn't benefit me at all in real life, I still count them as my greatest achievements without a question.

Just to be clear (since I'm not sure if you're responding to my comment about video games being useless):

I was excoriating passive consumption of video games as a form of personal identity. Making and modding games requires a lot of skill, both creative and technical. The skills are useful and you can be proud of the result. Even if it's only in the tiniest possible way, you've made the world a better place by the act of creation.

Racist high schooler's sick fortnite wins ain't nothing to nobody.
2019-02-03, 3:22 AM #663
To be extra clear on this, I'm also not saying playing video games is bad. It's just candy, is all. Video games are like a Marvel movie you can be bad at watching.

If someone based their sense of self worth around forcefully consuming Marvel movies, you'd probably think they were an idiot. People who do that for games aren't any different.
2019-02-03, 3:33 AM #664
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Just to be clear (since I'm not sure if you're responding to my comment about video games being useless)

Oh, yeah, I sort of extrapolated from that to my own directions (as I often do). Didn't mean to imply anything other than the standard FGR "In 2013, I actually did think there could have been more" moanings.

And yes, to think that the kids born the very moment this strip was published managed to become worse than the person depicted in the comic is quite regrettable.

It's like how I mentioned on this thread or some other one, back in 2004 you kind of had to dig for these types but now their videos are automatically suggested to you by YouTube regardless of what you were watching.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-02-03, 4:25 AM #665
I definitely can't think of any reason Google would be promoting socially corrosive content
2019-02-03, 7:42 AM #666
I just finished the three main storylines in Assassin's Creed - Odyssey. To me, this game is an astounding achievement and Ithoroughly enjoyed it, just when I thought I would never get back into gaming. I will say, it may be just me, but I did switch into grind mode at about 50 hours in.

Still, a masterpiece. I'm playing AC - Origins now.
2019-02-04, 5:44 AM #667
I've been playing through the Spyro remasters.

It might just be a case of I only played the first one as a kid so I've not got the same sense of nostalgia, but they're getting more of a chore as they go on.
2019-02-04, 7:12 AM #668
Ha! Yeah it can definitely be like that with some old ones.

I, like Tenshu, have been playing AssCreed Odyssey. It's really good, depending on what you mean by good. Playing as Kassandra is a must, **** Alexios. The voice actor is great, and while the character is a bit of a blank slate except for "will I be bloodthirsty or will I be compassionate" in dialogue options that don't really affect the plot, she has a consistent, clear personality that is just enough to make her likable and to carry the dialogue and narrative stuff. For me, AssCrOd is basically a big roaming around simulator. I'll probably lose some degree of interest once there are no new locations (cities, giant statues, neat lakes, hidden caves, shipwrecks, forests, etc.), so I'm trying to balance the amount of roaming and main quest stuff I'm doing.
2019-02-04, 7:12 AM #669
Also, I played about an hour of the Anthem open... beta... demo... thing, and boooooooooooooooooooooooyyyyy oh boy.
2019-02-04, 8:56 AM #670
Is that a good "boy oh boy" or a bad "boy oh boy"
2019-02-04, 9:30 AM #671
it's a p. bad one for now
2019-02-04, 9:45 AM #672
RIP BioWare
2019-02-04, 10:35 AM #673
Originally posted by Jon`C:
RIP BioWare

I think that already happened after the release of Mass Effect 2, when Bioware turned from "acquired by EA" into "(another cancerous growth of) EA".

IMO, Mass Effect could have been the sci-fi thing of the 21st century if ME3 (mainly the endings) hadn't been screwed up by EA (things like Origin exclusivity etc. didn't help).

Odd to think that ME3 is still mostly pretty similar to current games, yet was released 7 years ago - the length of time between 2012 and 2019 being the same as the time between JK and Unreal Tournament 2004, for example.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-02-04, 10:56 AM #674
Originally posted by Jon`C:
RIP BioWare

what happened
2019-02-04, 12:01 PM #675
Well you know what happened :P but yeah, Anthem is looking... pretty dodgy at the moment, and it might be the nail in the coffin for Bioware.

RIP BioWare 1995-2012.
2019-02-04, 1:25 PM #676
I think Ranger is a pretty cool guy,

2019-02-04, 2:09 PM #677
Originally posted by saberopus:
Well you know what happened :P but yeah, Anthem is looking... pretty dodgy at the moment, and it might be the nail in the coffin for Bioware.

RIP BioWare 1995-2012.

Ah, I didn't see anything in the news so I was confused. Yeah, BioWare went bye bye a long time ago.

It's fun watching gamers turn into Nazis when capitalism takes away their heroin supply.
2019-02-04, 3:05 PM #678
Originally posted by Nikumubeki:
I think that already happened after the release of Mass Effect 2, when Bioware turned from "acquired by EA" into "(another cancerous growth of) EA".

RIP EA Edmonton office
2019-02-05, 12:20 AM #679
I resurrected my joystick (well, my father's joystick, but to be completely honest I just bought it for him so I could borrow it for myself) and started playing X-Wing again. Boy, oh, boy, such a good game. But boy, oh, boy, so hard at times. I almost managed to finish a very hard mission on my tenth try but then died due to a stupid collision during a dogfight. Haven't touched it since.
Sorry for the lousy German
2019-02-05, 4:26 AM #680
I tried setting up my x52's again because I wanted to get back into War Thunder, but they've finally bitten the dust. So now I have a Thrustmaster T16000M, with throttle and pedals.
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)

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