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Anything games
2019-03-02, 2:44 AM #801
Ok, I think I understand now. Either the JK devs clamped the texture size to 256x256 before doing the divide to get the texture coordinates to pass to D3D, or whoever wrote the hi res texture patch did.

Any non-square source texture will need to be tiled so it's square. Any texture smaller than 64 pixels to a side will need to be duplicated until the combined texture is square. It should be relatively easy to script something like that with gimp/script fu, but the resulting texture pack might be... girthy.
2019-03-02, 2:52 AM #802
Yes, exactly.

And that's not even getting to the "Min. texture size" thing, which can further confuse things with certain mods, but that can be set aside for now.

Can you give me a 128x512 ESRGAN version of this 16x64 one?

I want to check how many times that one has to be duplicated in a 1024x1024 (or higher) version
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-02, 3:04 AM #803

2019-03-02, 3:18 AM #804

In other words, to get this:

[Unable to find specified attachment]

Which was enhanced into this:


To appear in-game like this:

[Unable to find specified attachment]

The hi-res version had to be made into a 1024x1024 one (512x512 didn't work), and look like this:

[Unable to find specified attachment]

Now that's science, guys! (No it isn't)
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-02, 3:20 AM #805
That is horrible.
2019-03-02, 3:26 AM #806
Now I can't remember if JK had any 8x8 textures (maybe the scope of the ST Rifle or something), but getting hi-res versions out of them would be a bit of a nightmare
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-02, 3:34 AM #807

Don't ask me why they'd do this instead of using a single texture for the whole model.
2019-03-02, 3:38 AM #808

if you get a chance, maybe you could try this one in-game? Dunno what's up with the version of this texture on the left. :|
2019-03-02, 3:47 AM #809
I'll try it next, here's the power cell:

[Unable to find specified attachment]

Took far too long to get working even with Irfanview's "Create tiled image" function. Once again, the in-game texture is at 1024x1024 (your enhanced texture originally being 32x32).
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-02, 3:50 AM #810
This makes me wish there were some undocumented uv scale fields in Mat files that nobody’s discovered yet
2019-03-02, 3:53 AM #811
[Unable to find specified attachment]

[Unable to find specified attachment]

[Unable to find specified attachment]
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-02, 4:09 AM #812
2019-03-02, 4:27 AM #813
Without enhancements (other than the JKE weapons):

[Unable to find specified attachment]

As it should appear with enhanced textures (all four tiled to 1024x1024):

[Unable to find specified attachment]

But there is a mipmap distance issue. The second screenshot is from my modified 01narshadda.jkl where I set the mipmap distances to 80 or something. In normal JK, the second screenshot looks like this:

[Unable to find specified attachment]

Another area with enhanced textures, the first one is from JK and the second from my mipmap modified JKL:

[Unable to find specified attachment]

[Unable to find specified attachment]
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-02, 4:34 AM #814
Interesting. I assume your MATs don't actually have mipmaps in them, do they?
2019-03-02, 4:37 AM #815
Nope, never used them.

Which might partially explain the "JK starts crashing if there are too many hi-res textures in a level" issue with TODOA and TODOA 2-... but not necessarily the one in Magrucko 3, hm.

Then again, including mipmaps in these textures would increase their filesize quite a bit. These 1024x1024 textures are 2.5 MB in size with only the 1024x1024 bitmap inside them.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-02, 4:40 AM #816
yeah, mipmaps would make everything worse. I was just curious if that might have had something to do with it.

Unfortunately that discovery may "simplify" things a bit, since if the level header has to change, you might as well change all of the UVs too.
2019-03-02, 4:43 AM #817
ah pfffft. Maybe a D3D intercept? SHA1 the texture contents, then silently replace with a compressed texture from a cache? JK does its own T&L which limits how useful intercepts have been in the past, but I dunno if anybody has tried just using one to swap textures.
2019-03-02, 6:34 AM #818
Some comparison shots of the tech textures so far:

[Unable to find specified attachment] [Unable to find specified attachment]

[Unable to find specified attachment] [Unable to find specified attachment]
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-02, 6:35 AM #819
[Unable to find specified attachment] [Unable to find specified attachment]

[Unable to find specified attachment] [Unable to find specified attachment]
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-02, 6:36 AM #820
[Unable to find specified attachment] [Unable to find specified attachment]

[Unable to find specified attachment] [Unable to find specified attachment]
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-02, 10:09 AM #821
Damn it all

[Unable to find specified attachment]

Also, missed this one:

[Unable to find specified attachment]
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-02, 11:25 AM #822
The damaged console in particular looks really nice.
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2019-03-02, 1:24 PM #823
Looks pretty dang good.
2019-03-03, 2:53 AM #824
Why has nobody said these two things yet:

Is that Jedi Knight?!?
I see dflt.mat!
Sorry for the lousy German
2019-03-03, 3:08 AM #825
Originally posted by Impi:
Why has nobody said these two things yet:

Is that Jedi Knight?!?
I see dflt.mat!

Considering how Brian verified that you can play JK properly on Linux yet you haven't played through T-O:DOA 2, Impi, you get NOTHING!
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-03, 11:06 AM #826
Nice work Jon!

Speaking of Resident Evil 2:

"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-03-03, 11:41 AM #827
Hold on, they remade Resident Evil 2 but (aside from the UE4 tech demo which doesn't count) there still hasn't been a new, proper Star Wars FPS game (remake or not) on UE4 or any other engine in years?

That's it - killing myself
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-03, 12:20 PM #828
Anyhoo, I think that further JK upscaled texture stuff should have their own thread.

In the mean time, here's what the creator of the famous GMDX mod for Deus Ex is working on next - the same thing for Unreal (1998):
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-03, 4:19 PM #829
Originally posted by Nikumubeki:
Hold on, they remade Resident Evil 2 but (aside from the UE4 tech demo which doesn't count) there still hasn't been a new, proper Star Wars FPS game (remake or not) on UE4 or any other engine in years?

That's it - killing myself

Capcom has been killing it with remakes. The Resident Evil remake was really good, Resident Evil 2 is nearly flawless.

I'm not sure who owns the LucasArts IP, but I'm sure by this point it would be nigh impossible to get the trademarks together for any kind of remake.

Originally posted by Wookie06:
Nice work Jon!

Speaking of Resident Evil 2:

2019-03-03, 4:42 PM #830
I guess there's also the fact that the Resident Evil brand is far more marketable than the Jedi Knight brand. "Hey we're remaking this 1997 FPS only a handful of people remember". Gotta think in producer terms.

Who even owns the Jedi Knight source code?
2019-03-03, 5:01 PM #831
If it existed, Disney would.
2019-03-03, 8:17 PM #832
To be honest, I think we're extremely lucky to have gotten a DRM free GOG release. Inspired by Brian's post I gave it a shot on my main rig and was pretty disappointed though. I might have to play around with the settings to see if I can get it running in an enjoyable manner. A couple years ago I know I had it running because I loaded up TODOA but I think that was on a 32 bit Vista laptop. I still have it so who knows? One of these days...
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2019-03-03, 9:42 PM #833
Originally posted by Reid:
I guess there's also the fact that the Resident Evil brand is far more marketable than the Jedi Knight brand. "Hey we're remaking this 1997 FPS only a handful of people remember". Gotta think in producer terms.

Who even owns the Jedi Knight source code?

Oh yeah, there's no profit in remaking any of the old Star Wars games, but I'm mostly moaning about how the tools for a new SW FPS are there but no one's doing it. The UE4 tech demo in particular just screams "HEY SOME ENEMIES AND MORE GUNS AND WHATNOT AND THIS WOULD BE PRETTY MUCH LIKE DARK FORCES YO". I wonder if anyone has reverse engineered it...

And yeah, Sige said that the source code for JK doesn't exist anymore, so there's that.

Which can be juxtaposed with the source code to Deus Ex's engine (which would be Unreal Engine 1.5, but anyway), which exists and Warren Spector could see it "being shown at a Museum for Computer Games" or something but he's not gonna do anything to have it released before that (source: some interview x years ago).
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-05, 11:56 AM #834
For a limited time only, here's a 7z with the test levels I made as well as the MATs I put together from Jon's enhanced textures on this thread (and two other extra MATs just because):
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-05, 12:31 PM #835
Originally posted by Nikumubeki:
Oh yeah, there's no profit in remaking any of the old Star Wars games, but I'm mostly moaning about how the tools for a new SW FPS are there but no one's doing it. The UE4 tech demo in particular just screams "HEY SOME ENEMIES AND MORE GUNS AND WHATNOT AND THIS WOULD BE PRETTY MUCH LIKE DARK FORCES YO". I wonder if anyone has reverse engineered it...

That's the state of FPS games generally. They pretty much only make multiplayer-oriented games now. Which is why the only new Star Wars game is a multiplayer only game with lootboxes.

As we pointed out, single player games don't do so hot. RDR2 was an underperformer while being a massive hit. No bloated AAA dev is going to touch a story-driven game unless it's in one of the compatible genres.

Originally posted by Nikumubeki:
And yeah, Sige said that the source code for JK doesn't exist anymore, so there's that.

Which can be juxtaposed with the source code to Deus Ex's engine (which would be Unreal Engine 1.5, but anyway), which exists and Warren Spector could see it "being shown at a Museum for Computer Games" or something but he's not gonna do anything to have it released before that (source: some interview x years ago).

Who is Sige? In any case it's a shame the JK devs went for something in house instead of using an engine made by professionals.
2019-03-05, 1:10 PM #836
My model finished training yesterday. No updates because it doesn’t look that different from the last batch I posted. It’s surprisingly good for mechanical stuff like elevator doors, quite good for *base* type textures, and markedly less good for others. There aren’t any textures in the result that wouldn’t benefit from manual touch up, but most of the textures are liveable (arguably moreso than the originals). It might be nice to train smaller models for specific texture categories, but at this point I’m leaning towards throwing this over the wall and letting someone else do the finnicky stuff

Once my GPU got freed up I was able to start experimenting with an intercept for JK’s graphics. So far I’ve intercepted the out of game GUI and have it (and cutscenes) rendering under OpenGL as a proof of concept. Next I’m going to attack the meat of it, the hardware rendering. It’s a lot of typing but this seems quite possible. I’m not sure what I’ll find in JKs command buffers, but so far this is looking like an okay approach for texture injection.
2019-03-05, 9:13 PM #837
Originally posted by Reid:
Who is Sige? In any case it's a shame the JK devs went for something in house instead of using an engine made by professionals.

What I know: Sige was the creator of the first Unofficial Patch for JK that got rid of the adjoin and texture size limits and the like (thus paving way for TODOA).

What the legend tells me: Sige was (therefore?) hired by LEC, possibly did some stuff there (including finding out that JK's source code doesn't exist) but left at some point.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-05, 9:15 PM #838
Originally posted by Jon`C:
It might be nice to train smaller models for specific texture categories, but at this point I’m leaning towards throwing this over the wall and letting someone else do the finnicky stuff

I think some Zuljin textures could benefit from the use of this.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-06, 12:12 AM #839
Didn't Sige work on The Force Unleashed? Or was it that he was offered the chance but for some reason worked on an Indiana Jones game (using the same engine) instead?
Sorry for the lousy German
2019-03-06, 6:04 AM #840
JK is this amazing hodgepodge of GDI, DirectDraw, and Direct3D. I just hit a point where it’s trying to lock the hardware back buffer to apparently write raw bytes into it. Incredible.

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