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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Anything games
Anything games
2017-12-10, 10:35 AM #121
2018-01-24, 2:40 PM #122
A long time ago I picked up an Xbox 360 racing wheel and a desk chair with provisions for mounting the wheel but I never got into it. Was just too clunky to use in the living room. Well now that I have a large TV and 360 in the basement I pulled it out and I have been having an absolute blast with Forza 3. I picked up Forza 4 and F1 2011 last weekend but I'm waiting to get at least leveled up in Forza 3 to get going in 4 so I can transfer all the cars and the physics in F1 are just crazy compared to "normal" cars so I'm going to wait to start that one. F1 2012 and 13 and Dirt 3 are on my list to keep an eye out for.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2018-02-05, 5:08 PM #123
Bought and played Papers, Please recently. Good game, worth the $2, and finished in ~4 hours which is a good time limit for a small game.

Liked the atmosphere, didn't think it was as deep as some people seem to think it is.
2018-02-18, 1:25 PM #124

Taking inspiration from early 90's interactive videos, psychopaths have taken their "seduction methods" to the gaming world!
2018-02-18, 1:49 PM #125
wait what that looks awesome i want to play
former entrepreneur
2018-02-18, 6:16 PM #126
2018-02-18, 9:23 PM #127
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2018-02-18, 9:27 PM #128
You know, I actually think that interactive text adventure is the perfect format for making PUA into a game, because, you know, it always was a game, a fantasy, a scam!

Who knows, maybe letting people experience it virtually will stop them from getting angry about losing IRL.

Either that or it will just train another generation of bitter, entitled *******s.
2018-02-18, 9:35 PM #129
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
another generation of bitter, entitled *******s.

Trump is prez so
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2018-02-18, 10:02 PM #130
[quote=Definitely not actually written (hah!) by Donald Trump]
Money was never a big motivation for me, except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game.

2018-02-18, 10:07 PM #131
Command & Conqu-Her by the Pussy: Orange Orangutan Edition
2018-02-18, 10:23 PM #132
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Command & Conqu-Her by the Pussy: Orange Orangutan Edition

You know, the moment I realized that Steam is mostly garbage is when there was an ad for some kinda "Trump Making America Great Again" simulator on the front page. Not hidden on page 680 of some "now on sale" section, but plainly there on the front page.

No wonder the FGR Funeral March will soon be complete.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2018-02-19, 7:07 AM #133
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2018-03-21, 10:41 AM #134

Anyone else somewhat interested in this game? I don't own a PS4, but one of my future roommates does, so I might pick it up. Has sort of a Stranger Things vibe, and definitely some horror imagery, though Kojima himself claimed "it's not a horror game", which I think has been interpreted to mean is not a horror game mechanically speaking.
2018-03-21, 7:52 PM #135
Anything flat-out weird and definitively different type of game piques my interest these days. I mean, the game might as well go balls to the wall strange than just marginally above derivative.
2018-03-22, 11:30 AM #136
The free game on Xbox live this month is "Super Hot." It's definitely weird and unique. I believe it's available on PC as well. Not very long, but good for an evening or two. It's a FPS, though it's more of a strategy game than a shooter. The "campaign" is a little bit annoying at times, but it's brief (3 hours or so) and worth it to get to the free play mode.
2018-03-23, 3:33 AM #137
Super Hot is also currently free on amazon prime if you link your amazon account with Twitch. (so, it's really free on Twitch Prime)
Sorry for the lousy German
2018-05-14, 10:42 AM #138
My neighbor moved out and gave me his "extra" PS4 since his new place doesn't have room for two TVs. I picked up God of War (4). It's the only PS4 game I have. It's pretty good. It's a basic hack and slash, but some of the puzzles are a little bit challenging. The story is actually pretty good, and the father/son element added some much needed depth to the series. It's kind of open world, which is fun, but many of the side quests are too difficult when they're encountered, so you're pretty much unable to complete them until after you've finished the main story, but by then the motivation to go back and finish them is diminished, since you don't care about better weapons or gear or whatever because there's no real reason to care. Other than that, it's a fine game and worth the time if you enjoy the series or game type.
2018-05-14, 4:02 PM #139
I started playing Mass Effect Andromeda over the weekend. There's still some facial animation issues, and NPCs may wander around when you're in a standard conversation scene, but the final patched version certainly isn't the dumpster fire it was launch.
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2018-05-14, 6:27 PM #140
That's good to know; I thoroughly enjoyed the first two games and about 85% of the third game. I wanted to try the fourth game, but all I heard were the negative reviews about the animations and dialogue so I never gave it a chance. I might try it if I can find it in a bargain bin somewhere. Too bad it performed so poorly that there will be no expansions and a sequel seems unlikely. One weak entry potentially ruined a solid franchise.
2018-06-10, 1:48 PM #141
So, when Bethesda was preparing to announce another Fallout thing a while back. Surprisingly, they're making an actual new Fallout game.

The best prediction I heard though was, Vault 76 was an experiment vault. In the opening cinematic, you enter the Vault before the atomic bombs hit. You're led in by a Vault-Tec doctor, who leads you into a room full of computers. You're then locked into a chair to face the computer, where the computer is booted up into Skyrim. Vault 76 is an experiment to see how long dwellers can continue playing Skyrim.

The game is then just Skyrim. You play Skyrim for as long as you can take it.
2018-06-10, 3:27 PM #142
2018-06-10, 4:20 PM #143
That was it! I didn't think it was a greentext
2018-06-10, 4:25 PM #144
2018-06-10, 5:11 PM #145
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:

wot if you could mod it too
2018-06-10, 8:00 PM #146
Wow ****, Bethesda didn't just announced Fallout: 76. They teasered Elder Scrolls 6.

There's a side of me that hopes they will be really good games, but I'm iffy on Bethesda's ability to write a convincing plot.
2018-06-10, 8:39 PM #147
teasered D:
2018-06-11, 12:10 AM #148
ME:Andromeda was not nearly as bad as everyone made it out to be. There were some minor animation issues, but nothing significant enough to ruin it. Some of the dialogue was pretty lame and the voice acting was amateurish, but I enjoyed the game anyway. I would buy a sequel (at full price even) if it were of identical quality.
2018-06-11, 9:26 AM #149
Originally posted by Reid:
Wow ****, Bethesda didn't just announced Fallout: 76. They teasered Elder Scrolls 6.

There's a side of me that hopes they will be really good games, but I'm iffy on Bethesda's ability to write a convincing plot.

I'm more worried about Bethesda's ability to provide a convincing role-play experience. Their games have had fewer role-play aspects with each new game in favor of.. broader appeal, I guess?
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2018-06-11, 9:56 AM #150
Originally posted by Freelancer:
I'm more worried about Bethesda's ability to provide a convincing role-play experience. Their games have had fewer role-play aspects with each new game in favor of.. broader appeal, I guess?

The problem is the quests, not the mechanics. They have the framework for a great role playing experience, but actually providing one would be a major content outlay and they aren’t even given the time budget to finish their relatively unambitious questlines anymore.

The faction quests in Morrowind were particularly excellent, intricate and tangled together with multiple paths to achieving faction leadership. The faction quests in Oblivion were at least involved and engaging. In Skyrim? Abbreviated and abysmally written. There is absolutely nothing about the gameplay of Morrowind that uniquely enables those better, more engrossing questlines - and there is nothing about the Skyrim equivalents that make them more accessible to a broader audience, or otherwise improved on any other metric.

We can have it both ways! At least, if Zenimax will let us.
2018-06-11, 10:12 AM #151
The "civil war" in skyrim was pretty weak. You keep hearing about this terrible war, yet there appears to be little to no scarring on the terrain, and only small little camps of soldiers here or there. It was more like a neighborhood gang war than a nation wide civil war. The only good side quests were the brotherhood quests.
2018-06-11, 11:04 AM #152
2018-06-11, 11:13 AM #153
Originally posted by Jon`C:
We can have it both ways! At least, if Zenimax will let us.

Not if they get hit by Ray Dalio management techniques.
2018-06-11, 11:26 AM #154
Originally posted by Steven:
The "civil war" in skyrim was pretty weak. You keep hearing about this terrible war, yet there appears to be little to no scarring on the terrain, and only small little camps of soldiers here or there. It was more like a neighborhood gang war than a nation wide civil war. The only good side quests were the brotherhood quests.

Not coincidentally, the Dark Brotherhood questline was the only one where you had any agency (instead of joining the Dark Brotherhood, you could report them to the Penitus Oculatus and help wipe them out).

But Skyrim was unfinished. They weren’t creatively bankrupt, they just weren’t given enough time to make the game. The civil war was originally supposed to be a much more significant event with a real territory control system. That’s what all of those little maps with flags throughout the game were supposed to be for. The Battle for Whiterun? Not a one-off. There were supposed to be battles for all of the holds, not just the three that you see in the game. There are lots of scripts and cut recorded dialogue in the data files that support the civil war being a much larger thing, even relatively late into development.

Factions got cut, faction quests got cut. There was originally supposed to be an arena in Windhelm. Cut. Most of the damn game got cut. Todd Howard wanted to finish the game in DLC. Apparently they had plans for years of DLC, but Zenimax cut them off after 2. I heard he was pissed about it, but apparently not enough to quit. Hopefully it’s because they’re gonna let them actually finish one of these games this time.
2018-06-11, 11:31 AM #155
Originally posted by Reid:
Not if they get hit by Ray Dalio management techniques.

Save it for the Reid Special Ray Dalio thread, buddy!
2018-06-11, 11:32 AM #156
2018-06-11, 12:00 PM #157
Originally posted by saberopus:

2018-06-11, 12:38 PM #158
After witcher 1, 2, and 3, CDPR could make a game called Suppository Stuffer: The Lubening and I would play it
2018-06-11, 12:44 PM #159
Originally posted by 'Thrawn[numbarz:


Originally posted by Steven:
After witcher 1, 2, and 3, CDPR could make a game called Suppository Stuffer: The Lubening and I would play it

2018-06-11, 12:59 PM #160
Originally posted by Steven:
After witcher 1, 2, and 3, CDPR could make a game called Suppository Stuffer: The Lubening and I would play it

I find myself unable to appreciate the power fantasy of the Witcher. It takes itself too seriously, I feel like a lame douchebag whenever I do something with Geralt and he says something "badass". Ironically, ironic distance keeps me more engaged than seriousness when the power fantasy is so stereotypical.

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