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Anything games
2019-03-24, 1:46 AM #1161
Ok I have absolutely no idea what's going on there

Maybe it has something to do with the mod files being in the resource folder? What happens if you move the GRTest content to its own folder inside Episode and the content that is currently under resource to a mod folder?

Also, can you play any other levels with JKGR without the game crashing instantly? Maybe the WWII levels?
2019-03-24, 1:50 AM #1162
Originally posted by Nikumubeki:
I'm probably not doing this hotkey thing properly

You've rebound the keyboard hotkeys, but have you rebound the mouse hotkeys???? or the Mouse HotButtons. I should name a character that.
2019-03-24, 2:01 AM #1163
I mean, I can get the skill etc. hotkeys rebinded properly, but I still can't get to click or activate the "Confirm" option in the class selection screen so the player remains in the default starting state. I did use the 5858lvr cheat for moneys to get to the city level and try the car out a bit.

The crashings stopped for some reason after a few messing of the hotkeys in the menu... so that's probably an FGR-specific issue.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-24, 2:07 AM #1164
You can do everything else except for clicking "confirm"? You're supposed to use the mouse for navigation in the in-game menu, although IIRC WASD/Activate works too.
2019-03-24, 2:18 AM #1165
Yeah, the navigation works (with both arrow keys and the numpad keys), but pressing Confirm doesn't work - or it results in me getting out of the menu and punching the statue.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-24, 2:35 AM #1166
Oh, so it works. That's actually what it's supposed to do. You pick your favorite class then go back, talk to the NPC again etc. You can "deeznuts" yourself to a higher rank to make sure your current class is changing, as your current class is not displayed in the HUD before rank 1.

The fact that the class selection menu looks so different from everything else is probably misleading, but that whole intro mission is mostly just a test on quest making which I made a very long time ago and it's not really even necessary. You learn some things and get some extra XP from following the steps, but you can just skip the whole thing, get to level 10 then pick a class and evolve to Rank 1 with an NPC near the Dark Palace.
2019-03-24, 2:55 AM #1167
I see, I'll have to fiddle around with it some more at some point. I'm actually going to have to be "mentally prepared" for something new like that, instead of something old like this:

SMLiberator, would you be willing to add muzzle flashes to a higher-detailed Blastech pistol for MotS (the one from darthbabe96's MotSE or possibly just the Blastech'ish pistol I used in TODOA) and possibly check what's wrong with MotS's crossbow COG file, because the gun refuses to be selected at all if you just use JK's muzzle flash COG with it?
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-24, 2:59 AM #1168
I can totally do it just not at the current moment. I'll try it asap, should be easy to do.
2019-03-24, 4:24 AM #1169
Cheers, here are the files:
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-24, 6:34 AM #1170
Tested out the WWII version as well, got to see some of the new explosions. That said, I still couldn't really reload the weapon (didn't see a hotkey for it).

That said, the SSAO effects really are quite beneficial:

[Unable to find specified attachment]

[Unable to find specified attachment]
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-24, 9:13 AM #1171
Glad to see it was working. The process of reloading is actually quite disgraceful. You need to select and use the item for the ammo for your current weapon (via next/prev/use item keys). I haven't changed that yet due to a mix of having too many other more important things to work on, overall laziness and the fact that there are a few questions that emerge from having a new hotkey for reloading - for example, if you're carrying two pistols, you can shoot them independently via fire 1/fire 2, how could I make it so that you can also reload them independently if there's only one reload key? You can however enable "auto-use items" in the options menu and you'll reload automatically if possible.

Why are you not using the new hud though? Just set viewsize to 10
2019-03-24, 9:19 AM #1172
Originally posted by SMLiberator:
You need to select and use the item for the ammo for your current weapon (via next/prev/use item keys).

Yeah, that still does the "icons show up only for 0.05 milliseconds" thing so it's not of much help to me. However, that's not an issue specific to this mod, because it's been happening with most complex mods for 10+ years on my end. Did check out the new HUD just now, looks pretty cool.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-24, 12:42 PM #1173
I might have turned into a big cogging elitist, but looking at some of that code physically hurt me. And I'm not even talking about just the custom code by darthbabe, but LEC's code too. For example, for whatever reason the bowcaster in MotS is programmed to kill you instantly (deal 1000 damage) if you attempt to charge Fire 1 (why????????). That only doesn't happen because "DamageThing()" is supposed to take four values (victim, damage amount, type and attacker) but here it only gives two (victim and damage amount). Since JK counts values from last to first and considers any values not given (and not stacked) as -1, what it's actually doing is dealing "-1" damage to thing ID "-1" (unexistent), with a damage type of "player" (that usually equals 0) and an attacker ID of "1000" (unpatched JK/MotS thing counter can only go up to 640, so that's also invalid). (that is, DamageThing(player, 1000); is the same as DamageThing(-1, -1, player, 1000);)

MotS muzzle flashes are mostly done but there's some extra stuff I need to add to the code, such as making it so weapons can't fire in the final levels and the such. The problem is I don't currently have MotS installed so I won't be able to test it for real.
2019-03-24, 12:44 PM #1174
Nearly forgot the weekly update to the TODOA 2 video:

[Unable to find specified attachment]
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-24, 12:46 PM #1175
Originally posted by SMLiberator:
I might have turned into a big cogging elitist, but looking at some of that code physically hurt me. And I'm not even talking about just the custom code by darthbabe, but LEC's code too. For example, for whatever reason the bowcaster in MotS is programmed to kill you instantly (deal 1000 damage) if you attempt to charge Fire 1 (why????????). That only doesn't happen because "DamageThing()" is supposed to take four values (victim, damage amount, type and attacker) but here it only gives two (victim and damage amount). Since JK counts values from last to first and considers any values not given (and not stacked) as -1, what it's actually doing is dealing "-1" damage to thing ID "-1" (unexistent), with a damage type of "player" (that usually equals 0) and an attacker ID of "1000" (unpatched JK/MotS thing counter can only go up to 640, so that's also invalid). (that is, DamageThing(player, 1000); is the same as DamageThing(-1, -1, player, 1000);)

MotS muzzle flashes are mostly done but there's some extra stuff I need to add to the code, such as making it so weapons can't fire in the final levels and the such. The problem is I don't currently have MotS installed so I won't be able to test it for real.

Yeah, to paraphrase/possibly directly quote GBK: "LEC code sucks"

(Not that I would really know why, but eh. Also, for more physically hurting code, you should check out some of my code in TODOA etc. *cough cough*)

Good to hear about the progress - and yeah, I'll likely be the one to test them. And, regardless of future compatibility issues, probably wrap the MotS one up for a release on ModDB. We'll see!
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-24, 12:54 PM #1176
Original JK cogs are also full of stuff like this:

frobnarb(player, 6,3, template)

as if some artist-programmer on the JK team was apparently under the impression that the cog compiler was aware of their European upbringing.

Game artists aren’t allowed to write code anymore.
2019-03-24, 1:00 PM #1177
LEC does this
   player = GetSourceRef();

   // If the player has the weapon
   if(GetInv(player, 2) != 0.0)
      // If the player has ammo
      if(GetInv(player, 11) != 0.0)


When it's literally the same as this
   player = GetSourceRef();

   // If the player has the weapon and ammo
   if(GetInv(player, 2) && GetInv(player, 11))


But why does anyone need good looking code for, right? Also, I'm pretty sure the value for "player" is always gonna be the same as those messages are usually ran locally, but hey, let's just reset values every chance we get just for the sake of it, right?
2019-03-24, 1:17 PM #1178
Bear in mind that the cog compiler is at the quality level of failing-grade undergraduate project by a premed student having the imposter dream about forgetting they were enrolled in a compilers course.

Chances are very good that whenever that cog was written, expression code generation was broken.
2019-03-24, 2:11 PM #1179
Originally posted by SMLiberator:
LEC does this

But why does anyone need good looking code for, right? Also, I'm pretty sure the value for "player" is always gonna be the same as those messages are usually ran locally, but hey, let's just reset values every chance we get just for the sake of it, right?

There's a ton of official LEC cogs which are garbage. At least that code does what it's supposed to.
2019-03-24, 2:33 PM #1180
Here’s another oddity. A lot of cogs do this:

dummy = getsomething(foo);

wherever they meant to throw away the return value.

Unconsumed stack values stay on the stack for the duration of the called symbol, at least (it could be longer, or even span cogs, but I’ve never tested that). I assume they were trying to prevent unbounded stack growth or something, since that’s still possible even today. Or maybe it might have just been because the language was broken for a while and it didn’t work to put the calls outside of an assignment expression.
2019-03-24, 3:49 PM #1181
Here you go, FGR.

Like I said, I haven't tested it but I suppose it should be alright. Let me know if there are any issues.

Also did some updates to JKGR. Most importantly:
- You can now press "Select 4" or "Select 5" hotkeys to reload guns automatically. When dual-wielding, pressing "Select 4" will reload the gun in the left hand (weapon 2) and "Select 5" for the right hand (weapon 1).
- Moved some skill IDs and code around in order to solve a crash upon startup in some systems.
2019-03-24, 4:38 PM #1182
Those before/after shots you posted, Jon`C, looking freaking amazing.
2019-03-24, 6:23 PM #1183
The award for the most awkwardly broken up sentence, Brian, goes to you.
2019-03-24, 9:44 PM #1184

Don't know how that happened... I started writing that sentence, realized it was like 2 or 3 pages after he posted them, and didn't want anyone to be confused as to what shots I was referring to. Not that the other shots/videos in the thread aren't also cool... bah I'm just making it worse.
2019-03-25, 2:22 AM #1185
Originally posted by Jon`C:

2019-03-25, 2:56 AM #1186
Now that's the knees' bees

Originally posted by SMLiberator:

Ballin', I'll check it as soon as I get back home
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-25, 4:27 AM #1187
Originally posted by Jon`C:

no way.... is that just a material?
2019-03-25, 7:15 AM #1188
I'd say so, considering how those pipes are also getting "embedded" inside the wall.

Also, I tested your MotS muzzle flash mod out, and while the results were generally bueno for 1st person mode, the muzzle flash for the crossbow stays on after the gun is fired:

[Unable to find specified attachment]

Also, in 3rd person mode the gun positions are wrong (for all but the bryar pistol and ST rifle) so they're aimed at the floor. In fact, it seems like that at some point when you're changing the weapon, the animation gets "stuck" and the player's arms are left in that weird position permanently:

[Unable to find specified attachment]
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-25, 9:35 AM #1189
Originally posted by Jon`C:


Wait, did you generate a mesh from the texture??
2019-03-25, 9:38 AM #1190
I think those are voxels.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-25, 9:39 AM #1191
Also SMLiberator, do you think you could enable the JK13 style saber blade lengths/widths/proportions/specs/dimensions as well (I remember you mentioning that they couldn't be implemented in MP, but I'm only interested in SP)?

I mean, the "choked"/"bulging"/"cone'y" saber in this screenshot really stands out when you notice it
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-25, 3:40 PM #1192
I made an attempt at such patch but didn't think it looked that much better so I didn't say anything about it. I'll make one for MotS and upload them when I can.
2019-03-25, 6:54 PM #1193
This is the thread where all the cool stuff has been happening since I've been gone.
former entrepreneur
2019-03-25, 9:06 PM #1194
It's like Jon`C had an "aha" moment and upgraded the universe.
2019-03-25, 10:11 PM #1195
Technically I have parallax occlusion mapping running on every single face, and it hasn't affected framerates. I have a 1080, but still.

So I guess the challenge now is exercising restraint.
2019-03-25, 10:18 PM #1196
Originally posted by SMLiberator:
I made an attempt at such patch but didn't think it looked that much better so I didn't say anything about it. I'll make one for MotS and upload them when I can.

Fair enough.

I like how JkGfxMod essentially started when Jon realized that "oh, so 1024x1024 etc. textures have been implemented in JK for nearly 13 years now? ... badly".

Come to think of it, that should be the catchphrase for original JK (SITH Engine, LEIA editor etc.): Implemented Badly
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-25, 10:21 PM #1197
That said, could there possibly be an injector for all the BM graphics? Possibly even for SFT fonts (vector scaling perhaps)
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2019-03-25, 10:21 PM #1198
It's Zeq's fault for not letting me ban ret. All of this could have been done years and years ago.
2019-03-25, 10:25 PM #1199
Originally posted by Nikumubeki:
That said, could there possibly be an injector for all the BM graphics? Possibly even for SFT fonts (vector scaling perhaps)

Not really. JK has its own compositor for that stuff (menus and HUD) and blits it into the backbuffer/frontbuffer/dibsection. You could trap the I/O but it ultimately has to be processed by JK, so... basically the same thing as just replacing the files in the GOBs.

It might be possible to scrape the HUD and render a new one, I guess.
2019-03-25, 10:36 PM #1200
I see. While JK doesn't have intricate detailed menus like Deus Ex does (thus being absolutely essential that you can see what you're clicking/reading), a lot of people have brought the un-scaling (inscalable?) HUD issue up before.

Also, Jon, I've got to ask you: Do you have an instant MAT->BMP/PNG/JPG converter at hand? For some reason none of the MAT editors (MATMaster, Mat16, JKPaint) that I have have a batch conversion like that (BMP->MAT is fine, though). And even if I'm currently mostly just toying with the thought of touching up some of TODOA's textures, converting 500+ textures to PNG for the injector one by one is far too boring and tedious even for me.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum

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