First, I wish to say that if Kirby's last post has 'ruined' things for people, you should blame me. I nagged him to post, and so he did. I happen to think it's a decent post, as well as a good idea to strengthen the next storyarc. Please let us know here if you like or dislike the idea, so we can get an idea if we need to modify or ignore the last post -- hopefully everyone likes it enough.
My suggestions would be to write our posts in all actions (i.e. no characters speaking so that all dialogue would have to be expressed in actions/facial expressions/etc.) or in all dialogue (where their spoken words would have to express what is happening). Perhaps the good guys can only speak dialogue where bad guys can only act or visa versa if doing ALL actions or ALL dialogue seems too strict (though our "neutral" characters would have an interesting liberty there). And while we would be aiming to do it for as long as we can through a storyarc, whatever we decide can always be broken by a character, which would only propel the story further.
I'll admit to you all right now that I have VERY little idea how to proceed at this point. I know that Gebiyl and Young should likely play a strong role in the upcoming events, as well as Arkng Thand (a character I know TLTE wishes to work with, and that we've all been hinting at for some time now), and perhaps go into the effects of the new Jupiter sun (I'm in favor of it being violet and having the convinient effects of making the Earth all the more fantastical, but perhaps others have better ideas, or feel it should just be a second sun /shrug). The idea of the NeS heroes dispersing seems to open up a chance to do something of a "short story" format with individual characters (instead of episodic stories with groups like we have been doing), hacking some inactive characters back as well. There's also the possibility of some of the heroes being affected by the 'Dust infection' in some interesting way...
All in all, we have a bunch of pieces set-up for a good storyarc(s), but we seem to be lacking (a) specific conflict hook(s) from our likely antagonists (Gebiyl and Thand). I've been racking my brain on it, but I seem to be stumped. I suppose for now we can use the heroes themselves starting on their own little short stories as initial conflicts -- perhaps CM can go visit Enchilada Man and try saving Miss Fire, and MZZT can try doing some world-saving on his own, and Maybechild can try going back to being a tree-hugging hippie in attempt to settle her confusion over the current events... just some ideas.
So yeah, post your thoughts. Or if you're wise enough, just go ahead and post for NeS itself. Both would be nice

I'll see what I can do...
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