So I was going to attempt to gather as many people as I could into some sort of chat, but 1) nobody's gotten back to me on when they're free, 2) it'd be a logistical nightmare to get any significant number of people together at the same time anytime soon and 3) it'd be rather pointless. There's already been the following turnout:
Against closing:
The Last True Evil
Al Ciao (I don't need to hear back from him to know this.)
DrkJdi82 (he sent me a "revival" post which I'll post at the bottom)
Cris B
For closing:
Unspoken from people who posted since the last story-arc:
Krig the Viking
Benjamin Majir (MIA)
Sam Reyom (stepped out)
If I have misplaced you, or you wish to add your voice in the matter, please do so, as I consider each person who speaks up about the NeS, for good or bad, to be of vital importance. However, even in my most critical of examinations, I feel the majority of the community who have spoken up have made it clear that the NeS needs to be reopened.
However, this does not change my own feelings on the matter. As far as I'm concerned, the NeS is dying for reasons I've stated above, and at best, its hopes of recovery are grim. I felt my previous course of action was the best as the alternative would be for it to fade forgotten, which is far worse. As it is, though, it could only ever be ended if its active community collaborated together to do so, and since it does not wish to do that, I have to abide by the community's decision.
I will return to continuing to do my best in keeping the story and its community alive. Thank you all for speaking up.
Scott Gajewski
a.k.a. Gebohq
EDIT: CoolMatty has started a contest for the person with the highest word count in the month. You can find the details
Jim's "revival" post, which CM will likely collaborate on when he reopens the thread:
now i had the idea shortly after it was closed thought if the NeS is to be revived it should be made to look as if it was reopened by CM's admin powers and i typed up a quick reset button plothole post that i though i should run by you
After the worst traffic in the history of bad traffic Jim7 the Writer opens the door of the darkened office, turns on the light, and looks around...
Jim7tW: Where is everyone?
Jim7tW walks to his desk and notices a number of notes from GebohqtW begging for posts each one with an ever thickening layer of dust
Jim7tW: yeah yeah stop bugging me about it I'm here now...
Jim7tW turns on his computer and heads to the ISB scrolling through the NeS
Jim7tW: to hell with reading this **** i'll just pull something random out of my a... WHAT THE **** IS THIS ********!?
Jim7tW a blinding firey glow to his eyes spreads his bloodsoaked wings... a look of pure blackened hatred for all things he lets out a yell
A flash of flame and a wisp of smoke are followed by a bewildered CoolMatty
LucifertW: You know who I am CM I have helped you rise to power and now it is time for me to ask a service of you... *pointing at monitor* unlock the thread...
CM: I would love to but Gebohq will just lock it aga...
CM: ok...ok
CM uses his +5 finger of admin to reopen the NeS
LucifertW: good... you may now return to your masturbation
LucifertW snaps his fingers and CM vanishes in the same way he appeared
LucifertW: now to get posting...
Meanwhile in the black nothingness of the NeS...
Ghfthagnlth dshioa gasdflkug kgshasidfghjhg
Voice: Who calls upon me?
Lucifer: It is I who call you... that which cannot die that which is the only one who can undo the terrible damage here
Death: This is not my area...
Lucifer: Do not play dumb with me Death... we both know you are more powerful than you choose to let on... and how persuasive you and your younger brothers can be with my father
Death: but...
Lucifer: save it... call to your brothers and have them bring father here... NOW
Death: you dare to speak to me with such a tone?
Death: very well... but know one day you will come to respect and fear me
Death vanishes into the blackness...
Lucifer: I shall fear him when Justin Bieber starts making death metal...
A few hours later Death, accompanied by his brothers War, Famine, and Pestilence
Death: He will undo what has happened here but he will not speak to you directly he has no desire to ever let you stand in his presence again
Lucifer: I care not
Death: He is also worried... the destruction of this world was clouded from him... he suspects a darkness like no other is at work here... he will undo it's destruction but it is up to you and the others to find out what has happened...
Lucifer: We shall try...
... It was raining at the Arena and one lonely man was sitting in the stands apparently asleep
Lucifer: GEBOHQ!!!
Gebohq looks around the Arena with shock and puzzlement on his face and sees Lucifer standing in the middle
Lucifer: Gebohq... EXPLAIN YOUR ACTIONS!
Tune in next week for the next dramatic thread closing