Hey everybody
I have some really tough classes this quarter and I won't be posting very often as I have tons of studying and reading. I just want to clear up some confusion about Sok Munkey/ John Von Xombie. I have kept him rather vague as a character to allow him to develop, through the eclectic writing styles of our many authors, but I think It's starting to confuse people and hinder the flow of the story.
SM/JVX isn't really a zombie, he's a half-blood. He worked in a warehouse at one time, and a shipment of monkeys for expiriments in psychological/behavioral studies was shipped to the ware house. A careless employee mishandled the monkeys and was bit by a particularly aggressive one. Afraid of reprisal, the employee kept quiet about it. He was exposed to a virus and began a chain reaction that exposed almost the entire employee population. Catching the pandemic quickly, the warehouse went into lockdown with all the employees inside and left several survivors behind inadvertently, SM among them. The virus ran its course, (the zombies starved and killed each other off) and the few survivors emerged from the break room they barricaded themselves in at the onset.
SM was also exposed to the virus, but for some reason he acquired an immunity before the infection fully ran its course and became irreversible. He never fully turned zombie, but he never really recovered from the virus either. The physical changes that occured (Extreme pain threshold due to nerve damage/deadening, unnatural strength from muscle tissue alterations, berserker furies from altered neurological brain circuitry, Hightened night-vision from changes in the eyes.) were cut off in the early stages, but never actually healed. The virus bred less-than-typical zombies, with a preference to dark and prone to berserking rages. The whole exposure thing is supposed to be like Shaun of the Dead in style. Anyway, this post has gone on longer than I intended,
but that hopefully will clear up any questions you have about what the hell is up with SM.
"I'm interested in the fact that the less secure a person is, the more likely it is for that person to have extreme prejudices." -Clint Eastwood