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ForumsInteractive Story Board → NeS workshop
NeS workshop
2004-12-15, 11:12 PM #281
Well, I can't seem to find the bloody spot where it's revealed that Enchilada Man and Miss Fire are siblings (it's an obscure passage hidden away somewhere), but I did find numerous instances of RobX hitting on Miss Fire rather blatantly (and unsuccessfully, but that's beside the point), so I'm hoping rather fervently that this means that they are not, in fact, related.

Geb, you wouldn't happen to know where it is that it's implied that Enchilada Man and Miss Fire are brother and sister, would you? I can't find it. I remember getting all excited when I was reading through it for some reason and discovered this fact, but now I can't find it anymore. Bah.
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2004-12-16, 12:53 AM #282
I thought I did -- I was pretty sure it was before page 6, but I didn't find it either. Closest I found was Enchilada Man refering to Miss Fire as "a good friend and frequent customer"... I'm pretty sure I remembered the reference as a NSP anyway, probably refering to their RL counterparts... so yeah.

It's also amazing how quickly I posted/replied back then, with only Ante, Sem, and Otter (and then Maybe) being the major posters from, like, page 3/4 until half-way down 6, where you join. Pretty crazy.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2004-12-16, 8:50 AM #283
...and lo, I concede, for I have found proof contrary to what I previously believed. I shall retreat to my corner, and offer a cookie to any man who can find the proof that I found.....

(Hint: It's not in NeS...)
Pereant qui ante nos nostra dixerunt.
2004-12-16, 11:34 AM #284
Well, I was completely befuddled, but with the aid of the "search" function (and a bit of help from Ante himself), I found a reference here:

I'm pretty sure it's a RL reference though. What I find interesting is this picture:

If it's what I think it is, Krig's concept sketch did a pretty damn good job of capturing the original :D
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2004-12-17, 12:03 PM #285
Some "plans" I had in mind:

-I'd like to have the Otter go through a relatively major character revelation, where an error his judgement (while drunk) costs him something major, and if it plays out, have him attempt to quit (which he may or may not succeed at in who knows how long of a struggle). The premise that his Vulcan's flame is reliant on how much alcohol is in him will undoubtedly make such an attempt more difficult. This isn't to say the Otter becomes a saint even if he does succeed -- he'll still be one to try scoring with the ladies in all likelyhood. I think the Otter has an incredible ability for judgement of some sort deep down.

-I also referenced Thrawnbot's sensitive skin. I'm thinking the sensitivity may or may not also be on a psychological level, but even if he turns out to be the "sensitive type" I would think there'd be internal conflict there -- that is, I'd imagine Thrawnbot would see it as a curse, or some error in receiving too much input or whatever. If nothing else, he still has a villianous streak to him

-I went ahead and established Young's knowledge of her existance. Mostly I wanted to confront the paradox tied with her existance, and put a sort of political twist on the writers perhaps trying to subvert where they can. At least, that's how I'd imagine Antestarr feeling right now -- very paranoid and concern that Young is being corrupted. Only time will tell how Young will feel and act.

Hopefully these ideas will jive well with you writers :)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2004-12-21, 10:36 PM #286
Great post, CM, except um... they were already onboard the ship. I implied that he beamed them onboard with some sort of crazy Star Trek technology. Or grabbed them all with grappling hooks and reeled them onboard. Or something.

Also, I agree with Geb about the Otter -- he has great potential to be more than the running gag he's become.
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2004-12-26, 10:41 PM #287
So you all know, we now have auto-anchor per post features

I intend to use these for workshop purposes and the like in the future :)

EDIT: Like for now, I'm using it to link the active characters in the update section to your character sheets in the ISB character sheet thread :)

/me is sad that NeS and NeSi are in a slump :(
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2005-01-04, 2:28 AM #288
Look! A random event which seems to be mildly amusing!

Oh noes! What's that? Above!

What? That was the culmination of boredom over the holidays, too many marshmellows and a broken mechanical pencil.
Hey, Blue? I'm loving the things you do. From the very first time, the fight you fight for will always be mine.
2005-01-06, 4:04 PM #289
I've added a new post to NeSquared, but due to a forum glitch you will all have to dig it up and check it yourself to read it....
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2005-01-17, 1:36 PM #290
Hey, SAJN, got any plans for what's on those sewer-notes, or can the rest of us take it and run with it? I might be making a post here at some point in the near future.
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2005-01-17, 5:42 PM #291
The only plan I had with those papers is what was said in the riddle. " The codes that meet will be the key, paper unlocks more than metal for thee." So I'm guessing the papers hold some clue as to how to get into the Citadel..I dunno. Go crazy with it. Just remember that Ante left the paper in the middle tunnel (Doh! Silly Ante!)

I have no idea what the Obfuscated One (Qhobeg) will be used for either so...

I'm just happy that I am writing for NeS again >.<
Think while it's still legal.
2005-01-17, 7:36 PM #292
I'm heading abroad for a couple of days. SAJN and Krig, thank you for those name ideas: I'm going to use parts of both, so you both were a great support....

This means I have to credit you if/when I publish it, you realise :D
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2005-01-17, 7:40 PM #293
No problem :)
Think while it's still legal.
2005-01-19, 9:41 PM #294
Aha! So I did a bit of re-reading/scanning NeSquared, and I believe I may have some ideas cooking. I'll have to sleep on it though.

This, of course, is not in any way to discourage anyone from posting -- please post. You know you want to...
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2005-01-20, 1:22 AM #295
That's a good idea, Geb. I think many of us have kinda run low on ideas, a re-reading would stimulate things and get the momentum back. I'll put that on my list of things to do.

*Goes back to not working on NeSi...*
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2005-01-21, 1:41 PM #296
Well everytime I find good time to post for NeS it seems the energy is sucked out of me. So even though there is no energy in me at the moment, I will at least post the notes I took, which might help you guys out, though it's mostly focusing on the stuff with the 1888 AD flashbacks and the Haunted House of Heroes.

8th Dimension -- psuedo-Dark World concept -- "value"
(1st-3rd dimensions: space length, height, depth)
(4th-6th dimensions: time length, height, depth)
(7th dimension: space/time fractal)

8th Dimension
Haunted House (of Heroes) | Qwerty's Old Lab | woods/cliff/desert
(cavernous) creepy complex (under HHH)
-Forum Wayrail device w/search engine (dead, used by Gebiyl to find Ahnuld/Thrawn)
-dead bodies
-chambers of water tanks (based off of Crush Depth chapter in OpFor)
-talking rats
(above things meant to have "Half-Life" feel of experiments gone wrong)
-dream-mind-control device Gebiyl tried using on heroes (that started dreamstate storyarc), possibly made by Qwerty, presumably broken now

Random note: it was suggested at one point by Highemperor abd Jim that Geb may be adopted

Events in 19th Century (flashbacks)
1873 - Erro Ohq (age: 18) held wrongfully prisoner in Tower of Thames by Sword Wader for "being foolish" according to Erro, freed by King Emp, talk of forming League of Heroes

1887 - Erro (age: 32) with League of Heroes (The Badger, The Thirteenth True Evil, Admiral Randy, Jim Seven, King Emp, etc. enter Mongolia. Total League of Extraordinary Gentlemen rip-off, League of Heroes destroy hidden NeSferatu city, Desmond presumably escapes

1888 - Big showdown as Erro (age: 33) "meets his maker" Count Desmond, a NeSferatu*, the rest of the heroes come in too late to find the battle over, with Desmond dead and Erro dramatically aging and unwilling to disclose what happened. Mustang finds out with his clairvoyance by using it on Jim, who did see it.

1898 - Erro (age: 43) is now very old and dying, though is growing taller and bearing a strong resemblance to Morthrandur, whom Erro may have seen at his side before dying? King Emp presumably steals Erro's body from his tomb to disappear forever alongside the nation he ruled.

*NeSferatu = vampire-type that feed off stories. Never-ending stories obviously are ideal food. Humans/characters are the seeds of stories (see: NeShattered) and Erro is supposedly the quissesential source of above.

Notes on Mustang (Ford's great-great...grandfather, at HHH)
-mistaken for monster by Geb before stepping out of the darkness
-slowed the proccess of his aging at high cost (becoming undead/lich?) via magic
-wishes to warn about forecoming events relating to flashbacks but won't reveal as if responsible for something
-Is "watching Ohq" for opportune moment (to reveal more?) with Jim (obviously an issue now)

As I see it, there's not really enough to simply build on for a storyarc; any storyarc involving the HHH and Mustang would require mostly new material. Fortunately, most if not all the above information comes from unreliable sources (Jim Seven, Highemperor, Mustang, etc.) so even the above information can be used however without concern of "messing up facts" (what? Keeping track of things in NeS? That's not right... ;)).

There is, however, still a lot of stuff that can be done with material that came from NeShattered (Morthrandur/Sepulchral Phantom, Potentials, etc.) that could be considered for use. I know the TLTE clones at the end of NeShattered will likely have a big role in the NeS/GG crossover storyarc to come after this current storyarc anyway :)

Some other random thoughts of which I give varying degrees of consideration:

-Maybechild possibly become new NeS avatar
-Gebiyl in turn as the EeP avatar a logical conclusion, but personally feel Gebiyl should do some major struggling first as being a Protector of the Plotfractal is more ideal for him in his current state and he WAS Gebohq at one point... he dislikes the EeP as much as anyone else.
-Following thoughts of Gebiyl -- NeS must be having some serious headaches with Gebiyl/EeP still running around its metaphorical head. How will Gebiyl escape the dreamstate? Perhaps not to be answered for a long while.
-Geb continue to make Helebon mad during interrogation-like sessions*
-Jupiter: the source of "serious" things (Losien, NeShattered, Alole, etc.)
-currently potentially important characters likely to be forgotten as important: Qhobeg, Young, Losien

*This is part of my overall personal goal to tackle the idea of loving your enemies, a Christian ideal I feel being missued, when used at all. Hey, I'm crazy enough to tackle serious issues in a comedic story from time to time, the rest of you are crazy enough to make "plans" -- neither are far from necessary in NeS, but we do it anyway :p

Well, that's pretty much everything on my mind concerning NeS at the moment. Hopefully I'll get the energy to actually write a post soon. I hope this gives you all food for thought anyway, perhaps inspire some posting yourselves :)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2005-01-28, 12:00 PM #297
Disclaimer: As always, I am simply putting down my thoughts. They should not intimidate you in any way as to feel that NeS is now some Vision Cycle-esque weight that would tackle doctorial levels of work. I always check my thoughts first and foremost against how others would enjoy it, both reading and writing for NeS. Still, these are my thoughts, and I will express them in one form or another.

A list of what state-dimensions and such have significantly shown up in NeS:

NeS "prime" (Earth and Universe normal for NeS)

TACC (the "singleplayer" to prime's "multiplayer"?)
Hell (the "underworld" of NeS/Canada)
1337 (the "backstage" of NeS)
NeShattered (the "broken mirror" of NeS)
8th Dimension (the "value" of NeS)
Dreamstate (the "unconscious" NeS)

I felt compelled to list them down for two reasons.

1) I wanted to remember that state-dimensions, especially NeShattered and the 8th dimension, act as both independant (like a seperate location) AND intrinsically a part of the "prime" universe, a concept I already apply to Hell (on NeS and real life, though obviously the latter should not concern you all). It is why I like to refer to dimensions/realms/universes/etc. as "states" (it implies both a seperate location, like the state of Maryland, and something not seperate, like a state of mind.) It helps a bit to understand another perception of mine in regard to the nature of state-universes as well if you've seen the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Parallels" (a favorite episode of mine.)

2) I've noticed they all seem to share a very similar "other side of NeS" aspect to them, to the point where one could be confused and have difficulty telling apart their qualities. For example, NeShattered is essentially a post-apocalyptic state, which is often associated with Hell-on-Earth senarios (which could be a redundancy if you apply my thought on states mentioned above, as there is always Hell on Earth -- it's just a matter of how much of a presence it holds).

Some questions/comments/etc. come to mind as I think of them as well:

-TACC is the state I have most difficulty labeling with something as significant as the others, and yet it has played in an entire storyarc (NeS visits TACC) where Geb had been inadvertantly sent via a plothole. It is also when the NeS heroes first visit Hell, in an attempt to escape TACC and return to NeS prime (and deliver a blow against the forces of Evil/Bill Gates too that were using TACC as a Nova Prospekt-type place). Perhaps TACC could be a place similar to the train system in the Matrix universe, perhaps something else. It is interesting to note that TACC is also where CookedHaggis and Absolver come from.

-Hell is the only place to also have a physical location on Earth (Canada, 9th circle). Mostly just thought this was interesting, but it raises a possibility that perhaps the other mentioned states have a physical location point as well. I labelled Hell as the "underworld" in the sense that homes of crime syndicates and such are called the underworld, a term most certainly was pulled from referencing to a medieval Hell that was imagined to be under the Earth surface (and Heaven the stars). I feel the "setup" of the usual understanding of a hive of crime lords best fit how Hell is depicted in NeS (similar perhaps to how the Frenchman's organization works in the Matrix universe). Jim Seven, Helebon, the Darkside, Bill Gates (formerly just setting up business, now a permenant resident ;) ), Qhobeg, and Daelas (half-Canadian) are some of the characters that have their roots in Hell.

-I listed 1337 as the "backstage" of NeS for a couple reasons. Every time it is mentioned, it is in reference to Kirby (the former stagehand/stage manager figure of NeS) or Bhac and Mayaal (the current "hands" of NeS). The primary reason, though, is that I did not feel 1337 should be the NeS equivilant of Heaven, as I personally prefer things in regards to Heaven to be very subtle, perhaps invisible compared to things like Hell. Where you might see Hell in flashy places like Las Vegas, you'd see Heaven in your average, no-name type town. Putting aside these thoughts which are probably too heavy for regular NeS matters, the premise of the "backstage" for NeS fits better with the content and themes of the other state-dimensions. As mentioned before, Kirby (and the Kirby crew), Bhac and Mayaal consider 1337 as home.

-Admittedly when Highemperor first started NeShattered, I was skeptical of the premise, but I must say I love it now (in all likelyhood because it hits with my love of people and places of a shadow/dark self nature). A dimension of NeS that was born/split off after the events of page 50 and fueled by the character Highemperor's desire to exploit the power of NeS, it is interesting to note that its post-apocalyptic nature did not soon form because of Highemperor's actions but because of the state-dimension's root in having too much "story" ("story"=character and "plot"=events, to over-simplify) which came after the defeat of "plot" on page 50 (EeP). Moreso though, I like the focus that NeShattered puts on the importance of the presentational* aspects of NeS. Plot-wise, it is interesting to note that NeShattered is currently abandoned by Gebiyl, its former dictator/"wielder". Characters that have come from NeShattered include Gebiyl, the Potentials, Morthrandur, and a group of TLTE clones (to appear in the future crossover storyarc).

-The 8th dimension (or "value") was initially an answer for the NeS heroes to go someplace that wasn't Earth-bound (the current storyarc also solves this in their journey to Jupiter through the frontiers of space/the solar system) and turned into the new, darker, more hidden location for the NeS heroes base of operations (the Haunted House of Heroes aka HHH), as well as a continuing source of story with its many mysteries. This one, out of all the state-dimensions listed, probably best shows the dual-qualities of being both a seperate location and a core "dimension" (like space/time length, height and depth). Since the heroes have established their HQ here, I feel the spontaneous nature of NeS posting will give this location all the additional depth it needs. Characters that would call the 8th dimension home are, of course, the late Qwerty (now Bhac and Mayaal) and Thrawn42689.

-the Dreamstate I just added because I realized that it is, in fact, a type of setting, if unorthodox. Arkang Thand and Young find the Dreamstate home

-Despite how important these locations are, I simply wish to say now that I still feel that NeS "prime", our present perceptions of Earth, should still be the primary/regular setting of the NeS thread. With that said, the upcoming storyarc will feature Story Arcade and the Gaming Guardians, both with at least two MORE state-dimensions for NeS. I feel tying the storyarc with the TLTE clones from NeShattered will give the needed potential to focus on NeS' presentational* aspect (in this case, the concept of gaming and role-playing) key in NeShattered and diffuse the weight of Story Arcade and Gaming Guardians as simply secondary locations (like how, for instance, Geb's appearance on "Win Ben Stein's Money" would be a secondary location).

After seeing all that I've typed, you may wonder why I have not spent this time writing a NeS storypost instead. To that I say IS THAT SHIGERU MIYAMOTO?

GebTW gebs it.

*Quick lesson for those who don't know: presentational is a theater term, and goes hand-in-hand with representational. Anytime you see a theater production that tries to depict a setting, etc. as we see them in real-life is what is considered "representational"; representational represents real-life. Styles include Realism (almost a required style for stories in movies these days it seems) and Naturalism, which is essentially a more extreme version of Realism -- if the events in a story take two hours, the play is two hours, if the house requires a sink with water, their likely to make fully-operational plumbing, etc. Presentational, on the other hand, essentially shows the audience "hey, this is a theater production." The Brechtian (sp?) style is the most well-known for this, where each scene would have someone hold a sign that says "scene 1" and stuff. To over-simplify, presentational really just means breaking down the fourth wall, and it's an element of NeS I feel is sometimes being wrongly ignored. It's a major reason why I dislike Tolkien's works anyway, who I feel turned the fantasy genre into a representational-dependant genre instead of a presentational-dependant genre.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2005-01-28, 12:29 PM #298
Oh yeah, forgot to say, after such a lull in NeS posting...


Ford, Krig, CoolMatty, TLTE, all in 24 hours it seems. All while I was away from the computer the ONE day, going to visit an art museum with friends. Maybe I should visit art museums more often... >_>
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2005-01-28, 1:18 PM #299
Five posts in a day? Jeebus. I must have hit something people can work with...

Poor Flying Taco VII. So neglectecd until now.
Hey, Blue? I'm loving the things you do. From the very first time, the fight you fight for will always be mine.
2005-01-28, 7:43 PM #300
Neglected no more, Tony, fear not.

And to all of you: I've had an idea for the next big development I wish to see. Rather than try to deal with new material and constantly add new characters, I feel more comfortable with creating a plot device allowing for more expansion of the existing heroes and villains. We have so much of a cast now (a virtual "mythology", as I've frequently said) that I feel we should begin to look at the real motivations and relationships between them, as well as their own inner drives. What does CookedHaggis think of Morris? Why does Tony or Krig or Cool Matty continue to travel with the NeS heroes, aside from the most basic continuity purposes? Of course, we'll have to keep the zany comedy up, and we will, it goes without saying...but comedy is more meaningful if you care about the characters. Look at M*A*S*H, for instance, or Scrubs.

Anyway, I don't want to give it all away, and there are still many things happening at the moment to the NeS so it won't become prominent straight away, but in a general sense my idea has to do with Arkng Thand, the nature (and number) of Potentials, and the importance of not only Gebohq to the story, but the heroes he surrounds himself with. Anyone who wants to know more/help me plan it/send me money, send me an e-mail.
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2005-01-28, 10:16 PM #301
Character-driven humour is always the best sort of humour. Your idea resonates with me deeply. I look forward to your posts in future.

Five years and still going strong! Long live NeS!
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2005-01-29, 8:52 PM #302
And now, for future-science 101. Or something. Basically, helping to simplify all my technobabble from my last post.

Mass Driver: The idea is kinda like a railgun, but goes based on a different law using accelerator coils and magnetic fields and is all around better explained here: .

FF Missile: Any hardcore Wing Commander fans will remember these. Basically, a fire-and-forget weapon that tracks the nearest enemy target... or your own ship if your communications array is damaged.

Quantum Torpedo: Torpedoes are generally accepted in outer space sci-fi as low speed heavy weapons. People use these to take down cap ships or things of comparable size, when they have time to lock on.

"Modular" Fighter: Haven't come up with a "model number" for them yet, but modular refers to the fact that it has a flexible equipment set and/or (as with this case) transformations to different vehicle layouts. So, from fighter to mech. Good thing Geb's not out there...

And that concludes this session of future-science 101.
Pereant qui ante nos nostra dixerunt.
2005-02-04, 12:19 AM #303
Just wish to apologize for not being funny in my last post. I find it difficult to be funny AND tackle my challange truthfully. Fortunately, it's unlikely I'll be able to tackle it much more with the current situation I'm using, so there'll definately be more funny in the future :)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2005-02-04, 10:31 PM #304
After thinking about Ante's last post remarking Helebon being a lovechild of Hel and Cinnabun, I was reminded of CoolMatty's reason for still existing in NeSquared. Just wondering if you still remembered CM :)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2005-02-09, 12:33 AM #305
I'm interested in projecting a non-NeS idea for the ISB to you NeS writers before I attempt to take a stab at it:

How many of you would be interested in participating in a sketch-based interactive story? It would definately emphasis as much simplicity and lack-of-art-skills needed to join as I could. The way I see it, it could range from a simple MSPaint-scale stick-people that could be uploaded with the forum's "attach file" feature to eight 500x500 super-artist scanned drawing per post, depending on the poster. The major obstacle I am currently trying to tackle is some "structure" (plot, story, something) to start with that would work with a variety of visual levels AND that would lend itself to the visual form (as oppose to words). In all likelyhood, something very similar to the NeS would probably work best, and overall, I envision something akin to an actual storyboard in terms of feel.

I'll still be attempting this idea sooner or later, but I wanted to know if any ISB/NeS regulars would be interested or not as well.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2005-02-09, 8:25 AM #306
I can hardly be called a regular, but I'm intrigued.
Hey, Blue? I'm loving the things you do. From the very first time, the fight you fight for will always be mine.
2005-02-09, 4:05 PM #307
I, too, am intrigued. Quick skizetchors sound like fun.
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2005-02-13, 6:22 PM #308
As St. Valentine's Day falls upon us, the writers and poets who should continue its legacy, I say:

ïîçäðàâëåíèÿ ê óäà÷ëèâîìó âëþáëåííîìó/congratulations to the successful in love,


Ìîæåò ëþáèòü ïðåîáëàäàþò â ñåðäöàõ âñåõ, êòî èùåò ýòî/may love prevail in the hearts of all who search for it.

Hoping you are all safe and content,

The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2005-02-24, 5:03 AM #309
I am quite overdue for a lot of things concerning NeS. I blame school among other things. I will however post some notes and a specific couple lines that I had in mind for a NeS post, a post that would check up on stuff concerning the last storyarc and some behind-the-scenes characters that haven't seen light in a while. If anyone wishes to take these ideas and roll with them, be my guest.

Dreamstate / Arkng Thand's Tower


Arkng Thand
Morthrandur/Sepulchral Phantom

Gebiyl (possessed by EeP in one form or another) has at least the following items:
  • Gebohq's NeSword
  • Jim Seven's wings
  • CoolMatty's staff
  • Krig's helmet
  • Otter's sunglasses
  • Haggis' towel
  • Maybe's lute
  • Ahnuld's "red"
  • satchel w/other items

While at least some items are irreplacable (NeSword), other items may or may not be as irreplacable. It's assumed that the heroes with missing possessions are at least pining the loss over a favorite, and at some point have or will find a way to replace the loss (in Geb's case, only by reclaiming the NeSword from Gebiyl). What's important is that Gebiyl is one messed-up badass mofo right now, even if he is a currently imprisoned one.

The following lines involve Geb talking to EeP/NeS as he is wrecking havoc in dreamstate in attempt to escape. These lines in particular are implying the dual nature that Geb is now a figure of NeS (first line) and EeP (second line).

Gebiyl: Get out of my head, you're not real!

*Gebiyl turns, answering in a different direction*

Gebiyl: I'll NEVER leave! You must admit! You must submit!

As for the other characters, they have all served as significant "background" forces, and feel they should be injected into a post to see what they could be up to, at the very least.

Again, sorry for my lack of activity as of late.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2005-02-26, 8:52 PM #310
2005-02-26, 9:53 PM #311
Was he beaten as a child?
Think while it's still legal.
2005-02-26, 10:05 PM #312
Maybe a little
2005-02-27, 12:50 PM #313
You mean beaten as a young bot. Thrawn, not being organic and all, never had a real childhood ;)

Very nice picture :)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2005-02-28, 5:51 PM #314
Pingu the Great: Thanks for joining!

To the other writers: Some of you may know Pingu from me talking about him. He's the GM for a RP game I'm a part of on the Gaming Guardians forums called "Punishment" and I can tell you that not only is he a good writer and such, but he knows the ways of NeS pretty well.

As for his character, I don't know how close he intends to stick with his original, but he's at least a talking penguin. Here's a link to a character sheet that may or may not be helpful.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2005-02-28, 6:18 PM #315
Max The Penguin is the only talking penguin. ;)
Think while it's still legal.
2005-02-28, 6:27 PM #316
Originally posted by SAJN_Master
Max The Penguin is the only talking penguin. ;)

Wrong story :p
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2005-02-28, 8:28 PM #317
Yay for new writers! For he has shown us old fogeys the error of our ways! We must be zanier! NeS has lost its zaniness!

/me goes off to write a hopefully zany NeSpost.
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2005-03-01, 4:26 PM #318
In my little side-quest for giving characters "real" names with what they're usually called (possible example: Maybechild = Maybelle Judith Child... /shrug) I went into looking at CookedHaggis. Besides noticing how often he's portrayed as a English-French stereotypical waiter despite his obvious Scottish/TACC roots, I also noticed that CookedHaggis, in all likelyhood, is not suppose to be a name he really identifies with. Back when he first entered on page 18/19, he was simply known as "the waiter" who was reluctant to identify himself (he may have remembered Geb and possibly others from his NeSu days), upon which Maybechild and Geb suggest that he'll be called "cooked" if he didn't cooperate.

From that point on, the name CookedHaggis seems to have been picked up on osmosis or something, as the majority of his name is only used by the Narrator and for dialogue tags. For the first 5-10 pages, only random boss-people called him "Mr. Haggis." The only people to reference the whole name is CookedHaggis himself, Geb, Absolver, TLTE and TFFE, Gettle and, in NeS2 -- Ante (almost always written by Haggis himself or one of the "veterans"...). That may sound like a lot, but with at least 50 pages, it was surprising how little anyone called Haggis by his name.

So yeah, while there's a good chance that Haggis might be his family name, it is unlikely his first name is Cooked in any fashion similar to the other characters. Perhaps we'll find out his first name is Niall or something <_<
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2005-03-01, 5:00 PM #319
Zaniness... I'll have to remember how to go about that. Perhaps I just enjoy crafty humor too much.

On the subject of naming... Ante hasn't even been touched on. I think he was in the desert so long he forgot his own name or something. Antestarr is almost more like a title that replaces a name. But not the kind of title that you need a "the" before. I mean, for lack of a better example, Aragorn of LotR was referred to as "Elessar" on more than one occasion, though never "the Elessar". And before you go telling me it was his surname, it was also a title, so bah.
Pereant qui ante nos nostra dixerunt.
2005-03-01, 5:15 PM #320
Yeah, there are a number of characters with names that could be put to question: Antestarr, the Otter, Semievil, etc. In any case, it seems to be common enough for people of the NeS world to have an alias, something like a middle name or something.
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