As a note, if other writers don't want to have the group confronting Michael /quite/ yet, the person they're about to chase could be the Illusionist.
For starters, I'll highlight some potentially good memories from page 50, of which we can go with one or all or some mix.
TLTE confronts Bill Gates and TFFE - mostly a potential because of the first line, suggesting TLTE has been forgotten before.
The EeP explains the NeS and Geb's role in it to TLTE - it involves TLTE, the EeP, and perhaps suggesting the spirit of NeS
Future Darkside is trapped in the Darkfoil by Ante -
currently in TLTE's posession, a reminder of Ante's role and relation to Thand
Tracer has a moment - mostly because I feel bad for bringing Tracer's character back and not doing more with him
Pre-battle with the EeP - mostly for Phil the UGO driver apparently dying, and he was mentioned a few pages ago. Hmm...
Maeve, MZZT, and others make way to the Arena - there may be a better post, and this seems as good as any to highlight Maeve and MZZT. Just be sure to block out Dr. Dor, as he's the one character who's definitively been 'erased' by Tsolo.
Endgame post - the mammoth final post of the original NeS. Since it's so huge, I'll mention some specifics from it:
- Otter battles TLTE's friend, Absolver, with Otter is Under EeP's control
- MZZT fights Jim Seven's half brother, Kyle Katarn 7, with Kyle also under EeP's control
- Maeve's apparent friendship with MZZT continues to be highlighted
- Losien fights Maeve, with Losien under EeP's control
- Losien: "The pie? The pie is not evil, Maeve -- the pie let me see clearly for the first time! It let me see what losers those "Heroes" were! They treated me like I was nothing! They played with my emotions! No, Maeve, the pie is not evil -- it is freedom! Freedom to do whatever I feel like! Freedom to leave you pathetic do-gooders and side with the real power in this world!"
- Losien: "You think you can just come in and woo everybody, don't you? I'm not fooled by you. You want to take my place!"
- "Insert TLTE's scene with Evil Losien HERE!"
- "Insert brief segment with TLTE noticing what TFFE is doing, dealing with Losien or whatever, and joining the battle with TFFE again."
- End speech
Now to ramble on with thoughts with some of our characters:
Overall, she's evolved from an uncertain main character hero, to growing into her role and asserting her own thoughts which culminated in defeating Tsolo, to becoming an outright card-carrying villain triggered when
Soriel pointed out her questionable actions, which she then embraced. Given particularly the quotes from her above, of which she said in truth (as Plot just plays out what's logical), it's easy enough to say that, in her attempt to be a stronger main character, she's struggling with perhaps the core of her character - that she feels she's not respected. If she tries for humility and kindness, she's walked all over, and she feels she's only been able to build 'real' confidence through more evil actions. She's likely considered herself 'ugly' all this time because she feels that, like her love TLTE, her true self is to be evil. I have no idea what she might do from that. She may figure it out and start some action that defines her heroic side stronger, or she might stay the course and start influencing TLTE to be evil again, or any other number of things. She's obviously got some forgotten battle with TLTE - her 'damsel in distress' (if that still applies), and there's still likely lots of awkwardness with him and Michael. Her relation with Amal is likely still awkward, especially now that he's holding the 'main character mantle' in some small way. Her relation with Maeve should be very awkward too, considering their actions over the story-arc and from the last battle. She still wants some influence over Apple's child, likely out of principle at this point. If reminded of her brother, she'll likely feel some level of shame. While officially, her overall goal is likely 'success in a mission' (whether heroic or villainous), her real goal is likely to earn real respect, of which she already had from the people who matter most to her - Geb and TLTE.
The Last True Evil
While we've done our best to keep him on the down-low for this story-arc so as to not have his character overwhelm everyone else's, even his inactions throughout the story-arc should speak a lot. His
inner battle pretty much spells out that he's resisting action in attempt to defy his true nature and to support his love, and having been forcibly forgotten might not be new territory with him. The battle with Losien on page 50 that wasn't written out is likely very significant. TLTE is also likely very conflicted in that his love seems to be embracing what he's defied to be with her - evil. Michael, of course, will stir old issues, and it may have to come to TLTE and Michael fighting Losien. There's been little interaction with TLTE and Amal lately, which may speak to their current relationship (Amal's affection for Losien may be making things awkward). He currently has an arsenal of strange weapons, such as the Darkfoil, Mayaal's tears, and the hyper-time modulator, any one or all of which may come into play still, and his lack of Potential may also continue to play its part.
I tried to play up that he's essentially a personification of his drive which has made him the ideal Avatar of Loss, someone who is essentially a ghost with 'unfinished business' (as Forgotten tend to be). He may very well have played in the battle between Losien and TLTE on page 50 - an action which may have propelled him as a Forgotten character in the first place. Obviously has issues with Losien and TLTE, likely thinks of the others as unimportant extras, which isn't likely to put Darkside or the Illusionist on his good side, though I suspect the Illusionist will be faithful to him regardless for some unknown reason.
Unfortunately, not too much has gone on with him, though he has developed into a more wizened person, if still making some rather 'big mistakes' such as professing his love to Losien. Arguably not ready for the main character mantle, he still technically carries it at this point out of a sense of duty and what's right. As from his start, Amal is likely best left as a tie and reflection for Losien and TLTE, their own failings likely to grow in him.
Al Ciao
No longer ruler of Hell (I think), the whole deal set at the beginning of the story-arc is now moot regarding souls and stopping (the now defunct) Knowsoul. Since then, I believe the 'major' thing for Al is trying to be the father of both Apple's child and Lady Lightside (Darkside)'s baby. I really have no idea where that can go, and apart from that, I presume he'll just chime in to help his friends where he can. I think Al can easily empathize with Losien's lacking of respect, which is probably lost on her to the tragedy of Al. The one person Al is likely bonding moreso with the most from this story-arc is Soriel, due to their happy memories of adventuring, though even that likely has a hint of regret for Al. Al, moreso than the others, likely has the most regrets, which Michael may be able to exploit at some point - a dead Potential will do that to a man.
She's been quiet lately, and that's probably because her desire to knock Losien down has been fulfilled in Losien 'showing her true colors' so to speak. As always these days, she's mostly just interested to make sure things don't seem to get out of hand in the "NeS is ending" scale, so she'll likely be one of the few to try and keep the heroes on track, should it seem that the NeS is about to end. She likely has little need to hinder the heroes at this point, as they're already in a fairly hard predicament with Losien being evil. She'll likely be mad at any successful actions TLTE might take to help Losien recover to goodness (reflecting her own complicated relations with Geb). Her transformation is mostly in regards to her continued hate towards Losien.
Acting as mostly the impartial observer, his general transformation over the story-arc has been from no-nonsense physical fighter to no-nonsense 'meta-physical' fighter of sorts, though for the most part, he's been trying to learn his new battleground and feeling things out. His jealousy of Thand's mastery over such a domain likely became lost when Thand stepped out of the group. Likely feels some camaraderie with Al, and would likely resist Michael's attempt at manipulation the most out of the recently Forgotten.
Fred and Carlotta
I got nothing except they should still have screen time.
The Otter
While diligently serving as comedic relief, the Otter had been one of the Forgotten not too long ago along, and revisiting memories has only made him realize how pitiful he can be in certain ways. Could likely be manipulated by Michael. Given his ability for a special sort of judgment of a situation, he might be afraid of what Losien is becoming and what bad things he did on page 50, and may fall back on his drinking to 'enjoy the ride' so to speak.
She's rather different in this story-arc in some ways than how she acted in the original NeS thread, which may be caused by having been Forgotten. She'll definitely have a complex relationship with Losien once memories on page 50 surface if she doesn't already have one. She may have her own regrets or the like that Michael may exploit.
While Soriel tries to be an outsider, I think Apple, for all intents, IS the outsider, and her remaining role in the story likely continues with that. Per Britt's plans with her, I presume her tale will wrap up when she gives birth to herself, and given the whole "Losien vs. Al as father of her child" stick, I imagine the two of them in particular have the most impact on her in some fashion.
Starting as one half of Knowsoul at the start, only to be torn apart and 'enslaved' by Michael, Darkside has likely been simply trying to bide time until he (she) can feast on more souls. Might try to backstab Michael still, and may have some grander plan in giving birth to Al's child (perhaps consuming it will give Darkside some unique power? Maybe Darkside's just desperate for a soul. Who knows?)
Dead. Had his run. His mantle now in the much better hands of Michael. Michael likely kept him around simply for him to die and potentially gain his power.
The Illusionist
Comic henchmen who may throw in a wrench or two still. Out of the group, likely has particular familiarity with Rachel, Al, and Michael. Beyond that? Got me.
Master Thand
I specifically wrote him out of the group after a point because he was throwing off the group relations too much. However, I think he still has a strong investment in the events of the current story-arc with Memory Lane, and feel he should have some role yet before or at the end of it (though perhaps Knowsoul's dissolvement and Tsolo's destruction were enough), likely as another hidden aside to Amal if I had to guess. As for his future, I thought I had an idea for his 'final actions' in NeSquared overall, and I think I need to re-evaluate those ideas. I still firmly believe he should serve as the "wise antagonist" who poses a special conflict with the main characters because he is right.
His 'bit for this storyarc I think should resolve in Evil Geb informing Ante that Nyneve's act of turning him into a NeSferatu was a request from Thand, so that Antestarr can best live on to protect the interests of the NeS, potentially as a Protector of the Plotfractal. He also may teter on the edge of becoming Forgotten with his NeSferatu status holding him back. Whatever Ante does or doesn't do next is likely good material for a future story-arc, since this story-arc is more or less resolving his current 'drive' to protect the NeS via Young and his inventions (Darkfoil, etc.)
Evil Geb
After his buddy-buddy time with Antestarr (a friendship of old plus a friendship as antiheroes of sorts), I presume Evil Geb's primary action will be to protect Young and Chance from the EeP. He may do this at the end of this story-arc or the beginning of the next.
Having recently given birth, unless anyone objects, I feel she's run her course at this point, and logically, Evil Geb would do everything he can to protect them. I presume he'd do so by sending the two of them to another 'story thread' to return when things are safe. Having Young and Chance story-hop may give some ammunition to shape their experiences for whenever it may be fitting for them to return, and Chance was always something I figured would be a long-term element, so to speak. The alternative is to leave them for Evil Geb to try and protect, though I think they would be easy targets for the EeP. In any case, her initial roles to 1) protect the NeS characters from the Writers and 2) stop Tsolo both seem to be either unnecessary or failings of sorts.
Ever-ending Plot (EeP)
I'd like to continue building up the EeP's threatening presence for it to actively serve for a climax to NeSquared, which if we're holding to the 50 page format, is approaching soon (another couple story-arcs about probably). At least one mention of the EeP in the memories should cue the unnoticed (save Evil Geb for now) nasty substance continuing to infect the NeS.
He gets a lot of screen time in the memories on page 50, and since he's got some function in the current story-arc, it may be nice to have him tied in a bit. Any small touch of MZZT's development could be cool, though I'm hard pressed to think of any potential ideas.
No longer needing to fulfill his pact to stop Knowsoul, and having accepted a job as a teacher of law, Geb's transformation in this story-arc is mostly that of trying to find a new direction for his life, as that of professional hero seems to have played its course. Were he in Memory Lane, he'd have a lot of nostalgia and regret to shift through -- the story-arc was initially intended to explore those things, so he dodged a bullet on that one I suppose. A dead Potential will likely do that to a person. Still, page 50 seems to suggest he's still tied significantly to the spirit of the NeS, or at least was, and thus may play an indirect role in the wrap-up for the Memory Lane story.
With that, I only have to explore potential options for the whole "lost spirit of the NeS" deal. Here's some ideas.
1) The group finds the lost spirit of the NeS. It's a physical personification, not unlike Erik that acted as the avatar of the NeS, hiding in Memory Lane. The heroes are able to defend it and help it find its way, or they fail to defend it, and sets off catastrophic events that will result in the end of NeSquared -- something to be determined as the situation seems fit.
2) The group doesn't find the lost spirit of the NeS because it never really existed as something to be found. Everyone believed it existed because it felt like there needed an explanation for why the NeS seems to be different from how they remembered it, and perhaps discover that things change in time, or that things weren't really that differnet. The group now moves on, shaped by the things they remembered.
3) The group discovers that the lost spirit of the NeS is actually Geb, reflecting his recent choices. The group may confront this as they actually begin to interact with the memory of Geb at the end of page 50 (to tie in with how the memories at times seem to realize their presence). See #1 for followups on that.
4) The group discovers that the lost spirit is actually the will of the writers themselves, and that they had to take this journey to help the writers recall why they like writing for the NeS in the first place. Pretty much the ending to The Neverending Story movie in that regard.
5) The group discovers that the lost spirit is something that ties in well with many of the memories mentioned, or something super-cool that I've not thought.
Regardless of how the lost spirit part is played out, it's much more important that the actions and relations of our characters play out as they should, and let things go from there. I'm sure the powerhouses that are Britt and Al the writers can figure out some more awesome stuff, and can also figure out the remaining story-arcs, of which I'll of course help add when I feel I can. I hope the above helps anyone tackling the Memory Lane stuff.