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NeS workshop
2014-11-06, 9:57 AM #1601
I think you bring up good points, Britt, and perhaps out of some old man side of me with Al, I still agree with Al's sentiment too to some degree. In general, I'd hope we start small -- perhaps, as Britt suggested, each of us carrying over one old and one new character -- and try keeping things conservative (that is, not write in a bunch of old or new) for however long we can before the new thread inevitably develops its own cast in the spotlight and style and whatnot.

Specifically to Britt, regarding Thand, as much as I enjoyed the potential (no pun intended) that Thand as an antagonist could have brought, I think he developed in a way that never quite realized the potential, and I'm not even sure if that potential could realistically have been realized in something like NeS. Regardless, I feel he was somewhat what Bill Gates was in the original thread, not in personality but moreso just as a reoccurring antagonist that defined the thread, and like Gates, Thand would probably work better to perform some last act before going back into his hermit-like ways, perhaps to return sometime down the NeS future under a new name. As with so much of NeS, though, it's one of those things that will need to be improvised as things move along, so as you said, we'll see how things go. :)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2014-11-07, 6:23 AM #1602
Originally posted by Gebohq:
I think you bring up good points, Britt, and perhaps out of some old man side of me with Al, I still agree with Al's sentiment too to some degree. In general, I'd hope we start small -- perhaps, as Britt suggested, each of us carrying over one old and one new character -- and try keeping things conservative (that is, not write in a bunch of old or new) for however long we can before the new thread inevitably develops its own cast in the spotlight and style and whatnot.

Specifically to Britt, regarding Thand, as much as I enjoyed the potential (no pun intended) that Thand as an antagonist could have brought, I think he developed in a way that never quite realized the potential, and I'm not even sure if that potential could realistically have been realized in something like NeS. Regardless, I feel he was somewhat what Bill Gates was in the original thread, not in personality but moreso just as a reoccurring antagonist that defined the thread, and like Gates, Thand would probably work better to perform some last act before going back into his hermit-like ways, perhaps to return sometime down the NeS future under a new name. As with so much of NeS, though, it's one of those things that will need to be improvised as things move along, so as you said, we'll see how things go. :)

Not a bad idea. Take one over and create a new one each. I think if we do, we shouldn't be too hasty to introduce our newbies. I know I, for one, would wait for a few pages I think.

But now a dilemma... which character to carry over!! :o

I think we should all agree that we do not include the Main Character in our selection limit. It'd be unfair if we all want a character each, but none want to have Losien or Amal (and therefore no main character). So in the new series, we'd have four characters in total. One character each and our Main Character. Until we make our newbies.
2014-11-10, 11:38 AM #1603
Originally posted by TheBritt:
Not a bad idea. Take one over and create a new one each. I think if we do, we shouldn't be too hasty to introduce our newbies. I know I, for one, would wait for a few pages I think.

But now a dilemma... which character to carry over!! :o

I think we should all agree that we do not include the Main Character in our selection limit. It'd be unfair if we all want a character each, but none want to have Losien or Amal (and therefore no main character). So in the new series, we'd have four characters in total. One character each and our Main Character. Until we make our newbies.

For clarity, I hadn't meant to suggest that we hold off on introducing ANY new (major) characters at the beginning/for as long as we can; I presumed there may have been approximately a new character for each old character. Granted, this is going off the assumption that it continues to be pretty much just the three of us, which I hope to have proven wrong as a bunch of new people join. In that case, I'd hope the three of us would keep to just an old character each, since I'm sure the new people would be trigger happy with what they write.

As for which one I'd carry over (or newly make for that matter), it depends heavily on a) how the end of NeSquared plays out and b) what characters the two of you bring over. I presume Al will almost certainly want to bring Al Ciao over, which is fine by me, and if I had to guess for you, Britt, probably someone equally time-spanning, such as Chronos or Britt, though I could conceivably see you feeling the need to bring over someone like Geb if I didn't.

I've admittedly kept debating over how important, from a reader's perspective, it would be to have Geb still around. I feel pretty confident, however, that if Losien carried over in her current role, that Geb could comfortably stay as a secondary character and possibly keep him in the "Story B" role I feel he's been sliding naturally into with NeSquared. I mostly carry the concern when I consider other stories that seem to change in their 'main character' which, for me, doesn't seem to normally work well. The standard exception generally involves a story told over generations of characters, which I can see this falling under (though I'd be very reluctant to keep it so simple/strict as a Biblical genealogy). In any case, I'd actually consider going as far as not introducing an old character of my own immediately if it seemed like it wasn't necessary.

It might be worth noting that, in both threads, it could be argued that the idea of a 'main character' instigated the ending of those threads, just as Thand suggests that there's an 'ultimate villain' that threatens the continuation of the NeS and which requires a new thread. Both for in-story and out-of-story reasons, it might be beneficial to encourage less of a singular 'main character' and focus more on a 'group' that the threads (at least the first) started out more as. That is to say, we might simply want to agree on three characters, one of each of our picking, that could benefit most as 'main characters' and go from there, in which case, I have no issue carrying over Losien or whomever we would have otherwise considered our sole 'main character' for my slot.

Again, these are just ideas I'm throwing out. These all really hinge on how things play out. The only big idea I really have for the new thread, and which I've had for a while now, is to introduce "real life"/"reality"/"non-fiction" as a new big bad in some fashion, possibly to take the place of the Ever-ending Plot. Otherwise, I'm mostly considering what would make a good 'goal' for said characters for the first arc of the new thread, which I hope to capture what I think made Fight of the Century work so well. I'll be sure to post whatever thoughts I have in this thread as they come to mind.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2014-11-11, 6:07 AM #1604
Interesting that there'd be no 'Main Character'. But, let's face it, we'd end up with one anyway. The first time I believe Geb was "dethroned" I think Antestarr was suddenly the leader of the NeS Heroes and shortly Geb was Main Character again. I think stories naturally gravitate that way. To be honest though, mostly "Main Character" in our situation often means "leader of the the NeS Heroes". Though I would argue Main Character status seems to hang on Losien harder than it did Geb. With Geb it often meant leader, and only hung on him at critical or supremely dramatic moments (in particular the end of Page 50). With Losien, she seems to constantly be forced to making the tough choices that only main characters would traditionally make. Not sure why that is. I suppose we three just take the 'main character' role a little more to heart than people used to.

As for characters... Probably not Chronos. I like her. I imagine she'll be involved in HFO later. But I wouldn't carry her over. Really she only became involved again because of Frank Smith and she makes for good storylines, especially because of whose daughter she is. But she's far too uber. I really, if you were to use her in all her glory she'd easily give even Highemp a run for his money. I just don't use her to full capacity. Even this recent plot is me kind of limiting her. She feels a bit sick after consuming billions of timestreams...

To be honest, I was sitting thinking either Britt or Iriana Emp. I feel Iriana has so much potential to be a fun and engaging member of a team. However I wouldn't like to use her if Al Ciao was around because he'd have the, what I now call, "TLTE effect" and she'd never grow. But I like her a lot. Britt turned out so much like Gebohq. But with tea. And sleeping for decades. Considering he was never meant to be an actual Character, and then he was supposed to be just a 'historic' character and now... well he's certainly come leaps and bounds. He's a new character, essentially, too so there's room for growth and he's fresh. But at the same time, he's lived a long, long life thanks to Britt: The Legend, so maybe not enough room to grow. Not sure.

And yes, I was thinking that if Al Ciao comes into NeS3, we'd need someone fairly old to keep the balance. To be honest though, I'd be more tempted to bring a really minor character with us rather than a major one. Like Ping. I think Ping would be awesome.

So yeah. Not sure I guess. It'll be interesting to see where we go with it all. My qualm about introducing new characters straight away is that we'd lose some of that continuity - which essentially you prodded when you talked about switching main characters. If we boot up with all new characters and not the older ones, we lose something there. But if we have three guys carry over we have that strong connection between the two generations of NeS.
2014-11-11, 9:17 AM #1605
Originally posted by TheBritt:
Interesting that there'd be no 'Main Character'. But, let's face it, we'd end up with one anyway.
I suppose we three just take the 'main character' role a little more to heart than people used to.

You're probably right, at least so long as it's mostly the three of us. With more writers, especially newer ones, the NeS would likely gravitate more towards the team/mixed focus, while with fewer writers, it's easier to focus on one character. I also think it might be coming more into light due to the nature of the stories lately themselves -- the transition between Geb to Los, TLTE with Amal, that sort of thing.

As for characters... Probably not Chronos. I like her. I imagine she'll be involved in HFO later. But I wouldn't carry her over. Really she only became involved again because of Frank Smith and she makes for good storylines, especially because of whose daughter she is. But she's far too uber. I really, if you were to use her in all her glory she'd easily give even Highemp a run for his money. I just don't use her to full capacity. Even this recent plot is me kind of limiting her. She feels a bit sick after consuming billions of timestreams...

Fair enough. Admittedly, when I mentioned Chronos, I presumed she would need some major check to fall on her if she were to just be pals with the "normies" so to speak. In hindsight, between her and Britt, I'd pick Britt.

To be honest, I was sitting thinking either Britt or Iriana Emp. I feel Iriana has so much potential to be a fun and engaging member of a team. However I wouldn't like to use her if Al Ciao was around because he'd have the, what I now call, "TLTE effect" and she'd never grow. But I like her a lot. Britt turned out so much like Gebohq. But with tea. And sleeping for decades. Considering he was never meant to be an actual Character, and then he was supposed to be just a 'historic' character and now... well he's certainly come leaps and bounds. He's a new character, essentially, too so there's room for growth and he's fresh. But at the same time, he's lived a long, long life thanks to Britt: The Legend, so maybe not enough room to grow. Not sure.

I've yet to get too attached to Iriana myself. Sure, there's potential, though right now, she seems rather teenage-y and princess-y and tea-drinky...y. The most interesting part of her I find so far is actually her relationship with Al, so... *shrug* As for Britt, I'd actually argue that it's his history that provides a lot of fun, even in the present, and to confess, I had hoped to have a story focus on his exploits particularly in the late WW2/Cold War era (as that's potentially enormous territory), but I feel like Thand should reach some tidbit of knowledge (or be pressed for time and 'put his reading on hold') before that and move on with the rest of NeSquared personally.

And yes, I was thinking that if Al Ciao comes into NeS3, we'd need someone fairly old to keep the balance. To be honest though, I'd be more tempted to bring a really minor character with us rather than a major one. Like Ping. I think Ping would be awesome.

While I enjoy Ping, I'd be wary of bringing him, for the same reason I'm hesitant to bring many characters generally associated with a single writer. Just personal preference.

So yeah. Not sure I guess. It'll be interesting to see where we go with it all. My qualm about introducing new characters straight away is that we'd lose some of that continuity - which essentially you prodded when you talked about switching main characters. If we boot up with all new characters and not the older ones, we lose something there. But if we have three guys carry over we have that strong connection between the two generations of NeS.

I certainly wouldn't want to bring more new than old with the three of us, and only feel we should have at least SOMEONE new (or even 'new' if they were once minor and made a focus) just to help establish the new thread as enough of a clean slate.

Also, Al, nice post with the multiple Franks. :)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2015-04-24, 3:11 PM #1606
So while I've been bad right now in either actual story writing OR re-reading NeS in preparation for the new thread/etc., I wanted to at least jot down my thoughts at the moment with ideas on the culmination of this current thread.

As noted in this post:
But this is only one of the Seven Seals that shall herald the Second Ragnarok, when the stars themselves shall weep ink, and the soil blacken with charred paper...

The "Second Ragnarok", as I understand it, is the original thread's "Endgame" equivalent at the end of page 50. The first seal, as mentioned earlier in that post, has already been fulfilled by TLTE in this post. In keeping with the idea that TLTE will fulfill his destiny as "Ultimate Villain" for at least the end of NeSquared, I presume the other six seals should somehow be caused by him as well, if at least indirectly, and with wanting the major parts of NeSquared to be fulfilled, figured they'd be as follows (including the first - the order may change):

  1. Evil true will break out imprisoned evil with imprisoned evil
  2. Evil true will break the heart of an empire and its heir
  3. Evil true will break its coveted potential to resurrect its own
  4. Evil true will break ground for the forgotten to be remembered
  5. Evil true will break character to beckon vice
  6. Evil true will break up the story and that standing for its way
  7. Evil true will break down the plot and that standing in its way

1) Already done. TLTE, inheriting from Antestarr the Darksaber that trapped Vashuko, Helebon, and Darkside 3000, willingly used it to unlock the vault that had trapped all the villains in one place. The villains, thinking Amal and the others there freed them, will be told that TLTE did, and vaguely 'owe' TLTE one, so to speak. TLTE will eventually encourage them to do what they'd already want to do - kick hero butt with their collective force, led by the three which used to be in the Darksaber (particularly Helebon). Forces that will want to fight against the villains (apart from the heroes) are the Time Cops (the incident in general and Darkside 3000 in particular warrant their intervention), Jim Seven with his heavenly forces (Jim really doesn't care for Helebon), and possibly Morthrandur (who once fought Vashuko).

2) Also already happened with TLTE having indirectly led the destruction of Jupiter (though that was really Otter's fault if I recall) and with Losien finding out TLTE set up the breakout of the villains and killing President Prime. Shortly after it clicks what TLTE did for Polly, the Jupertian Empire will intervene. They may conflict with the Time Cops, the villains... anybody possibly construed to endanger Polly and Losien.

3) A post I've been meaning to write since TLTE broke the villains free. Basically, I want TLTE to confront Qho Anima (Amal's Potential), where said Potential basically spells out TLTE's destiny and suggests Amal is about to fulfill his (new) evil Potential by leading the villains (before the villains find out it was TLTE who freed them). TLTE, placed in another impossible situation, decides killing Amal's potential is better than an evil one and does so. Amal, however, will avoid (at least temporarily) the downsides of a lost Potential by donning the crown given by Geb (forced by the villains to do so as their new 'king'). Killing Qho Anima, however, reflects TLTE killing his own former Potential, and that's no accident -- due to TLTE "raising" Amal, his former Potential is now reborn (living up to its name as Phoenix). TLTE, either knowing this prior or discovering he had been tricked once more, further willingly adopts his true destiny and potential.

4) Partly done already -- having once rescued Losien from McLongname, TLTE indirectly set the stage for the Forgotten to rise. Concretely, now, I imagine TLTE might swing by to officially rally the Remembered to fight Bhac, who is likely to be present in the mass-fight to come, knowing full well they're being sent to their doom and ultimately aiding his cause. I imagine TLTE might get away with this because Queen Maeve likely wouldn't know yet that TLTE was the cause of the villains breaking out, and TLTE might suggest the Remembered to be deployed there. "Stars" (celebrities - maybe the Remembered, or maybe some watching) might cry and have running mascara at this point.

5) Even though TLTE hates capitalism, as part of #6 and as part of regaining his former power, he'd reach out to Darth Vice to join his cause with the other Lost Beta TLTE clones, using the Story Arcade system in place in NeS to his advantage. Darth Vice, eager to profit from war and enact revenge, agrees and leverages not only the clones, but the Trans-Terra-Terrorists, the Globalists, and the favor that Rachel owes (see #6).

6) This partly ties to #7, and generally is just to give reason that a bunch of plotlines will be running at once at this point, "breaking up the story". Concretely, though, I see TLTE able to break up the Protectors of the Plotfractal from protecting NeS (and "even" chaotic conflict) to serving for him/the EeP (Antestarr having aided Nyneve and now aiding the new avatar of the EeP in Britt, Rachel owing Vice the favor to work for him, Mr. Stafford also working with Vice and The Forgotten One, Evil G possibly blackmailed by Nyneve with Young and Chance hostage to work for them, and Thand, who has claimed to be a Protector and possibly using the brainwashed America to fight the Jupiterian Empire). Furthermore, TLTE may somehow "break up" the NeS from whomever may be its avatar.

7) As with any good villain, TLTE should ultimately break down his plans (or 'plot') in ending the heroes and the NeS. Officially, the last "seal" to be broken should be the door technically holding the EeP in NeShattered back from utterly consuming the NeS. He may have incidentally played a part in having Britt, instead of Chance, possibly become the avatar of the EeP, when he rescued Chance.

There's still a lot to work out and other parts to possibly rope in (antagonists such as JM wanting some excitement again, the Taxman searching for Thand, Thand using his storywielding boosting tool, the Negotiator and those connected with him, the other living Potentials, exactly how Nyneve and the NeSferatu are involved, various NeS characters like Sarn Cadrill that could be included for completeness, etc.) and obviously, even the above isn't something set in stone (6 and 7 are relatively general compared to the first 5 at least), and at least the thoughts are out there as additional mulling over as I try to stop being lazy/putting off the future of the NeS.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2015-07-10, 7:26 AM #1607
Yeah, okay, so my short 3-paragraph narration post about the EeP creating an ultimate hero might be a completely different direction than you guys want to go. But it seems to me that it fits... and we already have one ultimate villain in TLTE. Why have the EeP be another 'traditionally' evil villain, when it can end the story by being heroic?! I can see TLTE taking control of all the villains, who acclaim him their savior, and Britt soon becoming the ultimate hero as the EeP leading others against them... and the heroes are caught in a quandary, as Britt/EeP is needed to defeat TLTE... but in such a way that the story isn't over.

Thoughts? I can edit or delete that ultimate hero post if necessary.
2015-07-11, 10:11 PM #1608
Originally posted by Al Ciao:
Yeah, okay, so my short 3-paragraph narration post about the EeP creating an ultimate hero might be a completely different direction than you guys want to go. But it seems to me that it fits... and we already have one ultimate villain in TLTE. Why have the EeP be another 'traditionally' evil villain, when it can end the story by being heroic?! I can see TLTE taking control of all the villains, who acclaim him their savior, and Britt soon becoming the ultimate hero as the EeP leading others against them... and the heroes are caught in a quandary, as Britt/EeP is needed to defeat TLTE... but in such a way that the story isn't over.

Thoughts? I can edit or delete that ultimate hero post if necessary.

Geb mentioned it to me through Skype and I said actually it works in just fine.

We currently have this vying for position as Main Character, which could evolve to 'ultimate hero' in a sense. It revolved around the use of the 'power swords' or whatever. Amal has the NeS Sword, Evil G has the anti-NeS Sword (or Shattered Sword, or whatever it's being callsed) and Losien has Fred Teh Uber Blade. One could argue that Britt is kind of shouldering his/her way into the running, while the other three remain (for now) fairly oblivious that the the Eep is even involved in their vying for control. So it works. Even Gebohq could be back in that running if it's about being the ultimate hero again.

Btw, you mentioned that Antestarr felt he's just being dragged along but actually he has pretty solid foundation for being with Britt right now. Initially they truced over their mutual disdain for Nyneve and both feel they're being controlled beyond their own industry. Britt wants the Eep to end the NeS so he can essentially reboot his own Story, feeling a sense of loss. Antestarr's hatred for the Writers and his increased turmoil (since becoming NeSferatu, wrapped up in events with Nyneve and being hated by his girlfriend) leads him down this path too. He wants the Writers out, and wants control of his existence again, feeling everything that's happened to him is a result of the Writers' animosity towards him.
2015-07-12, 8:50 AM #1609
Awesome, glad you both like it. And about Antestarr: Oops! I edited that line out just now. Also, brilliant stroke with Geb becoming a new Hand :O
2015-07-14, 7:55 AM #1610
Further thoughts on Geb as Hand:

1. Venedite was the 'good' Hand before too, so does this mean that either she or Geb have to become 'evil'? Perhaps they can both be focused on balance, instead of being arbitrarily 'good' and 'evil'? Or perhaps instead of a 'good'/'evil' dichotomy, they can have a 'mundane'/'supernatural' dichotomy, given Geb's "normalness" and Venedite's magic.

2. Geb being Geb, I don't imagine him getting a whole bunch of superpowers as a Hand, or if he does, not really knowing how to wield them. I can see him acting as Hand with mostly mundane abilities; however, he gets extensive awareness/knowledge of the Plot, and so knows when and where he needs to step in?

3. If Geb is a Hand, he should probably be removed from the active roster of heroes (again, lol). He won't disappear from the story, of course. Perhaps Rachel should take a sabbatical too? Given that she's pregnant and her fiance is a Hand? I don't know, just throwing that out there.
2015-07-14, 1:34 PM #1611
Originally posted by Al Ciao:
Further thoughts on Geb as Hand:

1. Venedite was the 'good' Hand before too, so does this mean that either she or Geb have to become 'evil'? Perhaps they can both be focused on balance, instead of being arbitrarily 'good' and 'evil'? Or perhaps instead of a 'good'/'evil' dichotomy, they can have a 'mundane'/'supernatural' dichotomy, given Geb's "normalness" and Venedite's magic.

A few things to add as far as possible dichotomies:
1) Bhac/Mayaal as two hands was unique to the history of NeS Hands -- in the past, there has only ever been one Hand at a given time.
2) While Bhac and Mayaal took on the roles of 'good' and 'evil', they seemed to waffle between the roles, since 'good' and 'evil' don't seem super-engrained into their characters. The emphasis on Good and Evil is a subject I've waffled on myself with NeS, such as in this context.
3) The idea of mundane/magical is a neat one, and one that could possibly fall into my hopes of 'real life' as the big NeS threat in the next thread. I'm uncertain if it'd be best applied with the Hand(s), though, and more importantly, I'd argue Geb's a solid in-betweener for mundane and magical -- it's what probably helped make his character main protagonist material.

2. Geb being Geb, I don't imagine him getting a whole bunch of superpowers as a Hand, or if he does, not really knowing how to wield them. I can see him acting as Hand with mostly mundane abilities; however, he gets extensive awareness/knowledge of the Plot, and so knows when and where he needs to step in?

I find it hard to figure out right now how Geb would likely exercise his 'Hand' power, though technically speaking, I think the Hands are supposed to have the power to 'do anything' so long as it's in the interest of the NeS.

3. If Geb is a Hand, he should probably be removed from the active roster of heroes (again, lol). He won't disappear from the story, of course. Perhaps Rachel should take a sabbatical too? Given that she's pregnant and her fiance is a Hand? I don't know, just throwing that out there.

I feel that, if Geb were to be a Hand, and there was a second Hand, either Evil G or Rachel would be a best fit.

In general, I still feel, both in-story and out of story, that the Hand(s) and the Protectors should have a sort of "re-org" -- either eliminate the Protectors or the Hand(s), or better define how their roles are distinct. In theory, the Hands are supposed to keep balance through order, while the Protectors keep 'balance' through 'chaos', and that's been a tricky thing to do well for me. I've felt it was generally easier to write for the Protectors (largely because of the characters that filled their spots) and that the Hands were often super-distant. Maybe the Hands could be the managers of the Protectors - each 'Hand' (if one or 2) would have 5 Protectors? I'm just tossing things around right now. I just feel, as it currently stands, there's a little bit of redundant narrative-role overlap.

In any case, having Geb serve as something like a Hand I think would be a respectful way to keep the character involved while no longer in the spotlight for the future thread(s).
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2015-07-14, 6:30 PM #1612
Originally posted by Gebohq:
I feel that, if Geb were to be a Hand, and there was a second Hand, either Evil G or Rachel would be a best fit.

Erm, Venedite is the second Hand... isn't she?
2015-07-14, 8:46 PM #1613
Originally posted by Al Ciao:
Erm, Venedite is the second Hand... isn't she?

I suppose it could be read that way.
Venedite:*"Looks like you're the new Hand of the NeS, Gebohq. Congratulations. Now I hate you."

I took the use of "the" Hand to imply she felt Geb was/would take her job, though as her check also makes sense. Still, I felt she mostly stepped in as a power-grab more than that she was 'meant' to be a Hand, and that she'd stop being a Hand for some reason by the start of the new thread. I admit that's just my assumption, and have no real problem with a Geb/Ven duo.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2015-07-15, 7:15 AM #1614
Well, I didn't read it as him taking her job, because a few posts earlier, Venedite was crowing that she was the only one now, but the post ended with a "Little did she know" that there must be two, and thus a second Hand was awakening. So in that post you quoted from, Venedite was like, "Aw, man, they're spoiling my fun!"

Of course, this is all quibbling over something that we can change to suit our whims anyway, so I'm digressing here XD

Your points about Venedite are valid, so I'm fine if we want to remove her, but it does resolve her as a Potential (i.e., she's not an enemy that has to be dealt with).
2015-07-15, 12:52 PM #1615
Al's right, I hadn't intended a replacement for Venedite, it was a replacement for Mayaal/Bhac. I don't remember there ever being a Hand of the NeS prior to Bhac/Mayaal and judged that there was always supposed to be two and that was the way it was. Hence "there must be two". I had actually intended to leave it wide open for one of you guys to make a second Hand... ha ha ha, second hand...

Anyway, but it just struck me when I wrote that part and so here we are.

Honestly the dichotomy I've always perceived and I think has been very clear all along is that when they say "good and evil" they actually mean "heroes and villains". Bhac always ensured that the villains were in power, Mayaal propped up the heroes. Admittedly I think Bhac did more than Mayaal, so Mayaal was just a lazy ******* I guess. But either way, that's how I always took it. To ensure a balance between heroes and villains so that the story couldn't end. No villains, no story, no heroes no story.

As for which roles Venedite/Geb would be... they could fulfill either. When Venedite showed up, she strong-armed her way in there but didn't know which role she'd end up with until she beat Mayaal (Bhac betrayed him initially if I recall) so she got the mantle that Mayaal inhabited. Hence why she helped the heroes out a few times and Bhac when helping King John.

But then Bhac went missing and Mayaal was freed... at that point, who knows what side they represented as they immediately went for Bhac without sorting things out. Meaning the roles could be switched.

So it would be most natural for Geb to take on the "heroes" side and Venedite take on the villains, but honestly I don't think it's an absolute necessity. Geb could be given that position and just have to deal with it, try to actually help the villains - which would probably be funnier. And maybe even bring out that side to Geb's psyche that would have lead to Evil G in the other dimension (after all Evil G started as Geb meaning Geb always has that potential to turn evil given the right circumstances).

I personally would prefer to keep Venedite in there as one of the Hands. Not because I'm resolute that she has to, particularly, *be* one but rather to keep the Potentials somehow relevant. When I first decided to have her move in on that territory it was a two-folded decision. Firstly, to stir up the NeS Hands thing because it was always stale for me, and was increasingly stale territory that needed some zest putting in. More importantly I kind of hand an inkling that the Potentials would fizzle out (as has almost happened now) and putting her there would ensure their continued involvement. But also I wanted the Potentials to be more than just misunderstood villains. That's what the original three Potentials were and we took the new Potentials in that same direction, which is fine for the most part, but I really thought they shouldn't *just* be that. They can't be so two-dimensional. I think we've mutually made these Potentials really interesting for the most part and I've enjoyed them, but I think Qho Anima's demise marks the ending of their lifespan without them being in essential roles. Disregarding both Pis, because really we ret-conned them as their own Potentials, Venedite is probably the only one actively in an important position from which she can develop and grow as a character. It's also why I had Gwen turn hero, because I figured that deep down these Potentials are still supposed to be heroes, they just don't think in the same simplistic terms as our heroes.

As for Geb's powers. As Hand I figure his Story-Wielding, or at least his integral position within the meta-NeS, would vastly increase. With more meta-NeS knowledge, he can better channel his Story-Wielding and the like. Hey, he might even become a new NeScholar... whoa... he'd be like... REALLY Luke Skywalker :o.

As for Protectors, I had to ask Geb a while ago what the difference was. Since then I rather realised that the difference is actually more simplistic. The Hands of the NeS are there to keep balance between the heroes and villains so that the Story can keep going. The Protectors are there specifically to protect the NeS from some ultimate The End scenario. Hands of the NeS aren't obligated, though perhaps they may get involved, to muck about with things like the Eep. In fact, you might argue that if they did (based on Al's last Eep revelation) now they'd be interfering with the hero villain balance. But the Protectors, well it's their job to interfere. Also, I think the Protectors seem to only be protectors for the final moments (hence we have to find them before Page 50), the Hands seem to be the Hands throughout the entirety of the NeS Pages. Not sure on that though.

As for Geb being removed from the roster, perhaps he may seprate for a while to at least, I dunno, see his new l33t bedroom or something. I think it would depend on whether he becomes Hand of Heroes or Hand of Villains. If he's the villain hand, he'll have to leave the roster and actually join the villains. If he's the Hand of Heroes, well he'd be fine to continue along, just as Bhac has constantly done with the villains. Geb would just be a more hands on Hand... aha. Hand. Hand hand hand.

Anyway, I think Rachel is fine to continue with the heroes in any case. Rachel is a very well defined character that isn't (any longer) reliant on Geb's presence. Geb could be killed off and Rachel would still be one of the best developed characters we have. So I don't think it's overly necessary for her to leave either way. Besides, what would we do for next April Fools!? :p
2015-07-15, 1:08 PM #1616
Damnit, Al, you got to Highemp's escape before I did! :p I was going to do something similar with the initial anti-powerplaying part, but then to get out (because really, dimension creating is still really power-playing) someone would try the door and it wouldn't even be locked and he could stroll out - because a power-player would *never* think to do that. ... ... as evidenced! XDDDD
2015-07-15, 2:45 PM #1617
Originally posted by TheBritt:
Damnit, Al, you got to Highemp's escape before I did! :p I was going to do something similar with the initial anti-powerplaying part, but then to get out (because really, dimension creating is still really power-playing) someone would try the door and it wouldn't even be locked and he could stroll out - because a power-player would *never* think to do that. ... ... as evidenced! XDDDD

LOL That would have been quite clever indeed! Reminds me of the 50th anniversary Doctor Who special XD As for the one-dimension thing, that's something you posted in NeS a while ago, so I just followed that. Just removing him from the story once more, lol, so he can figure into Hero Force One :awesome:

Geb as Hand of the Villains: That would be hilarious! Make for comedic gold and also some interesting character development. As far as that impacting a future evolution into Evil Geb, I don't think that would actually work, according to Evil G's current timeline. Evil G's timeline separated from Geb's at the beginning of NeSquared, so Evil G never had the experiences that Geb has had in NeSquared. Instead, Evil G was in NeShattered, evolving over a thousand years of bitter immortality.

Out of curiosity, do either of you have specific plans for ending the Highempress/Nyktelios arc? If not, I have an idea. Highempress, tempered by Venedite's love, remains as world leader. After all, we have several other world leaders who are evil, crazy, or both, and the world merely soldiers on. Highempress might be too busy with lesbian orgies or opening hospitals to actually govern; particularly since she mostly wanted to conquer, and perhaps doesn't give two figs about actually running the business of government.

Nyktelios, however, could be tempered by TEA. Iriana's exposure to Emperor Pi had opened her mind on the properties of tea, which can evolve what she is potentially capable of, and thus what her Potential becomes. So our princess and/or Emperor Pi share this wisdom with Nyktelios, who then becomes obsessed with creating the best tea brews evar! Cuz now her powerplaying personality is applied to that goal.

2015-07-15, 2:59 PM #1618
Also, about the Hands:

There were Hands before Bhac and Mayaal. JediKirby the White, aka JKtheWhite, was the previous Hand, before in a battle with the mad scientist Qwerty, the two merged and then split, becoming Bhac and Mayaal.

In NeS1888 I wrote Mustang Ford as the Hand of his time period, and then remaining so once he became immortal, and hinted that he would pass it on to JKtheWhite. I also wrote that there had been a Hand throughout time since ancient Atlantis, each passing the role down to a successor.

In NeSquared, when I wrote some posts about ancient Atlantis, I had AncientWritertheWriter and Magistarr declaring Count Desmond the first Hand of the Plot. At the time I wrote that, I was envisioning Desmond as not yet a NeSferatu. However, your retcon in Britt the Legend of course has him as already a NeSferatu at that point, due to him traveling back through time. *shrug*

Point being, there's been a lot of Hands before. The "there must be two" is new however, but it makes sense.
2015-07-17, 12:14 AM #1619
Originally posted by Al Ciao:
LOL That would have been quite clever indeed! Reminds me of the 50th anniversary Doctor Who special XD As for the one-dimension thing, that's something you posted in NeS a while ago, so I just followed that. Just removing him from the story once more, lol, so he can figure into Hero Force One :awesome:

Geb as Hand of the Villains: That would be hilarious! Make for comedic gold and also some interesting character development. As far as that impacting a future evolution into Evil Geb, I don't think that would actually work, according to Evil G's current timeline. Evil G's timeline separated from Geb's at the beginning of NeSquared, so Evil G never had the experiences that Geb has had in NeSquared. Instead, Evil G was in NeShattered, evolving over a thousand years of bitter immortality.

Out of curiosity, do either of you have specific plans for ending the Highempress/Nyktelios arc? If not, I have an idea. Highempress, tempered by Venedite's love, remains as world leader. After all, we have several other world leaders who are evil, crazy, or both, and the world merely soldiers on. Highempress might be too busy with lesbian orgies or opening hospitals to actually govern; particularly since she mostly wanted to conquer, and perhaps doesn't give two figs about actually running the business of government.

Nyktelios, however, could be tempered by TEA. Iriana's exposure to Emperor Pi had opened her mind on the properties of tea, which can evolve what she is potentially capable of, and thus what her Potential becomes. So our princess and/or Emperor Pi share this wisdom with Nyktelios, who then becomes obsessed with creating the best tea brews evar! Cuz now her powerplaying personality is applied to that goal.


I think Highempress would be fine to ultimately remain in some capacity until the end of NeS2 at least (though after that point, I think we're supposed to be trimming the fat and I rather imagine most world leader characters ((as in all mentioned)) will probably be in that trimming, which would, in the end, include Highempress). Having said that, she is technically still the ruler of her very own Highemperor-style empire out there in her own dimension. Or dimensions... either way, she would likely prefer to go rule that than just rule parts of one planet. Another possibility is that she tries to go back but find the Eep has consumed everything in her absence. Could work really well into what's going on now.

Nyktelios is either easier or harder to figure an outcome, depending how you look at it. I actually imagine there to be some kind of 'end' for the Potentials, probably on Page 50. Especially for Potentials where their unPotentials still exist. At least that's how I'd look at it. Having your own Potential running around indefinitely seems to defeat the point of them existing. They either replace you, you replace them or you become them. Which puts Nyktelios in the most risk as her unPotential is very much alive and well. So, again, she could stick around until Page 50 and see if there's something magical and wondrous in store for Potential people. Or maybe there's not. Hahaha.

And sorry, I didn't actually mean that Geb would become Evil G. I merely meant that Geb could show signs of what makes Evil G. In a sense you could say Evil G is a Potential version of Gebohq. He's from the future but went down a different path. Nonetheless, he IS Gebohq, which means even our Gebohq has the potential to become like Evil G, given the right circumstances. Maybe Gebohq demonstrates a knack for cunningly defeating heroes? A knack for robbing banks? A knack for kidnapping princesses?

Also, about the Hands:

There were Hands before Bhac and Mayaal. JediKirby the White, aka JKtheWhite, was the previous Hand, before in a battle with the mad scientist Qwerty, the two merged and then split, becoming Bhac and Mayaal.

In NeS1888 I wrote Mustang Ford as the Hand of his time period, and then remaining so once he became immortal, and hinted that he would pass it on to JKtheWhite. I also wrote that there had been a Hand throughout time since ancient Atlantis, each passing the role down to a successor.

In NeSquared, when I wrote some posts about ancient Atlantis, I had AncientWritertheWriter and Magistarr declaring Count Desmond the first Hand of the Plot. At the time I wrote that, I was envisioning Desmond as not yet a NeSferatu. However, your retcon in Britt the Legend of course has him as already a NeSferatu at that point, due to him traveling back through time. *shrug*

Point being, there's been a lot of Hands before. The "there must be two" is new however, but it makes sense.


Well I buggered that up. I didn't remember he was supposed to be hand of the nes. I knew JediKirby was in the l33t but I didn't know he was a Hand before he merged with Qwerty. Hmmmmm... I'll have to come up with some pseudo-bollocks as to why there now must be two. When Qwerty and Kirby merged they intrinsically split the role in two, forever dividing the role unless the two new NeS also merge into one being... Gebidite.... Venohq... It would just be creepy. Like Gebohq going round in sexy lingerie and eating doughnuts... Terrifying. Anyway. I'll throw that out there somewhere as the two of hem figure something out in the l33t.
2015-07-17, 8:37 AM #1620
Originally posted by TheBritt:
I had actually intended to leave it wide open for one of you guys to make a second Hand... ha ha ha, second hand...

Haha! And yeah, among other reasons, I didn't jump in because I figured maybe there'd just be one Hand again, or that it would be Ven and Bhac. I've already expressed my reservations with both Hands and Protectors.

Honestly the dichotomy I've always perceived and I think has been very clear all along is that when they say "good and evil" they actually mean "heroes and villains". Bhac always ensured that the villains were in power, Mayaal propped up the heroes. Admittedly I think Bhac did more than Mayaal, so Mayaal was just a lazy ******* I guess. But either way, that's how I always took it. To ensure a balance between heroes and villains so that the story couldn't end. No villains, no story, no heroes no story.

I think Mayaal was purposely less active because, often in NeS, the 'villains' seem to need more 'help' than the heroes. So it makes all the more sense that, with NeSquared, the issue might become the "Good" side "ever-ending" the "Evil" side.
As for which roles Venedite/Geb would be... they could fulfill either. When Venedite showed up, she strong-armed her way in there but didn't know which role she'd end up with until she beat Mayaal (Bhac betrayed him initially if I recall) so she got the mantle that Mayaal inhabited. Hence why she helped the heroes out a few times and Bhac when helping King John.

But then Bhac went missing and Mayaal was freed... at that point, who knows what side they represented as they immediately went for Bhac without sorting things out. Meaning the roles could be switched.

So it would be most natural for Geb to take on the "heroes" side and Venedite take on the villains, but honestly I don't think it's an absolute necessity. Geb could be given that position and just have to deal with it, try to actually help the villains - which would probably be funnier. And maybe even bring out that side to Geb's psyche that would have lead to Evil G in the other dimension (after all Evil G started as Geb meaning Geb always has that potential to turn evil given the right circumstances).

You're right on both accounts for Geb. Geb's pursued the 'hero' gig because it's how he was raised, his idol (Captain Kirk) is a hero, and at the time (though he wouldn't realize it), the story called for him being a hero. However, on the first page of the NeS, it was actually established that Geb initially followed a 'grey line' in between, and moreso established in NeS/less retconned, as already pointed out, Geb became a villain in NeShattered 'for the sake of the story'. Before his Potential was killed, Geb's potential also represented balance, not heroism. It's actually why I thought Evil G might ultimately make a good second hand -- they both have history, they're both similar-yet-different in the established Hand roles, and they could possibly switch between their roles as the story called for it (Evil G helping Losien, or Geb helping TLTE, as basic examples). But anyway, more on that later.

I personally would prefer to keep Venedite in there as one of the Hands. Not because I'm resolute that she has to, particularly, *be* one but rather to keep the Potentials somehow relevant. When I first decided to have her move in on that territory it was a two-folded decision. Firstly, to stir up the NeS Hands thing because it was always stale for me, and was increasingly stale territory that needed some zest putting in. More importantly I kind of hand an inkling that the Potentials would fizzle out (as has almost happened now) and putting her there would ensure their continued involvement. But also I wanted the Potentials to be more than just misunderstood villains. That's what the original three Potentials were and we took the new Potentials in that same direction, which is fine for the most part, but I really thought they shouldn't *just* be that. They can't be so two-dimensional. I think we've mutually made these Potentials really interesting for the most part and I've enjoyed them, but I think Qho Anima's demise marks the ending of their lifespan without them being in essential roles. Disregarding both Pis, because really we ret-conned them as their own Potentials, Venedite is probably the only one actively in an important position from which she can develop and grow as a character. It's also why I had Gwen turn hero, because I figured that deep down these Potentials are still supposed to be heroes, they just don't think in the same simplistic terms as our heroes.

I hear you on the general "making the most of the Potentials" deal, though I'd argue that this wave of Potentials were more than just misunderstood villain-types like the initial three, largely thanks to your doing, Britt. Chronos got a whole history and place with TEA. Emperor Pi and Rachel have their own history and motivations/ways of doing things. Gwen as you mentioned became a reluctant hero (which I imagine will play some key part for Losien maybe gaining some of her Potential or merging with her soul-thing or sacrifice that further builds Los up). Highempress/Nyk were just straight up villain-types that have had unexpected resolutions (like actually becoming a world leader). Qho Anima's got his thing with TLTE/Phoenix (which I agree marks the end of the "Potential story-arc" largely as it were with some loose ends). Prophet had his heroic sacrificing moment. Orochi and Midas are still out there, who maybe join the villains side for the sake of NeS or randomly open up a Gold Weapons and Furniture shop (who says every Potential has to do something epic?). The Orator got locked up... I don't know what may be the best for that regarding Tracer/the Narrator admittedly, if anything. And I'm still hoping that The Nega and the Otter will play out their conclusion with the Otter dealing with someone who's more of his anti-Potential, as I thought that was a unique setup.

Which goes back to Ven. To be clear, I think she should stay as a Hand for the rest of this thread regardless, because she'd make a good counter to Geb as he's initially understanding his role as Hand as well as I think will help things out for the end of this thread. I agree that putting her there helped make the Hand more interesting, and I think Geb there was even a better choice -- it fits with the whole "having characters with history and someone the reader theoretically cares about most" sort of thing going, just as you correctly made Michael McLongname the ultimate 'bad guy' in the Memory Lane storyarc. I was initially miffed because I had established the Darkside/Tsolo combo as such, but neither were as good as Michael and they made for a better "right-hand man' role. Moreso, I think I may have a more logical place Ven might be suited for, though it largely depends on some setup prior to make that position worthwhile -- I'd easily see Ven as a guardian for the 'Dreamstate' of the NeS. By the end of this thread, I'd imagine the heroes will have figured out that their two major threats (the EeP and Thand) both "originated", or at least were harboring greatly, in the Dreamstate. Since the health of the NeS largely also depends on the health of the Dreamstate, they'd look for someone to rule, protect, etc. over it. Ven, already being a Potential of dreams, would be the ideal fit. The setup, of course, would require not only that, but to clearly establish the Dreamstate as a setting worth possible revisits or the like, which I don't think would be too hard, as traditional stories often involve visions from dreams, characters who talk to each other in dreams, and so on. Ven might not necessarily even be entirely "good" for the role -- she might decide her rule requires that some nightmarish creations wreck havoc for heroes at times, or trap certain heroes in fantasy-dreams at the risk of facing 'reality'.

That all, of course, is just an idea. If Ven/Geb continue to be a duo into the new thread too, that's fine, and that combo could present all sorts of unforeseen opportunities.

As for Geb's powers. As Hand I figure his Story-Wielding, or at least his integral position within the meta-NeS, would vastly increase. With more meta-NeS knowledge, he can better channel his Story-Wielding and the like. Hey, he might even become a new NeScholar... whoa... he'd be like... REALLY Luke Skywalker :o.

I know you're probably joking about the Luke part, and just to be clear, Geb should NOT be like Luke Skywalker. He should always still have a dumb and cowardly streak to him (which might be all the more amusing given he's now a Hand), he should never become any sort of 'messiah' figure (I did my best to establish that, at the end of page 50 of the original thread, Geb turned to some unknown higher power, and what may have been of his own doing likely caused bad things for NeSquared). I agree that his NeS knowledge and story-wielding will likely become easier/more effective for him, though not a NeScholar. While he may well have the power/knowledge that would make for a good NeScholar, Geb simply wouldn't have the disposition for book-studying and "learning about the NeS" like they do. More importantly, they're an organization that largely had a goal tied with Thand, an organization at this time now pretty much disbanded/non-existant (Thand killed almost all the members when they planned to kill TLTE). Presuming Geb still keeps his "day job" as a law professor, he might also find "power" in enforcing mundane laws -- Geb had also been established as a (mostly) law-enforcing type when he served the role of paladin back in the Stonehenge storyarc, which also fits with the Hand as an enforcer of order. Ultimately, though, I see Geb not being much different than he is now, only a bit more effective on a larger scale and probably less involved directly, like a manager.

As for Protectors, I had to ask Geb a while ago what the difference was. Since then I rather realised that the difference is actually more simplistic. The Hands of the NeS are there to keep balance between the heroes and villains so that the Story can keep going. The Protectors are there specifically to protect the NeS from some ultimate The End scenario. Hands of the NeS aren't obligated, though perhaps they may get involved, to muck about with things like the Eep. In fact, you might argue that if they did (based on Al's last Eep revelation) now they'd be interfering with the hero villain balance. But the Protectors, well it's their job to interfere. Also, I think the Protectors seem to only be protectors for the final moments (hence we have to find them before Page 50), the Hands seem to be the Hands throughout the entirety of the NeS Pages. Not sure on that though.

You're probably right on this, to a certain extent. The original Protectors (Ares, Cthulu, Morris, Rob, Jim) were all general antagonists and villains, though not ones to have any "real evil" intent (unlike Darkside, Bill Gates, and arguably the EeP), and didn't heavily concern themselves with 'balance' (only conflict) until the end of page 50/first 'The End' scenario. In NeSquared, Rachel, Evil G, Mr. Stafford, and possibly Thand (though he may have been misleading) have all claimed to have taken the job, and have seemed to be acting more to 'balance' conflict more overtly, which may have been stepping over their lines. Then again, as I stated before, it seems the villains are often the ones that need the 'help' in NeS, so it may have been circumstantial how things have played out so far. The Hands, in general, haven't been as directly involved - more orchestrating every now and then, or fighting each other when the story got 'dull' (which with Bhac/Mayaal presented its own issues -- back I think to the 'caring about those characters' part). Like I said before, I still think the Hands and the Protectors overlap too much and would personally prefer some sort of "re-org" with that.

As for Geb being removed from the roster, perhaps he may seprate for a while to at least, I dunno, see his new l33t bedroom or something. I think it would depend on whether he becomes Hand of Heroes or Hand of Villains. If he's the villain hand, he'll have to leave the roster and actually join the villains. If he's the Hand of Heroes, well he'd be fine to continue along, just as Bhac has constantly done with the villains. Geb would just be a more hands on Hand... aha. Hand. Hand hand hand.

I'd argue either way that he's not on either 'roster' and that he'd be an independant like how we've generally considered Hands before. I also agree that Geb, at least initially, would be more 'hands-on' because that's what he knows, though I'd argue that he'd quickly learn/be forced to be less hands-on (at least relatively so) due to the requirements to being an effective Hand. You know, like the whole "play God and realize that getting too involved just makes things worse" shtick.

Also, more Hand jokes, nice. :)

Anyway, I think Rachel is fine to continue with the heroes in any case. Rachel is a very well defined character that isn't (any longer) reliant on Geb's presence. Geb could be killed off and Rachel would still be one of the best developed characters we have. So I don't think it's overly necessary for her to leave either way. Besides, what would we do for next April Fools!? :p

I'd argue that she both a) is stuck more as a "hero' than she should be (probably largely because Geb was a hero) and b) that Rachel proved herself an independant character in the Story Arcade story-arc. Yes, the goal was to save Geb, and she still acted quite on her own. Speaking of which, should the situation ever arise, Geb would most definitely risk everything short of the existence of NeS to save her (if Vice took her hostage, for instance), and I think there's still some misleading friction because Geb has only ever been so far dependant on her/'spurning' her for the sake of the story. I think by this point, Rachel would start to understand the 'sake of the story' thing as well, having been very involved and hands-on in it, and given their old situation, would agree with Geb on that. More importantly (and one I've personally struggled to reconcile on an authorial and personal level), Geb and Rachel are established to have true love, and in NeS, that's a very real thing - a thing that often ends stories for characters. So while there is still always a sort of tragic element to their relationship due to this meta-fictional element, I'd be careful to lead Rachel into a "she don't need no man" territory, however justified it would be in any normal relationship.

In short, while I agree she's a well-defined character that shouldn't be pulled out of a story in a fashion like Geb just because Geb is, I'd also caution against her just becoming a hero of her own. Remember, she rather dislikes Losien - our 'main character' - and she's the Potential of April Fool's, so she'd much rather pull pranks on everyone, hero and villain alike, instead of always saving the day. And after this story-arc, if we continue the trend of 'Protectors losing their status after averting The End', she won't be a Protector anymore. I can't say for certain how she should continue to fit in, only to note the points I made above.

Originally posted by TheBritt:
Damnit, Al, you got to Highemp's escape before I did! :p I was going to do something similar with the initial anti-powerplaying part, but then to get out (because really, dimension creating is still really power-playing) someone would try the door and it wouldn't even be locked and he could stroll out - because a power-player would *never* think to do that. ... ... as evidenced! XDDDD

Hah! That would have been great. :D

Originally posted by Al Ciao:
LOL That would have been quite clever indeed! Reminds me of the 50th anniversary Doctor Who special XD As for the one-dimension thing, that's something you posted in NeS a while ago, so I just followed that. Just removing him from the story once more, lol, so he can figure into Hero Force One :awesome:

Huh, don't remember that bit from Doctor Who. In any case, Highemperor moving onto HFO seems a natural move.

Geb as Hand of the Villains: That would be hilarious! Make for comedic gold and also some interesting character development. As far as that impacting a future evolution into Evil Geb, I don't think that would actually work, according to Evil G's current timeline. Evil G's timeline separated from Geb's at the beginning of NeSquared, so Evil G never had the experiences that Geb has had in NeSquared. Instead, Evil G was in NeShattered, evolving over a thousand years of bitter immortality.

I agree that Geb trying to help out the villains would be funny, and as already noted, Geb/Evil G were the same until NeSquared/NeShattered, so yeah, in some ways, Evil G is a "potential" for Geb, though obviously there are the differences as well.

Out of curiosity, do either of you have specific plans for ending the Highempress/Nyktelios arc? If not, I have an idea. Highempress, tempered by Venedite's love, remains as world leader. After all, we have several other world leaders who are evil, crazy, or both, and the world merely soldiers on. Highempress might be too busy with lesbian orgies or opening hospitals to actually govern; particularly since she mostly wanted to conquer, and perhaps doesn't give two figs about actually running the business of government.

Nyktelios, however, could be tempered by TEA. Iriana's exposure to Emperor Pi had opened her mind on the properties of tea, which can evolve what she is potentially capable of, and thus what her Potential becomes. So our princess and/or Emperor Pi share this wisdom with Nyktelios, who then becomes obsessed with creating the best tea brews evar! Cuz now her powerplaying personality is applied to that goal.

I think Britt already answered this, and I'm cool with what you guys have chatted on about this so far.

Originally posted by TheBritt:

Well I buggered that up. I didn't remember he was supposed to be hand of the nes. I knew JediKirby was in the l33t but I didn't know he was a Hand before he merged with Qwerty. Hmmmmm... I'll have to come up with some pseudo-bollocks as to why there now must be two. When Qwerty and Kirby merged they intrinsically split the role in two, forever dividing the role unless the two new NeS also merge into one being... Gebidite.... Venohq... It would just be creepy. Like Gebohq going round in sexy lingerie and eating doughnuts... Terrifying. Anyway. I'll throw that out there somewhere as the two of hem figure something out in the l33t.

I don't think you necessarily have to come up with any real reason why there HAS to be 2. I think you already made it clear that Geb is meant to be a Hand, and that Ven sees this as a natural check to her. Since there doesn't have to be just one either, it's just how the pieces have fallen in this case. I mean, if you want to go that route, feel free, as I personally think it makes sense for there to be 2 Hands.

If I get the chance, I'm hoping to write a post with Geb learning and questioning all about being a Hand with Ven to bouce a conversation off of, bringing up a lot of what's been mentioned in this thread. Then again, I keep meaning to write for Britt the Legend to establish Geb and Los's dad as the type to suffer from depression/anxiety/self-confidence issues (to help establish the other half of Geb/Los from their heroic action-driven sides they get largely from their mother), figure out what crazy contract their dad made with the Negotiator that landed their dad to be the type that has been in the hospital life since at least the endish of the original NeS thread, and to have some fun with the Cold War/space/Espanol stuff... ugh.

For now, here's just hoping I get internet at home working again soon. (I've written too much as it is with just a workshop post at work <.<...)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2015-07-18, 4:29 AM #1621
Dreamstate Venidite

That does sound like a great idea.

However, I obviously wasn't clear on what I meant. When I say remove characters, replace them or whatever I was meaning short term, not long term. As far as I'm pretty much concerned, I'm thinking of NeS3 as more of a blank slate with very little baggage being transported over as possible - making it more accessible to new people and giving us all room to write fresh things with fewer characters holding us down.

So I meant not removing her short term. After the new thread begins, maybe there wouldn't even be Hands of the NeS - though Geb/Evil G may work out well at that point.

Yet, opening with a Story Arc that still somehow ties in with NeS2 would be nice, so the heroes going to investigate the Dreamstate again for information or whatever would be nice. But I'd prefer to try not to bog it down with too much baggage also. Suppose we'll see.

Luke Skywalker

Got it.

And you're right. We should leave the NeScholars as a thing of the past since we're nearing the end of this thread and it'd be better not to drag something so unnecessary over for now.

As for roster, I think me and Al are using it to specifically say "hero roster" or "team roster" rather than active character. Sorry, it's probably the HFO influence, ahaha :p


I didn't mean it in a "she don't need no man" kind of way. I'm not that clichéd :p. I meant it in a way that she is no longer a dependent character and doesn't have to be removed from the NeS Heroes team just because Geb is.

There are many NeS characters that have been entirely dependent on the existence of other characters, and some still are, even when in the main roster of heroes. This formerly included Rachel, until, as said, the Story Arcade when she went to save Gebohq with Soriel. Since then she's only gotten stronger. And, as said, she *could* continue on without Gebohq if necessary. I'm not insinuating that they *should*, I mean in the sense that she's a strong enough character that she wouldn't fall to the wayside if they were separated. Come NeS3, I do believe Geb, Rachel and their new baby ought to become background characters (possibly with Geb being Hand still and Rachel continuing as April Fools at least). But short term, there's no reason Rachel ought to leave the heroes just because Geb has gone off to be Hand for a while.

Pretty sure I talked about dependent characters a while back, mostly with reference to Amal. I'd say we've beefed him up enough now that he can also stand on his own. Iriana Emp, however, I think still needs more development time because while she's an incredibly unique character I think if Al Ciao were removed from the roster, she'd likely wind up forgotten. Just two other examples of what I meant with regards to Rachel being significant.


Don't worry about it so much. It shouldn't feel like a chore, man. Besides I took a break for a short while there too. I do think that you'd be better doing that next Britt the Legend though. Especially to express your ideas with The Negotiator. That's something I look forward to.
2015-08-10, 4:36 PM #1622
What have I stepped into??

Howdy, y'all, Izzabelle.

This whole thing looks incredibly complex. Not one to back down from a challenge, though; might be kind of slow about it, however.

Feel free to nudge me in the right direction. But don't get too nudgy: Al might get jealous. ;-)
2015-08-11, 4:33 AM #1623
Welcome to your doom.

Gebohq will probably be able to help do the nudging. I shall just take the piss. :neckbeard:
2015-08-11, 9:47 AM #1624
Originally posted by Izzabelle:
What have I stepped into??


Howdy, y'all, Izzabelle.


This whole thing looks incredibly complex. Not one to back down from a challenge, though; might be kind of slow about it, however.

That's the spirit! Don't let the NeS fool you, though. It may seem complex, and that's only if you try to make sense of things. Also, while you won't believe me (nobody ever does), reading the whole of NeS really isn't necessary. It's not even highly suggested. Madness will ensue either way. :)

Feel free to nudge me in the right direction. But don't get too nudgy: Al might get jealous. ;-)

The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2015-08-17, 2:54 PM #1625
I'm glad you linked that ~ Al had never seen it before. o.o

Be gentle! I'm only on page 15 or so. . . but I have read all of NeS 1888, which of course was superb!

I know, madness ensues either way. But I just can't feature writing for something if I'm not up to speed. I could stumble into a plothole. Or trip over a plotbunny. Or... or... there, you see, it's started already.
2015-09-05, 10:55 AM #1626
Originally posted by Izzabelle:
I'm glad you linked that ~ Al had never seen it before. o.o

Be gentle! I'm only on page 15 or so. . . but I have read all of NeS 1888, which of course was superb!

I know, madness ensues either way. But I just can't feature writing for something if I'm not up to speed. I could stumble into a plothole. Or trip over a plotbunny. Or... or... there, you see, it's started already.

Plot-holes are readily acceptable! We'll always work with it or work around it. There's no need to fear such things! Plotbunnies, as horrifically malicious as they sound, could also be potentially dealt with. And we'd all get a plotbunny foot each, which means we'd all have great luck with our... plot. I suppose.

As someone who has, indeed, done the same and read all of the NeS I conclude... it is useless. Yes there's lots of extra material that you'll be able to use and you'll understand characters all the more but honestly I would advise writing and reading at the same time. Page 15 is well enough to get acquainted with the style of the NeS and if you want to know what's going on right now we've been doing these handy-dandy summaries at the top of every Page.

And failing all that, Gebohq has done chapter summaries at the beginning of this thread. And if it'd make it even easier we could go ahead and do a better plot summary for each chapter over on the wiki that you could read and feel acquainted enough with the plot thus far.

In all, doing is the best way to learn round these parts. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. We embrace them. We cherish them. We use them. They're often some of the most fun to deal with. When I first joined I had my character murder everyone. They came back to life the next post. That really shows - there is no wrong that can't be dealt with. Besides, I'm bored of Al and Geb. So please start writing!!! :neckbeard: *avoid hate stares from Al and Geb*
2015-09-07, 4:10 PM #1627
Mostly so I don't have to go digging through the chat, some of my ideas for NeShattered.

I'm taking some inspiration from this trope:

The primary one is that the EeP is basically like the Blob, and it's looking to end/kill everything (of course). So, like muddy/quicksand swamps, possibly more animated, bogging things down, or to otherwise influence other characters to follow a plot to an end. The very "air" may even "poison" their minds in a similar fashion. If it directly serves a plot, the "masses"/EeP blob might even reshape to form buildings or whatnot. I already tried to describe how the masses aren't always necessarily meat moss in nature, because things are horrifying enough as it is. :P

Since the concept is that it's taken the side of "good" too far, it's basically considering everything "evil" to wipe out. This can manifest as "zombies" of heroes and the like attacking, particularly if it's attacking other heroes to make them one of the undead. I imagine this will come more into play towards the end, as characters fall and become "plotted" or the like. Things like the will o wisp type Frey thinks is her living love interest, Rain, would be an example of another variation on the idea.

If the EeP detects a lot of "evil" (like a villain), it'd look to simply annihilate it, whereas those like heroes who just have some "evil" (envious of someone with Frey, for example), it's likely to want to turn them into undead-types to further fight 'evil'.

With Britt's post establishing that the EeP is invading other story-realms, this could still allows for new characters and/or elements to enter as we need them too. I wanted to establish in my post, though, that it wouldn't be a simple matter of "find the story of lots of strong guys to be the calvery" sort of deal -- more an economical trickle as we find useful to move things along.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2015-11-11, 8:37 AM #1628
Some F.A.Q. for the Vice prospect post -- I'll update this as I feel needed.

Q.) What if I haven't read anything? I don't want to mess it up.
A.) Most writers didn't read anything when they started. We've literally tried ruining the NeS before. It was some of the better parts of NeS.

Q.) But what if I'm the special snowflake that actually messes the story up?
A.) Then I will personally give you additional kudos.

Q.) I feel bad for taking your money in exchange for trash.
A.) Not a question, but OK. I want it regardless. One person's trash is another's treasure. Story posts are my treasures.

Q.) No, really, I don't want the money.
A.) Then donate it to charity. Or a friend. Whatever floats your S.S. Special Snowflake.

Q.) I'm an old writer and I have no interest in returning as a regular. Are you expecting me to stick around if I do contribute?
A.) Nope! I'm looking for some variety to the end of NeSquared. Posting once or twice is plenty good for me.

Q.) So I need help with registration/logging in. Can you help?

A.) Of course! The registration process has to be manually approved by yours truly at this time. If you're new and looking to register, just e-mail with "Massassi" or "NeS" in the subject line and with your preferred username, e-mail, and date of birth, and I'll provide you with an account and temporary password. If you're an existing member who needs a password reset or the like, just hit me up with that too. I'll do whatever I can to help as a forum administrator resolve any other technical challenges you may have.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2015-11-14, 2:34 PM #1629
*sings* I'm a special snowflake, short and fat. . .
Just checking my posting ability. Apparently I'm still logged in. ^.^
But damn if it isn't difficult to make long posts on this tiny little phone. And I don't know how to cut & paste, or I'd just do it on the iPad.
2015-11-15, 2:38 AM #1630
Originally posted by Izzabelle:
*sings* I'm a special snowflake, short and fat. . .
Just checking my posting ability. Apparently I'm still logged in. ^.^
But damn if it isn't difficult to make long posts on this tiny little phone. And I don't know how to cut & paste, or I'd just do it on the iPad.

No computer? No laptop? Steal Al's? :p
2016-07-19, 9:43 PM #1631
So this is where I'll look to collect more organized thoughts about general themes, plotlines, and character arcs that could be thought about for the end of NeSquared and NeShattered. As I start this off, what'll be here will be unconfirmed thoughts I recall, which may or may not be wrong. As I reskim NeSquared, or if there's suggestions made by others, I'll make the needed changes here.

Ignoring/Running away from a problem: Geb teleports everyone from the 'Family Feud' Hell-fight to the 8th dimension, from there to the Dreamstate, from there to 'trapping Evil G-EeP' in the Dreamstate, ignoring ramifications of vacuuming Dust up, running away from Thand when distracted with Evil G's evil wedding, hit-and-run of getting Young out of the wedding, running away from Tsolo in 'Death and Taxes', avoiding Geb/Rachel destroying NeS when Geb is stricken by lethal condition (Story Arcade), avoiding JM defeating the NeS heroes by JM being bored, unleashing Potentials to stop Highempress which was just a bigger problem.

Tragic and/or questionable love:
Geb and Maybechild, Geb and Rachel's love destroying the NeS until Geb 'gave up his main character mantle', TLTE/Losien/Michael, Evil G/Young, CM/Mimiru (with CM dying), Thand and Eve, Highemp/Al Ciao and too many to count, Erro(Morthrandur) and Catherine, Sarn and Voodoo, Losien and Maeve, Amal and Losien (mild), Britt and not-quite-as-many-as-Al Ciao

Loving your enemies: Gebohq and Helebon (in turn the other cheek fashion), Geb/Los and TLTE, Los and Michael

Dealing with the past: NeS 1888 connections, Britt the Legend, Memory Lane/ramifications of page 50, flashbacks for Geb, TLTE, etc., Thand's strength in his history and with Eve, things Forgotten-related

Dangers of Plot, Writers, and Main Character mantle:
Ante plotting to free the story from the Writers when they killed the 'spirit' of the NeS ala AncientWriter, EeP from Dreamscape into Evil G into NeShattered, Forgotten created from abandoned writers, Geb deemed 'main character' nearly destroys NeS when falling in true love with Rachel, NeS heroes directionless when main character/leader is down (which happened to Geb more than once), Lib the Writer injecting himself, Highemp the writer inadvertently creating NeShattered to put Highemperor in his place

Questioning righteousness of NeS Heroes: fighting for forces of Hell more than once, often comprised of villanous types, hunted by Potentials (original 3 and later set) who deem them necessary to kill, considered by Thand to be the harbingers of the NeS's downfall, were successful when deemed as 'villains', confrontations with Hero Force One

Confrontation (and loss of) Potential: Geb, TLTE, and Highemp all losing their Potentials, Losien continually exposed to hers, Otter with Nega, etc.

"Character" and its development: Heroes in dreamstate without their crutches for character, Ante creating Young, Young and Amal, 'heart of NeS' in Memory Lane



Villains let loose/not addressed by NeS Heroes: EeP from NeShattered, Helebon and nearly all villains in Rome, Nyneve and NeSferatu, certain Potentials (The Nega), Kern (in Sarn) with Forgotten, Highempress, Taxman, Vice, Thand, JM

EeP returns: from NeS's dreamscape, had (somehow) empowered Qwerty outside it but stopped by JKtheWhite, empowered Evil G who swapped with Geb to escape the dreamstate, split from Evil Geb into the NeShattered landscape (and Chance?)and slowly infecting the NeS from NeShattered

1. Evil true will break out imprisoned evil with imprisoned evil.
2. Evil true will break the heart of an empire and its heir.
3. Evil true will break its coveted potential to resurrect its own.
4. Evil true will break ground for the forgotten to be remembered.
5. Evil true will break character to beckon vice.
6. Evil true will break rank among the rankless to dispel hope's saving spell.
7. Evil true will break the story to cover the plot (tentative)

Thand's plan to save humanity: currently in fulfillment by Negotiator in exchange for Thand's life

Will the Dust return?: last sucked up in a vacuum by Maybe, hinted that she was 'dusted' a bit since

Bloodink and NeSferatu: how NeShattered came to be, 1888 arc, plans to siphon it from Geb by Helebon and Nyneve



Gebohq: his 'main character' mantle becoming at odds with his beliefs and actions, about finding love, and transforming from hero to moderator. Introduced in NeSquared at the start. Is told by Morthrandur that he serves the WriterGod's will and that everyone surrenders to the passion they truly believe. Thinks everyone serves themselves and the story

TLTE: his self-sacrifice in NeS1 not 'true' to his villainy, how he drove so hard for love from Losien (and Amal) to 'redeem' him, and then seeming to embrace his villainy once more. introduced in first arc in Hell. once the 'metaphysical seal' for the EeP in the first NeS-- NeSquared could similarly end with a TLTE/EeP connection, though it may need to end 'zanier'/happier to not repeat NeSquared. Highemp claims nobody can kill TLTE without killing NeS. TLTE early on goes 'wizard hunting' and attempts to provoke some NeS heroes to stop his evil villain ways but their selfishness and low-ambition foil him. Arcs from 'hero' to 'villain' (pre-NeS) to 'hero' (end of NeS-NeSquared) back to 'villain' (end of NeSquared); various idealisms fail on him, of squaring needs away (new villain, new hero) to live his own life (but fails). Attempts to train Qwerty into the next big villain. Fav. weapon - "Springfield-Wesson" (Smith & Wesson Model 629), 'best' weapon - officer's saber. Believes everyone does what they're meant to do (not a fatalist, just fatal). May act evil for love.

Losien: from self-loathing to self-confidence through self-love and continual confrontation with her Potential, accepting the challenge to take up main character mantle. Introduced in NeSquared at the start, but kidnapped off-camera before the Dreamstate arc by McLongname.

Highemperor/Al Ciao: Highemperor 'dies' from his Writer and from his loss of Potential, the reborn Al Ciao living with a passion 'without purpose'. introduced in first arc/NeShattered. Died in NeShattered, came back 'from the dead' when TLTE's fate from NeS1 was reversed by Absolver sacrificing himself, seems to long for death from NeShattered

Evil G: taking up villainy 'for the sake of the story', how acting for the story is at odds with his personal desires (Young/Chance family, overall selfishness). Introduced in first arc/NeShattered. Early on, tried convincing Geb that only they had the power to shape NeS for the better, thinks he can control the EeP in the Dreamstate, goes (more) mad trying to contain it, struck with horror after evil wedding arc, still tries to control/run away/deny its effects even as he knows better.

Britt: wanting a life of adventure forever (don't have a tidy arc description yet)

Antestarr: driven deeper and deeper into villainy to 'free the NeS' from the Writers -- his drive may be his downfall. Initially returning in NeS2 as Zania to make Young. Consciously serves himself and the story.

MZZT: Introduced in NeSquared at the start.

Ford: Introduced in NeSquared at the start.

Maybechild: Introduced in NeSquared at the start. Starts with her usual foil relation with Otter. Later acts as 'leader' (not officially) of The Remembered.

Krig: Introduced in NeSquared at the start. Is 'prophecized' to fix his axe. Currently focusing on lawyering.

Iriana: alternate version in NeShattered, real version later on

: self-sacrificed to remake Ultranexus. early on, made a deal with 'God' to destroy all demons and get to live 100 years or play poker with God forever. Has a particular antagonism with TLTE.

Helebon: once ruler of Hell, looking to rule once more

Sarn Cadrill: and Kern. Sarn introduced in first arc briefly

: initially made by Qwerty, hated him for (among other reasons) killing his love, Amy the fish

Morthrandur: Tells Geb he wants "to sustain the truth, the good, within us for all eternity" via attempting to 'kill' the NeS so that it may be a part of Forever.

Otter: Initially his usual way, gradually examines his life goals as he's denied alcohol in the dreamstate

EeP: Once in NeS's dreamstate, stole heroes' powers (as heroes presumably didn't have strength of character to stop EeP), controls various characters' actions in Dreamstate before (seemingly) settling in Evil G

Bhac/Mayaal: Created from JKtheWhite merging with Qwerty to stop the EeP threat. Bhac has particular love interest with Maybechild, Kern wants revenge on Bhac

Young: Born via Ante's plan in the Dreamstate, helps NeS 'wake up' while leaving Evil G behind

The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2017-01-19, 8:39 PM #1632
For themes and character stuff, please see the above post.


-heroes go to Paris, get ambused/fight NeSferatu
-heroes get saved by Remembered, Nesferatu start losing
-villains arrive in Paris, Nyneve likely plans to turn villains into NeSferatu

-Mecha Lou and Cylonus visit Galv among Remembered

-sensing the EeP in dreams, Venedite, alongside Agent Newb, start examing the Dreamstate (most of the world's populous is under a sleep induced by Judge)

The following is in relative chronological order. I also more or less presume it to take place around when the grand Pan Highemp battle took place, with the two ending around the same time.

-NeS heroes and Remembered start becoming overwhelmed by villain-NeSferatu
-Jupiterian space fleet arrives as Polly's absence (in wanting Losien as heir) arrives to complicate matters, may initially be helping NeS Heroes, may turn against them if they learn Otter destroyed Jupiter
-Remembered Forces leader, "The Forgotten One" (possessed by Kern) seeks to confront Bhac and/or Sarn
-apart from possible Jupiterian forces, Otter faces The Nega one last time (or at least confronted at this point - the climax to this is likely later)
-as part of other remaining Potential/etc. related threats, Highempress (I think) enters the scene, and at least uses her powerplaying strength to pull the cities of London and Paris together (this idea in part to tie London in without it just being in London). Also makes some future things a little closer/quicker to happen
-Losien's Potential, as an inversion of TLTE, merges with Losien's spirit/shadow. Losien doesn't become her Potential or consume it, but instead it transforms into something more (haven't figured out yet what this would exactly be)
-heaven and hell forces join, in part because of Helebon. This, alongside threats from greater threats beyond Earth (largely Memnoch) may result in the two sides having a "merger" to join forces and, in NeS3, be known simply as the Afterlife, led by Aire. God's Advocate, the Patriot, should be present
-HFO steps in -- at least with Deep (with a contingent of wizards from the new Magium), Seraphim (possibly with Acidspitter to tie with above), and Ben. If we still want Judge to step in to initially appear to "stop the conflict" only to have the EeP nearly kill her/knock her powers back down, we can do that too (or maybe Judge has her powers lost protecting the Earth from collateral damage from the Pan-Highemp fight)

-TLTE breaks the last seal by broadcasting to "break the story" (i.e. monologuing all the craziness happening) to "cover the plot" (the EeP starting to spread in full force). Only a select few NeS heroes notice (Losien and Evil G at least) and rush to stop him from trying to break the last seal but are just a touch too late. They are in time to follow TLTE into NeShattered though the once-barred entryway Evil G came out of in London (which takes them to where Geb, Britt, and Ante are)
-simultaneous to the above, Ante uses Britt to try to end the EeP and the Writers in one swoop, having Britt attempt to put his broken axe in the Malorkus and into the pedastal. However, Britt's "destiny" (as implanted by the Story-Plot) has this action play into the EeP (and ultimately NeS's) hand by 'cutting off the Writers' and having the EeP start the flooding into NeS that TLTE is encouraging

CLIMAX (NeSquared - parallel with NeShattered)
The above conflicts start spiraling to their ends (as orchestrated by the EeP) - most remaining in NeSquared don't realize the EeP's presence. All sorts of characters look to meet their ends here like in NeS1.
-A particular note for the Dreamstate sequence: Venedite and Newb should ultimately be successful in stopping the EeP in the Dreamstate

CLIMAX (NeShattered - parallel with NeSquared)
-The "main characters" now all in one place, the EeP looks to consume them when actually ends up 'setting a stage', apparently craving the "plot to be resolved" between them over. TLTE may or may not be "controlling" the EeP at this point (haven't decided)
-Initially, the heroes seem to be ready to team up and all stop TLTE, but their own character arcs and such start playing out as if controlled by the EeP
-Geb vs Evil G -- wizard duel! Geb with his ancestor's quill, Evil G with his 'hacking reality'. Evil G will likely lose, though Geb might as well (see Geb vs TLTE).
-Britt - not sure at this point. Perhaps he settles beef with Antestarr
-Ante - unsure. Perhaps has to deal with Britt. Ante's "story" is done at the turning point though, and could just as easily already be killed off as part of the turning point/opening of climax (grabbed by an EeP tentacle never to be seen again perhaps)
==If we decide on any other "main characters" (Al and/or Amal, perhaps), they'd have their conflicts settled here==
-TLTE vs Geb -- it had been 'destined' to happen in early NeS2, though it should also be clear that Losien as main character now muddles up this 'destiny' (and if 'destiny' is a thing, or a weapon of EeP, etc.). Geb will lose. (if this fight doesn't occur, then Geb and Evil G might both lose, and replace this with TLTE vs Losien)
-Losien, using Fred (and Carlotta) and the Malorkus, manages to put the blade in the pedestal (for reasons, she'll not be able to do this successfully until this point). The blade cues its reverse-Arthur effect, with the EeP falling apart. TLTE escapes the disintegrating NeShattered back into NeSquared, with Losien following him

-When TLTE and Losien return, it's clear that it's still too late -- NeS itself is once again falling apart from the fallout of the EeP's death (and the craziness happening in NeSquared prior to this moment). TLTE and Los might fight here, but regardless, TLTE will die, leaving Losien in a similar situation to Geb at the end of NeS1
-alone with just herself, Losien tries calling out for God as Geb did, but unlike Geb who had been gifted the NeSword by God and who seemed to have saved NeS1 into NeS2 through his rewarded faith, no God seems to answer Losien's call. She instead finds the power within herself (perhaps with her 'Potential') to bring NeS forth into a new thread once more (note that Thand's words about the fate of NeS and how to keep it from ending might echo in this monologue).

-new fortune teller character
-how the Dust might fit in
-how Morthrandur might fit in
-focusing on 'main characters' not in NeShattered (MZZT, Ford, Maybe, Krig noted from start of NeS2 -- Rachel, Young, Al, Amal, Iriana, Helebon, Sarn, Otter across thread)
-characters with unfulfilled contracts with Negotiator (Thrawnbot, Mr Stafford, Galvatron)
-major characters dead but with possible lasting impacts (Highemperor, Thand)
-Protectors? (only Stafford I think had been known as one that's still alive and/or hasn't been given a different role)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2017-02-05, 11:06 AM #1633
Because I'm lazy, I'm just going to copy/paste the notes Al's been taking thusfar for now:

notes from page 9, some of which don't have tha tmuch relevance, admittedly
one of the qhobegs (not sure which one) has thermoptic camo pants (make his legs invisible)
Helebon's cronies have evil shickling sticks (electrified feathers)
Helebon's cronies (used to) include:
Green Bay Packers (worse than clowns, deranged scientists, or snowmen)
Killer Sharkplanes
McCheese Enforcers
Qhobeg known as the "Obfuscated One" prophesied by sewer critters during Helebon's reign over Britain
Qhobeg has Neo-style martial arts speed and moves
Enchilada Man's Flying Taco VII destroyed - possible replacement if he shows up at end?
Antestarr has some people who watch the solar system, and can give orders to modular spacefighters that can configure into humanoid shape (#344, page 9)
Ford isn't related by blood to the Fords
page 11 notes
how did Otter and Haggis blow up Jupiter if they're still in London infiltrating Helebon's castle? (as top post points out)
TLTE's first game show in NeS2
Arbiter's face is a mass of scar tissue, pulsating and red
Helebon has one arm - the other was cut off by Evil G in Geb's body using the NeSword
who is the mysterious Figure who gave Michael the space station? #431, page 11 (possibly Thand?)
[1/24/2017 4:18:54 PM] Al Ciao: page 12 notes
[1/24/2017 4:19:04 PM] Al Ciao: forgot to note this on an earlier page, but apparently Helebon's Citadel was Big Ben/HoH
Helebon's castle said to have 42 floors -> therefore Big Ben does?
Helebon apparently has a nephew named Bleeding Eyes, after which he named his Dominion -> villain fodder?
is Geb still in Evil G's body, and vice versa?
Dust vacuumed up, but apparently not "wiped clean" enough, according to Mustang, who says it will only grow stronger
apparently hero watches can teleport the heroes, at least back to HHoH
#450, TLTE claims that the mysterious Figure is the EeP -->but EeP is inside Gebiyl (who is currently in Geb's body)
Ford is described as "******* great-great-half-huncle to his former leader, Gebohq" [sic] -> i presume the stars is Massassi censoring "*******"; post #453
the spelunking rule on page 12!
TLTE is #105
[1/24/2017 4:21:20 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: apparently Helebon's Citadel was Big Ben/HoHyeah though I presume his rule was largely "magical" in that when England took back control that England went back to looking mostly the same as before, so the HoH/BB should be back to what it looks like I think
[1/24/2017 4:21:56 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: is Geb still in Evil G's body, and vice versa?Geb is back in his body, and Evil G now inhabits the original Qhobeg's body
[1/24/2017 4:22:25 PM] Al Ciao: yeah though I presume his rule was largely "magical" in that when England took back control that England went back to looking mostly the same as before, so the HoH/BB should be back to what it looks like I thinkwell, it's been said since then that Britain is still partly ruined and demon-infested
[1/24/2017 4:22:34 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: #450, TLTE claims that the mysterious Figure is the EeP -->but EeP is inside Gebiyl (who is currently in Geb's body)ah, interestin
[1/24/2017 4:22:39 PM] Al Ciao: just potential fodder if London and Paris join together, that's all
[1/24/2017 4:23:01 PM] Al Ciao: Geb is back in his body, and Evil G now inhabits the original Qhobeg's bodyokay. I thought I remember Evil G inhabiting qhobeg's body in NeShattered, but wasn't sure, so thought it best to note it just in case
[1/24/2017 4:23:30 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: well, it's been said since then that Britain is still partly ruined and demon-infestedok so maybe just parts are back to the way they were then
[1/24/2017 4:23:46 PM] Al Ciao: makes sense. As much or as little as we care to have :P
[1/24/2017 4:23:51 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: right, thanks :D
[1/24/2017 4:24:11 PM] Al Ciao: np :)
[1/24/2017 6:24:46 PM] Al Ciao: page 13
[1/24/2017 6:24:48 PM] Al Ciao: TLTE's tear-soaked bullets from Mayaal that only work against evil (pretty sure this is already noted somewhere, but just in case)
Ante got the "knowledge of NeS, or what of it I [Mayaal] know"
Evil G (in Geb's body) was cursed by the CSotD -> is this ever resolved?
Geb belatedly catches Morthrandur's reference to "our family" <-- does he ever learn the truth or follow up on it?
[1/24/2017 7:46:38 PM] Al Ciao: page 14 notes
[1/24/2017 7:46:40 PM] Al Ciao: Wednesday is Losien's favorite day of the week
looks like a double post: West Wind's #545 was ignored by the next post; discrepancy never resolved?
Sarn sneezes whenever "spelunk" is said
#552 by TLTE: Midvok (Absolver's bro) asks Mimiru what she'll do if CM ever dies, if she can survive it, to which she responds, "I don't know"
[1/24/2017 7:46:54 PM] Al Ciao: note that i've been skipping over every last post that deals with the West Wind and Majir storyline >.>
[1/25/2017 4:57:05 PM] Al Ciao: only one potential note on page 15
[1/25/2017 4:57:12 PM] Al Ciao: Alexan refers to Antestarr's pain at watching the end of the life of the "Symbiont" <--- is this the Ancient One, or something else?
[1/25/2017 4:57:15 PM] Al Ciao: and now page 16
[1/25/2017 4:57:23 PM] Al Ciao: after losing his potential, TLTE threw Losien's hairpin into the Congo jungle brush as far as he could
Thand's written declaration to the Potentials to destroy the NeSheroes, that they will wind up annihilating the universe
TLTE says that Thand financed Mick McLongname in post #619
i don't think Thand ever says WHY the NeSheroes will destroy NeS, only that they've "set in motion a chain of events"
Thand also says they can save the NeS only be defeating the primary villain (which he claims is TLTE) before page 50 ends and spawning another sequel
[1/25/2017 4:57:37 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: yeah I think the Symbiont is probably meant to be the Ancient One
[1/25/2017 4:57:38 PM] Al Ciao: starting 17 now...still skipping all posts dealing with the hawthorne/thatchett storyline
[1/25/2017 4:58:13 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: righto
[1/25/2017 4:58:16 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: cool :)
[1/25/2017 5:27:28 PM] Al Ciao: page 17 notes
[1/25/2017 5:27:29 PM] Al Ciao: Mayaal tells Twin Suns that he may be the thing to stop the Dust (a powerful hero but untainted by Dust)
Mayaal says that Twin Suns' transformation is "all your own potential" (no capital P) <--- perhaps Twin Suns is a Potential as well now?
Maintenance Dudes are the backstage workers of NeS, and have kidnapped both writers (CMtW) and characters (Ariana) before
post #667 -> Wai knows a secret that supposedly only four people on the planet (including Jim7) know, an item whose destruction would destroy hell itself and bring Jim (or possibly whoever is the current devil?) to a weak and mortal state
[1/25/2017 5:30:10 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Mayaal says that Twin Suns' transformation is "all your own potential" (no capital P) <--- perhaps Twin Suns is a Potential as well now?actually that'd make a lot of sense
[1/25/2017 5:30:27 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Maintenance Dudes are the backstage workers of NeS, and have kidnapped both writers (CMtW) and characters (Ariana) beforeyeah, an idea of mine that didn't catch on lol
[1/25/2017 5:33:02 PM] Al Ciao: right, i get that, but it's something that we might be able to use at the end
[1/25/2017 5:33:12 PM] Al Ciao: figured it might as well be thrown in the workshop in case it sparks anything :)
[1/25/2017 5:33:14 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: mayhaps
[1/25/2017 5:33:16 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: sure
[1/25/2017 9:26:34 PM] Al Ciao: page 18 notes
[1/25/2017 9:26:34 PM] Al Ciao: Clone Young?
#700 Thand's weird device on the opposite end of the globe from Siberian site
anonymous voice speaking in Amal's head #709
[1/26/2017 2:30:24 AM] Al Ciao: page 19 notes
[1/26/2017 2:30:26 AM] Al Ciao: Kern faces off with Tsolo, is immune to Tsolo's powers to stun/suppress everyone else, possibly because of his blade which could apparently do lots of damage "to the NeS"
Maybe has acquired Kern/Sarn's dagger
Amal's moment of monstrous darkness, #733
looks like Mustang was actually taken by Tsolo, #758....oops!
[1/26/2017 2:42:16 PM] Al Ciao: page 20 notes
[1/26/2017 2:42:17 PM] Al Ciao: Twin Suns Dusts himself
Some Pseudo Story begins!
Twin Suns detects nothing special about Kern's dagger, though Ford intuits there is more, though he can't detect what either
without his dagger, Kern still seems invincible (at least vs Tsolo's attacks), but is unable to fight back until he has his dagger back
some Dust planted in the remains of TLTE's once "glorious" garden outside the HHoH by Maybe
Sugarless's hand is dusted by flowers from Dust garden
Kern put into Twin Suns, Sran Cadpill into Voodoo
[1/27/2017 11:54:12 AM] Al Ciao: forgot one note from page 20, which may or may not be relevant, but wasn't followed up on, at least not on the same page: Phantom-Seraph gives a mysterious box with some sort of "key" to Patriot, #767
[1/27/2017 3:50:19 PM] Al Ciao: page 21 notes
[1/27/2017 3:50:20 PM] Al Ciao: zombies, including undead Geb (whose origin was never told), rounded up for The Damned Corporation Manufacturing Division employees
TLTE the Mortal created by the Mortal Gun
[1/28/2017 10:35:22 PM] Al Ciao: another note as i skim: on an earlier page (I forget which), it was pointed out that there were two Thrawnbots, one working for Antestarr at "the Siberian site", and the other at the HHoH, who went on to romance Granny Cal despite for whatever reason having to kill Calilimath
[1/28/2017 11:10:16 PM] Al Ciao: only one note from page 22: apparently, when rips tear into the NeS (such as when Geb/Rachel's love threatens it), a Vin Diesel appears!
[1/29/2017 3:08:23 AM] Al Ciao: oh, one other note from page 22: apparently the Dust transformed Sugarless from evil to complete airhead
[1/30/2017 9:35:06 PM] Al Ciao: page 23 notes, not terribly relevant i suppose
[1/30/2017 9:35:08 PM] Al Ciao: Cris B's intro as the Lone Figure
Maybe is nice to Otter!
Geb refers to a "brief escapade as Shirley the Buxom Ballerinia"
Rachel suggests that she and Geb can explore their love with Sugarless or with another woman
Cris B has a possessed oven that wants to conquer the world
[1/30/2017 10:40:51 PM] Al Ciao: d'oh, can't believe i forgot to note this from page 22: Magick from Toastinator future with Rachel and Geb's kid Gebswoq destined to overthrow Toastinators
[1/30/2017 10:40:55 PM] Al Ciao: ^perhaps we should tie that up somehow
[1/31/2017 5:48:21 PM | Edited 5:48:40 PM] Al Ciao: oooh, another thing from page 23: nonsensical subplot begun this page with seemingly unrelated innocuous events never followed up on
[1/31/2017 6:00:26 PM] Al Ciao: page 24 notes
[1/31/2017 6:00:28 PM] Al Ciao: adding to BUMPs and MUSTs is Voodoo's THUD (Totally Harmless Unexpected Distraction)
toastinators have a weakness to Wild Berry with Sprinkles poptarts (Strawberry flavor not potent enough)
#942: Tony and a Qhobeg apparently serve Jim7
Otter dooms another planet: Ysila III, by summoning their sun to kill an evil robot refrigerator, dooming it to a very cold future
boy who understands the meaning of the universe and uses his new powers to do inane things
[2/1/2017 4:00:52 PM] Al Ciao: page 25 notes
[2/1/2017 4:00:53 PM] Al Ciao: Thand kills the NeScholars, because it is page 25 by his unique ornate watch
escaped prisoners from hell: Vlad the Impaler, Hitler, Dart Wader, and Ni'Kash <--- were these all dealt with?
BUMP leveled up into MOUNTAIN: Moving On Upward Never To Arrest In Narration
[2/1/2017 4:01:26 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: escaped prisoners from hell: Vlad the Impaler, Hitler, Dart Wader, and Ni'Kash <--- were these all dealt with?haven't a clue. don't think so?
[2/1/2017 4:02:35 PM] Al Ciao: we'll find out as i skim lol
[2/1/2017 4:03:04 PM] Al Ciao: i have the feeling that Ni'Kash might've been dealt with - a vague tickling memory - and i'm sure Dart Wader as at least appeared in the thread since. But as for Hitler and Vlad, not a clue
[2/2/2017 4:42:04 PM] Al Ciao: page 26 notes
[2/2/2017 4:42:05 PM] Al Ciao: Otter continues his heroic turnaround that began page 25
somehow, the Thrawnbot who was taking care of Young (who was the same Thrawnbot who loved Granny Cal, and the same Thrawnbot who was NOT the Siberian Thrawnbot) has an item Ante requested from the Siberian site: plot hole!
oops! Galvatron killed by Incalculable Ego
abandoned plot thread I set up where Young is missing an element from Al and other heroes
Deep gave Losien 30 days to redeem TLTE with her love or else he'd arrest him
Joey, the vorpal toilet-brush wielding brute from CSotD (aka Josephus, founder of Order of Janitors)
some of Ante's assortment of weapons: Personal Singularity Generator Gun, Lightfoils, LightclaymoreEX, Obligatory sniper rifle, Pistol-sized rocket launcher
Ni'kash gobbled up by Ego
[2/2/2017 4:43:39 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: oops! Galvatron killed by Incalculable Egokilled, or absorbed? if the latter, I think the end of that arc implies they got divided up again
[2/2/2017 4:43:53 PM] Al Ciao: that's what i was pondering
[2/3/2017 5:05:11 PM] Al Ciao: page 27 notes
[2/3/2017 5:05:12 PM] Al Ciao: Darkside is the evil of the characters it consumes, whereas They is the evil of the Writers
Nick was the god of peace
apparently Darth Puis is the Illusionist
Scott's NSP foreseeing Qhobegs being the TLTE clones of NeShattered
[2/3/2017 5:14:14 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: thanks! btw, I intend to merge your notes into the workshop post probably tomorrow, since tomorrow should be largely laundry day ;)
[2/3/2017 5:14:45 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: and I should also be able to pick up again with the skimming too, so I can figure out where I can best tackle with you so we're not doing the same stuff
[2/3/2017 5:23:16 PM] Al Ciao: cool :)
[2/4/2017 3:30:03 PM] Al Ciao: page 28 notes
[2/4/2017 3:30:04 PM] Al Ciao: Howard the dragonslayer and Matthias
hmmm, Maybe and Otter are sorta dating, but Maybe was never mentioned as being freed of the Dust, I don't think
Geb plans to get the Opaque Crown to prevent Thand from reading his mind -> i'm pretty sure he winds up getting it later; does he still have it?
[2/4/2017 5:34:46 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Geb plans to get the Opaque Crown to prevent Thand from reading his mind -> i'm pretty sure he winds up getting it later; does he still have it?Geb does, yes, and wears it for a while, then passes it onto Amal, who started wearing it right before TLTE killed Qho Anima
[2/4/2017 5:35:31 PM] Al Ciao: ah, okay
[2/4/2017 6:10:09 PM] Al Ciao: page 29 notes
[2/4/2017 6:10:10 PM] Al Ciao: reminder that Geb's job as the NeSummoner involves summoning kirbies, but they are used as stagehands since Geb forgot about them
Mustang's gobbling-up-by-Tsolo plothole resolved: when he dies, he reforms at his lich phylactery
Geb's Mom (aka Polly) was a Playboy Bunny in the 60s lol
discrepancy pointed out between TLTE always saying Losien's hair is black
second game show that TLTE is in!
[2/4/2017 6:11:50 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Geb's Mom (aka Polly) was a Playboy Bunny in the 60s loldat smexy Jupiterian :o
[2/4/2017 6:12:57 PM] Al Ciao: i don't recall if i came up with that, or if i was referencing something old from NeS1
[2/4/2017 6:13:03 PM] Al Ciao: cuz on that page i referenced a LOT of old-ass stuff
[2/4/2017 6:19:41 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: indeed
[2/4/2017 7:02:40 PM] Al Ciao: page 30 notes
[2/4/2017 7:02:41 PM] Al Ciao: Howard died :O
Young received a "glistening blue-white icicle that will never melt" from a yeti in the HHoH on Christmas
okay, so HFO was NOT successfully able to separate Highemp from Al, but they brought out his Highemp self and christened him CR
Evil G arrives from NeShattered and seals the portal to it
[2/4/2017 9:24:45 PM] Al Ciao: page 31 notes
[2/4/2017 9:24:47 PM] Al Ciao: Lib's Interdimensional Taxi whistle
CR's powers drained by JM and Lucifer/Jim (just continuing my notation of what actually happened with CR/Highemp)
fiddling boy Johnny can summon and banish Jim/Devil (person or titleholder? hmm) at will
Losien's old nickname for Geb: SuperShoes!
after his power drain, CR reverts into Al, and Al the Writer bullies past Highemp into being CR
Cris B and a random bunny rabbit (adopted by Losien) accidentally got trained into storywielders; and a dog too
dog is Captain von Trufflesnout, who mentioned that Lib was attacked by a warlock
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2017-02-06, 7:40 PM #1634
1. Helebon's cronies include:
-----Green Bay Packers ("worse than clowns, deranged scientists, or snowmen")
-----Killer Sharkplanes
-----McCheese Enforcers
-----are often equipped with shickling sticks (electrified feathers, which both shock and tickle)

2. Maintenance Dudes (backstage workers of NeS, who have kidnapped both Writers and Characters before)

3. zombies (including an undead Geb, is the corpse of Evil G's original body), who were rounded up by The Damned Corporation as employees for their Manufacturing Division

4. toastinators
-----they have a weakness to Wild Berry with Sprinkles poptarts (strawberry isn't strong enough)
-----Washing Machine-o-Matic-o'-Death is toastinator's natural enemy

5. Cris B.'s possessed oven that wants to take over the world

6. Helebon's nephew "Bleeding Eyes" (of whom nothing is known)

7. The Censor (NOT the CensorGod)

8. Arnie (traitorous mech-pilot former Dockmaster)

9. General Qhobeg (one of Hell's generals; led the battle against Disneyworld)

10. Doctor Gebiyl (pronounced Geb-EEL; one of Dr. Evil's generals; led defense of Disneyworld)

11. Vlad the Impaler (escaped from hell page 25)

12. Hitler (escaped from hell page 25)

13. Dart Wader (escaped from hell page 25)

14. Mark and Knear: red shirts who survived against all odds to steal Buck Takes' fortune and lived it up on the Bahamas

15. GUNTHER (currently part of the Forgotten Army, but only to further his plan to replace global economy with rupees)

16. JM (last appearance in his evil villain lair being approached by Negoatiaor)
--lazy, egotistical
--Atlantean wizard and JED Master

17. TLTE clones
-----TLTE the Mortal created by the Mortal Gun (page 21)
-----The Very Last True Evil (escaped from time prison in Far Far Future with Ahnuld)
-----TLTE the Freeze-Gun-Wielding Maniac
-----TLTE the Terrible Poker Player
-----TLTE the Professional Unicyclist
-----TLTE the Gullible Telepath
-----TLTE the Crazy-Haired Mad Scientist
-----TLTE the Fat Cat

18. Darth Puis aka the Illusionist aka the Gaptoothed Old Man

19. Qhobeg clones! Scott once foresaw them in an NSP as the TLTE clones of NeShattered

20. unnamed, unidentified "pantheon of evil deities" who were once hunted down offscreen by Highemp (as Citizen Rex) <--- might return for revenge?

21. demonic psycho-surgeons sent to the Tenth Hell by Al in his tenure as Mister Eight

22. NeSferatu
-----child vampire, Nyneve's second new one after Ante, introduced on page 41, post #1631
-----unidentified woman, Ante's first turned NeSferatu "apprentice"

23. Jupetroopers (what Jupiterian soldiers are called)

24. Lawyer #2 (to whom Al signed away his life for life insurance)

25. Cult of 13, led by Buckethead (who has sworn revenge on Britt/Cult of X/Antestarr/NeS heroes)

26. Dr. Evil, TotallyEvil, and Disney

27. Gustav Blokestadt (would have been a genocidal despot not quite as bad as Hitler, if he hadn't been killed as a baby by SSTTA)

28. Salesmen from Vice's mall on Isla de Morte

29. Photographer, makeup artist, and fashion designer from from Vice's island: can enact "nefarious capitalist plots" to distract heroes by making them "STARS"

30. The Next True Evil, last seen in Hell with Devil's Advocate on page 47
2017-02-27, 8:01 PM #1635
(Notes dealing with the EeP/TLTE climax itself)

***Thand never says WHY the NeS heroes will destroy the NeS, only that they've "set in motion a chain of events"
***Thand also says that they can save the NeS only by defeating the primary villain (which he claims is TLTE) before page 50 ends and spawning a sequel

***Dr. R. Deep gave Losien 30 days with which to redeem TLTE with her love or else he'd arrest him - so perhaps HFO has this reason to be gunning for him too.

***Geb's job as the NeSummoner (now presumably Losien's job) involves summoning kirbies, but they've been used as stagehands ever since Geb forgot about them (p)AGES ago

***Frank from his own future (wearing sunglasses) freed Chronos in the Far Far Future before telling Orochi in the present that Soriel unlocked the Potentials for more than just Highempress, but for EeP

***EeP is growing beneath Buckingham Palace

***Chronos is going to do something terrible on page 50 (which is why Galvatron, Highemp, TVLTE, and Ahnuld imprisoned her in the Far Far Future)

***"the stars themselves shall weep ink, and the soil blacken with charred paper" (from Ye Olde Historie Fantastique, about the 'Second Ragnarok'

***the EeP plans to end the NeS by creating an ultimate heroic avatar to defeat the ultimate villain (thus 'ending' the story with a 'happy' good victory)
-----Phase 1 was successfully making sure TLTE got into the role as ultimate villain
-----Phase 2 is implied to be Britt (or anyone, really, I suppose, such as Losien) becoming ultimate hero

***Bhac, Mayaal, and Mr. Stafford all dead

***Antestarr believes that Young and Chance will be needed "After the End", when he believes the Writers won't be in control

***Emperor Pi suggests that Rachel's April Fools prank of pretending to birth an EeP child might have consequences


***the NeS heroes actually won their wager against the Potentials by crowning Maeve Queen of Britain...according to the terms of their own wager, the Potentials must lay down their lives

***current status of Potentials:
_____1. Prophet (killed by Frank)
_____2. Quo Anima (absorbed/killed by TLTE)
_____3. Nyktelios (canceled out by Highempress in M.A.D.)
_____4. Thand
_____5. Orator (locked in sound studio by Narrator)
_____6. Gwenhyfar
_____7. Jade Emperor Pi
_____8. Orochi (one of Nyneve's lieutenants)
_____9. Midas (one of Nyneve's lieutenants)
_____10. The Nega (last seen on Vice's island, taunting the imprisoned heroes)
_____11. Chronos (time goddess)
_____12. Venedite (dream goddess, fighting EeP in dreamstate)


Family History

***Ford is actually Desmond and Catherine's b*stard child (somehow inducted into Ford family line) and thus multi-great-uncle to Geb and Los

***on page 13, Geb belatedly caught Morthrandur's reference to "our family", but never followed up on that

***Geb and Los never found out that HHoH is/was their ancestral family manor
-----now burned down by Nyneve; could potentially be rebuilt (again) by Tokyo construction crews

Twins Suns

***his Forgotten Army is swollen with the Damned employees TLTE released by killing Stafford

***Kern is now inside Twin Suns (as of page 21)
-----immune to various stun/suppression powers (at least Tsolo's)
-----had a dagger that inflicts never-healing wounds, but Maybe now has it (although Twin Suns and Ford couldn't detect anything special about the dagger, Ford intuited there was more)
-----can take control of Twin Suns at will, without Twin Suns being aware of what he does while not in control
-----only feigns loyalty to Maeve

***Mayaal once told Twin Suns that he may be the thing to stop the Dust, being a powerful hero but untainted by the Dust
-----but then on page 20, Twin Suns upended the urn of Dust upon himself before engaging Tsolo in battle

***Mayaal once said that Twin Suns' transformation is "all your own potential" (no capital P) <--- perhaps Twin Suns is a Potential as well now?


***evil garden from Dust planted by Maybe in the remains of TLTE's once "glorious" garden outside the HHoH (perhaps the garden is burnt with the HHoH now?)

***Sugarless was Dusted
-----became spiteful and vicious for a while, before turning into a complete airhead
-----showed up later as Forgotten Army soldier, and claims to have "the evil thing under control"

***Maybe became a feminazi, but seemed to recover, although the Dust was never specifically dealt with by her

***Twin Suns upended the entire urn of Dust (collected and brought to him by Maybe) upon himself to gain power before fighting Tsolo

Toastinators from the Future

***Magick claims that Rachel and Geb's kid Gebswoq is destined to overthrow Toastinators

***on page 36, HFO's intelligence division is a toaster-powered cyborg brain that sifts through all media signals on the planet
-----heavily implied that this is the later source of the toaster takeover
-----this might be the same as DelphAI, whom I invented later in HFO and further on described as originally the spirit of Sibyl the Oracle of Delphi inhabiting her skull


***Polly says Jupiterian empire ruled multiple Jupiters and Earths and were already gearing up to attack "this" Earth when it was destroyed!

***tradition is to pass Jovian crown to next youngest female in line

***terraforming Jupiter will take about 500 years, according to Polly...guess she wasn't accounting for the G8!


***approached several people at once about contracts, most of which were never followed up on

***JM (unresolved)
***Taxman (unresolved)
***Jim Seven (unresolved)
***Thrawn42689 (unresolved)

***Galvatron: on page 47, Narrator stated that Galvatron has reneged on the (unspecified) contract (by accidentally knocking himself unconscious when the Negotiator came by) and thus will suffer the consequences that he agreed to when he had signed the contract

***Mr. Stafford (perhaps voided by Stafford's apparent death at TLTE's hands)

***Ohqeanos (RESOLVED; Negotiator relinquished his claim)

Nonsensical Subplot

***seemingly unrelated innocuous events, that was forgotten and never resolved
Page 23
Page 24

***boy who gains understanding of the meaning of the universe and uses his new powers to do inane things


***somehow, the Thrawnbot who was taking care of Young (who was the same Thrawnbot who loved Granny Cal, and the same Thrawnbot who was NOT the Siberian Thrawnbot) has an item Ante requested from the Siberian site

***as the top post of page 11 asks, how did Otter and Haggis blow up Jupiter if they're still in London infiltrating Helebon's castle?


***Phantom-Seraph gives a mysterious box with some sort of "key" to Patriot, in post #767

***Thand tells Young that she needs elements from heroes who WEREN'T involved in her creation (i.e. those heroes from whom Antestarr/Zania didn't take something to make her with)

***Lib the Writer and Lib the Character switch places on page 32
-----Lib the Writer (in the story realm) was working in the Hotel of the Damned, though now that TLTE freed the Damned employees by killing Mr. Stafford, he may be part of the Forgotten Army now

***Angela Langley and Cynthia/CynthAI, working for Proctor Research
-----Proctor Research later revealed to be working for Taxman
-----searching for info on Thand

***identity and purpose of whatever power controls the "grid" of mech bases was never revealed

***Agent Benedict Cumberlatch

***CaptAI still in Frank's watch with CynthAI, which is Sran Cadpill's consciousness transferred to AI banks from "living cerebral tissue" in 2047

***Mecha Lou
-----still manufacturing synthesized bloodink for Nyneve and her NeSferatu (which makes them bolder and more reckless)
-----distant Simon cousin
-----with Cyclonus and Galvatron at the Forgotten Army base

***Armenian palace on giant walking chicken legs in London

***Couchman suggests maybe it's time to free Canada from Hell, since Queen Maeve technically rules the commonwealth of Canada

***NeS heroes are being sued by Athena for destruction of her Colosseum in Rome

***Tracer is back to normal (at least for now)
-----somehow gained the ability to open a portal to somewhere unknown, through which he and Losien threw/shoved food and furniture
-----no guarantee was ever given that he's stabilized

***Antestarr left a drop of bloodink (Britt's, in his veins) in a glass in Thand's Oval Office as "insurance"

***Newb remembers some of her past from the Doctor's magic mirror, her name once being Anna, an assassin before her memory was wiped for an undercover mission

(might serve as inspiration or sources to draw from)

***Enchilada Man's Flying Taco VII destroyed - possible replacement if he shows up again at the end

***Antestarr has some people who watch the solar system, and can give orders to modular spacefighters that can configure into humanoid shape (page 9, #344)

***Helebon's Citadel was Big Ben/HoH; castle said to have 42 floors -> therefore Big Ben does?

***hero watches can teleport the heroes, at least back to the HHoH (currently burned down)

***looks like a double post: West Wind's #545 was ignored by the next post and all posts thereafter; discrepancy never resolved?
-----not major enough to put in Unresolved Plot Points, above

***Sarn sneezes whenever "spelunk" is said

***#552 by TLTE: Midvok (Absolver's bro) asks Mimiru what she'll do if CM ever dies, if she can survive it, to which she responds, "I don't know"
--well, now CM is dead! :O

***post #667 -> Wai knows a secret that supposedly only four people on the planet (including Jim7) know, an item whose destruction would destroy hell itself and bring Jim (or possibly whoever is the current devil?) to a weak and mortal state

***Some Pseudo Story begins on Page 20!

***apparently, when rips tear into the NeS (such as when Geb/Rachel's love threatens it), a Vin Diesel appears!

***Otter dooms another planet: Ysila III, by summoning their sun to kill an evil robot refrigerator, dooming it to a very cold future

***fiddling boy Johnny can summon and banish Jim/Devil (person or titleholder? hmm) at will

***Cris B and a random bunny rabbit (adopted by Losien) accidentally got trained into storywielders; and a dog too
-----dog is Captain von Trufflesnout, who mentioned that Lib was attacked by a warlock

***Krig's band of Vikings show up in London during heaven/hell war

***we still don't know exactly what the powerful Mongolian Sakura brew does (used by Emperor Pi offscreen in Burundi)

***London courthouse, deprived of giant chicken legs, is dumped in a busy intersection

***Earth's moon was crashed out of orbit thanks to an unwritten fight between Highempress and Nyktelios, and Highempress had it replaced with a new pink one

***a techno-witch named Andromedea, now part of Ms Nymph company (in the Guam office), used to be part of Polly's hero team in her adventuring days

***Eiffel Tower is now a giant golden couch

***Justin Bieber is alive and extracted from Burundi, made loyal to Thand and brainwashed Americans with Bieber Fever

***Mr Nine agreed to a sight-unseen trade request from Dr Evil in exchange for Disney Forces siding with him vs Helebon (in Rome's Colosseum)

***Schwarzenegger is Vice Pres of US, now sworn in after Thand's death

***one out of ten trips remaining on Britt's time travel license, currently in possession of Venedite's pleasure barge's new bartender

***Asa has an unnamed son (brother to Soolian and biological uncle to Ohqeanos) who is only briefly mentioned

***in 1922, Britt was looking for the Helmet of Halliburton, which would let him shoot oil at people; he also possessed the Holy Helmet of Halibut at the time

***SSTTA is a top secret division of TEA

***Britt is Mnemosyne's avatar

***Aamira Fatimah Khatoon, head bishop of the Mosque of Blackstar

***page 18, #700: Thand's weird device on the opposite end of the globe from Siberian site; explodes after Thand's death on page 50

***Joey, the vorpal toilet-brush wielding brute from CSotD (aka Josephus, founder of Order of Janitors)

***Geb's Mom (aka Polly) was a Playboy Bunny in the 60s lol

***Couchman is Maeve's Supreme Delegate

***Jim resurrects Patriot and makes him his God's Advocate on page 46
2017-02-28, 10:49 AM #1636
Random character notations from my skimming, which may or may not be useful


*he is #105 of the Last True Evil clones
*he still has tear-soaked bullets from Mayaal that only work against evil
*after losing his potential, TLTE threw Losien's hairpin into the Congo jungle brush as far as he could
*discrepancy pointed out between TLTE (the real-life writer and is character) always saying Losien's hair is black, despite character sheets and other posts calling it auburn-ish
*recurring theme: TLTE keeps starring in deadly game shows (2nd of which was on page 29)
*TLTE turned on the heroes in an attempt to become the hero to secure Losien to him (sensing that he had lost her love)


*was given the "knowledge of NeS, or what of it I [Mayaal] know"
*some of Ante's assortment of weapons: Personal Singularity Generator Gun, Lightfoils, LightclaymoreEX, Obligatory sniper rifle, Pistol-sized rocket launcher
*Orochi and Ante get it on


*Wednesday is her favorite day of the week
*Losien's old nickname for Geb: SuperShoes!
*Losien has no soul?!
*Geb and Los are twins
*Losien's father is half-hobbit!
*Losien's full name is Losien Ohqtober Novel Simon
*Losien hates kittens :O
*Losien turns into a "villain" for a bit
*on page 40, Losien is the only one who remembers Michael's sacrifice to stop KnowSoul on the memory of page 50 (of NeSo)
*Losien's soul still partly detached from her body
*Losien believes her Potential (and thus herself) capable of killing a hostage (in this case, Iriana)


*anonymous voice speaking in Amal's head #709
*Amal's moment of monstrous darkness, #733 on page 19
*Geb gives Amal mental-protection crown and NeSword on page 43
*Amal is determined to have his own will, make his own decisions after confronting Quo Anima
*Amal dealing with his lost Potential, killed by TLTE


*he refers to a "brief escapade as Shirley the Buxom Ballerina"
*Geb and Los are twins


*suggests that she and Geb can explore their love with Sugarless or with another woman


*Maybe is nice to Otter for the first time in ages on page 23
*along with Otter, considered a Chosen One by the Forgotten, being remembered despite not having a Writer


*Otter has a heroic turnaround for a while on pages 25 and 26
*Otter repressed bad memories of being beaten with false memories which include his hair being on fire (revealed page 37)
*Maeve and Otter forcibly sobered by Losien on page 43
*Otter is sober again, with Maybe
*along with Maybe, considered a Chosen One by the Forgotten, being remembered despite not having a Writer


*Maeve and Otter forcibly sobered by Losien on page 43
*Maeve was assigned by Twin Suns to infiltrate the NeS heroes so that she could become queen and instate the Forgotten Army
*Maeve wanting to give into booze again, despite her friends' misgivings


*Oppo the Mental's toe-gnawing tea-sniffing ghost is tethered to Al
*Lucy, or Lucille Harriet Jabberwocky-Brown Ciao <-- Al and Mia agree to share custody of her, because she needs both of her parents, even if they do try to kill each other on occasion
*Far Future genegineering returned Al's hair control powers back to him


*Polly tried to raise Losien to be kinder and more human, rather than cold and royally Jupiterian
*Polly refers to Ohqeanos as a good honest and kind-hearted man


*Young received a "glistening blue-white icicle that will never melt" from a yeti in the HHoH on Christmas
*Lib's Interdimensional Taxi whistle
*Subaru healed Frank's Potential-death trauma to make him overly giddy
*Subaru thinks fondly of Ante again, even if she's not sure she'll ever be romantic with him again
*Tracer has determined to be Losien's rock
*Darkside is the evil of the characters it consumes, whereas They is the evil of the Writers
2017-03-01, 9:57 PM #1637
So Al asked me to post the skype chat here. Thing is, it exceeds the character limit, so I'm attaching a text file with the skype log instead.
Attachment: 27351/NeS2finalecomments.txt (72,140 bytes)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2017-08-21, 8:45 AM #1638
Originally posted by Gebohq:
Hello Koobie,

Would you mind posting whatever thoughts you had regarding your recent NeS posts in the NeS workshop thread please?


I meant that the story has ended, and now it continues.

I was brought to this site by Highemperor, partly.

High-ello. Feel free to continue the story. I may post at times in it. My character name is ...

... drum-roll,

2017-08-21, 8:50 AM #1639
I am an inter-dimensional traveler with dubious superpowers.
2017-08-21, 10:25 AM #1640
Hey Koobie! It's good to see you contributing to the story :)

If you don't know, I'm Highemperor, lol. Changed my username several years back.

I am curious why you wanted to end the thread and start a new one. Bit of a major change, lol.

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