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ForumsInteractive Story Board → NeS workshop
NeS workshop
2004-11-04, 8:51 PM #241
Great post, TLTE (with the EeP possesing CM and all). I had been attempting to write a similar post, but kept getting hung up on the idea of having a writer as a traitor. Couldn't figure out how to make that work. Good job, comrade.
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2004-11-05, 12:34 AM #242
Sweetness. This will surely come to an exciting conclusion to this storyarc. I don't know if anyone wants to work in the whole deal with most of the writers having gone on strike since the dreamstate/one of the few not on strike being traitorous or not, just seems like something that could work as well.

As for the next storyarc, I'm going to have to wait on my "plans" of the crossover storyarc until next time, which is alright, because Krig and I thought of a simple and effective new storyarc: Helebon and the Darkside, not having been taken into the Dreamstate, have conquored the Earth (and thus effectively NeS) while the heroes were stuck with their bodies withering away in the 8th dimension and their minds in the Dreamstate (except for Geb, who WAS in Hell, and might be in a prediciment of his own :eek: ). Simply put, the heroes will try and reclaim/save the world from Helebon's control in their weakened state. TLTE and a few others will meanwhile have to venture to Jupiter to try and find out what happened to Losien. It should prove to be a simple and fun classic battle.

TLTE, Krig, CoolMatty and Ante, please check your e-mail soon, I will be sending something :)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2004-11-05, 1:58 AM #243
And a bit actually from Thrawn on the thread, placing it in it's proper place... ;)

NSP: Just for future reference, Thrawnbot tends not to refer to people as "humans." In fact, apart from the titanium stuff, he acts just like a real person. That's okay though, maybe he was short-circuiting from the bullets in his head.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2004-11-05, 10:28 AM #244
First off, pardon my un-kindness in this post. I blame it in part on lack of sleep and having taken a test. With that said, since CoolMatty is not on IM or IRC at the moment...


You just go and flat-out end the storyarc. It was picking up for a good climax, it didn't need to be "just ended" right now. Some of us would have like to have contributed more. Did you not read this previous post? Or the e-mails? There were ideas flying about. I was hoping to write something between Geb and Gebiyl, I had a friend (Erik, if any of you remember him/have seen him on IRC) who wanted to jump in, and we had talked on a lot of good ideas on how he could have made his mark by potentially being the necessary key to winning. But did you leave it open-ended like interactive writers should? No.

But you didn't JUST end it. You ended it with POWERPLAYING. You had CoolMatty sort of just magically free his bond from the EeP and "teleport" everyone back to the 8th dimension. That's not something special! With something like that, why the hell didn't he just teleport everyone in the first place? Because we were suppose to have a semi-unique attempt to defeat the EeP. Tracer threw out an idea with the sidekicks, there was potentially the idea of a new character, there was still the Blank Character that could have been used, hell, we could have just had, you know, actual TEAMWORK bring the EeP down. But no, CM takes the spotlight. I didn't think you'd be the powerplaying type, and to kill such potential of a climax. I had even asked Jim to keep his post down until the storyarc was over, because Jim had just "woken up", and I told him that would have killed the buildup of the emergency of the heroes being trapped in the dreamstate, and he was nice enough to take it down.

Not only did you "just end" it with your character powerplaying, you have NeS once again LEAVING PROBLEMS UNRESOLVED! We already have the flashbacks/Mustang to deal with, we're hoping to deal with Helebon in the next storyarc, and now you leave Gebiyl and the EeP with an unfinished fight and just be off elsewhere? I mean, I'm starting to think I gave the wrong impression or something -- I thought maybe when you asked what I wanted to see you cover in your post and I said "CM fighting TLTE" I would just see CM fighting TLTE, not CM mortally wounding TLTE only to become magically unevil and somehow teleport everyone away! Do you sense a pattern here? Do I have to send The Answerer to deal with you in Ne****tered?

Please, edit your post to stop with CEEM and TLTE still fighting each other. Perhaps even throw in some extra kicks. Just... wow.

I think I'll go to sleep now. Again, I'm sorry if I'm being Mr. Mean right now. But PLEASE, CM, read Ne****tered, read TLTE's institute thread... explain to me what I'm not seeing. You don't usually make these kinds of posts, last I checked. What happened?
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2004-11-05, 12:35 PM #245
I was making a joke, but you weren't on when I posted, so i went back to edit it to where it was supposed to end, and it didn't go through cause my school internet sucks. Sorry to freak you out like that hahahahaa.

*Gotta admit, I cracked up laughing when I saw that*
2004-11-05, 12:43 PM #246
/me points geb to AIM or IRC so he understands why I didn't mean for that to be the true post :D

/me apologizes to anyone who actually thought that was the post I meant to post.
2004-11-05, 6:13 PM #247
Aw, i missed all the fun :( :p

Anyway, after being silent far too long, i've written again, and thrown a bit of a spanner into the works, so let me know what you think. One thing, though: HIGHEMP RETURNING IS NOT A PLOTHOLE. I would hope eveyone will undertand what i did, but i dunno, no one's really used Bhac much except kirb and i :(. Gebohq, at least, i believe will understand what happened, if the rest of you don't. Anyway, just go with the flow with him, and try not to bring him and TLTE together, as i'd like to keep this going for a bit, unles there were plans, in which case, eh, stuff happens. Lastly, you can have the characters have thier own theories about his return, jsut please don't go and say the real reason yet.
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis

2004-11-05, 6:49 PM #248
I.E. you're having fun with Bhac pretending to be Highemperor because you didn't get to have fun with Bhac being TLTE with Thrawn killing your fun and all.

My only comment I'd like to emphasis is that Gebiyl really DOES NOT like the EeP at this point, and it would take a super major event to make Geb willingly serve the EeP. As for now, I can blame his apparent serving of the EeP as a combination of the EeP controlling Gebiyl unwittingly and Gebiyl trying to pretend he really likes the EeP so that he can backstab and control the EeP. Obviously, things do not look good for Gebiyl whatever the case.

I'll do what I can to make a post of my own at some point.

/me smacks CM for playing a mean trick on him :p
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2004-11-05, 7:40 PM #249
"At some point" will now be in the next 2-3 days, and I'm hoping to get a friend to jump in before we move on to the new storyarc. TLTE had talked about wrapping up this storyarc, so if you all have things you want to do before then, talk to TLTE, post your thoughts here and/or post in the next 2-3 days :)

The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2004-11-06, 8:17 PM #250
Ok, i realize my mistake now, i put the tip off for the highemp thing in my 'Metaphysics of the NeW', and i thought i had refernce it elsewhere, my bad. for those that still don't know: Highemp = Bhac. Or, rather, Bhac has assumed the form of Highemp to screw with the heros. He is not on the side of the Eep, he will fight against it if gets too mush of an upper hand, but otherwise he likes to be mean and cause havok. The thing with bhac's shapshifting: There will always be a part of his new form that is the same as his normal form. When he was TLTE he stil had the desicated hands. Now that he's highemp, he has the long unruly hair. I will always make note of this, and if you write for him and have him shift, it would probably be best if you did, too, so we don't have massive plotholes and confusion what could accure with doubles running around.

One last thing. Some distiquishing features of Bhac's normal form for use in shapeshifting: Long, unruly, white hair, Emaciated hands, bleeding fingernails, always open eyes, and pink pupils. If you want to use his normal form, i desribe it at length elsewhere.
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis

2004-11-10, 6:54 PM #251
Well, I thought it might be useful to have some information mostly regarding the Blank Character organized and handy for wrapping this storyarc up, as I feel it can and should probably be an important factor. The Last True Evil has expressed interest in wrapping it up, so if you've got input on the matter, post it here and/or contact TLTE about it. First off, two of Ante's posts from page 7 which sum up the purpose of the Blank Character:

HGM Zania
A Tough One
Posted: 09-18-2004 02:04 AM

Gebohq stared across the desk at Jimmy Carter's smiling plastic mug.

Geb: What are you doing here? This is MY office!

Zania: And a very nice office it is. I never pegged you as the megalomaniacal type. Though I suppose I should have seen it, what with you traipsing around with your "hero-types" all willy-nilly, always spouting off orders until things turned sour. Say, have you seen the shark tank? It's actually quite lovely.

Zania pressed a button in the arm of the chair, causing a panel in the floor in front of the desk to slide back, revealing a glass cover. Beneath swam a number of various sharks, seemingly oblivious to the office above.

Zania: Really a well crafted illusion. I give you credit, I couldn't have done much better myself.

Geb: Illusion...

Zania: Of course. Everything within this dreamstate is an illusion. A representation of our wills. The stronger wills create stronger manifestations. Heck, Mr. Seven created Australia, complete with a circus and requisite inner turmoil. And don't get me started on the confusion going around with the locals, not sure when they need to be in Austria and when they need to be in Australia.

Geb: Is, uh, this rambling actually going somewhere? Because if it isn't, I'd really like to get my kidney back from you.

Zania: Ah, right, I was getting off track. Illusions. Those sharks, this building, you, me... all illusory. Representations of ourselves, our wills, our very essence. But it leaves for us a very interesting opportunity for something...

Geb: Make out parties...

Zania: Yes, those too. But I was referring to Character Development.

Geb: Development...? Doesn't that come naturally as a story progresses?

Zania: That's an oversimplification. Character development is a natural enough process for your average protagonist. Sometimes even an antagonist. But what of the flat character? One who is along for the ride but never finds a use? We've had a number of them come and go through our adventures.

Geb: Our...?

Zania: I've begun to think on my own. To act on my own. And so I turned to character development once more. Though in another meaning this time. I've turned away from the path of the writers, and come to a new realization. I will control my own destiny. And I will help to shape the future of this world. Through Character Development.

Geb: Okay, I'm officially lost now.

Zania: Don't worry, I'm getting to the point. I needed your kidney, as it was a representation of your strength! Your essence. I have collected enough from the developed and semi-developed characters now.

Zania held up a small jar. It appeared as though it contained a light, similar to the sun on a much smaller scale.

Zania: Behold, the spark of life. Pure, unadulterated essence of character. In order to keep our world alive and changing, I have developed a new type of character. A blank character. It has yet to substantiate into a body, but the potential here is limitless. A being created from the characters... raised by the characters... The Child of NeS.

Zania placed the jar on the desk before him and then spun his chair around to face the windows.

Zania: Well, now that that's over, I won't be needing this anymore. It was getting stuffy anyway.

Zania removed his mask and flung it backwards. The mask travelled over the desk and landed on the glass viewport of the shark tank. He then spun the chair back around.

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Senior Member
Posted: 09-18-2004 02:34 AM

The chair stopped. Gebohq could only stare in awe as he laid his eyes upon the countenance of a rediculously garbed former companion. Antestarr stood up from the chair and started to take his clothes off.

Ante: Geb, could I get a little privacy here? I'm trying to change!

Geb: Huhwhazziwha?!

Ante: Just turn around, I'm tired of this silly getup contrived to throw people off of my identity.

Geb turned around and stared at the doorway out of the office.

Geb: So, why all the secrecy? I mean, you've been missing for (p)AGES now... and all of the sudden you come back like it's no big deal.

Ante (muffled by various clothes changing): Well, mostly because I couldn't very well go asking nicely if I could rip out your body parts. Most people around here feel a little attached to them. And if I let my identity out, the writers could track me that much more easily. Times ahead are gonna be tough, now.

Geb: I don't see why you're so obsessed with working without the writers... they've gotten us out of a pinch more than once.

Ante: Don't you see? The disaster we faced not so long ago? The threat we face now? All contrivances of those accursed writers. You think it's the will of the Neverending Story to just end? Sounds like a paradox to me. But a writer has a tendency to want to finish what he or she starts. It's the writers' faults something like the EeP could ever exist.

Geb: You're talking crazy-talk. And not the funny kind of crazy-talk.

Ante: Well, believe me or not, the only way I can see a future for this story, our very existence, is to cut our ties to the writers. We must take the control for ourselves. That is why I have created this character. It has yet to be determined if it will be hero or villain... funny or dramatic... male or female... but it has the potential to be whatever we wish it to be. It has the potential to be the savior of our world, should the time come. I have chosen to abandon the writers before they choose to abandon us. Oh, you can turn around now.

Geb turned around to see Ante wearing a black hoodie and standard jeans.

Ante: Yeah, I felt like toning down my image a bit. Can't be standing out too much in this day and age.

Geb: So, does this mean you'll be coming with us?

Ante: I'll tag along for now. I can't leave my project there alone with you just yet. No telling what you'd do to the poor thing.

Geb: Hey, now, it's not like it's even remotely donut-shaped!

Ante: True, but on the other hand, do we really need another Geb running around here?

Geb: Alright, you got me there.

Ante: So, I guess we need to find the others. Just remember, I serve only myself and the story now.

Geb: Don't we all...?

Ante: No... not all of us. In fact, not many of us at all...

Next, a list of the components in the jar of light that is, as of this moment, the Blank Character, who will most likely be "born" at any moment now:

  • A kidney from Gebohq
  • A jellybean from the Jellybean Pony
  • Some "blue" from Ahnuld (he runs on rainbows)
  • Some skin from Thrawn42689
  • Some breath from JK the White
  • A lock of hair from Maybechild
  • Half a moustache from CookedHaggis
  • A liver from The Otter
  • A rib from Jim Seven
  • Toenail clippings from Krig the Viking
  • A net from TLTE's spy equipment
  • Some magic from CoolMatty's blue-burning Phoenix Gale

The break in the list is where there was enough components, and the last three appear to be extra spices thrown in. Presumably, when applicable, Zania/Ante had replaced the items taken with better ones -- Geb for instance can now run faster, the Otter can drink more, etc. However, this doesn't seem to mean these characters have their powers back, at least not entirely -- Gebiyl, for instance, has Geb's NeSword. He might even have everyone else's powers, which could be part of the EeP's plan to control Gebiyl for his benefit (at the moment, however, the EeP is using CoolMatty). Gebiyl will surely be on a crazy surge anyways with the EeP trying to control him and visa versa.

In all likelyhood, the Blank Character will be "born" as a "perfect" character, a Buhdda-esque genderless super-character with the strengths of the characters above, though I've suggested that said character also start out with a name and/or a special strength and/or a special weakness. From there, each of us (or our characters as it may be) can add unique physical and personality traits, other strengths and weaknesses, etc. that'll make this character unqiue, and over time become "flawed" in its own manners... there's all sorts of crazy things that can go with this. But here are my suggestions for names, strengths, and flaws:

Names: Ashley, Baako, Chance, Gale, Hosanna, Jess, Jiang, Jing, Jordan, Li, Lou, Qiu, Sam, Shui, Tu, Young, Yu.
Strengths: Conductor/amplifier of team synergy, healer, master of disguise, increase/decrease luck, power over weather/water, same as flaw.
Flaws: Psychotic (anti-social, schitzo, multiple-personality disorder...), angsty, lazy, arrogant, increase/decrease luck, adversity to water...

More than likely for just the end of this storyarc, giving just a unique strength would be applicable, and leave thinking of a name for us to think over in the workshop. Another idea to consider is that the Blank Character to be born first enters as a child (and maybe grows at a normal pattern, though obviously the child can exhibit some adult-like abilities like high speech skills or the like.)

And with that, I think I'll stop. Please respond with your thoughts on the matter :)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2004-11-10, 7:40 PM #252
Some suggestions and such from Highemp:

We nominate/suggest strengths and weaknesses in the workshop thread. At the end of a specified time, we vote for one strength andone weakness to initially define the Blank Character. Then each character comes forward and gets to add, say, three minor things: powers, physical features, mannerisms, etc. As for a name, how 'bout Sophocles? (after the great playwright -- get it? Character development and playwrights? Har.) Just a suggestion.

Personally I don't think it needs to be so formal /shrug.

As for the name, well, as you might have figured, I was trying to appeal for a gender-neutral name, but I suppose it doesn't have to be the case if it got a gender first...

And no, I have no idea how the characters will influence this new character's attributes. Maybe they say magic words as they feed it Scooby Snacks or something >_>
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2004-11-10, 9:40 PM #253
I'm not sure about strengths and/or weaknesses for the Blank Character, but I really, really, really like the name Young, which you mentioned. Really. It fits perfectly for this "New" character (new as in a new creation, a new "species" of character, as it were). So name-wise, that's where my vote is.

I'll be thinking about the other stuff.
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2004-11-11, 7:06 AM #254
Well, creating the Blank Character is quite a responsibility, and it seems to be more of Antestarr's idea, so I opt out of that particular task. I've just posted the resolution of the storyarc, more or less: we basically only need the Blank Character to be intoduced, and all is well.
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2004-11-11, 6:14 PM #255
Geb, Geb, Geb...

How the heck could you ever forget "Pat"!

(j/k of course)
Pereant qui ante nos nostra dixerunt.
2004-11-11, 6:32 PM #256
Originally posted by Antestarr
Geb, Geb, Geb...

How the heck could you ever forget "Pat"!

(j/k of course)

While I get your inside joke ( :p ), I tried to avoid suggesting the obvious "Pat" and "Chris."

Here I was hoping you had something more useful to say :p
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2004-11-11, 9:13 PM #257
2004-11-12, 2:48 AM #258
Many thanks to Krig for the last dreamstate post, as he pulled through with most of the storypost while I felt too slumpish to make it descent.

First thing -- you might have noticed the pattern that was attempted to be set in the storypost concerning Young's traits appearing. The idea behind it is that, as NeS progresses, different characters will add to the traits, whether they be physical, personality, strengths, weaknesses, etc. The main point to remember though is that the traits suggested by the characters MUST be in character. For instance, Geb would never suggest that Young have healing abilities, even if the cast could use a healer-type, because it probably wouldn't occur to Geb. If given a chance, he'd probably suggest that Young be really good at making donuts, even though Haggis already has some culinary skills. The other thing to keep in mind is that, while more of a suggestion, it's probably best if we tried to stick with one alteration per character, and use your own characters. There are some "public domain" characters out there, some of whom have already been used, but again, try not to make a post where you use all those extra characters so you can work in some attributes. The alterations should come as they occur to the characters in the situation. Young, of course, will develop her own strengths and flaws (more the latter than the former, given time, become more "human" and independant) as these alterations are placed on her. It should be most interesting to see how Young grows and how she will (or won't) contribute to subverting the power of the Writers.

The other thing -- remember that the characters, having woken up, are physically weak (from being asleep for over 2 weeks) and mentally broken (Gebiyl w/ EeP and NeSword gets away, and they think Gebohq is dead), both of which will seriously hamper the immediate problem with Helebon having taken control of Earth (and thus the primary world of NeS). Plus of course the missing Losien... all equal much conflict. Gebohq is, of course, not dead but imprisoned by Helebon. He is also super-weak and very, very lost, not having witnessed the battle between Young and Gebiyl in the dreamstate.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2004-11-12, 9:12 PM #259
Yeah, um.


Thrawnbot is still very much alive at this point, just to make that clear.
2004-11-12, 10:25 PM #260
Just for reference, here's a list of the various attributes and things that Young has been given and who gave them.

Female Gender --- Otter
Knowledge that Otter is an idiot --- Maybechild
Knowledge that EeP is evil ---Everyone
Confusion about whether or not she herself is evil
Physical form (a body) ---Ante
Clothes ---Maybechild
Guns (offensive ability) ---Qhobeg
Shield (defensive ability) ---Krig
Self-Confidence (sticking up for herself)

In addition to those things, she also has the basic components she was created from, which give her the following:

The will to live, and skill at avoiding danger (dodging)
Wistfulness and whimsey,
Sensitivity and empathy
Culture and sophistication
Sobriety and seriousness
Beauty and a protective, mothering instinct
An epic nature, a grand destiny
Toughness and strangeness

Watch for updates as people add more things.
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2004-11-12, 10:39 PM #261
And "talking really quietly and then yelling at people when they don't hear her." --I forget. Ahnuld or MZZT or someone.
2004-11-16, 6:15 AM #262
Thrawn, I liked your post a lot, and I will be following on from it, I swear...just these damn final exams I'm doing are waylaying me somewhat. I apologise for my lack of punctuality...
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2004-11-19, 10:53 PM #263
Nothing big, just putting down a quote someone made for me on another IRC channel. I liked it:

Gebohq -- I hear a clamor, then turn with Valor, and righteously flee, a coward is me.

The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2004-11-23, 2:38 AM #264
Ladies and gentlemen,

In regard to my latest post - I've just finished high school, and tomorrow I embark on a week-long celebration that takes me out of my city and, alas, denies me access to a computer. Hence, I have removed TLTE and the relevant characters to his quest from the Gebohq/Helebon plot, so that they may continue their own plot without interference or second-guessing my motivations. Don't mention it, I'm just a nice guy that way :D

Anyway, if anyone wants to post how exactly the "Saving Losien" crusaders get a spaceship, and how their travels through space go, please be my guest. I look forward to reading it when I return. My only humble request is that you don't post what happens when they get to Jupiter. I've got plans for that one.

Thank you for your attention, and WOOHOO! SCHOOL'S OUT FOREVER!!! :cool:
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2004-11-23, 1:21 PM #265
Man, that be quite the mad posting and/or skimpin' on stuff if you had to worry about any of that, TLTE ;) It's all good though -- have fun on your fun in the sun, or whatever you do your senior week :)

And <nitpick> Ante *is* the most senior NeS member that is still around (page 2/3), next to Geb himself(1). Krig's third(6).</nitpick> Facts be damned though -- the lines were funny!
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2004-11-30, 2:25 PM #266
Alright, just so we're all on the same wavelength:

Antestarr and group attempt to try and take down Helebon once and for all, which will probably require them to stock up on stuff anyway. Yes, there is a blatant parallel to Half-Life 2, but you don't need to follow up with the parody. It just seemed a natural set-up, is all.

TLTE, CM, etc. are technically witness to the Hell on Earth as well, but I envisioned them being transported and travelling outside the cities, where they can follow more the classic horror-zombie trials found in HL2 locations like Ravenholm. You know, except in the desert. Literal ghost towns or something, I dunno. Or go with something more Wild West. Or a combination ala Deadlands. There should definately be a "frontier" feel once they reach outer space anyway.

As for the ones left at the HHH, they might be able to finally follow up on the haunted house/creepy complex basement horror mystery set-up suggested back when we started the 8th dimension bit, and/or the whole 1888 flashback with Mustang. If not, they can just chill. I was trying to keep the "active" groups tight, and TLTE had a thing on keeping the women together anyway, so it seemed natural.

Hopefully this, and my attempt to get new writers will be enough to get this new storyarc moving along. More on the new writers later.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2004-11-30, 2:54 PM #267
Well, I'll just say it now -- as for new writers, I intend to try and get some from the people at the Dominic Deegan forum, which is currently down, and from people in a writing class I took via e-mail, which I'll do later. And, of course, come the crossover storyarc later, I hope to get some people at the Gaming Guardians forum. I encourage you all to seek new writers whenever you get the chance :)

Btw, I've updated the update section, so it's all useful and whatnot. I also edited my last storypost to include Qhobeg. He's with Ante and company. I'm sure having a Geb-clone will find its use... besides, I'm sure some of the characters will have their issues with a Geb-look-a-like being around when they think the real Geb could be KIA. That, and I like Qhobeg :)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2004-12-01, 9:19 AM #268
Oh, bloody hell.

I've posted a semi-NSP (in the way that it's mainly about me as t' writer) and I promise I'll do more than three posts this time. Plus, by the looks of the last page, Tony-the-Hero-In-Training's been shifting in and out of reality.
Hey, Blue? I'm loving the things you do. From the very first time, the fight you fight for will always be mine.
2004-12-01, 8:04 PM #269
I still say Tony needs to find a way to make himself more unique, especially compared to Otter.

Otherwise, glad you're still hear :)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2004-12-02, 8:54 AM #270
Dont worry, my dear Gebster. Tony will develop a uniquity soon enough... yes...
Hey, Blue? I'm loving the things you do. From the very first time, the fight you fight for will always be mine.
2004-12-08, 9:53 PM #271
OMG! Ford? WTF? Ares???!!

Is this a Christmas miracle, or a sign of the Apocalypse?

Hopefully I can continue with Geb's fun in prison soon... stupid school...
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2004-12-13, 7:32 AM #272
Hey guys. didjya miss me?

well i'm back. and i think im getting my groove back. please correct me if i'm wrong and should shoot myself right here and now.

anywhos, i'll post more later give some other people a chance to post. these writers realm interludes are just a warm-up for me. getting me ready for Ford's Grand return.

Next up: FordtW meets with da boss. Geb feel free to post on this topic yourself.
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2004-12-13, 5:35 PM #273
it si teh fr0d and ares!!!1! w00t!!1!

I'm sure Geb would want me to remind you, Ford, that Ford the Hero's main motivation at the moment is to figure out what happened to his ancestor Mustang, who has mysteriously dissapeared. There's at least two of us, perhaps more, who would like to see Mustang's whole story-arc drawn to a conclusion at some point.

Anyway, regarding my latest post -- I'd like Enchilada Man's appearance to be no more than a brief cameo -- he transports them to Jupiter, and takes off to answer the call of another poor soul hungry for enchiladas. That's just his style. No sense involving him too deeply in a story where he doesn't fit.

Also, who here knows what "hermana" means? And its signifigance in the NeS? A cookie to anyone who gets the reference!

Except Geb. He probably knows already.

Oh heck, Geb too. I have enough cookies for everyone.
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2004-12-13, 5:42 PM #274
As far as the Mustang/1888 bit, I agree, and will do what I can to help you Ford.

I also actually have no idea what the reference you made is to. I'd be interested in hearing it :) Also, can you link the site you use for the Russian translations?
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2004-12-13, 5:55 PM #275 , I think is the address. I use it for all my translating needs. Also, has a big giant list of online translator thingies, if you want to find the one that's best for you.

Hint: "hermana" is Spanish.
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2004-12-14, 12:51 AM #276
Perfection, son of Krog. You read my mind and knew I didn't want the Blackguard killed, and got us on the road to Jupiter in a comical fashion! I am much indebted to the Norse people today...

EDIT: I translated 'hermana' into English...where could you be going with this?
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2004-12-14, 3:37 PM #277
Not really going anywhere with it, actually -- it's just a subtle reference to Miss Fire, who is of course Enchilada Man's sister. She could show up in the story, or not, whatever.

Also, I have a sneaking suspicion that I know where you're going with this whole "Blackguard" guy, but I won't give it away. ;)
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2004-12-14, 5:07 PM #278
i have a really big hope about blackgaurd, but i know is not true, so :(. i think i'll write somthign soon, though i won't get it up until after new years (going to vacation for 2 weeks), so i may have to modify stuff if you people write during that time (which you better!), so whatever
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis

2004-12-15, 10:08 PM #279
Correct me if I'm wrong, Krig, but wasn't Miss Fire the sister of RobX...?
Pereant qui ante nos nostra dixerunt.
2004-12-15, 10:53 PM #280
No, I'm pretty sure... um... hmm... *goes to fact-check*
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!

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