Ha. I just realized that the darksaber/darkfoil could actually be an epee. Then it could be involved with the EeP and become the EePee. <_<
Geez, I still have no idea how TLTE and Geb (and S. Geb) are going to deal with losing their potentials. Damn. The next few posts at the very least should prove to be interesting...
EDIT: Also, for Sem the writer, if he's interested, might wish to see that the only mention of his character in NeSquared has been with Masetto and Arbiter on the now dead Michael MacLongname's spacestation of Forgotten Characters (that wished to reclaim their power, so to speak, which they're probably still doing btw...) as Michael's sort of right-hand men (next to Blackguard). You can read the posts with your character
here and
here. I figure, for one reason or another, Sem's since been trying to get a hold of Geb (not knowing he's really S. Geb) and got as far as somewhere in Siberia when he got wisked away by the tumbleweed. It's entirely possible that Sem could have had different reasons, such as following Morthrandur, or completely random reasons... *shrug*. In any case, your character's major motivation since the beginning of NeSquared has likely been the whole "forgotten character" deal. It's sort of a motif that's gone around in NeShattered and NeSquared -- forgotten characters, characters wishing not to be controlled by their writers, that sort of meta-fiction fun. Breaking the fourth wall is fun. Yay presentationalism. More than likely though, none of that really interests you, and that's fine -- NeS could stand to have some lighter writers like in NeS old (and the tumbleweed thread).
Thand still kicks *** though. I wonder if he'll convince the heroes that he's right about what's been revealed in the book given to the Potentials they read. The thing is, it might actually be true...

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