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ForumsInteractive Story Board → NeS workshop
NeS workshop
2006-03-16, 9:28 PM #681
It's a'ight Sarn. I could have been clearer in my post. Besides, your post was good stuff. The worse that can happen is it'll just be an "alternate" story-thing, and something else happens instead. It's still entertaining to read :)

And just to make sure we're all clear on the matter, I have NO plans past what I wrote. I placed Geb in a very dire position with no idea how he could live through it. So... feel free to go where you want with it.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2006-03-19, 4:48 AM #682
I'm going on the premise that Erronem returned Gebohq to the "real world" as well. Sarn was right though, it was a great post Geb (and influenced mine as I'm sure you'll see.) Well done, fearless leader!
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2006-03-19, 8:22 PM #683
First off, check your e-mail, TLTE.

Secondly, I got talking to CoolMatty about his post (which was coolbeans, btw) and I'm really hoping to make Geb "emo" for the next however-many posts. There's potential comedic gold galore from making fun of emo-stuff, and it's based on tragedy/seriousness, which I think is one of the best sort of comedy. He's already wearing Hot Topic-type clothes (it's supposed to be S. Geb's "evil" attire), so now we just need to throw some emo glasses on him, his hair can be over his eyes so he can do the emo hair flip, he can have a portable CD player to listen to Linkin Park, and threaten to cut his wrists and get upset when no one is paying attention to him. Don't have to go with all these specifics, of course, just thinking of standard emo-stuff to make fun of here :)

I'm glad I was able to spawn interest in this storyarc :D
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2006-03-20, 12:26 PM #684
Indeed you did, Geb. But I think I'm gonna jump back to the Sarn/Voodoo for a quick post and see what develops. :D
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2006-03-27, 1:31 PM #685
ok, so the quarter's over, I'm on spring break, and I remember NeS. I drop by and find 2 or 3 new pages of storyline. I read it all, but I am still as clueless as when I started about the Sarn storyline. Sarn (or anyone else that may know), what is going on? I intend to begin posting again when I get a handle on things. The Sarn/Sok/Voodoo plot needs to deepen or change. Maybe bring the arc to a close and introduce a new one? Just a suggestion. BTW, good job on the Congo plot, you guys. The Congo arc is totally epic. You guys are awesome writers
"I'm interested in the fact that the less secure a person is, the more likely it is for that person to have extreme prejudices." -Clint Eastwood
2006-03-27, 1:56 PM #686
Thanks :) I've been wanting to write for the stuff you new writers have been working with, but to be honest, I don't know what's really going on either. Hopefully Sarn or one of the others can help with that.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2006-03-28, 7:25 PM #687
Fair warning TLTE:

I plan to post again on your character to keep the story moving. I'll give you a 2-day's grace, but after that, my fingers may just graze the keyboard, and I'm not sure I'll be able to stop them.
2006-03-29, 6:56 AM #688
Just the push I needed. Were we living in the same country, I'd pay you to be my personal trainer.
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2006-03-29, 11:17 PM #689
Sorry to break the great action and drama with my measly self contained back-story post, but I felt I had opened a few things up and that I should give it some substance and momentum... Please feel free to continue on around me.
"Well, if I am not drunk, I am mad, but I trust I can behave like a gentleman in either
condition."... G. K. Chesterton

“questions are a burden to others; answers a prison for oneself”
2006-04-01, 2:14 PM #690
nice delivery, Geb.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2006-04-03, 1:34 PM #691
Oooh. All serious and dramatic again. ¬¬
Hey, Blue? I'm loving the things you do. From the very first time, the fight you fight for will always be mine.
2006-04-08, 4:47 AM #692
Haha! Nice, West Wind! Hopefully Ante will be posting his stuff soon -- he sort of got attacked with "real life" so I might take down his reservation spot soon. We'll see.

In other news, the NeS comic needs a new artist. Read about it here:
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2006-04-08, 6:58 AM #693
Hey guys. Sorry I've been taking so long on my post, live keeps hitting me with things that either relate to work or are addicting as crack (Kingdom Hearts 2, I'm looking at you.) Throw in moving to a different shift and changing to 12 hour shifts, it's been a little rough this past week. Just letting you know that I seriously plan on mapping out (if not writing) my post at work tomorrow (as it should be slow) and getting it up by tomorrow night my time. Thanks for the patience from everyone.
Pereant qui ante nos nostra dixerunt.
2006-04-08, 2:28 PM #694
Originally posted by Gebohq:
Haha! Nice, West Wind!

That post offended me to my very core.
2006-04-08, 2:29 PM #695
2006-04-09, 7:17 AM #696
So, yeah, there's totally a lot more words in my reserved space now. I actually have a bit more I'd like to write in for Siberia, but as of right now I gotta get some sleep as I have work in the morning. Hope you all enjoy the rather wordful post.

Also, I've been working from the angle that the ultimate convention hadn't been fulfilled up to this point. I figure I threw out enough shades of grey that it very well may have been now, but we'll leave it with some other writers to decide maybe.
Pereant qui ante nos nostra dixerunt.
2006-04-19, 6:59 PM #697
Really sorry for the absence, guys: I know I should be writing this section but I'm directing a play that goes up next week. Have a little more patience...
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2006-04-26, 1:36 PM #698
Not the grand post of awesomeness I envisioned, but I needed to get it written out. Hopefully it'll work well enough.

Ante and I have been talking about naming the darkfoil, now that it has a major evil from the past, present and future. While I haven't thought of any good names involving time, I like the following two:


The first breaks down as both belie + foil (counter + contrast) and belief + oil (trust + falseness). The second breaks down as both i + foil (i, in this case, taking several connotations, like self/one and imaginary) and if + oil. Both just conjur imagery I really like in association with the darkfoil, but I also realize that both names are odd-sounding, and it's just weird in general.

Anyways, I'm hoping the idea of an evil wedding could set the stage for the next storyarc, where the NeSheroes try to rescue Young before she's "bounded" to Gebiyl. It doesn't necessarily have to be the NEXT one, but anyways, we'll see where that goes.

EDIT: I've also updated the update section. Let me know if something should be changed on it.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2006-05-01, 3:08 AM #699
Nearly there, nearly there. One more essay, a final few days of directing, an after party to make a fool of myself and I'm back on the NeS "reliable" list.
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2006-05-01, 6:22 AM #700
I don't like "ifoil", sounds like an ipod ripoff to me >.>
2006-05-06, 7:39 PM #701
To anyone interested:
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-05-10, 11:55 PM #702
Ugh. This sucks hardcore. I'm so not giving NeS the love it needs right now. We need to figure out a way to solidify the new storyarc so we can play with new stuff and bring in new writers. I'll see what I can do as soon as I can, but I REALLY need help understanding what all has gone on plot-wise with Sarn, Hawthorne, etc. I've only gotten a general idea on the matter, so the more specific you all can be, the more I can help writing for that part and tying it in with the other stuff.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2006-05-11, 8:46 AM #703
Yeah, Sorry about all that on the Hawthorne side of the story.

Majiir and I were planning on doing some story-cleaning posts to clean things up and wrap up allot of the loose ends we have been dangling around. I can speak for Majiir, but my life has completely swamped me the last couple of months. The good news is that I JUST finished my last final. Hopefully once my life has settled back down again I can go ahead and write one big-long story cleaning post.

P.S. I should warn you, If I do make a story cleaning post, I may take a few liberties with the story, and you’ll just have to deal with them :p
"Well, if I am not drunk, I am mad, but I trust I can behave like a gentleman in either
condition."... G. K. Chesterton

“questions are a burden to others; answers a prison for oneself”
2006-05-11, 4:21 PM #704
Well, the Sarn story-arc is pretty simple at this point. but I've got some plans to incorporate some of the stuff going on with the Potentials through the Sarn/Mayaal connection. I'll work it up tonight if I get the chance. As for Hawthorne and Thatchett... I have no idea what's going on there.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2006-05-14, 6:49 AM #705
I'm back. Now, we rush to the end of this storyarc. May I please request I post at least the opening of the impending confrontation? This scene has been in my mind since we introduced the character many, many pages ago.
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2006-05-14, 6:59 AM #706
[QUOTE=The Last True Evil]I'm back. Now, we rush to the end of this storyarc. May I please request I post at least the opening of the impending confrontation? This scene has been in my mind since we introduced the character many, many pages ago.[/QUOTE]

So you need one more post? Okay with me.

I've been waiting for you to post this whole time anyway, since I really couldn't come up with a decent closure to it all. You are more than welcome to close all loose ends with my characters as well.
2006-05-15, 12:21 AM #707
Ha. I just realized that the darksaber/darkfoil could actually be an epee. Then it could be involved with the EeP and become the EePee. <_<

Geez, I still have no idea how TLTE and Geb (and S. Geb) are going to deal with losing their potentials. Damn. The next few posts at the very least should prove to be interesting...

EDIT: Also, for Sem the writer, if he's interested, might wish to see that the only mention of his character in NeSquared has been with Masetto and Arbiter on the now dead Michael MacLongname's spacestation of Forgotten Characters (that wished to reclaim their power, so to speak, which they're probably still doing btw...) as Michael's sort of right-hand men (next to Blackguard). You can read the posts with your character here and here. I figure, for one reason or another, Sem's since been trying to get a hold of Geb (not knowing he's really S. Geb) and got as far as somewhere in Siberia when he got wisked away by the tumbleweed. It's entirely possible that Sem could have had different reasons, such as following Morthrandur, or completely random reasons... *shrug*. In any case, your character's major motivation since the beginning of NeSquared has likely been the whole "forgotten character" deal. It's sort of a motif that's gone around in NeShattered and NeSquared -- forgotten characters, characters wishing not to be controlled by their writers, that sort of meta-fiction fun. Breaking the fourth wall is fun. Yay presentationalism. More than likely though, none of that really interests you, and that's fine -- NeS could stand to have some lighter writers like in NeS old (and the tumbleweed thread).

Thand still kicks *** though. I wonder if he'll convince the heroes that he's right about what's been revealed in the book given to the Potentials they read. The thing is, it might actually be true... :o
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2006-05-15, 3:18 PM #708
Ok, my post's finished. To tie up a few loose ends. Sarn is acting at the direction of Mayaal, as to what purpose, I've left open, but obviously, he'll have something to do with the story in Africa. Feel free to work him in somehow. Obviously, he's not himself right now. He's lost knowledge on the Voodoo situation, and gained knowledge on a number of other things (perhaps least of all, the operation of his recently aquired mustang). The glowing green eyes is an indicator that he's doing the will of Mayaal.

At one point, Sok Munkey asked Sarn if he knew where "she" was (referring to Voodoo). Sarn responded that of course he know, because "he" told him (he being Mayaal). Sarn, however, was not referring to Voodoo. As to who he was referring to, I'm not sure. Open to interpretation. Perhaps Mirimu, or Subaru, or one of the other females involved in the Congo plot.

Anyway, I'd love to see someone link him into that plotline temporarily, so feel free to take liberties.

Also, regarding the detective, he saw them disappear into the plot hole, but doesn't understand what's going on. Possibly losing his sanity, or at least thinking he is. Voodoo, was not with him. Last knowledge on that was that the Detective was taking her somewhere that tied in with his previous "mistake" on the case he'd been drawing parallels to with his current case. I'm not sure what that means, or where to take it, but I figured it would be safe to say that the Detective could have easily dropped Voodoo off and then returned to the Inn to see if Sarn showed up there.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2006-05-15, 6:40 PM #709
I've been waiting to start posting again, and now with the Sok/Sarn/Voodoo plot moving in a new direction, I was going to jump in again. Now I don't know if it was Sarn's intentions or not, but I thought it would be cool to introduce SokMunkey and Sarn to all the characters in the congo plot. If this would only make the stroy arc more confusing, then fine. I just thought the idea sounded pretty cool and worth considering.
"I'm interested in the fact that the less secure a person is, the more likely it is for that person to have extreme prejudices." -Clint Eastwood
2006-05-15, 10:41 PM #710
yeh, that's where I was headed, though at this point, I'm entirely open as to why Mayaal's directing Sarn to that location.

Anyway, good to see you posting again. Let's take the Congo by storm!
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2006-05-19, 12:30 PM #711
Trying to steer things together...I might post again later today when I proofread what I just wrote, but maybe not.

And I did understand it, right? TLTE thinks he has to exterminate a bunch of heroes, right?
2006-05-19, 1:04 PM #712
I'm pretty sure TLTE thinks he'll have to gather and SAVE the heroes, actually. I think you got confused with the book they were reading that Thand gave the Potentials.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2006-05-19, 1:25 PM #713
2006-05-19, 1:39 PM #714
also, Sarn isn't interested in Voodoo atm, unless Mayaal is (though I think it'd be hard to make that work with the storyline). He's basically doing the will of Mayaal. If you read back to the post just after his battle with Bhac, Mayaal pulled Sarn off to 1337 (the realm where Bhac and Mayaal live, though Bhac doesn't spend much time there) and did something to him to make him his "hound" in a sense. Basicaly, Sarn goes about his daily life with his own goals and whatnot, but Mayaal can activate a swith in Sarn's brain that makes him set out on a task set by Mayaal.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2006-05-19, 1:46 PM #715
Originally posted by Tracer:

It's cool man. It can be a, uh, another dream sequence or something.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2006-05-19, 4:03 PM #716
Originally posted by Sarn_Cadrill:
also, Sarn isn't interested in Voodoo atm, unless Mayaal is (though I think it'd be hard to make that work with the storyline). He's basically doing the will of Mayaal. If you read back to the post just after his battle with Bhac, Mayaal pulled Sarn off to 1337 (the realm where Bhac and Mayaal live, though Bhac doesn't spend much time there) and did something to him to make him his "hound" in a sense. Basicaly, Sarn goes about his daily life with his own goals and whatnot, but Mayaal can activate a swith in Sarn's brain that makes him set out on a task set by Mayaal.

I don't understand. The most recent Sarn & Sok post has the two teleporting to the Congo...if not looking for voodoo, then what are they doing there? (I assumed they were looking for her because they were in the inn looking for her, then Sarn suddenly knows where voodoo is, then they run off to Africa)

Regrettably, you and I both know that it falls to you to remove them. I would gladly assist, but my human frailty and lack of combat experience reduces me to the post of advisor. However, as venerated NeScholars and eminent warriors, I am certain that you will have total success in eliminating them."

Geb: Maybe TLTE can explain the deal? At first I thought TLTE the story guy was going to travel back in time to gather/save the other heroes, but this paragraph makes it seem like he has to hunt them down.

But seriously, I'll make a coherent story-related post anytime now. I'm way overdue.
2006-05-19, 7:51 PM #717
Maybe I didn't make it obvious enough. What TLTE and Ante were both reading were books taken from the remains of the Potentials from Arkng Thand - books just like the one they received when TLTE, CM, Antestarr and the others first got to the Congo. Thand was advising the Potentials that the NeSHeroes were dangerous and a threat to the NeS, just as he was advising the NeSHeroes that the Potentials were after them. What is important - and what features prominently in my coming post - is that neither of these statements constitute a lie, or a misrepresentation.
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2006-05-20, 3:46 AM #718
I'll fix it today, I promise.
2006-05-29, 12:41 AM #719
So, uh, TLTE... where did you go?

I think I'll try posting something in a couple days, perhaps even plot-relevant, assuming we don't hear from TLTE soon...
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2006-05-29, 6:41 AM #720
No, I am here, that's the thing. For the first time since I got here, I'm actually planning a post, rather than just hitting the keys on my keyboard and seeing where we go. I'm nearly there.
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998

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