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ForumsInteractive Story Board → NeS workshop
NeS workshop
2008-06-18, 8:55 AM #1161
Originally posted by Gebohq:
Alright peoples, I'm going to do a test run of sorts to see how you all would contribute to a wiki. I've set one up for the NeSi comic -- it'd be like a NeS wiki, except a lot shorter. You can find it here:

I'm most interested in seeing what you all like about this particular wiki set-up and what you don't like. It's open, so anybody can contribute. Let's see how this goes.

I can't figure out how to work it >_>;

I think Tracer's right about the colour, to be honest. Nothing... green? :p

Maybe you could make a few things first, Geb, so we can figure out how it works? ^^;
2008-06-18, 10:03 PM #1162
I tried to supply some instruction on the home page, as well as did a few sample pages (I'd likely go through and set up the templates for most all the pages on the larger NeS wiki site as it is, so it's only fair). I also tried a different color style, which I hope is better.

Let me know what you all think of this wiki set-up: what works for you, what doesn't, etc. so that I can try and implement it into the larger more custom-made wiki structure for the whole of the NeS.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2008-06-22, 12:53 AM #1163
So I copied the last two spam posts made on the NeS workshop into the NeS story thread since it's all "ruin the NeS" and stuff... also, I think I might actually tie in raining spam ads into the next story-arc. We'll see.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2008-07-23, 2:04 PM #1164
This isn't story-related, but do you play Urban Dead, Sem?

2008-07-23, 3:17 PM #1165
OH NOES! You posted something not story-related! How could you? *stomps off all huffy-puffy*

I'll be sure to poke Sem and have him answer your question when I get the chance (since I don't think he checks Massassi these days unless I bother him about it).

EDIT: Oh, and I'm going to try and wrap up stuff to move onto the next storyarc as soon as I can get my lazy butt into action. I already started a little bit of it over on the Gaming Guardians side. In the meantime, for any of you who are willing, please register on their boards. This will be similar to when we did the TACC crossover long ago, and I'm hoping to get at least 1 or 2 from their side to join NeS after this storyarc. We'll see.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2008-07-24, 4:16 AM #1166
Urban Dead is what? Haven't even heard of it >.>
In Soviet ISB, NeS writes YOU!
2008-07-24, 4:21 PM #1167
Some kind of browser-based zombie MMO. I don't play, but I was reading a thread on another forum about it where a guy got eaten by a zombie named Semievil. Thought it may have been you.

Now back to your regularly scheduled NeS.
2008-07-25, 7:44 PM #1168
IMO it is cheap imitation. I've seen this thing before, they start with a good fraction of evil, but they just use it as stock which they dilute down with minor annoyances and nebulous corporate middlemen. On a more serious note, who the heck thinks "Semievil" is a cool name for a zombie? Really now, I've been using it for like 15 years and I don't even think it's cool :P (Seriously, it's been 15 years since Wing Commander: Privateer came out :omg: )
In Soviet ISB, NeS writes YOU!
2008-08-06, 3:24 AM #1169
DISCLAIMER:While I intend to post myself if nobody else does, I've been a bum and not writing like I should be. So instead of actually writing the posts, I'm going to write out the ideas I have in my head, in spoiler form. By all means, please take my ideas and run with it if you'd like, though if you do, please try to keep my notes in mind.

Yes, I think about NeS too much. No, I don't expect you all to do the same. Please do not be intimidated by the large blocks of text below. Please attempt to fight the "too long; didn't read" feeling that will surely arise.

Part 2 (last post of the current "Love Conquers All?" storyarc)
NOTE: This part has already been posted.

The general premise of this post is that the NeS is now virtually ruined -- spam and other bad posts raining down heavy, people (read: non-main characters and even some main) are now all virtually friends and lovers with each other, leaving the NeS without conflict and drama, all because of Geb and Rachel. For reasons I've yet to iron down, Geb will suddenly be left in uncertainty about the future of their relationship. There will then be a short cut to the Writers installing their new service provider. Then back in the story world, before Geb can say whether he's still going to go through the relationship or not, he's stricken with a seizure-like situation, and the others decide to rush him back to the Haunted House of Heroes to keep him from possibly dying from the mysterious condition.

In no particular order, here are some of the more specific ideas I had in mind:

===Geb is tempted to stay and risk fireman lovin' for more doughnuts, but then he remembers what Rachel said and runs back.

===Snippits of love around the world -- stereotypical scenes like the Middle East coming to peace and nukes disarmed and such, mixed with something random like trekkies and jedi-wannabes getting along or something.

===Geb returns to see Rachel and Sugarless making out. Geb is stunned (meant to leave his thoughts on the matter vague so as to be taken either good or bad). Rachel then suggests that, should Geb want it, they could have a threesome. Cue everyone else being stunned. Caspian may then step in and wonder the same about Sugarless, who will claim she acted in the defense of saving the NeS.

===Semievil rags on Antestarr for "biting his pseudo-evil" style.

===Soriel is taught by someone what makes a "threatening" villain in NeS. Simply being the most powerful, such as Ares or the possessed toaster, is not enough; a villain must be able to exploit story conventions to their advantage as well. This could help establish the possessed toaster as an Invader Zim type character.

===A scene with the NeS writers where TLTE explains about "Story Arcade" -- the new service provider he found. This is to help establish in part that TLTE has essentially found an MMO-like program for the writers to use. It's not meant to be exactly like an MMO, but it's not meant to exactly be a fantastical Internet Service Provider either... sort of a mix of the two into something that's like a browser. All that really needs to be explained though is that this "Story Arcade" will "help make writing fun and easy" at a "low price" (note that before, writing for NeS was free). Some of the writers, like Sem, will be eager to install the new program, while others will be unsure.

===Whether it's the crucial reason or not, I feel that Rachel will NEED to mention at some point that Thand helped her make her love known for Geb, or suggested the idea, or something. This is not to say that Rachel does not love Geb, only that Thand somehow made this situation possible for Geb. It's something I'd like to touch on later after that's been mentioned.

===A likely reason for the relationship to appear to be breaking up: Geb comes to the realization that he's been cowardly and un-heroic all along in this story-arc by being selfish and afraid of losing the "perfect love" even if it means the end of the world. This would likely follow a theme of Fight or Flight, and in turn, "challenging drama" versus "genre escapism." That is, there are some stories read to simply escape "reality" that follow the same genre conventions (where the heroes always win and only the easy, cheap laughs are used) and there are some stories that challenge the reader at the risk of being possibly less entertaining. While escapism will always be a part of NeS and of Geb, depending ultimately on escapism will only result in failure. Gebohq may have ceased being a coward in his traditional ways, but being a coward in this method would likely be enough to make him stop and think.

===In relation to the idea above, Gebohq will be ready to break the relationship (despite still loving Rachel), but ironically, before he is able to say as much, he will be stricken with the mysterious seizure-like condition that will set up the next storyarc. This becomes a bit of escapism in actually concluding the storyarc -- a common theme that seems to be naturally cropping up in the previous storyarcs, and one I hope will also begin to show that if the main characters continue to avoid their problems, the consequences will eventually catch up (say towards page 50 of NeSquared).

===Geb may be surprised to learn that Rachel is (or at least claims) to be April Fool -- essentially a goddess of sorts.

===Some misleading drama might be built suggesting that Geb and Rachel will begin to fight if Rachel finds donut crumbs on Geb, or with the scene mentioned before of Rachel and Sugarless kissing. The actual reason for Geb thinking of breaking up with Rachel might be an innocent statement made by Rachel, or it may be a long explanation made by Antestarr, Ford and/or Semievil.

===Not sure what to do about Cris B or Voodoo.

Part 3 (beginning of the new story-arc, both NeS side and GG-crossover side)

This post will essentially have the main characters bring Geb back to the Hall of Heroes, where they will stabilize him by putting him into suspended animation (like what they did with Miss Fire some storyarcs ago). The update computer will be unable to diagnose Gebohq's problem, but inform them that the source of his condition comes from a specific area in a place called "Story Arcade." At least one character (not sure who yet) will say that they need to use the Thingy^2 to go there and hunt down the source of Gebohq's condition and stop it. However, somebody (The Patriot or some random character) will announce "The Calling" for every one to do their part against the rising threat of the Trans-Terra Terrorists that are orchestrated by the Illuminati-like Globalists. "The Calling" will be a satire on "The Vision" and on MMORPGS like World of Warcraft in general, as well as perhaps a more tired jab on the "war on terror" and such.

On the NeS side, this is meant to be a temptation-based conflict for both the writers and the characters -- take the easy and fun method, where your character can always find new opportunities for jobs, relationships, and fights or take the more difficult and uncertain path. The satire part comes in because the "easy" way involves paying a monthly fee, where your character does the same thing over and over to "become better" and where challenges are only shared through force of necessity for impossible tasks. However, everyone should be careful not to turn the temptation into something that's obviously bad -- the "Story Arcade" option SHOULD show that the past method of storytelling and such DOES have a higher chance for failure for both characters in the story and for the writers trying to write something engaging. An outline with random ideas will be presented later down.

On the GG (Gaming Guardian) side, this will not be unlike the TACC storyarc of the past. The characters that end up on this side of the storyarc will literally and metaphorically be railroaded towards the source of what's afflicting Geb. The "Story Arcade" here will be something of a pseudo-NeS, where there will be knock-offs of Losien, Ricky/Red, Maybe, Otter, TLTE and at the end, Geb (the first four were mentioned in part 1 for this reason alone). This storyarc is meant to feel like the "classic" NeS, simulating the staged fights of the very early pages, of the "date" storyarc between TLTE and Losien that inspired a radio play adaptation, and the storyarc where the heroes went to look for jobs. At the end, the main characters will discover the Big Bad, who has essentially taken the Geb-knockoff hostage, and will have to be stopped. An outline with random ideas will be presented later down.

Some ideas for this specific post include:

===MZZT making a guest appearance at the Haunted House of Heroes to clean up the mess from the "Death and Taxes" storyarc, tweak some of their tech, and leave off to go on his own adventures.

===Discovering that Geb has been placed in the suspended animation tube that Miss Fire had been in, leaving at least one person to wonder what happened to Miss Fire (did she die? Is she well and off again?) but never finding out.

===A magical doorway/portal/something by the Haunted House of Heroes to indicate where the main characters can go that wish to embark on "doing their part" in the fight against the Trans-Terra-Terrorists (TTT), so as to be clear that "not all of NeS" is under the influence of Story Arcade yet.

===Rachel may either decide to go lead/help find the source of Geb's condition on the GG-storyarc or stay behind and stay by Geb's side. Either way, it should be clear that Rachel has not stopped loving Gebohq, even if she might know what he will ultimately decide. This will reflect in some part that she is in a situation not unlike Geb with Maybechild. At the very least, this will not make Rachel a one-shot character.

===This post will hopefully make the premise of the story-arc for both the NeS and the GG-crossover clear.

New Story Arc
[as of yet unnamed] - NeS side

If you haven't read the part 2 notes, you probably should.

Ironically, while the NeS side of the story-arc is meant to satirize the ease of playing an MMO and character development via numbers over story, I've yet to think of a specific conflict that could directly involve the main characters. That may not be a bad thing -- ultimately the majority of the main characters might realize that, like an MMO, there are left with little "real meaning"/story, only random quests loosely connected by an overall narrative of a war on terror. However, in my experience with NeS, most writers quickly lose steam because of a lack of direction, so I think it might help if there was something like "Mr. Stafford is a Globalist, and he's scheming to monopolize all the cheese manufacturers and destroy the rest with trans-terra-terrorists -- infiltrate his company and find out why" which could lead to funny interview scenes, funny seduction scenes with the secretary, funny spy-battle scenes with the terrorists"... who knows. I just made that one off the top of my head; it could be a lot of things (though that doesn't sound half-bad, so I might end up using that if nobody chimes in with a better idea). The important thing is that it lend itself to formulaic conflicts of one sort of another.

While I keep mentioning the use of an MMO, it's not necessary that this feel like an MMO -- that is simply the parallel I think most of the writers might understand (admittedly, this is also a jab at how real life writers would rather play World of Warcraft than write for NeS). This is meant to be a temptation storyarc, so replace "MMO formula" with "James Bond" formula, or "Dungeons and Dragons" formula, or any sort of story-based genre with heavy formulas and conventions that are blindly followed.

The end of the story-arc should ideally not have this temptation be gone forever -- it should always be there ready to snatch. However, this was also my intention with Tsolo, and I'm not sure how well that'll stick around. Like I said earlier, escapism seems to be prominent in NeSquared.

Some random ideas:

===A high emphasis on "character development" through gaining "phat lewt" -- Bond gets new equipment for every movie, role-playing characters get a sword of ogre-slaying for defeating a boss, etc. Said "character development" should also be able to be expressed in numbers, whether realistically (I can now bench 300 lbs, my car can go 0-60 in 3.5 seconds, etc.) or NeS-style (I can now punch for 30 damage per second, my Convention stat has now gone up to 15, etc.).

===The writers should ONLY be dealing in realistic terms ("writing" for their characters is now fun, they "only" pay $19,99 a month to do so, "no more spam at least" except they're spammed in other methods, a writer only spends times on his own character and has them become a better fighter, for example, by fighting the same 20 terrorists over and over). There should be a parallel between the writers and the characters, but it should never cross over with writers talking to their characters and such. Something like this was done at the end of the Forbidden Fortress of Forbiddeness storyarc.

==Thand should NOT be a Globalist. I know it'd be really easy to make him one, and it'd get him involved more actively in NeS, but please just trust me on this one when I say that'd be a bad development for Thand.

===While I'm using the term Story Arcade, there will be no need to know how that game is played to write for this storyarc (or the GG side). I am more than willing to help anyone who wants to get as obsessive over this as I am though. :)

NEW STORY-ARC (GG side) TO COME SOON (after I finish the current story arc most likely).
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2008-08-15, 12:28 AM #1170
How set in stone is this, Geb? I had an idea for story-Geb to get sent back in time and sail with pirates.
2008-08-15, 1:11 AM #1171
Originally posted by Tracer:
How set in stone is this, Geb? I had an idea for story-Geb to get sent back in time and sail with pirates.

Depends on what you're talking about in particular being set in stone, but Geb being knocked out of commission is probably one of the things that I intended to be set. Does it have to be Geb? Perhaps you can you elaborate, either here or in a PM?
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2008-08-15, 1:39 AM #1172
Never mind. I'll think of something else.
2008-08-15, 1:49 AM #1173
Sorry for cramping your style. :(
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2008-08-15, 1:50 AM #1174
No problem. We'll just time-travel the pirates to the future.
2008-08-15, 1:54 AM #1175
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2008-08-17, 2:19 AM #1176
Alright, I'm done with my stuff for now, and all the previous stuff above no longer needs to be in spoilers. Feel free to either have characters go on the quest I mentioned or make up your own (perhaps including pirates?) If you'd like to jump in the crossover storyline with Rachel and Story Arcade, just make a post bumping into her before they jump in or whatnot. I'll be starting the crossover thread on the Gaming Guardians forum shortly -- hopefully I can get at least one person here interested in writing on the crossover side! I already got 2-4 interested people on the GG side!

I'll be posting my general plan of action for the GG crossover shortly, as well as a character profile for a certain character mentioned on the first page of NeShattered...

Oh, and I updated the update section.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2008-08-18, 6:59 PM #1177
or make up your own (perhaps including pirates?)

Why thank you sir.

Okay, pirates are go. I hope this doesn't mess you up too much (I admit it's kind of a curveball from where I think you were headed). I'm not trying to cancel out your 'the calling' storyline, this is just intended to be a little side adventure for added hilarity. But as always if you don't like it feel free to have the heroes ride jellybean ponies back to the future or something.
2008-08-23, 3:25 AM #1178
19th century Fish London

Best. Storyline. Ever.
2008-08-23, 3:42 AM #1179
Tracer: Nah, that's cool. Besides, if pirates doesn't get Ante or Sem writing, I doubt my MMO satire will. ;) I'll try and chip in more once I got the rest of my blasphemous "planning" off the ground, which I figure will be within another week.

Also, I totally was not expecting Gris to not only post, but reference 19th century Fish London. Awesome.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2008-08-25, 10:46 PM #1180
Hey All

I've really not had time to contribute much of anything lately and it looks like it is not going to get any better for quite a while, so I've sort of killed off Calilmalith and Caspian. :suicide:

I thought it was better than leaving the characters in limbo (although I know you have used Caspian recently, Geb). If I do post, I'm going to try to add to existing storylines (if possible) rather than develop the storyline I was doing.

Geb originally suggested that I write some romance into NeS which I have in a way (Thrawn and Granny Cal is a bit odd I know, and Caspian and Sugarless are going through a rough patch with her going all evil and that) but the Rachel and Geb romance exists now (as soppy as that gets - really, Geb, I could puke :P) so that is not so crucial anymore.

Anyway, hope to get back into it at some stage ...

Never give up, never surrender ... oh wait, I already have. Damn!

CaliWrite - bringing lurve to NeS. And taking it away.
2008-08-25, 11:22 PM #1181

Seriously, it's cool. These things happen, and I'm glad you decided to do something about it instead of leaving your characters in limbo. As far as romance, I'll just say that the one between Geb and Rachel will be complicated at best. Were it just "they can't be together because the fate of NeS says so" then their love would fall with the best of the sappy Romeo & Juliet's. Instead, Geb struggles between selfishly having his "perfect love" vs. allowing others the freedom of choice and growth and such, and he realizes that, as perfect as he perceives Rachel to be, Rachel doesn't see past the two of them more often than not. And, while Rachel will continue to love Gebohq, she will never really understand why he thinks the way he does on the matter. In short, their earlier, over-the-top hurl-worthy romance is now a thing of the past, possibly to be replaced with awkward best friend status. 'course, Rachel doesn't know this yet, and after she does, she'll find it easier to antagonist Gebohq and the other heroes when need be. :)

Also, I'll be trying to start the crossover ASAP, so while I hate to make these kinds of requests with NeS, please don't write about Rachel and co. for the moment (unless they're being brought to the normal NeS world). Thanks!
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2008-08-27, 2:27 PM #1182
Sorry for being super-slow right now -- work's been kicking my butt. I'll try and get the rest of my evil plotting done as soon as I can.

Britt: if you haven't done so already, please check your PM.

Everybody else: Please continue not to write for Rachel and co. for now unless it's to somehow revert the situation back to before they went to the Story Arcade place. Thanks!
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2008-08-27, 2:30 PM #1183
But please continue to work on operation: story thread has more posts than planning thread.
2008-08-27, 2:45 PM #1184
Ha, I assume Tracer means the Calling and pirate fun. Yes, by all means, please keep posting that! That has been awesome stuff so far. :)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2008-08-28, 10:46 AM #1185
I just want the story thread to have more stuff in it than the story planning thread.
2008-09-05, 10:48 PM #1186
Still nothing at the moment since the other forums seem to have gone down. I may need to come up with an alternate plan, or a "filler" content thing.

Also, you all should join the social group!
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2008-10-05, 3:06 AM #1187
So while I've yet to be able to start my crossover story (and starting to puzzle over what to do in the event the other forums don't return in a timely fashion), I've felt that I've once again had NeS sort of preempt real-life current trends. While it's not as chilling as the Sept. 11th moment, I feel that Darth Vice would have epitomized the current financial depression well, as represented by this comic at least (in the whole "using the system" and general vibe of taking the situation hostage, not so much the thug-life deal):

Also, I updated Rachel's profile. I'm trying to work my way to updating a few others, then write what I would write should those forums ever return...

I'll try to make some actual story posts in the near future as well.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2008-10-28, 3:15 AM #1188
For those of you that need it:

You can find the post I just made to start off "the campaign" here. If you have not already done so, register on the forums here. You can find the available profiles for who's actively around on the first post of this thread under the UPDATE section, which I try to keep up to date.

While it is not necessary or even particularly desired, you can read what I have in mind for this story line below. Just hover your mouse over the spoiler blocks to read what I have. Use any of these ideas as you see fit -- these are merely what I have as a guideline for myself, and which I'll be ready to throw out the window if need be. This goes the same for the game system that I made that this is based off of, Story Arcade: Without Credit -- the general spirit and "fluff" written in that case is more important here than the rules.

The NeS/GG Crossover: The Campaign


The possessed toaster is meant to be just your standard opening action scene -- the Gaming Guardians present (Relapse, Tiger, Adrian) will likely step in and help defeat the villainous toaster. I set up the premise with Adrian having known Rachel, Bokken and Soriel in his past adventures, and while I didn't see him as someone to hate them, I did see the possibility that the NeS insanity that follows them around getting the better of him. I don't forsee there being any SERIOUS conflict between Adrian and them anyway -- I just threw it in there for comic effect. Everybody may or may not introduce themselves at some point and realize they have a mutual goal.

The attractive woman will thank them and give them the 411 on what's going on (as might the gender-ambiguous bartender hiding behind the bar). It seems a group of "maybe a hundred people" who identify themselves as the Lost Beta, and who all look similar to someone she identifies as "T.L. Truevil," have recently asserted themselves as the dominant power in their world, led by someone she only knows as "Vice." She will continue to tell how her brother had taken the train to their HQ, the "Terrifying Tower of Terror" or some such, where her brother had hoped to confront and defeat Vice and his group. She has yet to hear from him in some time, though, and was ready to set off on her own when she was attacked by the possessed toaster -- one of Vice's special goons.

Rachel (or Adrian) could identify the attractive woman as Gebohq's sister, Losien, but she will claim to be Lucy N. Smith. Likewise, Rachel will also recognize the bartender as "Ricky" though the bartender will identify herself (we'll stick with that) as K. Sa'dia Red. Lucy will tell you that her brother "Guy" can probably be found at Vice's HQ, and will plead that they not only save her brother, but take her as well. The best method to get there, she'll say, is by the train, but they must be registered contestants in Vice's "tournament" to be allowed to board the train and have the chance to reach an audience with Vice himself.

Red will then reveal herself as not only a bartender, but an administrative assistant for Vice. She'll express little love for Vice, though, and simply state that she takes her jobs where she can get them. She'll then puts the protagonists through an interview process, of which they'll get registered and board the train. Red's role could be a running joke as she shows up in various places doing a new job every time.


The group, assuming they take the train, are "railroaded" (literally and metaphorically) towards their final confrontation. In the meantime, however, they stop at various places and fight Vice's "Lost Beta" -- they are essentially weaker versions of him, but also share traits with T.L. Truevil and with the Trans-Terra-Terrorists to some degree. The group will get into various conflicts, fighting or otherwise, within the "staged" tournaments or not, fighting through in ways painfully characteristic of a generic RPG. However, keep also in mind that this "sort of world and life" is also meant to be tempting to adventurers and their players alike, so that perspective should be shown as well.

Along the way, they'll meet the following, of which any and/or all may result in an attempt to win one over for the other, romantically:

Theo Otto R. -- a drunken, British oddball, he'll join if you can "hook him up" with either Lucy or May. Lucy might wish to hook up with him, and thus require Otto to be "won over" by her.

May B. Childe -- a hippie-like activist type, she'll join if you can help her win over T.L. Truevil or Otto, depending on the situation.

T.L. Truevil -- he appears to be a communist spy type that looks similar to the Lost Beta. He'll help you if you can help him win over Lucy. Lucy, again, may wish to hook up with him, depending on the situation, and thus require Truevil to be "won over" by her.

Ideally, all three of them will join your "party" and help defeat Vice in some small way. Red may also join, but as she is under the service of Vice, she's more likely to be an antagonist than an ally.

After reaching Vice's HQ, the group will face one final foe -- Vice's "dragon" -- better known as the Spooky Taco. Essentially, the Spooky Taco is a "cheating hacker" -- a giant floating taco who acts a lot like a dragon. The Spooky Taco may drop "phat lewt" for defeating him.


Finally, the group confronts Vice, the C.E.O. Of "Lost Beta LLC" and the "Story Arcade: Without Credit" system everybody is currently inside. He explains his bwa-ha-ha plans to rule the NeS through making it a game -- a game with rules that he's defined and controlled -- a game that many of the characters and writers alike have already willingly embraced. The keystone to the foundation of his success has been his ability to control his hostage "Guy Book Smith" -- Geb's manifestation in Story Arcade. His control over Guy is the reason that Geb in both the NeS and the Gaming Guardians is in the situation that he's in. The goal is obvious -- defeat Vice. However, as Vice holds both Guy and their current existence hostage, it would seem that Vice has the upper hand.

Several ways can be taken from here, or a combination of them. Here are some:

Exploit story conventions -- this is a staple of the NeS. The more "powerful" someone is, the weaker they usually are to story conventions. Vice, however, is not stupid, and having Guy as his hostage ensures at least some protection against the story convention he'd be most vulnerable to: that the good guys always win. He's also likely to spout off his rich history floating among the game systems, and a character with a richer history is less likely to kick the bucket.

Apply real-life hostage negotiation tactics -- I know, how boring, but hey, it might work.

Challenge Vice to a game of some sort -- the group appeals to the Vice that is rooted in the duels of Star Wars, that is rooted to the many game systems he's existed in, etc. and challenge him to a game. When Vice succumbs to cheating or otherwise breaking down, he'll be prone to defeat.

After Vice is defeated, Guy is reunited with Lucy, all is well within the Story Arcade system, and everyone can go home happy happy.

There's probably a whole bunch of stuff I've forgotten, but I've written too much as it is, and "planning" for this has already screwed me over. If NeS is to teach you anything, it's that you should be able to improvise on the fly!
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2008-10-29, 10:38 PM #1189
This thread is for all you NeSers in particular -- I hope as many of you as you can will help out!
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2008-12-23, 10:32 PM #1190
Hey look, I have a computer again.
2008-12-23, 11:15 PM #1191

I'll see about making a Christmas post tomorrow or the day after. We'll see.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2009-01-01, 10:58 PM #1192
It's too bad there's hardly anyone left who posts in this thread. That's not a dig - I know a lot of people grew up (and I was out of commission for 4 months myself) but I wish NeS was still getting quality contributions every couple of days.
2009-01-01, 11:19 PM #1193
It does seem that way, doesn't it?

I keep racking my head for new ways to put new life into NeS, but I'm only able to gather so many new writers and my story ideas as of late (with the possible exception of the previous one to 'ruin the NeS') haven't worked as well as I hoped.

If anyone has any ideas for putting new life in NeS, please speak up or even act on it -- after this story-arc, I'm pretty dry. :/
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2009-01-01, 11:50 PM #1194
I don't think there's anything particularly wrong with your ideas. I missed the whole forum crossover thing when I didn't have a computer, but the MMO thing was solid enough for our purposes (ps, what happened to that site you linked to?). It's just that catching up on the story and writing some new posts got me thinking about stuff like how few writers there are left and when NeS will finally end.

(I'm not suggesting that it should end soon or even ever but Massassi's got to close down at some point and realistically the ISB will have run out of people before that time.)

And now for more general nostalgia that got lost when I took too long writing it and the forums logged me out:

I think when I started reading this thread there main writers were Krig, J-Bob, You (Geb), Antestarr, Semievil, Losien and TLTE. Krig was hilarious basically 100% of the time, TLTE was able to write posts that were both funny and important to the story and J-Bob had a lot of great moments as well. You were always trying to move the storyline along and there were a bunch of regulars who would drop in, guys like Ford, Sarn and Wuss (I always wished Wuss had have written more NeS posts - his stuff was great).

I don't intend to stop posting in the ISB or NeS anytime soon. I'm kind of an art guy and writing here is an enjoyable hobby, and it's cool to be able to go back and cringe at my earlier work, but half the fun for me was taking what other guys wrote and trying to work with that.
2009-01-02, 8:11 AM #1195
So THIS is why Geb started ninja IMing me again. :]
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2009-01-02, 12:16 PM #1196
Haha, I type a lot.
2009-01-02, 2:26 PM #1197
Originally posted by Tracer:
I don't think there's anything particularly wrong with your ideas. I missed the whole forum crossover thing when I didn't have a computer, but the MMO thing was solid enough for our purposes (ps, what happened to that site you linked to?).

It's really just started. The forums I had linked to went down some months ago, and when they decided to start up a new forum (I don't know if they intend to get the old one back or not now), I'd already brought the crossover on the NeS itself. It's the whole "Story Arcade" thing, and I got the guys on that forum (Amazing Adrian, Relapse, Tiger) to sign up and post here.

And I'd like to think there's nothing wrong with my ideas either, it's just not picked up too many new people or re-invigorated the people already here, is all. *shrug*

It's just that catching up on the story and writing some new posts got me thinking about stuff like how few writers there are left and when NeS will finally end.

(I'm not suggesting that it should end soon or even ever but Massassi's got to close down at some point and realistically the ISB will have run out of people before that time.)

The ISB will never run out of people so long as we all keep bringing in new people. But yes, if nothing else, the NeS will probably move when I feel Massassi is no longer sufficient in one way or another. Hopefully that's not anytime soon.

And now for more general nostalgia that got lost when I took too long writing it and the forums logged me out:

I think when I started reading this thread there main writers were Krig, J-Bob, You (Geb), Antestarr, Semievil, Losien and TLTE. Krig was hilarious basically 100% of the time, TLTE was able to write posts that were both funny and important to the story and J-Bob had a lot of great moments as well. You were always trying to move the storyline along and there were a bunch of regulars who would drop in, guys like Ford, Sarn and Wuss (I always wished Wuss had have written more NeS posts - his stuff was great).

I don't intend to stop posting in the ISB or NeS anytime soon. I'm kind of an art guy and writing here is an enjoyable hobby, and it's cool to be able to go back and cringe at my earlier work, but half the fun for me was taking what other guys wrote and trying to work with that.

I know Krig, J-Bob, Antestarr, and Losien have stopped, though with J-Bob it's only because he wanted to feel like he had a (significant) audience to read his stuff. TLTE keeps telling me all his plans when I get to talk to him every now and then, but my nudges to get him to actually pick back up on writing seem to not work. Sem posts about as much as he always has since he jumped back in for NeSquared, perhaps more. Don't know about Wuss, but I'm pretty sure real life has bogged down Ford and Sarn as well. CoolMatty's been working on City Eternal when not running Massassi these days. I finally heard back from Highemperor not too long ago (if any of you have anything you want me to pass along to him, let me know ASAP) but he's still not able to start writing again anytime soon. At least we have the new(ish) people to pick up for some of it. :)

Still, I'm hopeful that NeS will see a resurgence sooner or later. Either that, or it's screwed beyond all belief. ;)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2009-01-28, 9:49 PM #1198
Sorry for the late response. I was... kidnapped. By... cyducks! :psylon:

Also sorry if I messed things up. I completely forgot what we were even doing. But I saw the word duel and just rolled with it. :downswords:
2009-02-12, 5:25 PM #1199
I was just wondering if our GG mates would consider either copy and pasting their profiles into here;

or just link us to your profiles elsewhere? I have no idea about powers or anything, you see. I'd like to get more acquainted with the characters I'm controlling :)
2009-02-12, 6:18 PM #1200
Originally posted by TheBritt:
I was just wondering if our GG mates would consider either copy and pasting their profiles into here;

or just link us to your profiles elsewhere? I have no idea about powers or anything, you see. I'd like to get more acquainted with the characters I'm controlling :)

Their profiles elsewhere should be linked correctly on the update section in the first post of this thread. I've even updated with Tiger's, since the old GG boards are now back up and running.

Still, if any of you would like to copy and paste into our own character profiles thread, that'd be cool too. :)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories

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