DISCLAIMER:While I intend to post myself if nobody else does, I've been a bum and not writing like I should be. So instead of actually writing the posts, I'm going to write out the ideas I have in my head, in spoiler form. By all means, please take my ideas and run with it if you'd like, though if you do, please try to keep my notes in mind.
Yes, I think about NeS too much. No, I don't expect you all to do the same. Please do not be intimidated by the large blocks of text below. Please attempt to fight the "too long; didn't read" feeling that will surely arise.
Part 2 (last post of the current "Love Conquers All?" storyarc)
NOTE: This part has already been posted.
The general premise of this post is that the NeS is now virtually ruined -- spam and other bad posts raining down heavy, people (read: non-main characters and even some main) are now all virtually friends and lovers with each other, leaving the NeS without conflict and drama, all because of Geb and Rachel. For reasons I've yet to iron down, Geb will suddenly be left in uncertainty about the future of their relationship. There will then be a short cut to the Writers installing their new service provider. Then back in the story world, before Geb can say whether he's still going to go through the relationship or not, he's stricken with a seizure-like situation, and the others decide to rush him back to the Haunted House of Heroes to keep him from possibly dying from the mysterious condition.
In no particular order, here are some of the more specific ideas I had in mind:
===Geb is tempted to stay and risk fireman lovin' for more doughnuts, but then he remembers what Rachel said and runs back.
===Snippits of love around the world -- stereotypical scenes like the Middle East coming to peace and nukes disarmed and such, mixed with something random like trekkies and jedi-wannabes getting along or something.
===Geb returns to see Rachel and Sugarless making out. Geb is stunned (meant to leave his thoughts on the matter vague so as to be taken either good or bad). Rachel then suggests that, should Geb want it, they could have a threesome. Cue everyone else being stunned. Caspian may then step in and wonder the same about Sugarless, who will claim she acted in the defense of saving the NeS.
===Semievil rags on Antestarr for "biting his pseudo-evil" style.
===Soriel is taught by someone what makes a "threatening" villain in NeS. Simply being the most powerful, such as Ares or the possessed toaster, is not enough; a villain must be able to exploit story conventions to their advantage as well. This could help establish the possessed toaster as an Invader Zim type character.
===A scene with the NeS writers where TLTE explains about "Story Arcade" -- the new service provider he found. This is to help establish in part that TLTE has essentially found an MMO-like program for the writers to use. It's not meant to be exactly like an MMO, but it's not meant to exactly be a fantastical Internet Service Provider either... sort of a mix of the two into something that's like a browser. All that really needs to be explained though is that this "Story Arcade" will "help make writing fun and easy" at a "low price" (note that before, writing for NeS was free). Some of the writers, like Sem, will be eager to install the new program, while others will be unsure.
===Whether it's the crucial reason or not, I feel that Rachel will NEED to mention at some point that Thand helped her make her love known for Geb, or suggested the idea, or something. This is not to say that Rachel does not love Geb, only that Thand somehow made this situation possible for Geb. It's something I'd like to touch on later after that's been mentioned.
===A likely reason for the relationship to appear to be breaking up: Geb comes to the realization that he's been cowardly and un-heroic all along in this story-arc by being selfish and afraid of losing the "perfect love" even if it means the end of the world. This would likely follow a theme of Fight or Flight, and in turn, "challenging drama" versus "genre escapism." That is, there are some stories read to simply escape "reality" that follow the same genre conventions (where the heroes always win and only the easy, cheap laughs are used) and there are some stories that challenge the reader at the risk of being possibly less entertaining. While escapism will always be a part of NeS and of Geb, depending ultimately on escapism will only result in failure. Gebohq may have ceased being a coward in his traditional ways, but being a coward in this method would likely be enough to make him stop and think.
===In relation to the idea above, Gebohq will be ready to break the relationship (despite still loving Rachel), but ironically, before he is able to say as much, he will be stricken with the mysterious seizure-like condition that will set up the next storyarc. This becomes a bit of escapism in actually concluding the storyarc -- a common theme that seems to be naturally cropping up in the previous storyarcs, and one I hope will also begin to show that if the main characters continue to avoid their problems, the consequences will eventually catch up (say towards page 50 of NeSquared).
===Geb may be surprised to learn that Rachel is (or at least claims) to be April Fool -- essentially a goddess of sorts.
===Some misleading drama might be built suggesting that Geb and Rachel will begin to fight if Rachel finds donut crumbs on Geb, or with the scene mentioned before of Rachel and Sugarless kissing. The actual reason for Geb thinking of breaking up with Rachel might be an innocent statement made by Rachel, or it may be a long explanation made by Antestarr, Ford and/or Semievil.
===Not sure what to do about Cris B or Voodoo.
Part 3 (beginning of the new story-arc, both NeS side and GG-crossover side)
This post will essentially have the main characters bring Geb back to the Hall of Heroes, where they will stabilize him by putting him into suspended animation (like what they did with Miss Fire some storyarcs ago). The update computer will be unable to diagnose Gebohq's problem, but inform them that the source of his condition comes from a specific area in a place called "Story Arcade." At least one character (not sure who yet) will say that they need to use the Thingy^2 to go there and hunt down the source of Gebohq's condition and stop it. However, somebody (The Patriot or some random character) will announce "The Calling" for every one to do their part against the rising threat of the Trans-Terra Terrorists that are orchestrated by the Illuminati-like Globalists. "The Calling" will be a satire on "The Vision" and on MMORPGS like World of Warcraft in general, as well as perhaps a more tired jab on the "war on terror" and such.
On the NeS side, this is meant to be a temptation-based conflict for both the writers and the characters -- take the easy and fun method, where your character can always find new opportunities for jobs, relationships, and fights or take the more difficult and uncertain path. The satire part comes in because the "easy" way involves paying a monthly fee, where your character does the same thing over and over to "become better" and where challenges are only shared through force of necessity for impossible tasks. However, everyone should be careful not to turn the temptation into something that's obviously bad -- the "Story Arcade" option SHOULD show that the past method of storytelling and such DOES have a higher chance for failure for both characters in the story and for the writers trying to write something engaging. An outline with random ideas will be presented later down.
On the GG (Gaming Guardian) side, this will not be unlike the TACC storyarc of the past. The characters that end up on this side of the storyarc will literally and metaphorically be railroaded towards the source of what's afflicting Geb. The "Story Arcade" here will be something of a pseudo-NeS, where there will be knock-offs of Losien, Ricky/Red, Maybe, Otter, TLTE and at the end, Geb (the first four were mentioned in part 1 for this reason alone). This storyarc is meant to feel like the "classic" NeS, simulating the staged fights of the very early pages, of the "date" storyarc between TLTE and Losien that inspired a radio play adaptation, and the storyarc where the heroes went to look for jobs. At the end, the main characters will discover the Big Bad, who has essentially taken the Geb-knockoff hostage, and will have to be stopped. An outline with random ideas will be presented later down.
Some ideas for this specific post include:
===MZZT making a guest appearance at the Haunted House of Heroes to clean up the mess from the "Death and Taxes" storyarc, tweak some of their tech, and leave off to go on his own adventures.
===Discovering that Geb has been placed in the suspended animation tube that Miss Fire had been in, leaving at least one person to wonder what happened to Miss Fire (did she die? Is she well and off again?) but never finding out.
===A magical doorway/portal/something by the Haunted House of Heroes to indicate where the main characters can go that wish to embark on "doing their part" in the fight against the Trans-Terra-Terrorists (TTT), so as to be clear that "not all of NeS" is under the influence of Story Arcade yet.
===Rachel may either decide to go lead/help find the source of Geb's condition on the GG-storyarc or stay behind and stay by Geb's side. Either way, it should be clear that Rachel has not stopped loving Gebohq, even if she might know what he will ultimately decide. This will reflect in some part that she is in a situation not unlike Geb with Maybechild. At the very least, this will not make Rachel a one-shot character.
===This post will hopefully make the premise of the story-arc for both the NeS and the GG-crossover clear.
New Story Arc
[as of yet unnamed] - NeS side
If you haven't read the part 2 notes, you probably should.
Ironically, while the NeS side of the story-arc is meant to satirize the ease of playing an MMO and character development via numbers over story, I've yet to think of a specific conflict that could directly involve the main characters. That may not be a bad thing -- ultimately the majority of the main characters might realize that, like an MMO, there are left with little "real meaning"/story, only random quests loosely connected by an overall narrative of a war on terror. However, in my experience with NeS, most writers quickly lose steam because of a lack of direction, so I think it might help if there was something like "Mr. Stafford is a Globalist, and he's scheming to monopolize all the cheese manufacturers and destroy the rest with trans-terra-terrorists -- infiltrate his company and find out why" which could lead to funny interview scenes, funny seduction scenes with the secretary, funny spy-battle scenes with the terrorists"... who knows. I just made that one off the top of my head; it could be a lot of things (though that doesn't sound half-bad, so I might end up using that if nobody chimes in with a better idea). The important thing is that it lend itself to formulaic conflicts of one sort of another.
While I keep mentioning the use of an MMO, it's not necessary that this feel like an MMO -- that is simply the parallel I think most of the writers might understand (admittedly, this is also a jab at how real life writers would rather play World of Warcraft than write for NeS). This is meant to be a temptation storyarc, so replace "MMO formula" with "James Bond" formula, or "Dungeons and Dragons" formula, or any sort of story-based genre with heavy formulas and conventions that are blindly followed.
The end of the story-arc should ideally not have this temptation be gone forever -- it should always be there ready to snatch. However, this was also my intention with Tsolo, and I'm not sure how well that'll stick around. Like I said earlier, escapism seems to be prominent in NeSquared.
Some random ideas:
===A high emphasis on "character development" through gaining "phat lewt" -- Bond gets new equipment for every movie, role-playing characters get a sword of ogre-slaying for defeating a boss, etc. Said "character development" should also be able to be expressed in numbers, whether realistically (I can now bench 300 lbs, my car can go 0-60 in 3.5 seconds, etc.) or NeS-style (I can now punch for 30 damage per second, my Convention stat has now gone up to 15, etc.).
===The writers should ONLY be dealing in realistic terms ("writing" for their characters is now fun, they "only" pay $19,99 a month to do so, "no more spam at least" except they're spammed in other methods, a writer only spends times on his own character and has them become a better fighter, for example, by fighting the same 20 terrorists over and over). There should be a parallel between the writers and the characters, but it should never cross over with writers talking to their characters and such. Something like this was done at the end of the Forbidden Fortress of Forbiddeness storyarc.
==Thand should NOT be a Globalist. I know it'd be really easy to make him one, and it'd get him involved more actively in NeS, but please just trust me on this one when I say that'd be a bad development for Thand.
===While I'm using the term Story Arcade, there will be no need to know how that game is played to write for this storyarc (or the GG side). I am more than willing to help anyone who wants to get as obsessive over this as I am though.
NEW STORY-ARC (GG side) TO COME SOON (after I finish the current story arc most likely).