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NeS workshop
2007-01-02, 7:14 PM #961
If by better you mean "more closely resembles red's version" then yes. It's awesome. Would you mind e-mailing me the original version if you still have it saved though? I like to have everything NeS on my 'puter, and I'm not at it right now (I'm at work).

EDIT: While you're at it, if you could e-mail me the password to uploading the comics, I'd much appreciate it, as I got a guest strip to put up. :)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2007-01-04, 11:37 PM #962
So Dormouse set up a wiki database-thingy for his IRC channel #teapot, which some of you may remember is technically the official unofficial NeS channel. He's offered me the use of said wiki-thing to go nuts with an NeS section, and I've schemed for quite some time about having a cliffnotes-like wiki-database of information for NeS. Thing is, I'm quite incompetant with editing wiki-type pages, so until I can get a real-life friend to sit down and show me step-by-step some examples, it may be a while before I can contribute something. I'll definately be plotting up a structure though, and hopefully once a foundation is laid down, you all can help out too!

Here's the page:

Apologies for not writing up story-stuff right now - I've been getting distracted and whatnot recently, it seems. Hopefully I'll whip something up sooner than later, but until then, you all keep up the awesomeness! :)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2007-01-05, 10:33 AM #963
How do you make a new user account?

And what kind of NeS stuff do you want to include?
2007-01-05, 1:46 PM #964
Well, apparently Dor changed it so now you have to send him the username and such you want, and then he sends you an account, so as of right now, it's looking like a better idea to still wait out on our own customized wiki site. If we were to set up something, I'd ideally like to include as much as possible -- breakdown of plot points, summaries, characters, themes, etc. It'd be pretty ambitious.

Also, the NeS comic now has a new guest strip up! Read about it here!
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2007-01-05, 1:55 PM #965
I'm totally up for helping with that, whenever it's ready to start.
2007-01-07, 10:09 PM #966
Tracer: It may be a while yet, just so you know.

Also, I've been having trouble getting myself to write as of late, so the latest thing I posted was just a lil' Bhac/Mayaal BUMP-type post. Still, better than nothing.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2007-01-11, 9:34 PM #967
Blah, still having difficulty :(

The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2007-01-12, 4:18 PM #968
Don't worry. I'm going to make a post tomorrow, continuing the fight and breaking up the group (unless someone beats me to it). I'm trying to get into making at least one NeS post per week on weekends.
2007-01-18, 7:58 PM #969
Just to clarify, the cliffhanger is because I didn't know how to end it. If nobody picks up on it, Geb will just wake up in a wet muddy spot in the cave, and that'll be the end of that little bit, but I figured I'd leave it open if anyone wanted to do anything with it.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2007-02-04, 6:34 PM #970
I've been slackin' more than I've like (sorry), but until I'm being less slacker-ish, I figured I'd post a request I thought up for you all. I'm interested to know what you all think would be the "rules" for writing for NeS, plain and simple (the more thought you can give the better, as usual). So either post 'em here, or e-mail them to me or PM them or IM them or whatever -- i'd be much appreciated. Thanks!
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2007-02-05, 9:13 PM #971
I don't think there should be too many rules, but here are my thoughts:

1. Don't post until you're fully caught up.
2. Don't start on big ideas and adventures you don't have time/interest to see through.
3. Don't screw with people's characters.
4. If someone posts something you don't like, run with it anyway.

#4 is the only real rule, though. The rest are just my personal guidelines for NeS posting (even though I made them into a big important list) - most of my bad writing has been from when I didn't stick to them. I also try not to post several times in a row as I can't crank out good writing in a shortish period of time.
2007-02-06, 2:56 AM #972
Back, again. Hopefully I'll make it stick this time.

If anyone was wondering my inspiration for the Patriot at this point in time, I'm being heavily influenced by Garth Ennis' Preacher comics. In particular, the Patriot seems to me a modern-day Saint of Killers.
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2007-02-07, 8:30 PM #973
I didn't stop reading NeS for several weeks again! What are you talking about? Look, a post!

On a completely unrelated note, I just wanted to say how extremely helpful the update section has been, Geb. Very useful for keeping track of who is with which group and where they are and so on. Keep it up!

On the rules, my main rule for writing NeS is to make it as funny as possible. If it's not funny it just becomes another long drawn out amateur drama. And a very strange one at that. But all is forgiven if it's hilarious.

So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2007-02-12, 6:04 AM #974
Hello? Where is everybody?

So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2007-02-12, 6:32 AM #975
I'm here. I could blame a lot of stuff -- school (I am pretty booked on Tuesdays and Thursdays), doing random stuff like helping with my mother's surprise present, getting a Wii yesterday... ( :ninja: ) but really, I just keep not putting the lil' time every other day like I was when I started that sub-quest thingy.

On the upside, we MAY be getting a new artist with a similar skill level/style to Jepman. I'm trying not to get my hopes up -- it's a delicate balance of keeping the guy interested to put out shtuff and not bothering him about it and scaring him away. He's already done some sketches though, so I'll post 'em when I get the chance, and keep you all updated if/when he jumps on board.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2007-02-12, 7:27 PM #976
I'm here. I agree with you, Krig, but I also think that if we're just funny from now on, we'll fall over in another way.

You see, at some point, due to our hubris, our carelessness, or a desire to do more than joke about Bill Gates and lampoon all pop culture under the sun, we introduced a semblance of drama into the story. I would argue that that fine through-line of seriousness now is too ingrained into the ethos of the story to subvert. For example, try doing a post where Arkng Thand is a slapstick comedian, and it'll turn more stomachs than it will heads. Why? Because we've all got so much hope for him; a refreshing and original character we haven't seen yet in 60+ pages of writing.

Amateur drama it may be, and undoubtedly strange. But it at least enriches and complements our amateur comedy.
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2007-02-12, 8:31 PM #977
Oh yeah, I'm not saying do away with the drama, I'm just saying, don't do away with the comedy. ;)

I like the mix in, say, Firefly. NeS is a little more balanced toward comedy, but it's definately possible and indeed to me preferable to have hilarious comedy and moving drama in the same story -- even the same scene.

Sluggy Freelance is another example. Actually, a closer parallel, really. Sluggy started out all absurd and derivative, and now it's all moving and original, but still funny.
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2007-02-12, 9:18 PM #978
I'm still here, just busy with college. When I'm on break and really into NeS I think that people don't post often enough, but when I'm at school I'm the one falling behind. Go figure.

And Krig and TLTE - maybe that difference between you two is why you're able to write so well (I think that you guys and Geb are the most 'prolific' NeS writers, if we can apply that term to NeS).
2007-02-21, 9:52 PM #979
w00t @ Majir and West Wind! w00t!

Great jorb, guys. Especially the last bit with Hawthorne driving off -- very descriptive. It stirred the imagination.
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2007-02-25, 11:00 PM #980
Alright, now that West Wind and Majiir have finished their story-thing, I'd like to address a couple things that I'm concerned with. There are certainly a lot of other things that could be brought up, I know, but as far as I'm concerned, they're relatively minor issues and can be ignored/altered/used as fit, just like we do with the rest of NeS.

Before I go on, I'd like to say that I feel West Wind and Majiir did a very good job writing for their part of the story. It's very obvious they put a lot of effort into it, and personally, I appreciated that they attempted at some form of closure, which is often something I wish more NeS writers that stopped writing would have done. I say the following because I feel they're for the better of the story, not because I wish to stomp down on people's efforts. On the contrary, I try to encourage people to do crazy things and continually break the conventions of NeS (what? yes, we have conventions. Why else do you think you all have so much difficulty writing?).

First, I'd like to tackle a random something that I noticed in one of their posts. Perhaps it's meant to be a reference to something else already established, or maybe it's something they forgot to touch on, but it's something I'd like to poke at. This post is the one in question, and here's the excerpt:
Deep in the NeS Dreamstate, a singular tower of will stands against the chaotic currents and eddies of dreams and realities. In his reading room high within his tower, Arkng Thand rises from his chair and strides slowly over to a gap between two bookshelves. The gap, no greater than two men abreast, opens up to a small balcony overlooking not only dream state, but the entirety of the NeS Storyscape, and perhaps to a man an such as Arkng, even the distant patterns of PlotFractal may been seen.

Arkng smiles to himself contently. The Storyscape seemed almost peaceful without it’s precious heroes straining the narrative fabric. The occasional eddy remained and swirled around the left-over heroes and villains of NeS, but nothing remained that could oppose Arkng. NeS was awaiting a new arc, and in the meantime the last of the remaining classic heroes had left for NeShattered, and by the time they would attempt to return, they would find it a very different story indeed.

It's the last line in particular -- there's a suggestion that Thand has something in the works, and that it'll be in effect by the time the heroes return to the NeS. Now what could Thand be plotting? Well, a lot of things, and certainly, this could be left open for who knows what in the future, but I had a little something in mind. Something...quite unusual. When the heroes return, they could find that Thand has somehow changed the very format of NeS from a script-style to a more narrative style.

Basically, instead of having this:
Geb: Want a donut?

*Geb offers a donut to Ares.*

It'd be:
"Want a donut?" Geb asks. He offers a donut to Ares.

Why the change? Well, while the script-style is certainly something of a NeS tradition, and allows for a focus on dialogue and a sort of "simplicity" in reading and writing, it also has it's own difficulties, such as description, pacing, etc. Also, the narrative format seems better suited for the theme of all the meta-story stuff that NeS does.

Why would Thand do this? Admittedly, I don't have a solid in-story reason why this would happen. More than likely, I'd opt for this being merely a "side-effect" of whatever plan he's set into motion, and still leave that plan open for some future story-arc, to be revealed later. Still, given Thand's character, I don't think this would be out of the question for him to have caused.

If we did do this, my intention was to only do it for the "main" NeS, leaving NeShattered as the standard script format. If, having done this, but decided we don't like it half-way into the new storyarc, we could figure out some method of returning it to normal. Let me know what you all think about this, as this would be a relatively major change to the structure of NeS.

The other major issue is the result of their storyarc -- Tsolo, the "avatar of loss." You can find the post here. There's a lot that's problematic with him, just as there is with most of that part of the post and the last 3 posts of their storyarc in general, but the general one I want to tackle is Tsolo's presumed importance in the NeS. Basically, from what I understood, Tsolo is made out to be the most powerful figure in NeS, a half-villain, half-weapon wielded dangerously in hopes of combatting the power of the Writers, like the Phoenix of X-men. Personally, I frown on this a lot. I was very hesitant as it was to establish Thand as a power that could rival/succeed that of the EeP, but TLTE persuaded me with good points, and we've sort of established Thand as NeSquared's "main villain" as the EeP had become for the original NeS. Then, in this post, we're quickly set up that Thand is "nothing" compared to this new force -- Tsolo. There are only a few things I dislike being done in NeS, and one of them is attempting to introduce a new "biggest threat to NeS" like a cliched anime series (and I don't mean this being done in a parody way -- hell, that's the premise of the very first storyarc in NeS). We have a hell of a lot to draw from already, and yes, new characters are not a problem. It's when these characters are supposed to be the "main players" that it becomes an issue. I know the original writers don't intend to write for it now (don't get me wrong, they've tied up most everything else in one way or another, which I appreciate, but they introduced Tsolo), and thus Tsolo has been left as a "burden" on NeS, which is done too often in NeS with even normal characters. And does anyone really have a connection with the concept of "loss?" Sounds more like the avatar of emo...*ranting*

Point being, as problematic as Tsolo is, I'd rather not just ignore it alltogether if I can help it. Trying to figure something out gets increasingly more difficult the less I try to keep things the same, however, and again, would like everyone's thoughts on the matter. Should Tsolo be a force against the Writers? Should the Hands of NeS try and control Tsolo? Should it really pose much of a concern to Thand? Does it need to be an avatar of loss? Does it need to look the way it does? Etc. etc.

So please, if everyone could post their comments, questions, criticisms, etc. about this, as their storyline was a significant portion of NeSquared, I'd greatly appreciate it. Hopefully JediKirby won't be the only one taking this opportunity :P
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2007-02-25, 11:16 PM #981
*points at the big guy with dark hair next to him*

He made me do it, I swear! Please don't kill me! I'm just the editor!
"A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five." (Groucho Marx)
2007-02-25, 11:21 PM #982
The "death" of Mayaal was absolutely and 100% silly. "I can only die by a hero's last bullet" and whatnot was random and detrimental to it's intention of giving Mayaal mortality. Furthermore, Bahc wouldn't have killed Mayaal. He simply wouldn't have. They're the SAME person, basically. Their fates are intertwined. They're intended to be the stalemate. The constant. It doesn't seem like either of you took care for the characters we'd already developed. You took awesome liberties for seemingly unobvious reasons. You didn't USE tsolo. You didn't USE anything for your finale. You simply set these things in motion without a care for the rest of the plot.

Furthermore, you halted NeS for 3+ months. You dramatically changed everything about the NeS, but didn't have the courtesy to finish what you started. I know we could've posted, but I guess I was waiting to see if you were going to make the rest of your 3 part plot-twist make sense.

Maybe I'm harsh, but I'm really turned off of the NeS because of these events. I don't know what the current storyarc even IS, let alone how to write for it. Tsolo is a joke, and utterly underdeveloped, but seems to be the ultimate evil (A literal oxymoron to it's creator, Bahc. The concept of an ultimate evil means that he has no reason to exsist.)

Whatever. I'm a little bitter. Apologies around.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2007-02-26, 8:08 AM #983
Doon't listen to Kirby about stopping the thread -- you two did quite the opposite on that. The past 3+ months has seen the main storyarc in NeShattered, and this storyline has given activity for the main thread.

And nobody's going to kill you, Majiir. :P You two just wrote a significant storyline, and I wanted to make sure we all figured out how to proceed, as I didn't feel we could completely ignore or completely run with your material, as is the standard in NeS.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2007-02-26, 9:35 AM #984
My first response is to get all pissy and "arty" on you guys and say some big words about divine-right-artistic stuff. But that's crap. Truth is we put the thread in a bad spot. I can do nothing but apologize for the last three months. I don't know if it makes this any better or worse, but I had my version of the ending sitting on my hard drive since November and I finally got sick of waiting myself (ultimately my original ending was not used).

Before I start, let me preface this with the fact that I'm just writing for myself and I really can't represent my partner in crime. Furthermore, I'm not on the ball I was in November, so some of this may be slightly apocryphal. Now let me see if I can address some of the running problems I'm noticing in the comments.

Yes, Tsolo is the avatar of loss. No, this isn't something emo or anime-esque, it's about balancing the storyline. West presented the concept to me one night, and I think I bickered with him about it for an hour before I accepted it. The basic premise is that Bhac and Mayaal are different sides of the same coin. Thand is a coin that we've hitherto not had another face for, so we thought we'd give him a sort balance.

As I read back over what I just wrote I get to thinking about a snot-nosed kid who shouldered his way into the Star Wars canon and screwed us all over. But that's not where we were going with that. I viewed Shattered as a refuge so you guys could keep writing while we diddled around with the main thread. (Eventually) we'd finish, but it would be a totally different thread when you came back. This isn't about burdening the thread, it's about jumpstarting another arc. I don't think the old conflicts and the old enemies were going to sustain you.

Let's take stock of what we've left you with. Immediately, Hawthorne/Thatchett/Sasha are out of the game. Voodoo is in a position for you to do whatever you want with. She can vanish from her bed one night and reenter the arc, if that's what it comes to. Mayaal and Thand are essentially out of commision (no, Mayaal isn't dead). Evil and Loss have taken over by consuming the power of good. This drastically tips the scale and requires serious intervention. The heroes find themselves returning to a world where the colors have faded and things are going to hell. A perfect situation requiring heroes to fix it! Any movie with superheroes tends to start this way... s*** happens and some worthy dudes need to clean up. I don't know how you'll fix it, because I'm out of the game. But it'll be interesting.

Now a word about literary convention. The pseudophysics I've been using hinges on literary convention. If you reduce any literature down to its base conventions, you find certain elements keep cropping up (tropes and archetypes are common words associated with the practice). So far I've mostly made fun of it (see the Tumbleweed post from December '05). The Hero's Last Bullet situation is another example of reduced convention. I'm going to say "million to one chance" for anyone who's read Pratchett. For anyone who hasn't, it's the concept that the last bullet is always the fatal one. In a movie where the hero is up against the big floozie, it makes for a pretty undramatic scene to have him walk in, put the gun to the floozie's head, and blow him away with one shot. No, it gets drawn out to make it interesting. How often is it that the hero is out of bullets and he manages to pull a victory out of his hat? That's the Hero's Last Bullet convention. It is essentially a superweapon capable of killing anything. Mostly it had to do with killing the Detective, and showing that Bhac had been engineering events. Bhac gave Hawthorne the means to complete the reactor and complete the process of converting lost souls to the Avatar of Loss. Bhac set events in motion so they would end in the canyon that night, using HLB to deal with Mayaal. Mayaal isn't completely out of the equation (you can't kill him, even with HLB, but you can seriously maim him) he's just been castrated for the purposes of Bhac's plans.

So where to go from here? Well, if I were in your shoes, I'd handle it one of two ways. If you want to ignore it, you can unwrite most of the stuff we've written. It could be someone's dream, our Siren could be involved, or Thand could be just be wagging his finger at everyone and messing with them. If you want to run with it, it would be time to try to fight Tsolo somehow. He's going to require some innovative thinking that, thanks to NeS, you guys taught me to use. The cat is out of the bag and he's not going back in easily. I'll just leave you with this question, which is essentially the question left at the end of our arc:

How do you fight loss?
"A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five." (Groucho Marx)
2007-02-26, 11:13 AM #985
Time to stand on my own two feet, and not let Majir fight my battles for me (though much thanks to him so far).

If you haven’t gathered by now, most of the controversial points of our arc, such as Mayaal’s “death” and the summoning of Tsolo were basically my idea, so I really should explain myself.

My original intention was to write up a quick “Summary of the Crap I have Done” and include with it “Appendix 4a, Tsolo User Manual” so as to not leave you guys out here on a limb, but like almost everything else, I failed to get around to it in a timely manner, so here is the abridged form:

* * * * *

Thand’s Grand Plan:

You are quite right, I was directly insinuating that Thand had some grand plan for NeS whilst the hero’s were away, but to be honest, I had no clue what it was. I had picked up from several other writers that Thand had been manipulating threads (mainly in the Potentials plot) and that he was probably up to something bigger, so I just figured I would throw that out for all to see. Thand’s Grand Plan (TGP) can be whatever you want it to be, I personally had seen it as a sort of attempt to gain further narrative control over NeS itself, but I never had anything specific in the works.

Thand vs Tsolo:

As Majir already highlighted here, I created Tsolo as a sort of counterpart to Thand. As I Came to see it, reading through the NeS, Thand is sort of a representation of Arcane Knowledge and Power, tapping knowledge and history unknown to virtually everyone else, as well as working through cunning manipulation and “black lantern” like conspiracy. In counter to this, I summoned up Tsolo, Avitar of Loss, whom I saw as the consumer of forgotten things, the dark shadow that finally wipes the past from the minds of men kinds of thing. I also wanted to limit the conflict between Tsolo and Thand to a more theoretical level (IE fought like a chess game, carried out through actions played out on NeS itself, and not some Anime Style Super Maximum Power Level Fight Of The Millennium played out in Thand’s tower between the two of them) this is why I basically said that Tsolo is immune to NeS Magic (conversely, he has no NeS Magic abilities himself). This is an adequate time to jump topics to:


I never actually intended for Tsolo to be an active character in NeS, but Instead for him to be a sort of Un-seen force that guided events in the next story arc or so, until such time as he is either killed, destroyed, imprisoned, or banished by the hero’s or villains of Nes, or just until the balance in NeS is restored. I never really demonstrated any powers, or attitudes, or ANYthing for Tsolo, because I never really wanted him to have any of those. The only Idea I did have behind Tsolo was simply this: Tsolo, the Avitar of loss, seeks out that which is nearly forgotten, (things, places, people, and ideas), and consumes them forever. The stronger Tsolo gets, the more stuff he consumes, and the less “forgotten” something has to be before he can just come out and consume it. In this way, Tsolo is not much more than a tool for Trimming the Dead branches of NeS, and for helping create a smaller, more cohesive, and understandable NeS in the future. I will also through out there, that while I used the “Blood of Young” to create Tsolo, and give him immunity to NeS Magic, I also left it as a clever way to get rid of Tsolo quickly if you all wanted to kill him off. It is after all Young’s blood, so by extension, she is without question the best suited to killing/banishing/destroying him.

Bhac and Mayaal (and also Twin Suns)

Kirby, RELAX, I did not kill Mayaal. I though I made that sufficiently clear, but I guess not. What has occurred is this: Mayaal Underestimated the Detective, as well as Bhac’s plan to summon Tsolo, and as a result he was Wounded by a “Hero’s Last Bullet”. Bhac took this opportunity to drag Mayaal off to the realm of 1337, and has since imprisoned him there with chains of Mayaal’s own blood. In short, Mayaal is incapacitated right now, and simply needs a good old fashion rescue. Since Mayaal is imprisoned by what is essentially his own power, he can’t just rescue himself, or have one of his many minions rescue him, instead the job must fall to someone, or something else. This is where Twin Suns enters, I have no plans for Twin Suns, but I realized that he was in a perfect position to rescue Mayaal, especially as Mayaal just rescued him. The one problem I have with that, is it would probably just make Twin Sun another dark angsty hero for good, blah. Instead I laid out an offer, that any of you other writers can accept or decline on behalf of Twin Sun. Basically, if Twin Suns leaves Mayaal imprisoned (until someone else can get around to rescuing him), then Bhac has promised not to use his power as a hand of NeS to interfere with Twin Suns in the future, leaving him to do all sorts of fun stuff in the future… Or so I had hoped.

So…. Why Did Bhac Summoned Tsolo:

The Short answer: Bhac Summoned Tsolo so that he Tsolo could “Trim” NeS a bit, cut back on allot of the unused peripheral characters/plots/ideas. Ostensibly this is to help create a new NeS which is easier for Bhac to control, and which is more likely to create more stories (The purpose of the Hands of NeS IS to protect the story…). In reality, allot of my hope was that in encouraging you guys (the other writers) to trim back the active components of NeS, you might be able to make it a bit more “New Writer Friendly”. I for one found that the amount of “Backlog” “Baggage” and “Backstory” for allot of NeS was nearly insurmountable as a new writer, and so here I am, voicing my concerns, and giving you, the rest of the writers of NeS, a convenient tool to do something about it (there probably are 1000 better ways of doing this, but hey, no-one ever said I was efficient).

What does this mean for NeS itself:

Well, it means nothing, at least unless the writers of NeS want it to. I would like to say I have given you a framework in which you can have the Classical Heroes of NeS return to a leaner, more accessible story, only to find that Evil and Loss are now the dominating forces… I have not Killed off anyone, or anything yet, and if you guys really don’t like what I’ve done here, it can be undone is just a few posts (Twin Sun’s Rescues Mayaal, Young Defeats Tsolo… Everything returns to normal)

Why did I (West Wind) do this:

Like I said, I felt that NeS was getting pretty damn inaccessible for New Writers. Most of this probably stemmed from my frustration that most of the old writers tended to gravitate towards continue their own material, and often seemed to avoid integrating with material from New Writers. I don’t mean this as a direct attack, just a statement of how things appeared to me. So there it is: I left a framework for a new arc (or at least, I tried to) and at the same time tied up most of my self made loose ends.

If you do however accept our challenge for a new Arc, then as Majir said:

How do you fight loss?
"Well, if I am not drunk, I am mad, but I trust I can behave like a gentleman in either
condition."... G. K. Chesterton

“questions are a burden to others; answers a prison for oneself”
2007-02-26, 1:23 PM #986
Thank you Majiir and West Wind, for responding to this workshop stuff. I didn't want to bother you two anymore after having written your stuff, but I'm glad you two stuck around a little longer to comment on your own work. I feel I have a much better understanding on the intentions of the themes you two worked with, and can better tackle any changes/whatever we might make while staying true to the spirit of what you wrote.

First, Majiir:

Your first response is completely understandable. Any of us who've written anything significant for the NeS know the same feeling, when other writers don't seem to understand, appreciate, and use your material the way you had envisioned. And yes, sometimes it's for the better, and sometimes it's for the worse. If I had thought less of the work you two did, I wouldn't have brought it up in the workshop (note: this doesn't mean I think less of everything that I don't comment on in the workshop! Just so we're clear on that...)

There's nothing to apologize about the speed at which you two finished your stuff. I ragged on you to finish it because I rag on everyone -- we're all pretty slow these days when it comes to writing stuff, and you certainly didn't put NeS in a bad spot or whatnot.

About Mayaal, Bhac, Thand and Tsolo: I'll talk about them later, in addressing West Wind's stuff.

About burdening the thread: I'm going to talk about this mostly in response to WW's post, but your last point about the old conflicts/enemies sustaining us was something I wanted to argue against. I feel we have PLENTY of old conflicts and enemies still: the Forgotten, the leftover forces of Hell, the heroes affected by the Dust, Thand... most everything still left properly unresolved. Maybe it's a sign that they weren't interesting conflicts/enemies, and maybe they're ideal things to be the target of Tsolo, but if possible, I don't like introducing story elements only to have them fade away, as is often the case with stuff in NeS. West Wind brings up some good points about it, though, and I'll get to those further on. Also, I never got the impression you two were snot-nosed brats coming to crash the party -- quite the opposite.

The premise of setting up another story-arc for the heroes to come back to is both good and bad. Hopefully it can be worked in for the better. :)

I personally liked your use of literary conventions, and the idea of the Hero's Last Bullet, and I think Kirby is just miffed at how they played with "his" characters.

And now West Wind:

First off, I want to thank you again for replying. I'll be honest: I didn't have high expectations for your voice towards the end, as I was waiting for your storyline to be finished. I've seen many other writers in the past just "fade out" and, when I ask them to at least tie up their part of the story, I never hear from them, or they get angry for feeling "burdened" with writing, or whatever, leaving myself and the other writers to often feel our own "burden" to do something significant - proper closure or whatnot. All the talk of "burden" is certainly a fallacy in NeS spirit, but it's there all the same. I also know the difficulties of close co-writing a storyarc from personal experience, and from what little I got, I was starting to empathize with Majiir, who had seemingly been the only one attempting at some closure and not just "fading away." However, your thorough and detailed response here showed me otherwise, and I'm very, very grateful for it. I certainly know the experience of having a bunch to say and not the time or energy to say it all.

Thand's Grand Plan: Awesome -- I didn't miss anything. I had mistaken your contribution to strengthen Thand's current mysterious plans for a specific plan I thought might have been in your storyline. I'm still interested to see what some of the other writers think of my idea...

Thand vs. Tsolo: I'm still not entirely convinced that Thand, at least at the moment, ever really needed a counterbalance, though I think I understand the logic behind this a lot more now. As it was before, I had gotten a different impression, as Thand had launched books at Tsolo -- which is not only very physical attack (where, as you've figured correctly, Thand is all about the mental, making him a very unique NeS character) but also a relatively poor attack (I mean, really, who's seriously going to be taken down by a bunch of books?) -- and that scene seemed to have presented Thand as rather irrational. Thand's strength comes from his reasoning abilities, as well as his (logical) super-human intelligence and wisdom, as well as the fact that the NeS does not consider him a villain, but more of a NPC, leaving him immune to the conventions that often drive the (meta-)story of NeS. A more accurate opposing/equal force to him would be a character who's strength lies in faith, and who probably has an equally NPC-like status. Your explinations here, as with everything else in your workshop post, help clarify that it is otherwise.

Tsolo: Again, Tsolo came off differently to me because it had appeared that Thand was being used as the previous "bar" or standard for the greatest threat to NeS and then pushing the bar by having Thand attempt to stop Tsolo with no effect. Tsolo's role as a trimmer of the "dead" things in NeS, as with your meta-story goal in making the NeS more concise and easier for new writers is admirable. Knowing what I know now, this may yet prove to be an awesome addition to the NeS. However, trust me when I say that the NeS will ALWAYS be confusing, and it will ALWAYS be big. We've trimmed quite a few times before, only for the NeS to grow back weirder than ever. It's alive, I tell you, aliiiiiiive! But yeah -- this just goes to show that I need to do a better job of enforcing the "convention" of no conventions, especially for new writers.

Bhac and Mayaal:
The problem here isn't so much that Mayaal was "killed" -- it's that their characters and purpose appeared to have been fundamentally changed, or at least spun. As they were, in the story, they served to make sure the story stays active and in balance or order. Bhac would encourage evil when the forces of Good had it too easy, and Mayaal would encourage good when the forces of Evil were dominating. In this way, they've almost replaced the roles that the Protectors of the Plotfractal once had -- that neither Good nor Evil had the definitive upper hand, and that the NeS would remain in conflict. They are also meant to be a sort of side-line joke: as Hands of NeS, they "run" the show like a director or manager would, and when the writers got stuck, they would fight each other, to ensure that there was always a conflict (neither of these ideas, however, ever got used much). For Bhac to incapacitate Mayaal the way he did could very well drive the story to imbalance, which is against their roles.

Or so it would seem...

I'd always been iffy about some of the Bhac/Mayaal stuff -- for instance, if we know that they will always end in a stalemate, how could they possibly drive any real conflict? I think what you two did mixed it up well enough, and a post could easily be made to re-establish their characters without altering what you had them do.

About the rest of your post: Again, knowing what I know now, I think there's a lot of awesome potential to be had, though I don't necessarily think it should involve Thand the way you had in mind.

I'm still very interested in what some of the other writers think on the matter -- TLTE in particular, as he has a special investment in Thand's character. And now that THEY'VE finished [i[their[/i] storyline, I really need to shape up and finish "my" storyline... oy. Don't hesitate to move along without me though!
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2007-02-26, 2:18 PM #987
I really like both of your posts here. I wish you would've been a little more apparent with your intentions in the posts themselves. I'm still not so forgiving with the time lapse, but that's my personal opinion.

I'm really a whole lot more okay with this, and think I'm going to go form a post right now. I like the potential, and I like where it could go. I still think some better explaining of the individual characters' actions that didn't fit with their characters was in order, but it can be remedied.

Apologies for my brashness, but I was, as Geb said, rather miffed about the characters we (Noble Outlaw and I) worked so hard to preserve being modified to fit some storyline they didn't really seem a part of to begin with. Mayaal's attitude towards the Detective, as well as Bahc's attitude towards Mayaal were all very out of character. I have a good idea of how to NOT ignore what you all wrote, but still put the events into a slightly more reasonable light for the characters involved.

Thanks for your awesome insight, and I hope my post didn't shy you away from writing again. Next time, however, I'd hope you'd at least do a little more research about characters and get a better feel for them. While this is a free for all, if you don't have SOME concept of characters and how they normally act, you will upset the process of NeS itself. That's what I felt you did with my characters, and it severely turned me off to the story as a whole.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2007-02-26, 3:34 PM #988
That's it. Majirr and West Wind, that was too cool. I swear I'm going to post this weekend.
2007-02-26, 10:16 PM #989
So, is it just me, or is Voodoo Snowflakes currently in both the NeS and the NeSquared? How did that happen?

Also, did my post about Twin Suns being in New York just get, like, ignored? Not that I'm mad or anything. I just liked that post, is all.

I've been pretty sick for like a month now, or I might be posting more. Hard to think when you're coughing your brains out. I need those brains to write.

Mmm, brains.
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2007-02-27, 4:51 AM #990
eee, sorry krig. I'll modify, or purge if I have to.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2007-02-27, 4:52 AM #991
I'd really like to be more involved in this, but I'm struggling to stay writing for NeS at the moment. I've got such a sweet idea for the end of this "Chapter" of NeS (when NeSquared hits page 50) that ties it all together, but for the moment, I'm floating in the ether. My apologies.
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2007-02-27, 10:37 AM #992
how voodoo somehow ended up in both shatered and squared. in a state of frozen cliffhanger waiting for the detective and hawthorne thing, she entered shattered and joined in the bar fight. how she somehow stayed in squared, the detective plot did continue. I 'm trying to think how to handle that plot hole. :(
2007-02-27, 3:01 PM #993
No need to handle the plothole -- just let it be. Besides, the way I see it, the events of the WW/Majiir storyline could have ended before Voodoo went to NeShattered.

TLTE: Go read "Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals," then go watch at least 3 completely different and equally mind-blowing (good, bad, absurd, dramatic, etc.), then get really drunk and really tired, then just start writing without any care of consequence. Post before you've had a chance to sober up/get some sleep.

Krig: Drink juice. Lots of juice. And tea, with lots of milk and honey. And sleep whenever you're not working. Then maybe see a doctor... >.>
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2007-02-27, 6:06 PM #994
I have seen a doctor. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure he's incompetant. :(

Anyway, I decided to make use of my tiredness and lack of logic, and make a NeS post. Everything is moving closer and closer to the wedding!
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2007-02-27, 8:55 PM #995
I have some questions: are there big plans in the works for NeShattered that I should wait for? I'm thinking of starting the wedding Friday or Saturday (not ending it in one post, but kicking off the beginning of the climax). Unless someone beats me to it, in which case more power to you.

Also, what were you guys thinking in terms of writing for NeShattered and NeSquared when this is all over? I had always assumed that everybody who survived the wedding would just teleport back to NeSquared, but I thought it might be good to get your thoughts, people.
2007-02-27, 9:34 PM #996
Originally posted by Tracer:
I have some questions: are there big plans in the works for NeShattered that I should wait for? I'm thinking of starting the wedding Friday or Saturday (not ending it in one post, but kicking off the beginning of the climax). Unless someone beats me to it, in which case more power to you.

I had intended to wrap up the Geb/Qho/Otter/Subaru/Ricky thing beforehand, but don't wait for me. You've now given me a timetable to work with. :D

Also, what were you guys thinking in terms of writing for NeShattered and NeSquared when this is all over? I had always assumed that everybody who survived the wedding would just teleport back to NeSquared, but I thought it might be good to get your thoughts, people.

That's pretty much my assumption as well. One way or another, I figured I'd have Evil Geb take a break and chill in NeShattered for a while, and depending on how things turn out, perhaps Young as well... >.>
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2007-02-28, 6:46 PM #997
Look at the work of a possible new NeSi artist!
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2007-03-02, 5:17 PM #998
Ugh, I'm definatley going to miss the time-table. Go ahead Tracer, though I may edit the material later, depending on how evil I am... >.> (Seriously, if I do, and if there's issues with my editing, I'll change it/restore it back -- I don't want to be an *** about it.)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2007-03-02, 6:57 PM #999
Okay, done. I'm thinking of doing two more parts, covering current events in Evil Geb's wedding chapel and the TLTE group at the train station. I wasn't sure if bringing back Antestarr would cause problems...I did some research, but if I'm not in the clear I could use Sok Monkey or some other hero who has been out of the prime-time for a while. My intent with giving Ante high-tech equipment and knowledge of the fortress is having him cut to the chase and get pretty much straight to the wedding, but if anyone wants to do more of whatever, be my guest.

I'll probably do one or two more posts tomorrow (possibly not, but eh)...and I have no issues whatsoever with my stuff being edited for continuity.
2007-03-02, 9:06 PM #1000
Ante was a good choice, Tracer, but I'm going to be a bad NeS writer and replace him with Sok Munkey, because I got other plans for Antestarr...

Nice post though. :)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories

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