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ForumsInteractive Story Board → NeS workshop
NeS workshop
2007-03-02, 10:48 PM #1001
Hey, that edit gives me a good idea. Or maybe not good, but an idea.

Actually, maybe I should run this by you guys: Geb, the way you edited my post makes Sok Monkey's appearance even more random than I had originally written, so maybe the only way to stop Evil Gebohq (who can rewrite the story at will) is with a deus ex machina character that he can't see coming.

I thought this might be good given the meta-fictional nature of this story, it's going to take good-guy meta-fiction to beat bad-guy meta fiction.
2007-03-09, 11:25 PM #1002
...the freaking vbulletin ate my post.:argh:
2007-03-23, 12:40 AM #1003
Poor Tracer... :(

Anyway, I finally started writing my stuff. Here's an outline of the rest, just to give you all an idea of what I had in mind still... hopefully I'll write the rest of this soon, but if not, please use these ideas for your own posts! Please, do your best to not go all glazey-eyed over this stuff :)

EDIT: Apparently Antestarr thinks I should FEIGN an attempt to keep people in the dark on my ideas, sew... I'm putting this stuff in spoiler tags.

Geb vs. Geb Round Two -- COMPLETED

Basically, round one was back in the first storyarc of NeSquared, where the two of them fought in Hell over the NeSword and ownership of NeS. The playing field was more or less even in that case, if not in good Geb's favor, and good Geb ended up winning. In this rematch, good Geb is heavily outmatched -- Evil Geb is in his home territory, he's wielding the NeSword (and the Darksaber), he has the EeP's power at his disposal, and Geb is just recovering from his emo-ness. The idea here would be that it'd be a super-tense conflict, where it looks like good Geb might pull through despite the odds, but in the end does more or less lose.

Enter Drat -- COMPLETED

However, before Evil Geb can be declared the victor, the shadowy figure presumed to be Drat steps out of the watchtower/monument -- the figure being Antestarr (gasp!). He basically "interrupts" Evil Geb's victory and fights good Geb (it might be an actual fight, or it may simply be a backstab). In any case, Antestarr ends up killing good Geb, declares himself as Drat (insert joke about how good names are not a NeS strength) and his intention for what just conspired. His plan was to slip under the radar, then draw himself as a villain and kidnap Ariana so that he could lure both good and evil Geb. He tells evil Geb that he (Ante) has never been a hero, and that he killed good Geb because he thinks good Geb living was bad for NeS, and adds that HE should be the father of the bride, not good Geb. Ante convinces evil Geb of this, and they collect Geb and the other heroes to head back to the Palace of Power for the wedding.

What happens to good ol' Geb -- COMPLETED

Meanwhile, good Geb is not quite dead (there's a shocker). Well, more accurately, he IS dead, but as a soul ready for the afterlife, he refuses to go, remembering Thand's word to "not die" (there should be some ambiguity here about Geb perhaps making the wrong choice here). Geb then sort of goes "unconscious" and has lapses of sleepy consciousness. His first lapse is evil Geb and Ante heading back to the palace, where he'll notice the EeP's presence latched onto Evil Geb. The second lapse is at hte palace, with evil Geb feeling the uncontrollable urge to visit Young during hte night and... well, suggestive-yet-only-implied sex between Young and Evil Geb. It's important to NOT suggest that it's rape, however, though the details can and probably should be left unexplained -- only that Evil Geb's urge is brought on by the EeP. The third lapse is the next morning, where good Geb slowly "wakes up" and finds out that 1) the EeP's presence is no longer on evil Geb and 2) that he's been attatched to Evil Geb as his shadow.

The Final Showdown Stuff

After that, I really didn't have much. I figured good Geb in the final conflict at the end of this storyarc will be fighting for control over his own body, and should probably be done comically -- as a shadow, there's a variety of routes that could be done, from the shadow kicking his own butt an "ejecting" evil Geb's soul out to a battle of wills to who knows.

Qhobeg should end up being the new body for evil Geb. I've been trying to set it up so that people would get attached to him -- that he has some grand purpose to fufill. His purpose, it would seem (as I see it) would be to be evil Geb's new body. A death of a character, perhaps.

Ante should be the father of the bride, and basically try talking Young out of the wedding, or at least making sure this is what she really wants. Ante's concern is that Young is 1) free to do what SHE wants and 2) becoming a character that will challange the authority of the Writers. I've been trying to set it up so that Young could quite possibly WANT to marry evil Geb, and the end of this storyarc might end with a "did anyone ask if the princess WANTED to be rescued?" sort of deal.

Hopefully that all made sense. :)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2007-03-31, 11:44 PM #1004
It became rather apparent that no one was going to be writing for NeS anymore, so I had it go out with a bang.

I'll keep the workshop up for a little while, as I'm sure you all will have questions, concerns or the like. I'll do my best to address them in a timely manner.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2007-04-01, 12:09 AM #1005
April fools, right? Right?


2007-04-01, 12:50 AM #1006
Damnit NO!
Were having a major resurgence! Not now!
2007-04-01, 5:54 AM #1007
Permission to have a heart attack or get all self-righteous and indignant?
"A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five." (Groucho Marx)
2007-04-01, 9:49 PM #1008
Permission denied. Check the date, foo's! :v: :D

WRITE ONWARDS! :hist101:
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2007-04-02, 1:24 AM #1009
I was sort of afraid that you were going to be like "well, I only meant it as an April Fools joke but then I clicked the wrong button and now it's really deleted".
2007-04-19, 6:02 PM #1010
Sorry for the hold-up. School + other stuff, but my bit should be done soon (within a week).

Possible stuff to cover after this story arc:
-cleaning up Hell forces, dealing with the Forgotten, dealing with those infected with the Dust
-double-wedding (CM/Mimiru and TLTE/Losien), funeral(s)?
-Geb (and others) dealing with paperwork/taxes/"mundane" things as professional hero
-Thand? Tsolo? Hands and such?

Please post ideas of your own while I try to get our current story arc out of the ditch andback on the road :)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2007-04-19, 8:42 PM #1011
Maybe we could bring back Michael Macfarlane in the alternate ending like he was saying.
2007-04-27, 9:08 PM #1012
Alright, I finally made all the posts I "planned" on making. I hope you all will help conclude this storyarc now!

First, some clarifications (in spoilers just in case :P):

--Gebohq is "sharing" Evil Geb's body, and right now, he's inhabiting his shadow.

--Young is 99% likely pregnant. The EeP is getting around the whole "wedding" thing by having had Gebohq die, and thus back in his own body, which make Evil Geb not sterile. At the very worst, the EeP lives on as Young's baby, with a super-powerful bloodline. As it is, however, this won't have any effect on the NeS until some 7 years later, if not 17 or more years later. Due to the questionable nature of the EeP's existance, however, it may be just a normal baby, or a baby that's "half-NeS" and "half-EeP"... really, I'm not picky on the details right now, as long as it's acknowledged. However, if Young having a child is SERIOUSLY a problem with all of you, it can be said that the birth does not "conceive" until Morthrandur proclaims them husband and wife, which could easily be thwarted by any number of the heroes. I'd prefer it, however, if the option was left open.

--Everybody can be bursting in to stop the wedding now, including the Otter and the like at the dungeon. Speaking of, I left it vague as to whether Subaru or Ricky were conscious or not for the battle with Ante and Geb, and only the Otter and Ariana were definitively said to be in the dungeon, if for some reason Subaru or Ricky needed to be elsewhere, or sneaky or something.

My only request for the end of this storyarc is that Evil Geb be ejected out of Geb's body (so that Geb has his own body back) and be sucked into Qhobeg's body. Qhobeg should likely "die" from this, but again, there could be some sort of sharing thing going on if people realy want to use Qhobeg s'more. Otherwise, have at it, though I hope you all will consider things like Young actually marrying/sticking with Evil Geb, or strange stuff like that.

Some stuff to keep in mind:

--there's a killer, sentient wedding cake to battle.
--Evil Geb can look like someone else by touching them
--Evil Geb has crazy meta-fictional ediitng powers, but he's also very weak against story conventions
--Ricky wants Geb dead because he unduely edited the story, and Rick is still posing as the NeS incarnate

After the end of this storyarc, I definately would like Evil Geb to stay chill in NeShattered, unless people really want to do stuff with him. I'm pretty done with him for now, in any case.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2007-04-27, 9:50 PM #1013
ok, couple notes on my post.

The other figures in masks are Sok Munkey, Losien, Voodoo, and Semievil. Basically the heroes that were with Sarn under the palace.

Subaru and Rick and whoever else may or may not make an appearance as the battle progresses (I guess Qhobeg will need to be there.. *shrug*)
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2007-04-27, 10:13 PM #1014
FYI, I updated the update section. It should be more or less right, for now. I'll try and keep it updated throughout the rest of the storyarc.

EDIT: Hahahaha. Oh man... I'm glad you're writing again, Krig.

Morris really needs to go super-size and battle Godzilla like I think he did back on page 20-something.

I can only imagine where it'll go from here. :awesome:

(Of course, everyone else is doing awesome as well. I just pointed out Krig because it's been a while since we've let the absurdity really fly off the handle.)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2007-05-04, 10:59 PM #1015
Krig the Viking: Bringing a fresh breath of absurdity to online stories everywhere.

Actually, just here. But you know what I mean
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2007-05-06, 11:32 PM #1016
Just for clarification: unless it seems to start dragging again, I had no real intention of finishing the storyarc myself, so whomever wants to have at it, go right ahead!

And Tracer (or anyone else really): if you want to try using Sok Munkey as another story convention to stop the wedding, go right ahead, or if Sok Munkey ends up doing something evil, that's cool too.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2007-05-07, 3:38 PM #1017
Actually, I have no ideas now, but here we go anyway...

(And I just want to add that the Cake is *definately* going to become a recurring charater!)

Er, can we say that Sok Monkey wasn't one of Sarn's ninjas since he didn't really get used for anything?

Also, do you think TLTE's ever coming back?
2007-05-09, 7:42 AM #1018
I hope TLTE comes back soon. :(

I wrote a bit against what might have been the intention for Sok Munkey, but I still made him relatively important because it gave Geb the chance to start the internal struggle with evil Geb.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2007-05-09, 3:09 PM #1019
That's cool. But he's not dead yet, I say!
2007-05-09, 3:19 PM #1020
There is a reason I had Godzilla eat Sok Munkey whole... beside the fact that this might become a running joke now with him. :ninja: :D
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2007-05-13, 10:41 PM #1021
I wanted to ask what you guys would like to do now. Personally, I would prefer it if we avoided another battle with Shattered Geb and returned the action to the NeS proper, but I left it kind of open. I wasn't sure if you guys wanted to keep going in NeShattered for a while given Geb and Krig's recent posts.

I was thinking it might be slightly dramatic if Qhobeg remained trapped in NeShattered while Young got away, but I wanted to check before doing anything that serious (and I'm way too obsessed with wrapping things up and moving on to the next part anyways).
2007-05-14, 5:44 PM #1022
As a newbie trying to find a way into this, a new direction might be good ... but I can wait ... and watch ... and . . . lurk
Never give up, never surrender ... oh wait, I already have. Damn!

CaliWrite - bringing lurve to NeS. And taking it away.
2007-05-14, 7:30 PM #1023
Originally posted by Calilmalith:
As a newbie trying to find a way into this, a new direction might be good ... but I can wait ... and watch ... and . . . lurk

What did you have in mind?

Originally posted by Tracer:
I wanted to ask what you guys would like to do now. Personally, I would prefer it if we avoided another battle with Shattered Geb and returned the action to the NeS proper, but I left it kind of open. I wasn't sure if you guys wanted to keep going in NeShattered for a while given Geb and Krig's recent posts.

I was thinking it might be slightly dramatic if Qhobeg remained trapped in NeShattered while Young got away, but I wanted to check before doing anything that serious (and I'm way too obsessed with wrapping things up and moving on to the next part anyways).

If you're talking about my post with having Sok Munkey eaten by Godzilla, I only made that because I thought it was a bit too anti-climactic, and Geb hadn't gotten his body back. I have no problem with no new major battles for this storyarc, and my hope was actually for Qhobeg/Evil (S.) Geb to remain in NeShattered, so that's cool with me. I'm assuming your part in your last post saying that evil Geb was the shadow now was what the characters thought and not what you thought, yes? I only ask because you're not the only one that seemed to have gotten confuse d on the matter.

I think CoolMatty was attempting to wrap things up. We'll see.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2007-05-14, 7:59 PM #1024
No, I'm definately confused. :) I thought that there was Qhobeg, Evil Geb and dead Gebohq who was evil Geb's Shadow. From Krig's prevoius post I thought that good Geb switched places with Evil Geb (i.e. Good Gebohq is now in control of the body and S. Geb is the shadow) and that Evil Geb now inhabits Qhobeg's body.

Qhobeg: Where the hell is my wife, you sadistic SOB? Tell me or I'll shake you even harder!

Just then, a wicked gleam comes over Qhobeg's eyes.

Qhobeg: No no no, stupid, that's not how you intimidate someone! Let me show you!

It was this part that lead me to think that.
2007-05-14, 10:09 PM #1025
Originally posted by Gebohq:
What did you have in mind?

Actually, I was waiting for someone to get back to the Gebiyl / Young thing ... I had an idea but it starts at the wedding and involves Bhac and a Young clone which creates a huge plothole through which Calilmalith enters. Gebiyl will end up back in NeShattered at the end of it.

In case anyone has issues with characters falling through plotholes, I thought Arkng Thand could also be displeased - Calilmalith's first (sort of) enemy ...
Never give up, never surrender ... oh wait, I already have. Damn!

CaliWrite - bringing lurve to NeS. And taking it away.
2007-05-15, 9:09 AM #1026
Tracer: Just so we're straight, here's the gist.

Good Geb - in his own body/shadow
Evil/S. Geb(iyl) - in good Geb's body
Qhobeg - in his own body

Good Geb wrestles for control of his own body and succeeds, kicking evil Geb out (reminder, Evil Geb/S. Geb/Gebiyl are all different names for the same person. Crazy confusing, I know). Evil Geb goes for the nearest Geb-like body he can inhabit - Qhobeg (I've been hinting that Qhobeg was actually "destined" to be nothing more than a way for evil Geb to live on - a tragic end really).

Good Geb - in his own body
Evil/S. Geb(iyl) - in Qhobeg's body
Qhobeg - dead? in his own body/shadow? doesn't matter (for now at least)

So...hopefully we're good now?

And Cali: plot holes are a CLASSIC way to introduce characters -- good choice! Though really, you could leave most any details out for now and be all "a PLOTHOLE APPEARS! wait, was there anything for a plothole to be made possible? confusing... ah hell, I'm sure there's reason for one SOMEWHERE in this crazy story" and plop, Cali falls in.

As for Thand, I'd be wary of playing too much with him, at least for now. Setting your character up as an antagonist to him in particular might not be a good idea... it could get tricky, what with the themes and purpose of Thand in NeS and all. *shrug*
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2007-05-15, 10:38 AM #1027
He's back :ninja:

If something jumps to mind for you guys that you want to immediately start doing with this, you can probably feel free. If not, that's perfectly fine as well.

The only thing that's not to be touched yet is how he got back in the story. I'll deal with that, probably pretty shortly.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2007-05-15, 10:51 AM #1028
Ah, I see.
2007-05-15, 3:44 PM #1029
OK, well I'll do my maiden post ... I think it will fit in with what is above (either before or after) .. if not ignore me
Never give up, never surrender ... oh wait, I already have. Damn!

CaliWrite - bringing lurve to NeS. And taking it away.
2007-05-16, 8:28 AM #1030
I took the opportunity to establish some stuff that Antestarr had hinted at quite some time before. I'm still trying to work out the "meta-stuff" on what exactly a paradox is in context with NeS, how it works, what the significance to the story is, that sort of stuff, but I have confidence that it's there.

As for our newest writer, Cali:
I laid it out so that your character would likely end up at the Haunted House of Heroes (HHH), where the main active cast will likely convene, but due to the nature of the woods, the 8th dimension (where the HHH is) AND the technology the heroes have at the HHH itself, you can find your character virtually anywhere in NeS. time the active cast makes an appearance in this thread, feel free to consider yourself having found your way to them.

EDIT: Updated the update section.

Speaking of, it would seem that the heroes will end up back in Hell (because of Jim7) but maybe then they would make a quick escape to the HHH? Unless the Patriot gets "stuck" in NeShattered, or unless TLTE and the Patriot have a showdown of some sort immediately after exiting NeShattered, that would seem to be the best course of action? While having the hero's HQ (HHH) as the point-of-return for people has mostly been an issue of practicality (as an easy way to explain how certain heroes appear to pop back and forth to places other heroes are/have been), it might serve to be an actual story element for once too. Just throwin' it out there *shrug*.

Really wish I knew where TLTE the writer ran off to... :(
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2007-05-16, 4:31 PM #1031
As for our newest writer, Cali:
I laid it out so that your character would likely end up at the Haunted House of Heroes (HHH), where the main active cast will likely convene, but due to the nature of the woods, the 8th dimension (where the HHH is) AND the technology the heroes have at the HHH itself, you can find your character virtually anywhere in NeS. time the active cast makes an appearance in this thread, feel free to consider yourself having found your way to them.
OK then ...
Never give up, never surrender ... oh wait, I already have. Damn!

CaliWrite - bringing lurve to NeS. And taking it away.
2007-05-16, 4:39 PM #1032
Originally posted by Calilmalith:
OK then ...

Judging from the ellipses, I'm going to take a wild guess and say my last post either confused you and/or put you off somehow. Either way, just do what you want -- I just like to be, erm, something....

Someone else talk to the new person, please. I'm flopping here!
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2007-05-16, 5:05 PM #1033
Yeah it should be mentioned that you can't mess up NeS. Anything you write is fine, and will get worked into the story.

When I first posted, I just wrote myself in, and the other writers worked me into the storyline. Don't be afraid to write!
2007-05-16, 9:18 PM #1034
indeed. That's rule #1. Don't be afraid of messing stuff up.. cause you can't.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2007-05-16, 9:32 PM #1035
don't worry about messing things up, don't worry about plans or plot so much, have fun.
2007-05-18, 10:16 AM #1036
Hey hey, the situation I put everyone in was meant to simply be a way to possibly resolve some character stuff, since them being confined with nothing else to do might have them resolve things like:

-TLTE and the Patriot
-Antestarr and Gebohq
-characters figuring out Young's marriage and pregnant status
-Ariana, Sugarless, and Voodoo's pasts
-Losien, Maybe and TLTE (them joining Greenpeace and why)
-Maybe and Mimiru under the Dust's influence
-Ricky and Geb (and Ricky as the NeS)
-possibly Michael, Losien and TLTE (if Michael decides he had jumped in the portal)

And surely a bunch of other stuff. It doesn't all need to be addressed (or, I suppose, any of it, but you know, character stuff and resolving is nice...) As for means of escape, I had some ideas in mind:

-They're sprung loose by someone else. the obvious one is the new character Cali, who could get lost and find herself here, ready to release them. Thand, Thrawnbot, or any number of others could possibly spring them as well, but ideally it won't be just a random person -- there'll be some purpose.

-one or more of hte characters bargin with Jim for release. This may or may not tie into the new storyarc.

It could be other stuff, but basically I'd rather not just have them teleport themselves out, or go makin' personal phone calls on their snazzy gadgets or whatnot. They can certainly try, of course, but...*shrug*

EDIT: Having re-read Krig and Tracer's posts vs CoolMatty's, things were looking up towards quite a different ending, and in retrospect, I probably should have done something different than what I did. I still could -- split the group in half, with one half as it is now and the other half having chased down "Qhobeg" and TLTE and such, but I dunno where that half would end up teleporting to, and I rather like the idea of some of these characters being forced to do nothing but deal with some of the craziness that just went on, as opposed to running off on some new mission. But if anyone has any suggestions, I can go back and edit my posts accordingly.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2007-05-18, 4:38 PM #1037
Welcome, Cali! Nice to have a little more estrogen around here :P
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2007-05-18, 7:10 PM #1038
Nah, don't bother with the retroactive edits. I'll just make up some new stuff.

And yes, hello new lady.
2007-05-18, 10:37 PM #1039
Hey all, really good to be here!

Yep, Geb, I had picked up on the idea of Calilmalith (I just like typing her name in full for the practice) entering at this point after becoming lost (!) and have had a few ideas bouncing around. That's all they've been doing, just bouncing, but now I'm actually at a computer again and retroactive edits will probably not happen ...
Never give up, never surrender ... oh wait, I already have. Damn!

CaliWrite - bringing lurve to NeS. And taking it away.
2007-05-19, 2:40 AM #1040
Working up a post right now as I pack and clean.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.

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