Poor Tracer...
Anyway, I finally started writing my stuff. Here's an outline of the rest, just to give you all an idea of what I had in mind still... hopefully I'll write the rest of this soon, but if not, please use these ideas for your own posts! Please, do your best to not go all glazey-eyed over this stuff
EDIT: Apparently Antestarr thinks I should FEIGN an attempt to keep people in the dark on my ideas, sew... I'm putting this stuff in spoiler tags.
Geb vs. Geb Round Two -- COMPLETED
Basically, round one was back in the first storyarc of NeSquared, where the two of them fought in Hell over the NeSword and ownership of NeS. The playing field was more or less even in that case, if not in good Geb's favor, and good Geb ended up winning. In this rematch, good Geb is heavily outmatched -- Evil Geb is in his home territory, he's wielding the NeSword (and the Darksaber), he has the EeP's power at his disposal, and Geb is just recovering from his emo-ness. The idea here would be that it'd be a super-tense conflict, where it looks like good Geb might pull through despite the odds, but in the end does more or less lose.
Enter Drat -- COMPLETED
However, before Evil Geb can be declared the victor, the shadowy figure presumed to be Drat steps out of the watchtower/monument -- the figure being Antestarr (gasp!). He basically "interrupts" Evil Geb's victory and fights good Geb (it might be an actual fight, or it may simply be a backstab). In any case, Antestarr ends up killing good Geb, declares himself as Drat (insert joke about how good names are not a NeS strength) and his intention for what just conspired. His plan was to slip under the radar, then draw himself as a villain and kidnap Ariana so that he could lure both good and evil Geb. He tells evil Geb that he (Ante) has never been a hero, and that he killed good Geb because he thinks good Geb living was bad for NeS, and adds that HE should be the father of the bride, not good Geb. Ante convinces evil Geb of this, and they collect Geb and the other heroes to head back to the Palace of Power for the wedding.
What happens to good ol' Geb -- COMPLETED
Meanwhile, good Geb is not quite dead (there's a shocker). Well, more accurately, he IS dead, but as a soul ready for the afterlife, he refuses to go, remembering Thand's word to "not die" (there should be some ambiguity here about Geb perhaps making the wrong choice here). Geb then sort of goes "unconscious" and has lapses of sleepy consciousness. His first lapse is evil Geb and Ante heading back to the palace, where he'll notice the EeP's presence latched onto Evil Geb. The second lapse is at hte palace, with evil Geb feeling the uncontrollable urge to visit Young during hte night and... well, suggestive-yet-only-implied sex between Young and Evil Geb. It's important to NOT suggest that it's rape, however, though the details can and probably should be left unexplained -- only that Evil Geb's urge is brought on by the EeP. The third lapse is the next morning, where good Geb slowly "wakes up" and finds out that 1) the EeP's presence is no longer on evil Geb and 2) that he's been attatched to Evil Geb as his shadow.
The Final Showdown Stuff
After that, I really didn't have much. I figured good Geb in the final conflict at the end of this storyarc will be fighting for control over his own body, and should probably be done comically -- as a shadow, there's a variety of routes that could be done, from the shadow kicking his own butt an "ejecting" evil Geb's soul out to a battle of wills to who knows.
Qhobeg should end up being the new body for evil Geb. I've been trying to set it up so that people would get attached to him -- that he has some grand purpose to fufill. His purpose, it would seem (as I see it) would be to be evil Geb's new body. A death of a character, perhaps.
Ante should be the father of the bride, and basically try talking Young out of the wedding, or at least making sure this is what she really wants. Ante's concern is that Young is 1) free to do what SHE wants and 2) becoming a character that will challange the authority of the Writers. I've been trying to set it up so that Young could quite possibly WANT to marry evil Geb, and the end of this storyarc might end with a "did anyone ask if the princess WANTED to be rescued?" sort of deal.
Hopefully that all made sense.

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