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ForumsInteractive Story Board → NeS workshop
NeS workshop
2006-05-30, 1:42 PM #721
uh... ok, I don't know what Semievil is doing exactly in Canada or how much freedom I have to drive him off in the Winnebago... but if you can give me some quick background as to how/why Sem wants to meet with Geb, I can make another post. :D
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2006-05-31, 12:10 PM #722
[QUOTE=The Last True Evil]No, I am here, that's the thing. For the first time since I got here, I'm actually planning a post, rather than just hitting the keys on my keyboard and seeing where we go. I'm nearly there.[/QUOTE]

Planning? Planning? Tsk tsk, TLTE. I thought you knew better... but then again, that's usually only an issue when people post and ruin your plans. You're a genius, but you better post soon. Otherwise, the NeS is going to collect some "Dust" and we got enough of that as is... ;) So yeah, one of us will post and ruin your plans if you don't hop to it. Yup yup <_<

Originally posted by Lord_Grismath:
uh... ok, I don't know what Semievil is doing exactly in Canada or how much freedom I have to drive him off in the Winnebago... but if you can give me some quick background as to how/why Sem wants to meet with Geb, I can make another post. :D

Sem's in Canada because of random chance and because it's funny. Meeting up with Geb is just a way for him to try and get back into the thick of NeS. You have all the freedom you want to do whatever floats your boat with Sem, or anyone else for that matter, unless they have made a specific request. This is NeS -- I do what I can to try and discourage writers writing their own seperate parts, as this is an interactive story. The more you mingle and do active stuff, the better.

If you want to try and formulate an actual, character reason for Sem to be where he is, I would suggest reading his character profile. His, and most of the active characters, are available in the second half of the first post of this thread. There may be some connection with Semievil's recent status as a Forgotten Character, or he may just have missed hanging out with Geb and the others. As far as I can tell, he's in Canada/Hell out of pure chance.

If you have any questions or the like, let us know. :)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2006-06-01, 5:36 PM #723
Hey Gris, I don't even know what Sem is doing in Canada. They sent him to hell... but that's just how he got there. Mostly he's lookin for Geb 'cuz that's who he knows in the story these days. If you have somewhere to take him in the Winnebago, go nuts. Just don't wait around too long, or someone might post in conflict with whatever you've got planned.
In Soviet ISB, NeS writes YOU!
2006-06-01, 7:55 PM #724
...and even if you do post you still might get contradicted by lazy/confused writers.
2006-06-02, 1:21 AM #725
You're right of course. 24 hours. I just need 24 hours...
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2006-06-03, 1:11 PM #726
So... you done? I can post a wrapper-upper into a new storyarc if you are. Hope I'm not rushing you too much -- I just want to get the new storyarc going so I can encourage all these new potential writers I got lined up to post. Let us know as soon as you can. Thanks!
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2006-06-03, 6:30 PM #727
Yeah, what the hell is going on? I used to have weeks to make a move. Months, even! No, there's still one more part to do...I'll do that tonight. And study for exams later. *grumbles*
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2006-06-03, 6:39 PM #728
Just so you know, I took a moment and caught up. Then I had ideas. So, tonight I hope to put in a little "confrontation" if you don't mind. We'll see how it goes.
Pereant qui ante nos nostra dixerunt.
2006-06-03, 6:46 PM #729
Actually, TLTE, if you're as "online" as it would seem, maybe signing on to MSN would help us work this out... >_>
Pereant qui ante nos nostra dixerunt.
2006-06-05, 9:02 AM #730
So, Thand vs the NeSHeroes part 1, is up. That scene always burnt into my brain like a part of a movie trailer, but I think I got out what I wanted now. I considered writing a bit aftermath of the revelations in Thand's chambers...but hey, I'm tired, and you're all more than capable at going on.

Just...nobody put a knife into TLTE yet. :p
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2006-06-05, 9:26 AM #731
Freaking awesome, TLTE. Freaking. Awesome.

*pets the genius*

I'll post ASAP (over at Sem's right now) but don't let that stop any of the rest of you if you feel compelled.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2006-06-05, 11:21 AM #732
I want to know why GEB IS NOT ON AIM.

Anyway, I posted my bit after TLTE's post, lets see how the rest of ya'll catch on.

Definately a good turn of events :D
2006-06-05, 1:59 PM #733
I'm not on AIM because I'm over Sem's, and I gave my computer a much-needed shut-down break.

Thand is so freakin' awesome...
In Soviet ISB, NeS writes YOU!
2006-06-05, 8:18 PM #734
Whoops, I meant to make that last workshop post on my account. Oh well.

It may be a bit (read: at the very least another 24 hours) before I could write a post, if not longer, so I figure I'd just make a workshop post of a sort of outline/notes of what I had in mind from CoolMatty's last story post. If any of you wanna use this stuff and run with it, go for it. Otherwise, I'll write it when I can (I'm needing sleep, so I'm just making the outline right now).

(last line from CM's post) Thand: Answer the question, TLTE! Would you, or would you not, save Losien and sacrifice the NeS? (/last line from CM's post)

Thand: Actually... I'll let you ponder on that for now, TLTE.

Thand starts giving each a personal book/pamphlet thing which, presumably, have his own 'personal messages/secrets' to them. For example, he gives one to Antestarr, who looks hurt (both from physical pain, and from anger/etc. at Thand's "betrayl" of student/master relationship etc.). The book to Antestarr may or may not say something along the lines of "we're on the same side, NeS needs to be protected, and if the other "heroes" don't recognize TLTE as the enemy, then they are the enemy as well"). As Thand's giving each of them his "going away" presents, he informs them of Gebiyl's likely plans with his evil marriage to Young (something he made conviniently possible to keep them away from him, if only for a little while) and tells them that their only likely way into NeShattered is through an entrance in Hell (Canada) and kicks them out.

Some questions the heroes should raise, which will likely be left uanswered at the present:
-What about the books where the bad guys win or that are amoral in nature?
-Why did Thand teach the hereos, TLTE in particular, metaphysics and the like?

Some other reactions from/to Thand:
-"favors" Geb (wants him to stay alive) because Geb is "the one" to confront TLTE on page 50 of NeS and now NeSquared (presumably).
-encourages Ante that they're on the same side (example from above -- heroes that help/are on the same side as TLTE are considered villains in the ultimate convention, etc.)
-gives Sarn a dirty/dismissive look since Sarn is Mayaal's 'pawn' -- sees Sarn as a spy, but as a rather needless one, as the Hands should find no need to "check" Thand like with the EeP, as Thand claims to keep to himself if they keep to themselves.
-shed light on purpose of Thand's hand in the CM/Mimiru body swap?
-mention of relationship with Highemperor? (the importance of keeping him, TLTE and Geb in check by eliminating their Potentials?)

Emphasis Thand's strong preference for planning, strategy and keeping academic instead of "fighting" as he briefly did in TLTE's last post. Also keep Thand as less "villainous" in behavior.

(Note to TLTE: Your last post is genius, but my only complaint is that you had Thand act too much like your typical villain in parts, calling them 'insects' and showing off his power more than simply "enlightening" them (same action, different behavior). Part of what makes Thand so freakin' awesome isn't just that his intellect/wisdom is through the roof (where as other bad guys rely on magic or weapons or the like, and he has no need for that) but that he's RIGHT (at least to a degree far greater than most ANY bad guy, and even most good guys). The heroes WILL be the downfall of NeS, TLTE is the real villain of NeS (well, "real" but you know...true enough for him not to be in the wrong morally), etc. etc. Even if Thand PERCEIVES them (understandably) as beneath him, I don't see him behaving quite as villainous as you had him -- he'd be a lot more like Antestarr, in that he has his own agendas, but he will help them and the like when they suit his purposes. I still think your post is genius, but I wanted to make sure Thand didn't develop into just a "brainy bad guy." Hopefully that made sense.

So in short, I was hoping to encourage the next storyarc (at least in part) to be the heroes stopping the evil wedding between Gebiyl and Young and to save Young from Gebiyl (a situation that seems to have arose because Young was not "saved" in the last storyarc ;) Poor Young.) Oh, and hey TLTE -- I'm gonna send a PM on the forums your way soon-like.

My only "plans" was to get the heroes to Canada, 1) because the only known entrance into NeShattered is through Hell and 2) Sem and Grismath's characters are there. Some 'new' way into NeShattered could always be found later or something *shrug*. Beyond that, I really have no set ideas, just the potential conflict between Gebohq and Gebiyl. I know Antestarr has some stuff he wanted to do with Geb at this point... we'll see where that goes.

I know I typed a lot, but really, it would have taken a bajillion times longer to try and formulate all this into a good storypost, and I need my sleep :( Good work, everyone! :D
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2006-06-05, 8:44 PM #735
Hey, this is getting good. I just wanted to say that typically I find the classic 'epic confrontation' posts kind of boring ot read, but TLTE's was really well-written (I think it helped that it wasn't a big huge battle, but eh)...for me the defining part was when Thand said "there will be no great confrontation here today".

Two questions:

Geb and TLTE: Are you setting NeS up to end at page 50? I don't have an opinion either way and I don't really think I've written nearly enough to advocate for or against an ending, just wondering...


Is it the new protocol to request a space in this thread or NeSquared to make a post?
2006-06-05, 9:57 PM #736
Sarn's a bit of an interesting idea with having him be so flippant is that he doesn't 'believe' in Thand - he thinks that the revelation of TLTE being bad is BS and that the secret message thing is a giant lie or something.

Uh, and I'm not trying to turn Thand into Santa Claus or anything...
2006-06-05, 11:07 PM #737
Going to bed new idea is that Grismath is in charge of CSIS, the Canadian spy agency, and is going to recruit/use Semievil in some sort of pan-global/ArkingThand plot or something. I'll add more later, or someone else could add more sooner.
2006-06-06, 6:04 AM #738
Protocol is to post on the NeS that you are writing a post, with an estimated time of completion.

Anyway, I'm done posting for a bit, I think I covered everything Geb wanted covered for the time being, so it's stime for some other writers to get in on this.

Oh, and here is the idea behind Wai, for all of you wondering what the hell that is about:

A. Wai isn't from the NeS
B. He wants to get back to where he came from
C. He is much much much older and stronger than he lets on, because he believes utilizing power such as Thand does could endanger the NeS and cause a rip in the pages, something which would be even more devastating than the squaring of NeS.
D. He knows Thand is probably the only one that could get him back to his world, which is why he puts up with Thand.
E. Both Thand and Wai believe to be stronger than eachother. You're welcome to decide who really is on your own.
F. I wouldn't recommend a battle, at least not in the NeS.
G. Wai calls him Master, not as a sign of respect, but out of habit from old times. (He had an owner on his old world, who he is trying to return to)
H. Although Wai is CM and gang's friends, he is probably willing to turn on them to get back home. Its up to you all to decide how that goes.
2006-06-06, 7:19 AM #739
The only reason, Geb, that Thand called them "insects" is because they insulted that which he prizes above all else - his intelligence. I know it seemed like he was waxing villainous at times, but look at what he actually says:

"I would be branded a villain as bluntly as if you had applied a cattle prod to my forehead, and you could begin twisting the Ultimate Conventions of a story to my eventual doom. After all, do not the heroes always prevail in an epic story such as this?"

His broad strokes at villainy are blatant farce. He knows all too well that the NeSHeroes have essentially murdered the Potentials because of their myopia, and so he has all the moral high ground, which translates to physical power in the NeS. I don't think it detracts from the character to portray him this way: nor do I think that portraying him in a more...saccharine, cunning manner would display the breadth of his knowledge as effectively. So, I guess, agree to disagree.
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2006-06-06, 7:56 AM #740
Here's what I think should happen now: it's a classic rift, the most natural thing in the world. When all the bad guys are no longer a threat, the good guys must fight amongst themselves.

This quest to stop Gebiyl and Young will happen, doubtlessly, but should be written like an unravelling, of sorts. Gradually, the notes Thand should be scrutinised, witheld, argued over. Seeds of dissent that were always sub rosa will arise. Bitterness, division, acrimony.

There should still be some happy moments, before we enter the grim rising action that will climax and finish NeSquared. Classic NeS goofing around is still called for, and will happen. It's more mature this time, though: instead of hanging out at Big Ben and eating nachos, I can see the NeSHeroes actually going for a strong drink, to forget their troubles for a while. One plotline I hope to focus on in the middle of all this tension and drama is the romance of TLTE and Losien, which will hopefully finish in a wedding.

And then...I don't know. I see the action going forward as a tandem thing: on one hand, the NeSHeroes are fighting Gebiyl and the EeP, acting as stewards of the free Earth, defending the people. On the other hand, they're trying to investigate Arkng Thand through the NeScholars that remain, and whatever channels they can find. And goes wrong.

I don't know if anyone will support TLTE in the end, really. Looking at the backlog of interaction, he never really made any friends: Gebohq and Losien are the only ones who have had a decent conversation with him. So no one else has any reason to defend him or believe in his good nature. Ironically enough, the only other who might side with him if things go pear-shaped is Cool Matty, with which he has developed a bizarre and antagonistic father-son relationship. Maybe he'll have allies: maybe he won't. In the end, there is a kind of loneliness in being a villain, and maybe that should be embraced.

I think it's a good idea to work up to a page 51 finish. We all know vaguely how this one will end, anyway. NeSquared is still zany, like its predecessor...but it has a darker thematic base, more pain and death. Definitely the Empire Strikes Back to the NeS's A New Hope. There will be some goodbyes this time...I just hope we're all brave to cut the chord when it's called for.
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2006-06-06, 8:34 AM #741
Another idea I was playing around with in my head was a sort of division between the heroes. So that instead of it being just "HEROES VS VILLIANS, PART 60", it'd be three groups. Here's the breakdown that I see:

Group A - Hardset Heroes - Will fight for peace for EVERYONE!
Gebohq (Won't "make the same mistake he made with maybechild")
Sarn (As if he'd do something else)
Sok Munkey

Group B - The rebels - Believe there's no such thing as true peace, and fight only to maintain the NeS. (The big rift here would be that they think the heroes are too headstrong and don't realize just how inherently evil the world is, and that hoping for world peace is a ignorant idea)

CoolMatty (Tentatively with TLTE, and of course Mimiru/Subaru follow him.)
Wai (Totally believes in this group's ideals, doesn't come just because CM does)
Antestarr (Has a whole new outlook on life after the Thand betrayal)

Group C - True Villians - These guys just want the NeS gone, or taken over for their own purposes. "He's just dag nasty evil!"

Thand (As far as the writers' point of view, at least)
Helebon (What's he up to now, anyway?)
Gebiyl (Depends)
EeP (Definately)
Mysterious figures (questionable, depends on what's going on with them)
Qwerty (? I'm not sure what's with him right now)

Anyway, some people could be moved around or whatever.

The point is, TLTE and Group B break off after a rift with Geb or whatever. They go to fight for their own ideals (possibly going after Thand?), while the heroes try and stop all the fighting (Thand gives them the run around, telling them to "stop this fight", or "Kill this guy".) In certain places their goal might be the same, but they won't like it, and even if they do team up, there will be a noticible rift.

That's my thoughts, anyone else have ideas?
2006-06-07, 12:17 PM #742
What are your guys' thoughts on Voodoo Snowflakes? We went through all that hassle to draw her out of the obscurity of being a "forgotten character" so I think something will definately have to happen to draw her into the group. Now of course, she doesn't know anyone very well, but she has a connection to Sarn (who by the way shouldn't be portrayed as outright stupid, just a man who's ego and sense of morality drowns out his intellegence), and I envision her looking for him, and drawing the detective into this too. This TLTE/Thand storyline is definately going to be the driving force behind the story from now on, but I'd like to get Voodoo and detective (and perhaps even Hawthorne/Thatchett who have faded into obscurity it seems) involved in some way.

Also, for the record, I side with TLTE (the writer) on how he portrayed Thand. Thand is quite obviously a genius, and while not necessarily inherently evil, he has his own motives in his actions, and should be expected to stoop or rise to whatever occaision is needed to ensure that his plans succeed. I don't really see him as a villian, but I think what CM just said on that matter hits the nail on the head pretty solidly. Thand fits into the that group B quite well, not making him a villian necessarily, but making him sort of "above" the struggle of good heroes over evil villians.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2006-06-07, 2:02 PM #743
Alright, I'm going down the list and just answering stuff as they were posted, and I may repeat myself and the like, so bear with me please.

Originally posted by Tracer:
Hey, this is getting good. I just wanted to say that typically I find the classic 'epic confrontation' posts kind of boring ot read, but TLTE's was really well-written (I think it helped that it wasn't a big huge battle, but eh)...for me the defining part was when Thand said "there will be no great confrontation here today".

Two questions:

Geb and TLTE: Are you setting NeS up to end at page 50? I don't have an opinion either way and I don't really think I've written nearly enough to advocate for or against an ending, just wondering...


Is it the new protocol to request a space in this thread or NeSquared to make a post?

First off, just wanted to say that I agree with you, Tracer on your note about epic confrontations, to some degree. Most of those sort of conflicts tend to be cliche and the like, so I try to only go for such things if it seems like they wouldn't do anything else, and even then, I try what I can to make it unique in some way.

Question #1: I know TLTE has been thinking of 'ending' NeSquared on page 50. We've talked about it before. Personally, while I do think NeSquared should end similarly like the first 50 pages of NeS did, I wasn't setting my heart that it should happen on page 50. A big reason we made a new thread when we did was because the old forums couldn't HANDLE many more pages than that. Basically, my intention was to not give it much thought until page 40 at least, and then decide if aiming for only 50 pages would be good, or go for 100, or 250 or 500 or even so much as 2500 pages (which would be truely squaring the amount of pages, but that's likely too much). It really depends on where the story is at those points. It's certainly not my intention to keep breaking into a new NeS thread every 50 pages (though the premise that squaring the thread only delayed the inevitable is something I really like, etc.) In short, I'm not thinking about it for at least another 20 pages :p

Question #2: CoolMatty is correct that it's become customary to post a 'placeholder' if you're working on a long, detailed post. However, it's a protocol I'm trying to discourage, because I'm starting to feel that such protocols discourage the INTERACTIVE part of NeS, which I feel is a core part of the story thread. Since even before NeSquared, us older writers have become comfortable with doing what we want, taking pieces of the story thread for ourselves and making it difficult for others to work with. I know I'm to blame for this too, but it's something I'm hoping to discourage from now on. I'm not saying we can't still make placeholders -- I just don't want it to become a standard.

Originally posted by Tracer:
Sarn's a bit of an interesting idea with having him be so flippant is that he doesn't 'believe' in Thand - he thinks that the revelation of TLTE being bad is BS and that the secret message thing is a giant lie or something.

Uh, and I'm not trying to turn Thand into Santa Claus or anything...

Sarn's definately got some good relationships between Geb and between Mayaal and between Voodoosnowflakes and, because of that, interesting relationships with other characters like Thand. I actually think that most everyone would deny believing in what Thand claimed, though unlike some of them, Sarn could certainly TRUELY not believe Thand. I know Thand's claim will certainly shake Geb's relation with TLTE.

Also, Semievil says he was so hoping Thand would be Santa Claus too ;)

Also, not going to quote it, but your stuff with Semievil and Grismath -- yay!

[QUOTE=Cool Matty]Anyway, I'm done posting for a bit, I think I covered everything Geb wanted covered for the time being, so it's stime for some other writers to get in on this.

Oh, and here is the idea behind Wai, for all of you wondering what the hell that is about: (followed with stuff)[/QUOTE]

Actually, you missed some stuff I was hoping to address. It's fine, though, because the unanswered questions shouldn't all be addressed instantly anyway, since some of it may now be "errata" (plotholes) and some of it might yet be answered later and the like.

As for Wai, I just wanted to make it clear that Thand, in NeS, is likely the "first human" figure. Whether he actually Adam, or even REALLY the first first human, should, in my opinion, never be entirely answered, but I do think it'd make for both funny insights (Thand: "I hate snakes...") and more dramatic ones (like Thand's perception of love and God) if he is assumed to be. However, as it's also been made apparent before, time in NeS is relative -- events pass, but characters have yet to significantly age. They are not likely immortal, however, for a number of reasons (it would defeat the purpose of villians aiming for immortality, as they can not bear children due to their evil -- other characters could never realistically bear children as then the children would never age, or those children would grow up to be the same age as their parents, there would become a point where so many things happen that it wouldn't be POSSIBLE for them to have happened without the characters aging -- look at series like The Simpsons or James Bond 007, etc.) It's also been made apparent that the NeS is not the only story out there even in relation to NeS -- NeSquared has characters like Highemperor, Wai and Voodoosnowflakes who are apparently not residents of NeS. POINT BEING, time is very relative within NeS and in the context of other stories, so Wai's age in comparison to Thand could be both older and younger, in a sense. So... yeah, time's a fickle thing in NeS. I thought I had more of a point with that one <_<

[QUOTE=The Last True Evil]The only reason, Geb, that Thand called them "insects" is because they insulted that which he prizes above all else - his intelligence. I know it seemed like he was waxing villainous at times, but look at what he actually says:

"I would be branded a villain as bluntly as if you had applied a cattle prod to my forehead, and you could begin twisting the Ultimate Conventions of a story to my eventual doom. After all, do not the heroes always prevail in an epic story such as this?"

His broad strokes at villainy are blatant farce. He knows all too well that the NeSHeroes have essentially murdered the Potentials because of their myopia, and so he has all the moral high ground, which translates to physical power in the NeS. I don't think it detracts from the character to portray him this way: nor do I think that portraying him in a more...saccharine, cunning manner would display the breadth of his knowledge as effectively. So, I guess, agree to disagree.[/QUOTE]

I don't think we necessarily disagree. I noticed that Thand has managed to avoid the Ultimate convention, as you pointed out. The idea that Thand's behavior was a mockery of his "villainous" stature is something I definately think fits him (and admittedly, did not catch that well when I first read it). My major concern is simply that Thand's awesomeness will be dilluted into something cliched now that it's been made clear that he's a "villain"-type. I should have more faith though that, even if that does happen, all of us can ignore, fix or improvise to keep it from becoming such.

So as to not confuse everyone, here's my position on Thand's role in NeS:

1) Thand is a villain. He is not as "hardcore evil" of one as the Darkside or the EeP, but that is because he is human (or "more than human"). In this regard, Thand could be said to be more of a "true" villain, because we can sympathize with him more, and because not every action and perception of his is pure evil. It makes him all the more evil, however, when he choses to do evil -- when his acts of "good" were for his own evil purposes and the like.
2) Thand IS right about his assessment about TLTE and the fate of NeS, but only in the sense of the "law" for lack of better words. Thand likely sees humanity as only getting progressively worse (perhaps due to original sin, perhaps just from watching history repeating itself, perhaps because, like many people, as they get older, they see the newer generation as worse then they were... who knows), and ideas such as redemption seem, at best, a temporary change for the person in question and, more likely, a futile point. Thus, since TLTE was a villain, he will always be such. So far, this is right enough -- TLTE, while having turned from being a villain before, still acts and perceives like one, as his major motivation is not the well-being of others, but for Losien, and because he loves her. How true that love is has yet to be tested (though Thand now has raised part of that question), but until such has happened, TLTE will be considered the 'real' villain of NeS, and the story conventions will follow such. Ideas such as loving your enemy, truely changing your ways, forgiveness, and all that stuff are concepts that Thand likely does not believe. The questionable philosophy of how truely right Thand is part of what makes him such an awesome villain and character as a whole.

1) Thand is on the same level as Antestarr -- not a "real" hero but not a "real" villain either. The Hands of NeS will likely not regard Thand as a threat to the balance of NeS. His villainous ways are only relative to the interests of the heroes -- as far as the story is concerned, Thand is, at the very least, amoral (neither right or wrong, just is) and at best, morally in the right, keeping Thand from being subjected to the Ultimate Convention and the like.
2) Thand is, at least as far as anyone could prove, telling the truth. He is not a villain, the NeS WILL end because of the heroes, and TLTE is the ultimate villain of NeS.

Hope that made sense.

[QUOTE=The Last True Evil]Here's what I think should happen now: it's a classic rift, the most natural thing in the world. When all the bad guys are no longer a threat, the good guys must fight amongst themselves.

This quest to stop Gebiyl and Young will happen, doubtlessly, but should be written like an unravelling, of sorts. Gradually, the notes Thand should be scrutinised, witheld, argued over. Seeds of dissent that were always sub rosa will arise. Bitterness, division, acrimony.

There should still be some happy moments, before we enter the grim rising action that will climax and finish NeSquared. Classic NeS goofing around is still called for, and will happen. It's more mature this time, though: instead of hanging out at Big Ben and eating nachos, I can see the NeSHeroes actually going for a strong drink, to forget their troubles for a while. One plotline I hope to focus on in the middle of all this tension and drama is the romance of TLTE and Losien, which will hopefully finish in a wedding.

And then...I don't know. I see the action going forward as a tandem thing: on one hand, the NeSHeroes are fighting Gebiyl and the EeP, acting as stewards of the free Earth, defending the people. On the other hand, they're trying to investigate Arkng Thand through the NeScholars that remain, and whatever channels they can find. And goes wrong.

I don't know if anyone will support TLTE in the end, really. Looking at the backlog of interaction, he never really made any friends: Gebohq and Losien are the only ones who have had a decent conversation with him. So no one else has any reason to defend him or believe in his good nature. Ironically enough, the only other who might side with him if things go pear-shaped is Cool Matty, with which he has developed a bizarre and antagonistic father-son relationship. Maybe he'll have allies: maybe he won't. In the end, there is a kind of loneliness in being a villain, and maybe that should be embraced.

I think it's a good idea to work up to a page 51 finish. We all know vaguely how this one will end, anyway. NeSquared is still zany, like its predecessor...but it has a darker thematic base, more pain and death. Definitely the Empire Strikes Back to the NeS's A New Hope. There will be some goodbyes this time...I just hope we're all brave to cut the chord when it's called for.[/QUOTE]

I agree with you that NeSquared is to the first 50 pages of NeS what The Empire Strikes Back is to A New Hope. Things are definately darker now, perhaps as a scar that's never really healed from battling the Ever-ending Plot, perhaps because of Gebohq's imperfection in being able to 'square' the NeS back into place, perhaps just as a natural progression. I also agree that NeS will likely follow a "major" storyarc (such as stopping the evil wedding between Gebiyl and Young) and a "minor" storyarc (which will involve Thand or, at the very least, similar forces). By "major" and "minor" I mean those in the musical context, not in level of importance.

I think that the rift between the heroes has been played with since the beginning of NeSquared. Once we had a growing group of heroes all set to fight evil, eventually parading such heroism around with the HoH in Big Ben, and only even began to realize that a lot of those heroes weren't really serious or had their own agendas on the last few pages before the Endgame battle with the EeP. From there, a lot of them left. Later, Antestarr realizes that the group of heroes should officially disband, but the conflict between themselves has yet to seem to settle. It should be interesting to see if the hero-types will ever be able to really unite.

Lastly, TLTE pointed out something I hope you will all seriously consider -- the death of one's character. I don't like the idea of NeS falling under the same cliches as comic books and the like where characters never stay dead or can't die at all (see Death Becomes Them to see what I mean). It's bad storytelling as far as I'm concerned -- characters should take serious loses. For example, I'm still not entirely sure if Gebohq should ever fully recover from the death of his Potential (not that I intend for him to remain emo forever -- that would be horrible >_<), but at the very least, it should be a VERY difficult task for him to regain any of what he had from his Potential. I've seriously planned about when Gebohq should die too -- depending on the length of NeSquared, it COULD be the end of NeSquared. Who knows? And if he should TRUELY die, I would want him to stay dead -- no being ressurected like after Wrath of Khan with Spock or the like. Don't forget to beware of other cliches (see The Grand List of console RPG cliches i.e. cliches often found in epic fantasy stories, and The Evil Overlord Checklist i.e. cliches about villains in particular.)

[QUOTE=Cool Matty]Another idea I was playing around with in my head was a sort of division between the heroes. So that instead of it being just "HEROES VS VILLIANS, PART 60", it'd be three groups. Here's the breakdown that I see:

Group A - Hardset Heroes - Will fight for peace for EVERYONE!
Gebohq (Won't "make the same mistake he made with maybechild")
Sarn (As if he'd do something else)
Sok Munkey

Group B - The rebels - Believe there's no such thing as true peace, and fight only to maintain the NeS. (The big rift here would be that they think the heroes are too headstrong and don't realize just how inherently evil the world is, and that hoping for world peace is a ignorant idea)

CoolMatty (Tentatively with TLTE, and of course Mimiru/Subaru follow him.)
Wai (Totally believes in this group's ideals, doesn't come just because CM does)
Antestarr (Has a whole new outlook on life after the Thand betrayal)

Group C - True Villians - These guys just want the NeS gone, or taken over for their own purposes. "He's just dag nasty evil!"

Thand (As far as the writers' point of view, at least)
Helebon (What's he up to now, anyway?)
Gebiyl (Depends)
EeP (Definately)
Mysterious figures (questionable, depends on what's going on with them)
Qwerty (? I'm not sure what's with him right now)

Anyway, some people could be moved around or whatever.

The point is, TLTE and Group B break off after a rift with Geb or whatever. They go to fight for their own ideals (possibly going after Thand?), while the heroes try and stop all the fighting (Thand gives them the run around, telling them to "stop this fight", or "Kill this guy".) In certain places their goal might be the same, but they won't like it, and even if they do team up, there will be a noticible rift.

That's my thoughts, anyone else have ideas?[/QUOTE]

I would say that there aren't three groups, but only a few "true heroes" (like Gebohq) and a few "true villains" (like the Darkside and EeP). A lot of characters, particularly now in NeSquared, are varying shades of grey, some closer to good or evil (note: I'm not really a fan of the good and evil straight line example, but it makes more sense here). Here's where I see the characters as of right now (in the context of the story).

True Heroes:
Sok Munkey
Thatchett and Hawthrorne
maybe others (ex. I thought CM, Mimiru and Subaru would be true heroes, but no?)

True Villains:
***The Last True Evil
The Darkside (the one from the year 3000 is currently trapped in the darkfoil Gebiyl has)
Helebon (also currently trapped in the darkfoil Gebiyl has)
Vashuko (also currently trapped in the darkfoil Gebiyl has)
maybe others

Everyone else:
The Otter (hero-ish, but more self-interested, and was Morthrandur's original target)
Mayaal (is the defender of Good in ways, but will do questionable things, like some paladin figures have)
Wai (apparently dealing with Thand)
Antestarr (also has a unique relationship with Thand, has his own agendas)
Bhac (is the Defender of Evil in ways, but like Mayaal, more interested in the interests of NeS and conflict than letting evil REALLY winning. Note that anytime Qwerty shows up, he's really Bhac. Sort of.)
Gebiyl (he works "for the sake of his story" as far as he believes, and hates the EeP perhaps more than anyone else. He's more psychotic than evil, though he's pretty evil... he may yet become a true villian, but not yet)
Thand (nearly as strange as TLTE -- he's virtually a hero as far as the story and its conventions are concerned, or at the very least, neutral, even though he's exhibited villainous ways too)
Mysterious Figures (I don't know. Who are they?)

***TLTE is, as far as I can tell, currently both a True Villain and a True Hero. As far as the story and its conventions are concerned, TLTE isn't only a true villain, but THE villain of NeS. However, there's definately a side to him that was good before being a villain (being human helps with that), that has been redeemed once, and that could abandon his villainous ways altogether -- his relationship and understanding of love and good is DEFINATELY significant through Losien, but how true the love is and the effect it has on him being a good person has yet to be truely tested. TLTE is, arguably, the true protagonist of NeS.

In any case, the relationship between characters and with NeS's meta-fictional element should unravel over the pages quite awesomely. Sorry for the huge post of ranting. I hope you found it to be worth all your time.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2006-06-07, 2:05 PM #744
Also, in response to the post Sarn made while I was making mine -- yeah, I hope we can work in Voodoosnowflakes better with the 'thick' of the story. I hope West Wind and Majir come back and get their characters and such wrapped into the thick of NeS. They obviously spent a lot of time and effort, and I'd hate to see it fade into obscurity :(
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2006-06-07, 4:53 PM #745
:eek: That was a long-*** post. But what I meant by my question about NeS ending was are you guys trying to actually end it (like, the end, roll credits) in a certain number of posts, not are you going to start a new thread.

Lastly, TLTE pointed out something I hope you will all seriously consider -- the death of one's character.[/quote

Hey, talk to me. I'll kill off all your characters.
2006-06-07, 5:32 PM #746
Originally posted by Tracer:
:eek: That was a long-*** post. But what I meant by my question about NeS ending was are you guys trying to actually end it (like, the end, roll credits) in a certain number of posts, not are you going to start a new thread.

"Lastly, TLTE pointed out something I hope you will all seriously consider -- the death of one's character."

Hey, talk to me. I'll kill off all your characters.

(This is Geb btw. Yeah, my post was long-*** indeed ^_^)

HELL NO! I'm certainly not intending to end-end NeS, and if TLTE has that in mind (which I doubt), he'll be dissapointed.

And heheheehehe, somehow the death of ALL the characters would be a little to uh... Shakespearean for NeS. :P
In Soviet ISB, NeS writes YOU!
2006-06-07, 7:27 PM #747
*makes NeS post*

Suddenly, all the heroes, villians, and every other miscellaneous character dies of a severe heart attack. The end. Roll Credits already.

*The announcer dies of a serious heart attack

wait. then who's narrating no- ack! OH THE PAIN!


If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2006-06-07, 11:48 PM #748
Okay. So like 1500 words later Semievil has a new adventure.

Sarn: I wasn't intending to make Sarn stupid (if you were addressing me, or just everybody in general?)...I've noticed that I really have trouble with serious-type posts. All ever I seem to do is try to make a dumb guy act funny at a smart guy's expense, so I guess that carries over to any characters I'm writing for.

Also, I think it'd be good if you made a big Sarn/Sok/Voodoo/detective post and got them started on the current adventure thing (or whatever you feel like).

And once more, nice job TLTE. This is really getting me interested in NeS again.
2006-06-08, 6:09 AM #749
Thanks, man. I really appreciate it. I think we just needed something a little different to ignite interest in this again. Here we go, huh? And, wait...I just saw something interesting. Something in Sarn's post earlier on today. It basically made me realise the whole perspective on how I view Arkng Thand and his relationship to the NeSHeroes:

"Thand fits into the that group B quite well, not making him a villian necessarily, but making him sort of "above" the struggle of good heroes over evil villians."

I think the really dangerous thing about Thand is not his seemingly limitless power, or even his knowledge. It's how he has displaced the good guys without even resorting to villainy. He has an agenda and goals that will eventually clash with the NeSHeroes, but the whole encounter with the Potentials has shown that he has a far sophisticated understanding of morality that has made the classic NeS "good guys beat the bad guys in the end" seem like childish scribbling on paper.

In layman's terms, Thand could actually win because it's no longer, say, Gebohq the Hero vs. Thand the Villain. It's just Gebohq vs. Thand: two competing agendas in a moral void. Who says we have to win anymore? Who says we even could, against someone like Arkng Thand?
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2006-06-08, 11:28 AM #750
Originally posted by Tracer:
Sarn: I wasn't intending to make Sarn stupid (if you were addressing me, or just everybody in general?)...I've noticed that I really have trouble with serious-type posts. All ever I seem to do is try to make a dumb guy act funny at a smart guy's expense, so I guess that carries over to any characters I'm writing for.

Also, I think it'd be good if you made a big Sarn/Sok/Voodoo/detective post and got them started on the current adventure thing (or whatever you feel like).

Lol, just addressing everyone in general more. Your post (nor anyone else's) wasn't a problem, I just wanted to make sure there was no confusion there. And, in terms of making a post to bring them in, I would, but I really have no idea how to do it. So if anyone has any suggestions, I'd love to hear them, and maybe I'll work something up.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2006-06-08, 11:52 AM #751
To Sarn's request: I would try and get Voodoo, the Detective and the like into the main fold, as it were, but I still never quite understood what was going on with them, who were pretty closely tied with Hawthorne and Thatchett. It's a big reason why I hoped West Wind and/or Majir would "wrap up" whatever they were working on, or write themselves into the main fold or something. I could just make something up, but it'd likely destroy any work they'd put in with major plotholes and the like.

Also, I updated the update section of the workshop. As always, please tell me if something should be added, deleted or changed. Thanks!
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2006-06-09, 11:55 AM #752
This is getting really cool! And now I'm a Canadian superspy! :v:

*reads more and considers his next move*
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2006-06-09, 12:03 PM #753
Originally posted by Tracer:
Going to bed new idea is that Grismath is in charge of CSIS, the Canadian spy agency, and is going to recruit/use Semievil in some sort of pan-global/ArkingThand plot or something. I'll add more later, or someone else could add more sooner.

Wait, am I somehow working under the seeming influence of Thand?
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2006-06-09, 2:49 PM #754
I was thinking not, but if you want him to be go ahead and write it. I think I've got another post or two coming up today anyways...
2006-06-11, 10:45 AM #755
So what ever happened to the monkey in the spacesuit (I mean, er, JM) from when this thing first started seven some years ago? And what about Sluggo and NC? They were... neat. Not as cool as the monkey, of course.
Wikissassi sucks.
2006-06-11, 7:23 PM #756
Just wanted to throw out a concept real quick which I realized my character Sarn Cadrill operates on. It's explained in this book and the basic concept is that people tend to make better decisions when they don't put a lot of thought into them. I was having a talk with my dad about it, and he pointed out this book to me, which I haven't read, but the basic idea was that our brains automatically draw on past decisions when we're faced with a choice and often the initial decision we make is better than if we put a ton of research into that decision, especially if we're older and have a lot of past experiences for our brains to draw on.

As I thought about it, I realized this should be the primary concept behind Sarn, because it's how he operates. He makes quick decisions (which may be considered rash by some) but he manages to stay afloat because most of the decisions he makes (even though he puts no thought into them) end up being the right or best decision.

The down side to this is that while our brains will usually make a good decision, we will aslo often (because we don't put any cognitive thought behind our decisions) get ourselves into trouble because our brain automatically factors in prejudices or preconceptions that cloud that intial judgement.

So, to help you all write about him, please keep this concept in mind. It doesn't need to be discussed openly, but if you make a post that features Sarn in a significant way (which I hope you do) base his actions and dialogue on the idea that he will make quick decisions and often these decisions will turn out right, but sometimes they'll get him into trouble because he won't take time to factor out any preconceptions.

And if you have the oppurtunity or inclination, feel free to read the book or at least read the review there on

[and I'll be updating Sarn's Character Sheet to reflect this info once I've processed it through a little more and know how to put it into words better]
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2006-06-13, 10:45 PM #757
Just wanted to say that my access to internet is pretty limited right now, so I don't see myself posting anytime soon :( Though this should be obvious, just wanted to say that I have no plans for this storyarc, so go nuts! Gebiyl would likely through all the obstacles he can to keep the hero-types at bay so he can go through his evil wedding... if nothing else, there'd be a limited guest list (read: only new writers would be invited to the wedding <_< ... :D ). Hopefully we'll have a couple new writers joining soon, and also I intend to advertise on the discussion board as soon as I can, so mebbe another one or two writers there if we're lucky. The only dramatic conflict I see is the one between Gebohq and Gebiyl -- I imagine the rest of it will be comic craziness. We'll see. :)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2006-06-14, 3:47 AM #758
I did this thing briefly when it first started in the day. I'm interested in doing it again... of course, I'll drag in a whole s load of characters.
Wikissassi sucks.
2006-06-14, 11:38 AM #759
Originally posted by Isuwen:
So what ever happened to the monkey in the spacesuit (I mean, er, JM) from when this thing first started seven some years ago? And what about Sluggo and NC? They were... neat. Not as cool as the monkey, of course.

The only references to JM in NeS I remember were 1) when he pretended to be Zeus on page 1 and 2) When he was trying to get someone or other to find the "perfect level" in the mid-twenties (page-wise). I also don't remember a Sluggo or an NC, or you for that matter (at least under this screenname). Can you give me some more reminders?
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2006-06-15, 12:16 AM #760
I have no plans for this storyarc, so go nuts!

Yeah seriously people, it's not the Neverending Tracer.

Has anybody else noticed that 'Sarn', 'Sem', 'Sam' and 'Sern' all sort of look the same (especially with italics)?

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