[QUOTE=West Wind]Yeah, I was trying to figure this whole Geb/Gebiyl thing out.
Let me make sure I understand:
Gebiyl is the EVIL version of Geb.
Right now Gebiyl's mind is in Geb's body, which is traveling with our "heroes". Yea?[/quote]
Correctomundo. Well, nitpick -- Gebiyl isn't wholly evil, he's chosen to be a villian instead of a hero "for the sake of the story." It's easier just to think of him as Evil though.
Pretty much, though they tend to wear different clothes, and Gebiyl (in his own body) has one mechanical hand now, gloved over.
Both Geb and Gebiyl have the same history/were the same person until after page 50/start of NeSquared. They both come from Earth (as do most NeS characters) and from the "prime" NeS thread, technically (as oppose to, say, CookedHaggis, who comes from the realm of TACC). However, it's more commonly accepted to say that Gebiyl comes from
NeShattered, which is a post-apocalyptic type version of NeS itself, having formed and split from the "prime" NeS dimension/thread/whathaveyou after page 50/start of NeSquared. You don't need to read it (I warn you if you do) -- all you need to know is that, in NeShattered, the Gebohq there made himself a villian and ruler of NeShattered, then made his way to the "prime" NeS (NeSquared now) to continue his villianous ways. Gebiyl has a character sheet available, which needs to be updated some.
Yes, mostly. They're not quite the evilest of the evil as far as NeS is concerned (that's reserved for forces like the Ever-ending Plot, aka EeP, that wish to stop the NeS), but like Gebiyl, they like to screw around with the heroes. They all have their own agendas, sometimes worse sometimes mundane.
<rambling>You may be interested to know that both Ares and Morris were also former Protectors of the Plotfractal (they were broken of that position after page 50). Being a Protectors basically meant causing chaos and conflict in the NeS so that it would continue to exist, never letting Good (the heroes) or Evil (forces like the EeP) utterly dominate. The original 5 were:
Ares (war)
Morris (famine)
Rob X (death)
Cthulhu (pestilence)
Jim7 (the devil)
With the exception of Ares being a god of war and Jim Seven being ruler of hell, they're not strickly the horsemen -- Morris's unstoppable hunger and Cthulhu's mind-infesting ways just made assigning such convinient and whatnot (fun fact: Rob X's writer also "ressurected" NeS back on page 1. Without him, NeS could have very well died).
Currently, there are no identified Protectors. Though Gebiyl was offered the position and accepted, he has since been harboring what remains of the EeP, so his position is likely revoked, at least until he rids himself of the EeP. With there being two "Hands" of NeS now (formerly there was only one, Kirby, but with the death of him and Qwerty, the two mixed and ressurected as Bhac and Mayaal), Protectors may not be needed anymore, since they can fufill the Protectors' main purpose, so it seems.</rambling>
ANYWAY, I'm finished rambling. Hopefully that answered your questions, and didn't confuse you any.
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