Although the only people who will probably be interested to read this have been e-mailed it already, Gebohq wanted me to post this here, so here it is. it explains a hell of alot about Bhac and Mayaal and what happened during those few posts.
The Metaphysics of the NeW by Bhac Ssylan
Origins of the NeW
To start off, the NeW was created as a result of the actions of the Eep and the Hand of the Nes, JKtW. As explained by the lkady, one becomes two, two becomes one, and from three come none. In simpler terms, From the soul and purpose of JKtW, to protect the NeS, came two: Myself and Mayaal. From two became one: the powers of the EEP and JKtW combined to form the NeW, and the two who are simply split forms of the one. And, the three beings, the Eep, JKtW, and Qwerty, came together to form Bhac and Mayaal: the two are oppoistes, and canel each other out: three become none. The Two of us shall now fight fo eternity, as befits our identifties as total opposites. However, if necessary, we will conbine forces to fight a foe of the NeS itself, such as anouther like the Eep. however, evn this will not be truely total compliance, we may divert most of our forces against anoutehr enemy, but our very natures conmpel us to fight.
Our abilities
With the power of the Eep and JKtW, and the bodies of Qwerty and JKtW, there came the two beings, myself, Bhac, and Mayaal. The power of the Eep was destroyed by JKtW when he sacrificed himself, but the Eep's destruction, conversely, 'unlocked' the power of the NeS. The two of us now contrl the entirety of the power of the NeS. Unlike JKtW, we are no restriced by what we need to know, or the power we need to fight with. Since we are opposite, and therefore concel each otehr out, there is no need for the NeS to protect itself with such measures, and we have full control. Our powers, though fully able to control the nes, are not capable of overcoming each other to any degree, and so we will always fight, as even if one of us were to gain an upper hand, the other would gain one, as well, and so we will always remain in balance. Even as i write this, and fully realize the futility of my actions, i know i will not bable to stop fighting, as my contrast to JktW is and always will be complete, and even as we protect the nes by our action,s we cannot stand to live with the other existing without contest.
The land of Leet, or, as it is more conventionally known, 1337, has undergone massive changes because of the sacrifice of JKtW. As his being was split, so was his 1337, his personal dimention. The dimention itself as spilt into many pieces and have sicne coaleced in the higher dimention as a sort of chess board, which i will explain later. The now two parts of Nes, when one enters them, are whole, however, or at least seem so. the dimention itself is very odd, and relies on physics no normal for the NeS dimention, and so the infinite space percieved when one is in it may only be that of a single shard. I myself still do not fully understand this, and perhaps never will. The Kirbies seemed to, being a product of 1337, however thier time is now passed.
The Chessboard
The 'chessboard' refers to the new configuration of 1337 as observed from the higher dimention. This realm is, for the moemnt, only accessable to Mayaal and Bhac, and only in an abstract sence. The configuration of 1337 also has effects on the NeS itself, and movement on this 'chessboard' will ultimately change events in the NeS, which is anouther factet of our power. The two figures observed on either side of the board are our abstract representations, even these word are not quite capable of showing how we exist in that dimention. however, it is not important that you know at this juncture.
The relationship of Mayaal and Bhac
The two of us are, as has been somewhat explained so far, inextricably linked. the relationshbip goes farther then simply the relationship between Good and Evil, however. As one way have noticed, some of our features are very similar, adn many are linked to JKtW and Qwerty, and that is exactly why our present forms look as they do, for the most part. The deaths of JKtW and Qwerty in the destruction of the Eep's power caused the two to be the main sources of the beings we now are. Evidence of this can be seen in my patched skin, combined from the kirby skin of JKtW and the more conventioanl skin of Qwerty. Mayaal's entire human form, indeed, is a result of Qwerty, though he still retains some of his kirby heritage, such as his too-pink skin and three-fingered hands. Our hiar as well has taken on features of each otehr, Mayaal's hair is short as a result of Qwerty's influence, but straigh, because of JKtW, while i have long hair from JKtW, and wild because of Qwerty. Other such things can be seen by close observers, but i will not elaborate any farther on phsyical charactersticts.
Good and Evil incarnate
As well as the physcial characteristics bestowed on us by our 'fathers', there are also several that came about as a result of our respective sides of the spectrum. Again, i will only point out a few. Firstly, and most noticably, is our eyes. Mayaal's are covered, his eyes closed to the inherant evil of the world. He sees Good, and looks into the hearts of all. I have been cursed with my eyes forever to remain open, however, too look at this world in all its terrible glory. I see all, and miss nothing to sleep or other frailties of mortals. Also, the other chracteristic of eitehr of us that displays this incarnation is in our weapons. Not the staves, they are simply symbols, though we may use them to fight if we wish. Mayaals weapon is a revolver, of a sort. It fires tears of purity, those shed by the good for all, those shed by the good who do what they must even when it means giving up what they love. Mine is blood, the corruption of the body, evil when spilled in hate.
The Balance
Along with our powers that have come about through the incarnation of good and evil in our forms comes also the Balance. More specifically, the balance of good and evil. This balance, which is and must be always maintained, contributes to the NeW and our immortality. The balance of good and evil reaches its ultimate form in Mayaal and myself, though do not take that was meaning we are the absolute repositry of this balance, i will talk of that later. With the powers of the NeS imbued on us, and our own mechanizations of the character's relationships when we feel it nencessary, we maintain the Balance, and will continue to do so always. The fact that we maintain this balance provides us with the immortality necessary to do so. Because of the powers of the NeS which we wield, we are perhaps the only things capable of destorying each other, and because we have knowlage of the balance we keep, we will not destroy each other, and because of the balance of our powers, even that is not possible. We are the ying and the yang, the dragon and the sheep. If one of us were to exist uncontested, it would be the end of the story, the scale would tip to an infinite amount. But, as long as we continue to exist as one, as it will be for all time, the story continues.
Part II: Powers of the NeS
This part is not whole in the least, as the NeS is as limetless as the imagination, and so what Mayaal and I can do with it is also unlimited. However, this is a short list of some of the abilities the two of us now have.
What is meant by 'Unbound' is that Mayaal and myself are no longer limited to any single one or few dimensions. We can travel throught any at will, and even thorugh time. Even the Writer's realm is open to us, if we so wish to visit it. This travel takes very little toll on us, for in a way we exist in all dimentions already. We need only to make ourselves exist a bit more specifically.
Mayaal and myself, though we choose to exist in the forms we currently inhabit, can exist in any form we choose. Some of our original form stays in every transformation, however, such as my hands. No matter how i may try, as long as i stay as TLTE, they will remain as they are. What part of me is displyed will change from time to time, and will depend also on what shape i take (for example, if i were to take the form of a tiger, say, i would not still have human hands. some other part of me would be displayed, like my hair, perhaps).
AS the name suggests, we have the ability to halt the NeS at will. We have both already displyed this ability, though the other heroes have not and, indeed, cannot notice. This takes much of our power, however, especially in the current times when events are progressing so rapidly. The NeS is not an easy thing to halt, and we will only use this power on occation. The two of us can break free of the other's use of this ability, sometimes, however it requires extream concentration on the part of the 'paused' one to notice when it happens. if they do not recognise the presence of the other, they have no chance of breaking the spell.
This is all of this situation that i will disclose in this document. Other facts may become apparent as events develop, but i shall leave them to be disovered by other minds.
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis