I've been thinking that maybe I should have a list of inactive-yet-major characters somewhere, but they'd clutter up the first two posts (even more than they already are), and since I can't think of a better place right now, I'm just making a new post to stick here. Feel free to shoot questions, comments, criticisms, whatever. I only ask that you all don't bring back characters nilly-willy (well, for this storyarc, I mean don't bring them back in a serious attempt <.<...) In no particular order...
Mr. Stafford (m) - A Protector of the Plotfractal and CEO of the
Damned Corp., which includes many manufacturing and service companies such as the
Convenience Store of the Damned.
possessed toaster (o) - a cross-system "test" character that takes the form (as much as it can) of a possessed toaster.
Jim Seven (m) - Ruler of Hell a.k.a. Satan. Runs Hell more like a disinterested business than a kingdom, seems more interested in rock 'n' roll and in taking on pet projects of his own than in tempting people for their souls (they seem to do a good enough job going to Hell on their own...). Off doing his own thing.
CoolMatty (m) - young magic-user, now married to Mimiru.
Krig the Viking (m) - resilient vertically (and mentally) challenged viking.
Mimiru (f) - young fighter-type, now married to CM. She recently has had her one arm permanently weakened.
The Last True Evil (m) - former Soviet spy, simultaneously a reformed NeS hero and ultimate NeS villain. Recently presumed dead.
Wai (m) - short for Wandering A.I., he is CM and Mimiru's robotic companion. Is known for wandering in and out of the group at the most (in)convinient moments.
Qwerty (m) - mad scientist type, now dead and reborn as Bhac and Mayaal.
Zania (m) - a former disguise used by Antestarr.
Evil Geb (m) - Geb's counterpart from NeShattered. Now using Qhobeg's body as his own.
Qhobeg (m) - clone of Geb made by Jim Seven. Has now likely been "killed" or at least suppressed by Evil Geb now using his body.
Morthrandur (m) - a mysterious spirit that seems interested in the affairs of who 'controls' the NeS. Often serves as Evil Geb's minister of sorts. Was once Erro Ohq -- a late-19th century ancestor of Gebohq (and Evil Geb).
Young (f) - a Blank Character developed not by the writers, but by the other characters. Protected by the NeS itself. She is likely pregnant.
Ford (m) - often the NeS heroes' team scholar. Has tried launching his own band of heroes with limited success.
Subaru (f) - CM and Mimiru's friend, she's beginning to become more of a healer and less of a "sidekick"
Antestarr (m) - NeS veteran and general bad-*** "lancer" type. Seems motivated to try and free the NeS from the tyranny of the writers.
Mayaal (m) - Right Hand of NeS, serves to empower the forces of Good in NeS to keep the conflict/drama active in NeS.
Bhac (m) - Left Hand of NeS, serves to empower the forces of Evil in NeS to keep the conflict/drama active in NeS.
Losien (f) - Gebohq's hot sister and love interest of The Last True Evil.
Maybechild (f) - NeS veteran, used to act as the competant half to Geb's leadership. Is/was Gebohq's "true love" (which she did not reciprocate).
The Otter (m) - British oddball/sidekick-ish type, has recently attempted to quit being the alcoholic that often defines him.
Ares (m) - god of war, former Protector of the Plotfractal.
Tsolo (m) - Avatar of Loss, more a literary device than a character, something of a Grim Reaper to characters that don't fear death because of their "hero shields"
I may add to this list later. We'll see.