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ForumsInteractive Story Board → NeS workshop
NeS workshop
2008-01-03, 5:51 PM #1121
:) Awsome post. When I read the car part it reminded me about NeSi too.
2008-01-05, 11:41 AM #1122
Hey peoples :) hope you enjoyed the post...

Just dropping in a word here that ive been looking to write for NeS for some time, so since it was an ideal time at the end of an arc, i decided why not? Thanks to Geb and Voodoo for poking at me enough that i decided to go for it. Anywho, feel free to elaborate on the TV shows or whatever else you like, I dont really have any plans for what i posted beyond the everyday randomness of NeS :)
2008-01-05, 1:11 PM #1123
not bad, Phoenix.

1 suggestion regarding Sran's character. You made him sound a bit too.. competent. Part of his draw is that he's completely full of himself but is actually stupid when it comes to making plans. But even so, you were pretty well in character.

Hopefully we'll see some more regular posts from you. It's always nice to see a new face (err screenname) get involved.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2008-01-05, 7:10 PM #1124
Ahh yes, true. Thanks for that. I kind of got caught up in the idea of the diagram or whatever being right there and im sure i could of used that differently, but doh well.
2008-01-14, 1:45 AM #1125
Hey everyone. Hope the last post was enjoyable too :) Just to let everyone know, The CAT is intended to be a introduced new character. What his personality etc are like haven't quite been decided but Voodoo and i collaborated that it would be an easy char to develop on etc. Other than that, the little kid was more or less designed as a segway to the next store where whatever can happen..the kid isn't really supposed to be a set character, but you can make him out to be whatever you like really... :) just ask to keep the cat in the story for now at least
2008-01-14, 6:04 AM #1126
<3 the post.

are you aware of my affinity for cats? I read that with my very own Charlie on my lap. :)
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2008-01-15, 12:35 PM #1127
cant say i was totally aware of that, tho if you would like another, i have 6 of them! :p The kitty introduced was kind of a spin off of RL here. Of the 6, we have two polydactyl cats, or 'poly cats, mitten cats' etc.. (cats that develop extra toes). The one that the new kitty char is based from is a 7 toed named Digit :) However, the kitty introduced into the story doesnt have to represent or be like him in any way (other than the obvious fact that it has the 7 toed thing going on). The thing about cats with extra toes being good luck is somewhat true...from what ive read, they were thought to have better balance and be more agile on a ship so it was good to have one around, along with the simple fact that they were an oddity, having extra digits etc. Anywho, just thought i would poke that in here as to why a kitty was introduced and whatnot...
2008-01-20, 3:24 AM #1128
I have an idea that just might be crazy enough to work. I'm going to try and contact the regulars and such about it before I attempt it.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2008-01-22, 1:54 PM #1129
i wanna know! email me. i have time on wednesdays now!
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2008-01-22, 3:29 PM #1130
Um, you should have received a PM about it... >.> In any case, I'm going to put it in the works later tonight and link it here.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2008-01-23, 7:39 PM #1131
If you haven't noticed already, my crazy plan involves challenging everyone (including you all, if you wish), to purposely try and screw the NeS up. I've attempted to define the next story-arc in this context, but it may change depending on how things unfold:

"The NeS has been hit with a particularly strong storm of story posts that could ruin the fabric of the thread: one-post thread killers, spam advertisements, attempts at great literature ( :ninja: )... Who could be behind this catastrophic wave of posts to irrevocably alter the NeS for the worse? More importantly, can it be defeated in a rap battle?"

I'm still hoping to use the MMOPRG-parody idea and the "clip show" ideas for future story-arcs, but for now, I'm trying what I can to encourage this chaos instead and see what unfolds from it. I encourage you all to try your best to actually work with whatever posts are made. Consider it a challenge of your own, as a NeS writer presumably not trying to screw up the NeS. As you should know though, screwing up the NeS isn't possible anyway, hence why I can make this challenge in confidence.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2008-01-25, 8:38 AM #1132
Hello Dawn of the Dead parody! Doesn't have to be, mind you, but that's where the idea for my last post came from (well, from Evil Giraffe who thought of the Dawn of the Dead parody).

Basically, everyone else would be ready to just get the hell out of there, but Gebohq has become MR. FEARLESS now, which means he wants to not run away from the zombies but fight them, for his love. If they all leave Gebohq alone with Rachel much longer, the NeS will shortly be falling apart, since there are very strong story conventions that Gebohq is challenging: he is the keystone character ("For every NeS, there is a Gebohq" -- NeShattered), his character is defined by his cowardly ways, and his character has been defined by his suggested fate that he is never meant to have a significant other in his life (see this post). Should Gebohq try to break these "unbreakable" conventions, he would no longer be the keystone character, and the NeS would fall apart.

The others, therefore, must stay and attempt to break the source of this change of character -- Rachel. She, at least initially (and ideally throughout the storyarc) should be portrayed as Gebohq's true and perfect soul-mate. The others will try and challenge Geb on the matter. Examples: She just appears and sleeps with him? Most would call that a loose woman. How can Gebohq know anything about a woman he just met? Love at first sight? How does she know anything about The Otter (presumably left behind in the last story-arc) or The Last True Evil (who's presumably dead)? The conflict is obvious: Gebohq must chose between his own happiness (and Rachel's!) and the fate of the NeS. The resolution is obvious... goodbye NeS! :ninja:

Let's not forget, of course, the all-important story of the cat and mouse. Also, how related is the zombie outbreak to the storm of ruinous posts? Can the heroes discover the source of this storm and stop it, possibly turning everyone back into human? In any case, be prepared to have all these ideas thrown out the window when somebody's next post makes any of this a moot point.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2008-02-15, 6:24 AM #1133
So... R.A.M. Ohq does not have a nice ring to it. And Pi-Ohq does not make it better. I think Geb may have to take her name instead- Geb Pi! Who's with me?
In Soviet ISB, NeS writes YOU!
2008-02-22, 2:25 PM #1134
I've been thinking that maybe I should have a list of inactive-yet-major characters somewhere, but they'd clutter up the first two posts (even more than they already are), and since I can't think of a better place right now, I'm just making a new post to stick here. Feel free to shoot questions, comments, criticisms, whatever. I only ask that you all don't bring back characters nilly-willy (well, for this storyarc, I mean don't bring them back in a serious attempt <.<...) In no particular order...

Mr. Stafford (m) - A Protector of the Plotfractal and CEO of the Damned Corp., which includes many manufacturing and service companies such as the Convenience Store of the Damned.
possessed toaster (o) - a cross-system "test" character that takes the form (as much as it can) of a possessed toaster.
Jim Seven (m) - Ruler of Hell a.k.a. Satan. Runs Hell more like a disinterested business than a kingdom, seems more interested in rock 'n' roll and in taking on pet projects of his own than in tempting people for their souls (they seem to do a good enough job going to Hell on their own...). Off doing his own thing.
CoolMatty (m) - young magic-user, now married to Mimiru.
Krig the Viking (m) - resilient vertically (and mentally) challenged viking.
Mimiru (f) - young fighter-type, now married to CM. She recently has had her one arm permanently weakened.
The Last True Evil (m) - former Soviet spy, simultaneously a reformed NeS hero and ultimate NeS villain. Recently presumed dead.
Wai (m) - short for Wandering A.I., he is CM and Mimiru's robotic companion. Is known for wandering in and out of the group at the most (in)convinient moments.
Qwerty (m) - mad scientist type, now dead and reborn as Bhac and Mayaal.
Zania (m) - a former disguise used by Antestarr.
Evil Geb (m) - Geb's counterpart from NeShattered. Now using Qhobeg's body as his own.
Qhobeg (m) - clone of Geb made by Jim Seven. Has now likely been "killed" or at least suppressed by Evil Geb now using his body.
Morthrandur (m) - a mysterious spirit that seems interested in the affairs of who 'controls' the NeS. Often serves as Evil Geb's minister of sorts. Was once Erro Ohq -- a late-19th century ancestor of Gebohq (and Evil Geb).
Young (f) - a Blank Character developed not by the writers, but by the other characters. Protected by the NeS itself. She is likely pregnant.
Ford (m) - often the NeS heroes' team scholar. Has tried launching his own band of heroes with limited success.
Subaru (f) - CM and Mimiru's friend, she's beginning to become more of a healer and less of a "sidekick"
Antestarr (m) - NeS veteran and general bad-*** "lancer" type. Seems motivated to try and free the NeS from the tyranny of the writers.
Mayaal (m) - Right Hand of NeS, serves to empower the forces of Good in NeS to keep the conflict/drama active in NeS.
Bhac (m) - Left Hand of NeS, serves to empower the forces of Evil in NeS to keep the conflict/drama active in NeS.
Losien (f) - Gebohq's hot sister and love interest of The Last True Evil.
Maybechild (f) - NeS veteran, used to act as the competant half to Geb's leadership. Is/was Gebohq's "true love" (which she did not reciprocate).
The Otter (m) - British oddball/sidekick-ish type, has recently attempted to quit being the alcoholic that often defines him.
Ares (m) - god of war, former Protector of the Plotfractal.
Tsolo (m) - Avatar of Loss, more a literary device than a character, something of a Grim Reaper to characters that don't fear death because of their "hero shields"

I may add to this list later. We'll see.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2008-02-26, 7:31 PM #1135
Semievil's recent character sheet is awesome! Seriously. Time-travelling robot toaster from the future needs to kill the heroes. I may actually post something this weekend.
2008-02-26, 7:58 PM #1136
Well, please keep an eye on it as I'll be making some additions/modifications to said character profile as soon as I can I've edited the profile. Don't let the additions discourage you, though -- they're just the stuff I intend to focus on more with said character. If it helps, you can pretend the additions don't exist.

Also, nice HHGG reference, SG-Fan. :P
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2008-04-20, 9:07 AM #1137
I never really know whether I should reply after an 'OOC' post... especially if I made the last 'IC' post! :p

Was Cali's last post the end of the 'screw-up' the NeS story arc?
2008-04-20, 3:32 PM #1138
Originally posted by TheBritt:
I never really know whether I should reply after an 'OOC' post... especially if I made the last 'IC' post! :p

Was Cali's last post the end of the 'screw-up' the NeS story arc?

You post whenever you want. :) Also, while the posts made after yours may not seem to advance the normal story much, I wouldn't call them "out of character." That's what this workshop thread is for.

I'm not sure what gave you the idea that Cali's last post was meant to end the current story-arc, but as far as I figure, it still has some steam left. I'd like to "conclude" the Geb/Rachel problem before moving on, personally, but due to school, I'm trying to break until mid-May. I'll be posting on the Threads of the Never-ending Story project though. :)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2008-04-20, 7:23 PM #1139
Originally posted by TheBritt:
I never really know whether I should reply after an 'OOC' post... especially if I made the last 'IC' post! :p

Was Cali's last post the end of the 'screw-up' the NeS story arc?

There is really no such thing as an OOC post on the main NeS thread. Occasionally there will be something marked *NSP* (or whatever Geb is editing it to nowdays) to indicate that the author doesn't intend specifically for it to get folded into the story, but that certainly doesn't mean it's not fair game.

As for my latest post, both the writers and the posters are fully integrated parts of the story, and the barriers that prevent them from interacting with the heroes and each-other are not to be taken seriously and can be breached at any time an actual writer wishes to break them. Or you can choose to write about just the writers or just the posters, and certainly we've had productive story arcs come out of that.

Also there is no real "end" to any story arc. The actual writers may decide it's time to move on and write something else, but if you want to go back and revisit something you are always free to do so. Conversely if you want to move on in the story you don't have to wait on other writers to decide it's time to move on.

Write what you feel like writing when you feel like writing it. The first to post gets to be canon, and waiting around for someone else to post because you're afraid of stepping on toes serves no purpose but to stagnate the story. NeS thrives on the random and the absurd; planning, plot and character development are all fine, but you should approach NeS more like you would improv in a theater group than a normal writing exercise. Having plot and characters to draw and build upon enriches the experience. Being bound to plot and characters does not.
In Soviet ISB, NeS writes YOU!
2008-04-20, 10:44 PM #1140
My post definitely was never meant to end the screw-up! Floating donuts, NeS characters entering the Writer's Realm and threatening Geb - I can see the possibility for further screwing-up!

Basically the post was to further Thrawn, Calilmalith and Caspian's story. I haven'y been able to get them to HHoH (not completely sure what I will do with them once they are there) so I had to blame someone other than myself. Then that fateful moment where Geb the Writer is dragged away by three beautiful women, and here I had three wandering characters. Oh, joy! thought I. I have my patsy and his name is Geb the Writer (sorry, Gebohq).

It has also helped me to begin changing the emotional dynamic between Thrawn, Calilmalith and Caspian. Well, it may not seem so to the reader :confused: but in my head it is blindingly clear :cool: .

So in short TheBritt, as Granny Cal would say "Write your little cotton socks off, hon"!
Never give up, never surrender ... oh wait, I already have. Damn!

CaliWrite - bringing lurve to NeS. And taking it away.
2008-04-22, 7:06 AM #1141
Well that was all certainly calming, I have to confess :D. Geb has continually told me not to worry about it but to hear the other writers (uh... see) feels much better ;). I know we're meant to 'screw-up' the story, but I don't really want to because then this would be an awfully short run... :downswords: .

Anyway, I get the whole Writers/Characters interacting and wotnot, cheers. I'm still a little apprehensive about the 'ending' though. I mean, how do I know if someone wanted their post to be the end or not? I know that Antestarr's post was pretty 'end-inducing' but there was no 'END' comment or 'ewt, so I assumed it wasn't over. Will there be a 'The End' stamped on the final post? Will it be from Geb or can any writer do it? What if another writer disagrees with 'The End' stamp? >.>
2008-04-22, 7:30 PM #1142
Originally posted by TheBritt:

Anyway, I get the whole Writers/Characters interacting and wotnot, cheers. I'm no longer apprehensive about the 'ending' though. I understand it does not matter if someone wanted their post to be the end or not. I know that Antestarr's post was pretty 'end-inducing' but even if there was a 'END' comment or 'ewt, I could have assumed it wasn't over if I so chose. There will not be a 'The End' stamped on the final post. If I see Geb do it it will be April Fools.

Fixed. :awesome:

Seriously though, I've been writing for NeS for an embarrassingly long time, and it's seen writers fall and come back more times than even Geb can count (I myself am up to 4 I think). It has staying power for one very important reason- it waits for no-one. Don't ask permission before writing something, just write it. In all honesty all of the writers will never agree on the optimal flavor of doughnut, much less the end of the story, if only because the time it would take to check with them all will see half of them quit and come back five times. NeS is not written by committee, and the less you feel like you have to cater to other peoples' plot ideas and the wilder the tangents you're willing to take, the better off NeS will be.
In Soviet ISB, NeS writes YOU!
2008-04-24, 12:15 PM #1143
Why thank you for fixing that post for me, much appreciated XD;. Actually it did kinda help! Xp

Still, I understand everything but I'm still unsure about the ending XD. I mean, if I thought someone's post looked like the end, I wouldn't post. Or should I post in here saying like 'the end?'. Gah! I'm just going to look at the ends of the last threads... XDDDDD;;

Cheers though Sem :)
2008-04-24, 1:05 PM #1144
just keep in mind of the title of the story, and i think you'll get the picture.

and storyarcs just kind of run into eachother, some taking off some not.

we should bring back bert&ernie as villains. we havent seen them in a good long while.
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2008-04-24, 8:07 PM #1145
Ha! Good point! :p
Hmmm, I see.

Ah, more characters I don't know... :p.

Actually, come to think of it, does everyone think I've portrayed the characters okay? I feel I'm getting to know the little group with Soriel quite well, although I'm still unsure about Voodoo (fine with her alter ego though XD). Actually, speaking of the alter ego, what's it's name exactly? This Cadpill? I believe I remember Gebohq telling me he/she was a former general or something?
2008-04-24, 10:13 PM #1146
During the end of the last story arc, one of Sarn's personalities called Captain Cadpill, transfered to Voodoo.

Sarn has a mental disorder which causes him to live in a reality created in his own mind. Often, he sees himself as Captain Cadpill, captain of a starship in an alternate reality.

- Captain Sran Cadpill - Sran has no moral compass and acts on his own whims. He always has a goal for something and is not against hitting "below the belt" to achieve that goal. However, he will never act dirty without being able to justify himself. He is always surrounding himself with people who will stroke his ego, and will "promote" them accordingly. Of course in the real world these promotions mean nothing, but to Sran rank is of vital importance. Sran's arch-enemy is the evil Dr. Wass (who doesn't really exist), though his current whereabouts are unknown to Sran. This identity emerged at Sarn's recent re-emergance into the NeS.

Voodoo: Forgotten character, most of her past is unknown.

Resourceful: Uses what is around her.

Weapons: Improvised-you never know what can become a weapon. Example: once used a bunch of links of sausage as a whip.

Fears: Being forgotten again. Even though she would like to remember somethings in her past she also fears remembering things that she rather would not remember.

Voodoo can use her energy and/or focus energy around her to Heal others. Attempts so far have left her in a very weakened and vunerable state. Success or failure to heal a character is determined by things like story conventions and the will of the Writers. It is unknown if ability was taught it is just innate we do not know due to Voodoo's forgotten past.

If you mess with anything she cares about look out! Soriel just 'killed' her boyfriend. So yeah, she is probably is angry and scared and just keeping quiet for now and just waiting for the right moment to improvise and take action.

And she likes cute animals too.
2008-04-25, 11:22 AM #1147
Cheers Voodoo! I gathered most of Voodoo's info from her profile already, including the healing power. But I just couldn't find mention of Cadpill. I know now though, thank you for clearing that one up for me! :D

As for the direction Voodoo will take, that's up to someone else now I think :p.
2008-04-25, 2:08 PM #1148
Woo I has internets again!

48 hours without is way too long. D:

Regarding how you portray characters, different peoples' views are part of what define and make characters interesting. For instance, did you know that even before R.A.M. Pi, Geb used to be the bravest member of the party? If you really need a character to do something that the characters present wouldn't however there are a few basic fallbacks.

1) Several regular auxiliary characters exist which have loosely or undefined character motivations, such as The Tumbleweed (scroll down), Black & Decker T4500 4-Slice Toast-It-All Toaster, and even Rachel Ann Marie Pi. Also many "villains" really can be used in this way if they aren't involved in the present story arc. If they are, make some ridiculous excuse for why they've changed locations and it's all good. Don't hesitate to just write them in, as a good comedic entrance or exit can really make a post. And always remember Deus Ex Machina is usually forgivable if it fails to resolve the conflict at hand or is ridiculous enough to be worth a laugh.

2) Introduce a random audience member to participate in the action, and have the narrator make a quick joke about how bloody many of them there are. Last I checked we were counting them in base-36. Introducing z49q more random characters is a drop in the bucket, and there's nothing wrong with making them disposable (though any other writer is free to pick them up), so don't hesitate to breed more.

3) Main characters, particularly old main characters are more flexible than you probably think. Sem is literally designed to be a comic plot device, other characters can have breakdowns or hear voices, you can incarnate evil twins, clones manifestations of alternate personalities, or if all else fails break the 97th wall of NeS (the one that keeps hero characters from directly knowing what the actual writers want them to do).
In Soviet ISB, NeS writes YOU!
2008-05-02, 7:31 PM #1149
Well, looks like I'm back. Hopefully I didn't wreck anything. I've only read the current page, but good work everybody. Whenever I return to NeS I'm always like "great, now I have to read all these pages," but once I get down to it I always enjoy what you guys write.
2008-05-03, 5:54 AM #1150
Silly Tracer! In your absence, you seemed to have missed that this was the "screw up the NeS" storyarc, so yeah, you're all good. :) Hooray killer toaster! Hopefully I'll be back in the action soon, but I still got my school stuff to do. :(
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2008-05-06, 12:58 PM #1151
Semievil333 said:

48 hours without is way too long. D:
Lol! I went three years without! And still have week, maybe two-weeks away from it! Pity me... :saddowns:

Anyway, I took the liberty, thusly, to alter the clothing a bit of some of the characters for my post (Well, I changed two, but only mentioned one :p). I changed Ford out of his jeans, t-shirt getup (I'm sorry, but that whole outfit is getting a bit old after reading through the main NeS profiles, you know? XD) and into more apt robes, fitting for a wizardy type magey bloke.
The other I changed a bit was Sugerless, though much less and for the same reasons. I just popped her in a large, polar-necked sweater and tight, new jeans. Also changed her hair a bit, made it really long but in a ponytail.

I think I was actually given the go-ahead to define Rachel Pi by Geb, to be honest. Maybe just a version of her, I dunno. I did do a drawing for Facebook, I think. Changed her a wee bit since then though, gave her a more stylish haircut (again, not mentioned though). And she's now combined with this April Fool's character, I think she's more than she once was ;)

Aaaaaaaaand, I took the inititive and wrote in another new character; Magick Snowflakes :D. Looking forward to seeing Voodoo PG's reaction :D. I also took on board the 'biding her time' comment and included that when she bashes Soriel with Ford's book.

Naturally, I took the lead Tracer offered in his post to make the new character. I don't think I overstepped the boundary by making her related to someone else's? I suppose characters are less belonging to any one PG here anyway? :).

I've actually doodled the characters in the alien landscape group. And I mean doodled, they're on lined paper. Maybe I'll pop them in my DevArt scraps and post them up in here? They're just drawings to help me when describing them (especially with the new outfits for Ford and Sugerless.)

Ahhh, but I feel I'm posting too much!? I seem to be the 'every-other-post'er XD;.

Good luck with your College work Geb :tfti:.

Love the toaster, Tracer XD;. :psylon:

EDIT: Oh, should I make a profile for Magick Snowflakes? (Did ya like the name btw? Oh, I'm a genius... :p)
2008-05-28, 5:24 PM #1152
Originally posted by TheBritt:
Lol! I went three years without! And still have week, maybe two-weeks away from it! Pity me... :saddowns:

Anyway, I took the liberty, thusly, to alter the clothing a bit of some of the characters for my post (Well, I changed two, but only mentioned one :p). I changed Ford out of his jeans, t-shirt getup (I'm sorry, but that whole outfit is getting a bit old after reading through the main NeS profiles, you know? XD) and into more apt robes, fitting for a wizardy type magey bloke.
The other I changed a bit was Sugerless, though much less and for the same reasons. I just popped her in a large, polar-necked sweater and tight, new jeans. Also changed her hair a bit, made it really long but in a ponytail.

I think I was actually given the go-ahead to define Rachel Pi by Geb, to be honest. Maybe just a version of her, I dunno. I did do a drawing for Facebook, I think. Changed her a wee bit since then though, gave her a more stylish haircut (again, not mentioned though). And she's now combined with this April Fool's character, I think she's more than she once was ;)

Aaaaaaaaand, I took the inititive and wrote in another new character; Magick Snowflakes :D. Looking forward to seeing Voodoo PG's reaction :D. I also took on board the 'biding her time' comment and included that when she bashes Soriel with Ford's book.

Naturally, I took the lead Tracer offered in his post to make the new character. I don't think I overstepped the boundary by making her related to someone else's? I suppose characters are less belonging to any one PG here anyway? :).

I've actually doodled the characters in the alien landscape group. And I mean doodled, they're on lined paper. Maybe I'll pop them in my DevArt scraps and post them up in here? They're just drawings to help me when describing them (especially with the new outfits for Ford and Sugerless.)

Ahhh, but I feel I'm posting too much!? I seem to be the 'every-other-post'er XD;.

Good luck with your College work Geb :tfti:.

Love the toaster, Tracer XD;. :psylon:

EDIT: Oh, should I make a profile for Magick Snowflakes? (Did ya like the name btw? Oh, I'm a genius... :p)

You should definitely post your artwork. :)

Don't worry about the "writing every other post" biz. If other people aren't writing as much, that's their loss.

Anywhos, anything I can do to help get the rest of you writing s'more? >.>
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2008-05-28, 11:44 PM #1153
Please check out this thread:

It's part of my dastardly plan for the next story-arc that I've been meaning to do for years now. :ninja:
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2008-05-29, 9:26 PM #1154
I'm afraid I'm not one for table top games, and yours reminds me why; numbers/points and game mechanics, etc. It all just confuses me. Still, if I were going to play one, I'd play one that was about storywriting like this :p. Cool name for it though.

Like I say, not something for me, sorry to say. Good idea though :)

As for the pics, I'll see what I can do XD. I might have actually gone and binned those pics though >.>; They were on scraps of lined paper, you see ^^;
2008-05-31, 8:28 PM #1155
I'm with TheBritt on this. Something about the combination of the words game and rules makes my eyes glaze over and I start to drift off. However, I did manage to focus for long enough to see that the aim was to get people to write which is a neat concept. Go Geb, go!
Never give up, never surrender ... oh wait, I already have. Damn!

CaliWrite - bringing lurve to NeS. And taking it away.
2008-06-05, 9:51 PM #1156
Suddenly, a giant spam-ad falls from the sky onto a random part of the NeS. It read:
Good writing. Keep up the good work.
[/SIZE] I love this site, let's go together, seize everyday, just do it! Power level up, [/SIZE] Making more money . Runing a runescape gold store , A good beginning is a half done. Ms mesos, A new Age of conan . Good luck, and enjoy it![/SIZE][/quote]
2008-06-05, 10:03 PM #1157
If only the spambot had posted on the NeS story itself instead of the workshop thread, then we could have continued the spam bit for NeS in ruining the NeS. I suppose I could move it over...what do you all think?
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2008-06-07, 6:24 PM #1158
Alright peoples, I'm going to do a test run of sorts to see how you all would contribute to a wiki. I've set one up for the NeSi comic -- it'd be like a NeS wiki, except a lot shorter. You can find it here:

I'm most interested in seeing what you all like about this particular wiki set-up and what you don't like. It's open, so anybody can contribute. Let's see how this goes.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2008-06-10, 6:29 AM #1159
I don't really like the colour scheme. I think if you want white on black then you should loose the beige/pink text. The easyedit button and join this wiki button don't really fit in either (I assume they're intended for the usual black on white wiki thing).

An NeS wiki would be kind of neat. What are your goals with it? I'm not trying to talk you out of a good idea, just wondering how it would be different from the fairly extensive resources you've already got going in the first and second posts of this thread.

Also, sorry for not posting much lately. I got a summer job that was supposed to be part-time but I go in on the first day and I've got two weeks of full-time hours, and on top of that my brother's being kind of a jerk about sharing the computer. I'll try to step it up soon.
2008-06-10, 6:58 PM #1160
Originally posted by Tracer:
I don't really like the colour scheme. I think if you want white on black then you should loose the beige/pink text. The easyedit button and join this wiki button don't really fit in either (I assume they're intended for the usual black on white wiki thing).

An NeS wiki would be kind of neat. What are your goals with it? I'm not trying to talk you out of a good idea, just wondering how it would be different from the fairly extensive resources you've already got going in the first and second posts of this thread.

Also, sorry for not posting much lately. I got a summer job that was supposed to be part-time but I go in on the first day and I've got two weeks of full-time hours, and on top of that my brother's being kind of a jerk about sharing the computer. I'll try to step it up soon.

Honestly, the aesthetics aren't my favorite either. I was simply avoiding standard black text on white background, and this one seemed to be closest to the NeS comic page look (the site has a list of schemes to chose from).

My goal is just to have a more extensive, organized, easy-to-update-by-anyone version of what resources I already got set up here on the workshop and such. My goals are to 1) make it easy for anyone to update (I find most wikis aren't terribly friendly) and 2) make it easy to navigate and search for stuff. Ideally, this will also make the NeS more accessible to new people, whether they wish to be writers or not.

And it's cool, man. I'm working mostly full-time hours as well, and unlike you, my free time has been mostly distracted by Half-Life 2: Episode 2... :ninja:
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories

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