Today was like every other day. I woke up, showered, put on some clothes and went to school. I was walking to my first class, noting all the strange outfits today. I noticed Devin was off to the side, and Devin's my pal so I went over to him. Libby was there too, and before I even said heys I got assaulted with "FOREMAN! Thank God you're here!" from Libby. She calls me Foreman because she thought I looked like Eric Foreman off of that 70's show.
"Why is it so great I'm here?" I inquired, noting she was holding some stuff in her hands. "Because. I want someone to wear these clothes and Devin won't. And you're freaking skinny, why don't you?" she replied. She was asking this because, you see, today was cross-dress day at our school. I lack a sister or a mom who wears girly clothes, so I was destined to regular clothes. But Libby was there to brighten up my day.
She had some pants, and two shirts. I wanted the striped one, because it looked less girly. But she and Devin forced me into the ladybug shirt because it'd be more fun.
My friends rock.
Oh, and my mom didn't know about this until I got home. So she went "OH MY GOD WHAT IS WITH THOSE PANTS!?" and then she proceeded to call my dad (while laughing hysterically) and tell him. I think he's going to give me his "What the **** are you doing, you stupid sonova*****?" line when he gets home, and then I'm going back to regular T and jeans.
Oh and Dud will be proud to know there was a Junior there in a dress wearing nothing else. I think I'll work up to that in the years to come.
Edit- Gawd I've got the stupidest look on my faces in here. Sorry I look so stupid in the face.
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I had a blog. It sucked.