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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Camhoez
2006-09-01, 10:34 AM #1801
"You're fired" would be my guess.
Pissed Off?
2006-09-01, 10:34 AM #1802
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2006-09-01, 10:36 AM #1803
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He should post more.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2006-09-01, 10:38 AM #1804
Originally posted by Avenger:
"You're fired" would be my guess.


It's a porn store. How conservative can my female 40-something ex-marine New-Englander conservative manager be?

Besides, I'm probably gonna be talking colloquial slang all damn day just because of the hair.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2006-09-01, 10:42 AM #1805
Originally posted by BoricuaDelight:
Jepman 155


I post too much. :psyduck:
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-09-01, 10:43 AM #1806
Porn store? Well, nevermind then. :P

And it was a joke anyway. ;)
Pissed Off?
2006-09-01, 10:47 AM #1807
**** cuh, I be ****in with you. I know how to spot me some humor up in this *****, son. Word.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2006-09-01, 10:57 AM #1808
Alan, you realize you're white, right?
omnia mea mecum porto
2006-09-01, 10:58 AM #1809
Yeah, but he's almost black. You gotta admit.
"Well ain't that a merry jelly." - FastGamerr

"You can actually see the waves of me not caring in the air." - fishstickz
2006-09-01, 11:01 AM #1810
Yo, b. That's what you think, but dis wool what I be pullin ova yo eyes is that erry foto I post be a negative. OHHH WHAT.

(lol phoneticized ebonics)
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2006-09-01, 11:02 AM #1811
Just making sure...
omnia mea mecum porto
2006-09-01, 11:02 AM #1812
alan, you look like a wigger with aids
2006-09-01, 11:07 AM #1813

I don't know what you look like. I imagine it's a vortex of chaos and hatred.

and I got aids from the pool. Not my fault.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2006-09-01, 12:51 PM #1814
Ah, ebonics. Takes me back to my days in the Oakland Public School system. Good times. :)
Pissed Off?
2006-09-03, 2:54 PM #1815
me and the guys from high school.

and this is what my friends at college get me into haha.

im sending these to my dad. just to mess with him.
2006-09-03, 2:57 PM #1816
Disturbing, and that's putting it lightly.
2006-09-03, 3:17 PM #1817
well then you're probably a racist. and a homophobe.

or not. haha. but most likely you are.
2006-09-03, 3:31 PM #1818
I'm a post modern racist. I hate black people because its ironic.

(I can't remember where I stole that joke from).
2006-09-03, 3:37 PM #1819
cazor is gay
Last edited by mb; today at 10:55 AM.
2006-09-03, 4:50 PM #1820
Attachment: 13764/sartre.jpg (8,408 bytes)
I'm just a little boy.
2006-09-03, 5:01 PM #1821
Originally posted by CaveDemon:
cazor is gay

You know what, until I see pictures of him with an actual girlfriend, I will believe that. There are too many pictures of him doing disturbing stuff with guys or even himself (caz on caz with caz watching) on this thread. O.o
2006-09-03, 5:06 PM #1822
I see caz bein' a playa with the ladies too, so I think he's bi.

The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2006-09-03, 5:08 PM #1823
Cazor isn't gay or bi, he's myspace
2006-09-03, 5:10 PM #1824
he's youtube
2006-09-03, 5:16 PM #1825
he's myoutubespacian
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2006-09-03, 6:29 PM #1826
Do I have to go off on a rant of how much fun I had paintballing for 4 solid hours today? God.. I needed that so bad, I haven't played in like 4 months.

Oh and...Don't do drugs.
Attachment: 13771/PBMask.JPG (46,853 bytes)
I had a blog. It sucked.
2006-09-03, 6:44 PM #1827
ladies love battle scars and paintball bruises.
2006-09-03, 6:54 PM #1828
For a while there I thought you were wearing a medievel helmet and that fan in the background was a pauldron on your shoulder and I was all like "Whoa! Nice suit of armor!"
2006-09-03, 7:02 PM #1829
What's the award on the wall?
2006-09-03, 7:06 PM #1830

Farrmeerrsss taaannn.
Oberfeldwebel says: ..... You are the epitome of idiocy.
2006-09-03, 7:10 PM #1831
/me waits for the "omgscenekid" posts
2006-09-03, 7:12 PM #1832
Or not?
2006-09-03, 7:12 PM #1833
Originally posted by SiliconC:
/me waits for the "omgscenekid" posts

I was gonna put

Go ahead say it im a scenester.

But I was gonna wait and see if anyone would say anything....And yeah wooo! Whatever its cool though, people can call me scene I dont mind I dress how I want and have my hair how I want.
Oberfeldwebel says: ..... You are the epitome of idiocy.
2006-09-03, 7:14 PM #1834
That's good, man. We need more people that don't care.
2006-09-03, 7:18 PM #1835
Originally posted by SiliconC:
What's the award on the wall?

That's a plaque I got for winning third place in a speech contest. For a minute I thought it was my essay contest plaue, which is pretty cool actually. Not a regular "Wood with medallion" on it thing.
I had a blog. It sucked.
2006-09-03, 7:35 PM #1836
TDKLaguna you need a new hair cut bud.
2006-09-03, 7:39 PM #1837
Originally posted by Slayder:
TDKLaguna you need a new hair cut bud.

I'm actually growing it out...its in a awkward phase right now as im sure you can tell haha.
Oberfeldwebel says: ..... You are the epitome of idiocy.
2006-09-03, 7:42 PM #1838
Are you hemmoraging yet from the epicness on the radio?
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2006-09-03, 7:42 PM #1839
Well if you're going for a longer look that's ok but right now it looks a little emo... but of course if you're going for that look... well then you hit it.
2006-09-03, 7:43 PM #1840
Yes Glyde

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