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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Camhoez
2010-03-17, 2:33 PM #9041
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2010-03-17, 2:34 PM #9042
Get out in the sun much?
2010-03-17, 4:40 PM #9043
Not enough.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2010-03-17, 9:16 PM #9044
Attachment: 23638/8127_286214930061_770450061_9054561_8082085_n.jpg (61,897 bytes)
2010-03-17, 10:19 PM #9045
gbk kind of looks like Cave_Demon.
2010-03-23, 7:06 PM #9046
eye see you

playing with the focus on my webcam
Attachment: 23659/eye.jpg (55,719 bytes)
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2010-03-23, 7:14 PM #9047
Your eye looks very feminine.
2010-03-23, 7:20 PM #9048
I thought that was JG's eye.
2010-03-23, 10:07 PM #9049
Here's me sporting some rather nerdy glasses and some rather chapped lips on the set of a student film.
Attachment: 23660/26249_1397057414951_1487700034_31007431_6435056_n.jpg (41,561 bytes)
Think while it's still legal.
2010-03-23, 10:10 PM #9050
All you need are some payos and a yarmulke and you'd look like you were straight out of Williamsburg.
2010-03-23, 10:16 PM #9051
That would be awesome. When I cut my hair I should have left the jew.
Think while it's still legal.
2010-03-23, 10:17 PM #9052
I find it funny that SAJN posts the only photographs in this thread that are taken by someone who's a really good photographer...

Well... I guess I shouldn't go that far... they're taken by someone who has good optics on their camera.
>>untie shoes
2010-03-23, 10:21 PM #9053
I go to a film school - most of the people I hang out with have nice cameras. Sorry.
Think while it's still legal.
2010-03-23, 10:44 PM #9054
Having a nice camera doesn't mean you know what to do with it.

(I went to film school too)
>>untie shoes
2010-03-23, 10:48 PM #9055
When you have a camera that nice, and you're just out and about- there isn't much reason to spend time setting up nice shots. I don't think you are getting that people just snap photos sometimes, regardless of their camera. I'm really having a hard time figuring out why you even brought it up.
Think while it's still legal.
2010-03-23, 10:53 PM #9056
He's just jealous no one takes high quality pictures of him.
2010-03-23, 11:00 PM #9057
I was just making an observation. I was making a comment about the fact that the photos you post in this thread have been very high quality as of late. It's obvious your friend has very nice lenses.

If I really wanted to post high quality pictures of myself I could have my mother take some shots of me... being that she's a professional studio photographer.

EDIT: I'm not really sure why you're making a big deal out of it either. I was just making a simple observation.
>>untie shoes
2010-03-24, 5:18 AM #9058
hey baby.. nice lenses. >.>
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2010-03-24, 6:19 AM #9059
Originally posted by Antony:
EDIT: I'm not really sure why you're making a big deal out of it either. I was just making a simple observation.

SAJN interpreted your remark as you saying, in a mocking tone, that he's trying to look his best by only appearing in photos taken with high-quality cameras, and his reaction is somewhat understandable when taking into account his history of getting flak for his looks here at Massassi. On the other hand, his reaction would make more sense if you had placed your words in a different order, such as (instead of the original): "I find it funny that SAJN only posts photographs in this thread that are taken by someone who's a really good photographer..." This misinterpretation on his part may be attributed to the "to see what one expects to see based on past experience" effect, or it may simply be a consequence of an interrupted biological function, such as a lack of sleep.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2010-03-27, 9:22 AM #9060
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2010-03-27, 10:23 AM #9061
Posting 1600x1200 pixel photos of yourself is just asking for a photoshop...
2010-03-27, 10:33 AM #9062
All smiles.
Attachment: 23673/asdf.jpg (33,909 bytes)
2010-03-27, 10:49 AM #9063
haha sorry about that, cell phone cam's default res + not caring to resize on my clumsy netbook + massassi's automatic thumbnailing
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2010-04-01, 5:09 PM #9064
Attachment: 23729/deepchops.jpg (63,817 bytes)
2010-04-01, 7:09 PM #9065
Attachment: 23731/nelson sillhouettes.jpg (30,329 bytes)
2010-04-01, 7:28 PM #9066
There can be only 6!
2010-04-08, 1:58 PM #9067
At the Decew Falls gorge
Attachment: 23751/27236_380319072770_508672770_3818298_202109_n.jpg (107,075 bytes)
I'm just a little boy.
2010-04-13, 1:21 PM #9068
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2010-04-13, 2:42 PM #9069
Free world.
2010-04-13, 2:53 PM #9070
(and rockin')

(I have that album)
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2010-04-13, 3:22 PM #9071
Attachment: 23774/still.jpg (100,901 bytes)
>>untie shoes
2010-04-13, 3:26 PM #9072
Now in full HD, it seems.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2010-04-13, 3:27 PM #9073
Yeah it's a still from my video camera.
>>untie shoes
2010-04-13, 3:41 PM #9074
Originally posted by sugarless:
when I get back together with my college friends... well it's like we never left.

Your friend Mirthy is hot (or has potential to be). I believe I have mentioned this before. Resubmitting my request for more pictures of Mirthy. Through these, I will determine if she is worthy enough to bear my offspring.
2010-04-13, 3:47 PM #9075
Originally posted by ragna:
Your friend Mirthy is hot (or has potential to be). I believe I have mentioned this before. Resubmitting my request for more pictures of Mirthy. Through these, I will determine if she is worthy enough to bear my offspring.

2010-04-13, 3:47 PM #9076
Attachment: 23775/me webcam style.jpg (114,642 bytes)
Detty. Professional Expert.
Flickr Twitter
2010-04-13, 4:14 PM #9077
Originally posted by Baconfish:

Agree or disagree with first statement? :cool:
2010-04-13, 4:40 PM #9078
Originally posted by ragna:
Your friend Mirthy is hot (or has potential to be). I believe I have mentioned this before. Resubmitting my request for more pictures of Mirthy. Through these, I will determine if she is worthy enough to bear my offspring.

2010-04-13, 4:46 PM #9079
Me and Wife after a 4 hour (one way) hike to a waterfall. Apparently something funny had just happened.
Attachment: 23776/mewifehike.jpg (88,409 bytes)
2010-04-13, 4:47 PM #9080
Originally posted by ragna:
Agree or disagree with first statement? :cool:

You're supposed to do it with subtlety and innuendo you ****, that's how you don't come across as a creepy possible internet rapist.

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