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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Camhoez
2013-12-17, 2:35 PM #11161

2013-12-21, 2:20 PM #11162

its cold and im tired
2013-12-21, 3:30 PM #11163
2013-12-22, 1:22 PM #11164
2013-12-22, 8:03 PM #11165
LOL ;)
2013-12-24, 8:20 AM #11166
Giant face
Detty. Professional Expert.
Flickr Twitter
2014-01-01, 7:14 PM #11167

A small floating hat has been following me around. It's a bit disconcerting.
2014-01-08, 5:13 PM #11168
such concernd
very distance
much deep
2014-01-08, 10:56 PM #11169
I know I'm just being stupid, but that chair (?) reminds me of a guillotine for some reason. Without even looking like one or having, like, a blade on it. I mean, a blade would be pretty essential for a guillotine.

Well, maybe it's not a chair since it looks to be so high. But then what else would it be.

I'm sorry, I'm just out of it I guess, but I'm still thinking guillotine...
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2014-01-08, 11:57 PM #11170
you're right, it is a chair. my pa makes furniture.
2014-01-09, 5:53 AM #11171
Looks like Charles Rennie Mackintosh.
2014-01-09, 8:27 AM #11172
Originally posted by Krokodile:
I know I'm just being stupid, but that chair (?) reminds me of a guillotine for some reason.

That was kinda my first train of thought except that I was wondering if someone could fit their head in between the bars, which there would not be much of a reason to do that either but........ If your dad doesn't make guillotines I think he could go into the business. :)
- Paranoia is simply having more information then everyone else -
- Ignorance is bliss, but knowing what you know, would you forget it to go back? -
2014-01-09, 9:45 AM #11173
Originally posted by Dash_rendar:

You've got a machine... seal?
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2014-01-09, 11:14 AM #11174
Originally posted by Baconfish:
Looks like Charles Rennie Mackintosh.

It is! You rock for getting that. He is heavily influenced by Charles Rennie Mackintosh, he even did a 1:1 recreation of a clock he made in the early 1900's. Check his stuff out!

srsly so pumped you got that :awesome:
2014-01-09, 1:40 PM #11175
I'm Scottish, dude. Mackintosh is like our most famous architect/artist etc, you can spot his style a mile off. :P

Also, I went to the Glasgow School of Art a few years ago, he designed the whole building!

Your dad's stuff is sweet, I love the lightbox!
2014-01-09, 9:39 PM #11176

2014-01-13, 1:36 AM #11177
O.o @ Squirrel King. :D

* * *

The little one is crazy too.
2014-01-13, 6:42 AM #11178
squirrel king looks like jack bauer just about to xplode.
2014-01-27, 3:28 PM #11179
Because haircut.
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2014-01-28, 6:21 AM #11180
I approve of the books in the bg. :)
2014-02-01, 3:57 PM #11181
Went for a bike race in the mountains :)

After the point I would be riding alone for the next 2 1/2 hrs...27 people in front of me, 40 or so behind me
"You want the truth?! You can't handle the truth!! No truth-handler you!! Bah!! I deride your truth-handling ability!!"
2014-03-30, 3:57 PM #11182

Viva la libertá! :D
2014-03-30, 9:49 PM #11183
Christ, that shirt. Go away.
>>untie shoes
2014-03-30, 9:52 PM #11184
Originally posted by Koobie:

Viva la libertá! :D

You put the wrong one in your mouth.
2014-03-30, 9:55 PM #11185
Why don't you go and **** yourself, Joncey.
At least you'll finally have sex with someone who loves you.
2014-03-30, 9:59 PM #11186
i'm convinced joncey has had more sex with people who love him than you have had sex with people
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2014-03-30, 10:02 PM #11187
High school "accidental" buttsex doesn't count.
2014-03-30, 10:05 PM #11188
And one more, before CM bans everyone. :D

2014-03-30, 10:15 PM #11189
Koobie is the answer to the hypothetical question: What would have happened if Jonathan Lipnicki would have grown up and gotten addicted to narcotics instead of steroids?
>>untie shoes
2014-03-30, 10:19 PM #11190
I'm not addicted to narcotics. Alcohol is a narcotic. Marijuana is not a narcotic. Also, I am not addicted ... I looked up this Jonathan guy, and damn, I need to pump more.
2014-03-30, 10:48 PM #11191
Originally posted by Koobie:
I'm not addicted to narcotics. Alcohol is a narcotic. Marijuana is not a narcotic.

The INCB Yellow List disagrees with everything you said here.
>>untie shoes
2014-03-30, 11:04 PM #11192
Originally posted by Koobie:
Also, I am not addicted ...
ASAM disagrees, you are 5 for 5 on characterization, 4 for 5 on behavioral manifestations, 3 for 3 on cognitive changes and seems like 3 for 3 on emotional changes, but I'm not sure you had much of that to work with before.

I looked up this Jonathan guy, and damn, I need to pump more.
Why? Are you abusing steroids too?
2014-03-30, 11:05 PM #11193
Originally posted by Antony:
The INCB Yellow List disagrees with everything you said here.

Good for the INCB Yellow List! Thank **** it doesn't actually make marijuana a narcotic, I guess. :)

Joncey, I thought you were busy ****ing yourself. The love of your life is waiting for you! If you want to make a thread about how much you dislike me, please do it ... in a separate thread. Thanks.
2014-03-30, 11:16 PM #11194
Originally posted by Koobie:
Joncey, I thought you were busy ****ing yourself. The love of your life is waiting for you!
You seem pretty quick to jump to accusations of self-love. Not really surprising. Smug expression, hands in pockets with thumbs bracketing the genitals, on the balls of your feet with your shoulders rolled forward, not typical body language for someone of modest means. I think when you finish cracking you'll be a Napoleon.
2014-03-30, 11:21 PM #11195
When I Google search for Jon'C all I get is this:


Looks pretty damn close to how I imagine you. :)

Minus the tattoos, of course, those require a certain amount of pain tolerance.
2014-03-30, 11:26 PM #11196
If it's all the same to you I'll go ahead and base my claims on what an actual international governing body says as opposed to what I found when I clicked on the search result on Google. I'm well aware of the fact that it is not the same type of substance as morphine or heroin. I'm speaking in general terms here, kind of like when I said that you are obstinate and you simply read the dictionary definition of the word back to me without understanding how it applies to the situation at hand.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised that your reading comprehension is this bad.
>>untie shoes
2014-03-30, 11:33 PM #11197
Originally posted by Koobie:
When I Google search for Jon'C all I get is this:


Looks pretty damn close to how I imagine you. :)

Minus the tattoos, of course, those require a certain amount of pain tolerance.

Well, the way I imagined you is as someone who dresses poorly, cuts his own hair, and doesn't know how to pick out frames. You win some, you lose some.
2014-03-30, 11:33 PM #11198
Originally posted by Antony:
If it's all the same to you I'll go ahead and base my claims on what an actual international governing body says as opposed to what I found when I clicked on the search result on Google. I'm well aware of the fact that it is not the same type of substance as morphine or heroin. I'm speaking in general terms here, kind of like when I said that you are obstinate and you simply read the dictionary definition of the word back to me without understanding how it applies to the situation at hand.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised that your reading comprehension is this bad.

Narcotics induce sleep-like effects and numbness of body and mind.
Morphine is a narcotic. Alcohol is a narcotic.
LSD, shrooms, cannabis, mescaline, DMT, etc. are psychedelics.
Legally, any banned substance can be counted as a narcotic.
This is why alcohol is not listed there, even though it is actually a narcotic, unlike the substances I'd listed.
But you're right; it's all the same to me what you base your claims on. :)
2014-03-30, 11:35 PM #11199
I like how you can always tell when Koobie plagiarizes parts of his posts, because he can never figure out how to paste as plain text.
2014-03-30, 11:35 PM #11200
It's a good thing pot is never prescribed to treat chronic pain or insomnia, because if that was the case you would look really ****ing dumb.
>>untie shoes

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