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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Camhoez
2007-06-17, 8:59 PM #3321
man jubblies.
If my smoking bothers you, don't breathe.
2007-06-17, 9:02 PM #3322
Attachment: 16465/jubjub.jpg (102,077 bytes)
Think while it's still legal.
2007-06-17, 9:53 PM #3323
yay, bored
Attachment: 16466/DSCN0226.JPG (10,897 bytes)
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2007-06-17, 10:56 PM #3324
Originally posted by Emon:
You and your hair are still ugly and losing weight will not help you get chicks at college.

I have to disagree. I too have lost 20 lbs (since mid April) and my chick action has steadily gone up since that time. Unless you are talking about just SAJN and not a general ratio of losing weight/gaining chicks.
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2007-06-17, 11:18 PM #3325
Taken in my driveway yesterday morning. Not me, but let's not get too picky, eh? He was being camwhore-ish enough for this thread.
2007-06-17, 11:20 PM #3326
If you really want to see your level of chick magnetism go up, You should join the Army. Be sure you get Jump School put in your contract, too.

Airborne = 100,000,000+ chick mag points
If my smoking bothers you, don't breathe.
2007-06-17, 11:44 PM #3327
Oh my God, this thread turned into another "OMG SAJN HAS FATS OMG LULZ" argument? Just after... 1 page?

Gone are the good old days indeed.

...and that was a couple of years ago too. Hm.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2007-06-18, 2:10 AM #3328
Originally posted by FastGamerr:
Gone are the good old days indeed.

Ahh yes.

The days before Warlockmish, Tiberium_Empire. The time when SAJN_Master was still banned.

Those were the times of our e-lives.
2007-06-18, 2:28 AM #3329
Originally posted by Rob:
Ahh yes.

The days before Warlockmish, Tiberium_Empire. The time when SAJN_Master was still banned.

Those were the times of our e-lives.

You should go write a poem about it. And then cut yourself.
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2007-06-18, 2:29 AM #3330
Originally posted by SiliconC:
I thought you were away at college? [or something similar] I'll be in the cities a few times this summer, we should partake.

home for the summer. deff get a hold of me when you're gonna be back. after this summer im moving to LA. haha. by myself. ahahaha...
2007-06-18, 2:31 AM #3331
Originally posted by tonystockert:
home for the summer. deff get a hold of me when you're gonna be back. after this summer im moving to LA. haha. by myself. ahahaha...

You did NOT switch away from Cazor you ridiculous man! :gbk:
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2007-06-18, 5:46 AM #3332
youre god damned right i did.


this shirt is ten times more amazing than you could possibly comprehend with 100% of your brain.
2007-06-18, 6:18 AM #3333
That shirt is...I...don't....I mean....:eek:
2007-06-18, 6:26 AM #3334
Originally posted by tonystockert:
home for the summer. deff get a hold of me when you're gonna be back. after this summer im moving to LA. haha. by myself. ahahaha...

You'll have to tell me how you afford that..

I've been trying to move out to the west coast for about three years.
2007-06-18, 6:30 AM #3335
2007-06-18, 6:33 AM #3336
His landlord agreed to let him pay his bill in ego.

(lol jay/kay gaiz)
Think while it's still legal.
2007-06-18, 6:34 AM #3337
Originally posted by tonystockert:
youre god damned right i did.

this shirt is ten times more amazing than you could possibly comprehend with 100% of your brain.

Noice ****ing t-shirt mate; Noice shirt.
2007-06-18, 7:20 AM #3338
Originally posted by saberopus:
Taken in my driveway yesterday morning. Not me, but let's not get too picky, eh? He was being camwhore-ish enough for this thread.

Ok, I'll bite. What's a peacock doing in your driveway?

[Cool shirt, Caz]
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2007-06-18, 11:03 AM #3339
There's 3 wild ones around here that have been in our driveway (and on our roof) a few times.
2007-06-18, 3:45 PM #3340
Originally posted by 82nd_Fister:
If you really want to see your level of chick magnetism go up, You should join the Army. Be sure you get Jump School put in your contract, too.

Airborne = 100,000,000+ chick mag points

Yes but don't go to the same bars as the Marines because all the girls will leave with us.

Marine Pirates>soldiers.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2007-06-18, 4:06 PM #3341
I seem to remember a Marine Artillery battery at Fort Sill in Okalahoma which was right next to where I trained. We always went out on the weekends and They were the ones getting their asses kicked, not us.

Course.. We were just red legs then, not Paratroopers.
If my smoking bothers you, don't breathe.
2007-06-18, 4:41 PM #3342
I know a lot a girls who won't even touch a paratrooper (or a MP for that matter.) It's all in the stereotype they have for sleeping around...of course this is the same for most military guys, but just more so for MPs and Paratroopers. My boyfriend (he's in the Army) says from all he has seen from deployment and such, that the stereotype pretty much holds true. I just felt like throwing that in there.


Look! A cat. >_>
Attachment: 16473/fat cat.jpg (40,655 bytes)
"Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it."
2007-06-18, 4:51 PM #3343
I hate MP's. They are the most over zealous lot I have ever seen.

You'll be driving around F.t. Bragg and they'll be like "OMGZORZ U R DRIVIN 1MPH OVER TEH SPEEDLIMIT! DIEPLZ"

They pull you over for NOTHING.

My Fiancee got pulled over for "Speeding" out of the gate at Bragg. You have to stop there so they can check your ID. She wasn't going more than 10MPH and this fat *** MP pulled her over for speeding. She didn't get a ticket, he let her off with a warning, but wtf.

And then I got pulled over one night for going through a stoplight when the thing was Yellow, and was still yellow when I went under it.

On another note, Paratroopers created sex. That's why we get the manwhore rep. I've only been with 2 females, though, and one of them is my fiancee.

The other was a she-beast who raped me of my virginity :(
If my smoking bothers you, don't breathe.
2007-06-18, 5:27 PM #3344
Yeah...I hate driving on base. I'm super cautious and drive about three under the speed limit as a rule.

I think most military guys get a bad rep, but it does fit for a lot of them. I lucked out with my guy, but I've dated Air Force guys in the past that were terrible as they constantly cheated on me. Apparently Air Force wives have just as bad a reputation as military guys here though.
"Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it."
2007-06-18, 5:49 PM #3345
What base is your boyfriend stationed at?
If my smoking bothers you, don't breathe.
2007-06-18, 6:08 PM #3346
More camhoezing plz. kthxdie
Attachment: 16474/Jun12_09.JPG (35,739 bytes)
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2007-06-18, 6:14 PM #3347
What follows is the best T-shirt I have seen in the 5 hours since midnight.


Also, the song Ephiphany by Staind is the most amazing song I have heard since midnight.

That is all.
If my smoking bothers you, don't breathe.
2007-06-18, 6:30 PM #3348
Originally posted by 82nd_Fister:
I seem to remember a Marine Artillery battery at Fort Sill in Okalahoma which was right next to where I trained. We always went out on the weekends and They were the ones getting their asses kicked, not us.

Course.. We were just red legs then, not Paratroopers.

Thats cus they were pogues man, freaking pogues.

Haha, my friends in the nasty guard here who have their wings and myself love to fight over who is better in front of total or relative strangers. It's just so hilarious.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2007-06-18, 6:38 PM #3349
You should come down to Bragg sometime and drink with me.
If my smoking bothers you, don't breathe.
2007-06-18, 7:32 PM #3350
Im posting my picture
2007-06-18, 7:56 PM #3351
Originally posted by 82nd_Fister:
What base is your boyfriend stationed at?

He's in the Guard, but we're in the same city as Kirtland AFB.
"Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it."
2007-06-18, 8:58 PM #3352
What is his job?
If my smoking bothers you, don't breathe.
2007-06-18, 9:23 PM #3353
Originally posted by 82nd_Fister:
What follows is the best T-shirt I have seen in the 5 hours since midnight.


Mine's better. :P
Attachment: 16477/Untitled.jpg (15,784 bytes)
Pissed Off?
2007-06-18, 9:28 PM #3354
If my smoking bothers you, don't breathe.
2007-06-18, 9:36 PM #3355
hey everyone look! 82nd fister is catching up with internet trends! :suicide:
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2007-06-18, 9:38 PM #3356
Lol but he's in the army so he's cool! lolz.
>>untie shoes
2007-06-18, 9:46 PM #3357
I think it's funny how he went from being an acne covered forum troll to an acne covered forum I'M IN THE MILITARY, THAT MAKES ME BETTER, I'M ABOVE LAWS, AN AN IRRESISTABLE SEX MACHINE GOD MAN GOD guy.
2007-06-18, 9:46 PM #3358

I know, I look like a turd.. :\

This was taken back in April when a photographer came to our little COP(Central operating post) and took some pictures.

I was working with the crappy equipment we had at the time and he came walking into our area and said "Omgz leik ur workin out? lol can I take sum pix?" I never thought he'd post them on the internet.. :\ <-- the rest of the pictures he took.
If my smoking bothers you, don't breathe.
2007-06-18, 9:57 PM #3359
Originally posted by 82nd_Fister:
What is his job?

He was a Radar Technician in D.C. at Clear Skies (or something that sounds like Clear Skies...Blue Skies?) for awhile. He came back and (by some miracle) avoided getting shipped out to Iraq with the rest of his unit by auditioning into the Army band as a bassist.
"Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it."
2007-06-18, 10:04 PM #3360
Rob's just jealous. ;)
If my smoking bothers you, don't breathe.

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