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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Camhoez
2008-06-11, 6:05 AM #6201
As nice as tomatoes are in toasties their thermal inertia screws over the experience as you wait upon the tomatoes to reach non-scalding temperatures before you can eat it. In the meantime dehydration by salivation becomes a real concern.
2008-06-11, 7:46 AM #6202
Grilled cheese is best with rye bread and some white cheese.
2008-06-11, 8:54 AM #6203
me fiancee.
Attachment: 19513/Anna1.jpg (123,473 bytes)
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2008-06-11, 10:19 AM #6204
Awesome! :D
Naked Feet are Happy Feet
2008-06-11, 1:28 PM #6205
Originally posted by DrkJedi82:
what do you expect... a gay kid in football gear...

The gay kids wouldn't enjoy tight trousers and grappling with the other boys?

2008-06-11, 1:35 PM #6206
Ford: your fiancee looks ready to kick someone's ***. >.>
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2008-06-11, 2:14 PM #6207
Originally posted by Gebohq:
Ford: your fiancee looks ready to kick someone's ***. >.>

She probably just found out about Massassi.

Though I guess that would be more a look of horror than anger.
2008-06-11, 2:37 PM #6208
nah, she just hates having her picture taken.
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2008-06-12, 12:22 AM #6209
She looks eeriely a lot like you.

Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2008-06-15, 2:25 PM #6210
Speaking of FastGamerr, I met him the other day!
Attachment: 19526/finn.jpg (15,498 bytes)
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2008-06-15, 3:37 PM #6211
Fins need sunglasses?
Back again
2008-06-15, 4:31 PM #6212
My Parkour blog
My Twitter. Follow me!
2008-06-15, 8:50 PM #6213
missing *** hair
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2008-06-15, 9:21 PM #6214
2008-06-15, 9:22 PM #6215
i shoot you with paint
gbk is 50 probably

2008-06-15, 9:23 PM #6216
2008-06-21, 4:23 AM #6217
My levels
2008-06-21, 6:45 AM #6218
Purple Lotus owns all.
Attachment: 19570/purpleshirt.jpg (78,254 bytes)
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2008-06-21, 8:55 AM #6219
twitter | flickr | | facebook |
2008-06-21, 4:37 PM #6220
getting off the plane
Attachment: 19573/n65300615_30305211_4776.jpg (53,456 bytes)
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2008-06-21, 4:52 PM #6221
Originally posted by sugarless5:
getting off the plane

Which trip was this- the Europe one?
2008-06-21, 5:41 PM #6222
Originally posted by sugarless5:
getting off the plane

I love how you can always spot a theater person a mile away.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2008-06-21, 5:48 PM #6223
Originally posted by Emon:
I love how you can always spot a theater person a mile away.

The old lady behind her?
2008-06-21, 5:49 PM #6224
Originally posted by IRG SithLord:
The old lady behind her?

That's only like 30 feet away...
2008-06-21, 5:54 PM #6225
I guess Emon has X-ray vision or somethin.
2008-06-21, 6:08 PM #6226
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2008-06-21, 9:28 PM #6227
But sugarless is a music (voice) person.
2008-06-21, 9:39 PM #6228
Musicals are theater, too.

Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2008-06-22, 4:21 AM #6229
f3ar my pasty white british body!

This is me getting ready for mightboosh!!! :XD:

[edit] removed nipples for sensitive members
Attachment: 19576/n577632234_540563_8596.jpg (38,443 bytes)
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2008-06-22, 6:06 AM #6230
2008-06-22, 7:34 AM #6231
Originally posted by Emon:
I love how you can always spot a theater person a mile away.

I laughed outloud. It's so true, especially of sugarless.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2008-06-22, 9:31 AM #6232
Originally posted by Ruthven:
sensitive members

2008-06-22, 12:47 PM #6233
I have no idea what you guys could be talking about :P

Yeah, it was the Vienna trip this spring.
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2008-06-24, 3:12 AM #6234
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2008-06-24, 7:34 AM #6235
Your acne is looking much gone! Congrats.

(I still think you should have done a day-by-day picture...)
My Parkour blog
My Twitter. Follow me!
2008-06-24, 8:40 AM #6236
Looking good, Krok, now all you need to do is smile more.
2008-06-24, 10:13 AM #6237
2008-06-25, 9:35 AM #6238
Im packing my apartment and I found a bunch of stuff that I kind of almost forgot I had!

3d sunglasses (from seeing some 3d movie for my 3d class >_>) a mr burns bobblehead, $35 canadian, Star Wars/2001 Space Odyssey and Frank Zappa vinyl albums!
Attachment: 19629/Photo 23.jpg (115,245 bytes)
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2008-06-25, 9:39 AM #6239
Originally posted by mb:
3d sunglasses (from seeing some 3d movie for my 3d class >_>)

in your 3d school in your 3d world
gbk is 50 probably

2008-06-25, 9:40 AM #6240
I'll take that useless Canadian money off your hands, if you want.

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