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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Camhoez
2010-09-01, 10:07 AM #9561
My Parkour blog
My Twitter. Follow me!
2010-09-01, 3:12 PM #9562
Originally posted by happydud:
Er... what? This was taken with a Nikon D90. Not a cameraphone...

I just got an HTC as well. Awesome stuff! :awesome:
2010-09-01, 4:12 PM #9563
My HTC Incredible IS amazing, but it is not relevant to this conversation!!! :psyduck::psyduck::psyduck:
My Parkour blog
My Twitter. Follow me!
2010-09-01, 6:54 PM #9564
YOU'RE INCREDIBLE : )))))))))))))))
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2010-09-01, 9:02 PM #9565
Originally posted by happydud:
My HTC Incredible IS amazing, but it is not relevant to this conversation!!! :psyduck::psyduck::psyduck:

No I will NOT comment on ur li'l ninja pic -_-
2010-09-02, 4:29 AM #9566
But he's about to punch some whale embryos!
2010-09-15, 8:53 PM #9567
Phone camera effects for the win.
Attachment: 24326/FxCam_1284608000314.jpg (13,739 bytes)
2010-09-15, 9:01 PM #9568
Originally posted by Flirbnic:
Drinking my homemade wine.

Good day, citizen.
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2010-09-15, 9:15 PM #9569
might have posted this here before, not sure.

st pattys day picture.

who can guess which one I am?

Edit.....I was trying to figure out how to do a delayed picture ,but I fuxed it up and made it only display green, by accident, so that's wicked awesome.
Attachment: 24329/pattys.jpg (69,076 bytes)
2010-09-16, 2:06 AM #9570
You're the kneeling dude doing the victory signal...but why iis this a "guess which" when we've seen you before? :P
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2010-09-16, 4:06 AM #9571
I dunno, I suck at recognizing people. I guess I figure everyone else does too.
2010-09-17, 6:47 AM #9572
Originally posted by Squirrel King:
st pattys day picture.

PADDY. The short version of Patrick is Paddy.

that is all.
<spe> maevie - proving dykes can't fly

<Dor> You're levelling up and gaining more polys!
2010-09-17, 8:31 AM #9573
Originally posted by maevie:
PADDY. The short version of Patrick is Paddy.

that is all.

That does my ****ing nut in every year. :argh:
2010-09-17, 10:48 AM #9574
to celebrate going back to college: ****faced wiv friend pictures that everyone loves to look at!

had a good year so far :awesome:
2010-09-17, 11:00 AM #9575
Hey, Zell, are those your roommates in the last picture?
And do they take the BJ on the wall seriously?
My blawgh.
2010-09-17, 12:02 PM #9576
they're my friends, and BJ is the initials of one of them.

but yeah they like cock. :awesome: not mine though, they lean towards black guys.
2010-09-17, 12:36 PM #9577
The one in the orange totally fiends for the dark-log of love.
Think while it's still legal.
2010-09-17, 12:44 PM #9578
So does the one in the plaid shorts
2010-09-17, 1:08 PM #9579
the one in the plaid shorts is available gentlemen :tfti:
2010-09-17, 2:19 PM #9580
Oh ya let me get a piece of that
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2010-09-18, 11:42 AM #9581
Attachment: 24340/josh.jpg (291,387 bytes)
2010-09-18, 12:33 PM #9582
Attachment: 24341/pope protest.jpg (313,210 bytes)
<spe> maevie - proving dykes can't fly

<Dor> You're levelling up and gaining more polys!
2010-09-18, 12:49 PM #9583
ooh red. I approve. :D
2010-09-18, 1:31 PM #9584
Originally posted by maevie:

I recognise where that is, but I can't pinpoint it and it's bugging the crap out of me.

Opposite the Sherton on Lothian road, next to the big tv?
2010-09-18, 2:31 PM #9585
I'm sick... and one of my friends conveniently managed to capture a photo of me coughing up a lung!
Attachment: 24342/59974_1458020893613_1326090347_31301393_1210695_n.jpg (62,926 bytes)
2010-09-18, 3:03 PM #9586
Originally posted by Baconfish:
I recognise where that is, but I can't pinpoint it and it's bugging the crap out of me.

Opposite the Sherton on Lothian road, next to the big tv?

bingo. Festival Square. The big screen had a message saying "during the visit of the pope, this screen has been turned off for security reasons"
a) WTF?
b) it was obviously on, as it was displaying the message...
<spe> maevie - proving dykes can't fly

<Dor> You're levelling up and gaining more polys!
2010-09-18, 3:08 PM #9587
Festival Square, I knew that place had a proper name! :P
2010-09-18, 3:34 PM #9588
Originally posted by JLee:

jeans too baggy, t-shirt too small.
2010-09-18, 3:53 PM #9589
Originally posted by ragna:
jeans too baggy, t-shirt too small.

thanks. tshirt used to fit...3 months ago.... :neckbeard:

I need to go through my clothes and toss what's too small...but that means I have to go buy new stuff and I have ZERO fashion sense. :(
2010-09-18, 7:02 PM #9590
Originally posted by JLee:
thanks. tshirt used to fit...3 months ago.... :neckbeard:

You're doing it wrong. You're supposed to be offended. Ragna is here to offend you and others, because that's what cool people do on the internet.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2010-09-18, 10:11 PM #9591
Originally posted by maevie:

Can it be considered theft if they won't give me my sins back?
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2010-09-19, 12:05 AM #9592
Originally posted by Krokodile:
You're doing it wrong. You're supposed to be offended. Ragna is here to offend you and others, because that's what cool people do on the internet.


I'm too busy being awesome to be indignant. :psyduck:
2010-09-19, 12:10 AM #9593
JLee's not far from

Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2010-09-19, 6:04 AM #9594
i was bored after work yesterday...and my nose looks really big oddly
Attachment: 24343/163944295.jpg (113,838 bytes)
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2010-09-19, 7:29 AM #9595
I say the shirt's not too small exactly... The tightness is no problem, it's the length that's the problem.. Needs like another 2-3 inches. (please no penis jokes)
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2010-09-19, 8:57 AM #9596
ARGH! stuipd Twins.

#1. I live in cleveland.

#2. I dont care much about baseball.

#3. i vaguely like the Indians. Enough to get kind of excited when they're doing well, but not enough to care when they're not.

#4. Some how out of the 10 or so MLB games i've been to in my life, 8 of them have been against the Twins. This is purely by chance, since i only go when people offer me tickets.
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2010-09-19, 9:28 AM #9597
I think Genki is slowly transforming into a cartoon character.
I'm just a little boy.
2010-09-19, 7:54 PM #9598
Originally posted by Krokodile:
You're doing it wrong. You're supposed to be offended. Ragna is here to offend you and others, because that's what cool people do on the internet.

baby tonight, the dj got us fallin in love again
2010-09-19, 8:23 PM #9599
Originally posted by genk:
i was bored after work yesterday...and my nose looks really big oddly

lol Joe Mauer
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2010-09-19, 9:14 PM #9600
Originally posted by Sarn_Cadrill:
I say the shirt's not too small exactly... The tightness is no problem, it's the length that's the problem.. Needs like another 2-3 inches. (please no penis jokes)

[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.

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