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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Camhoez
2011-07-06, 6:13 PM #10281
He's european.
2011-07-06, 6:38 PM #10282
No Baconfish, everything in the world revolves around my own narrow cultural views!
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2011-07-06, 6:39 PM #10283
2011-07-06, 7:38 PM #10284
Have not figures out how to post images from my gallery here, or if its possible. Image a blot of red.Yes, I forgot to use sunblock on my vacation.
2011-07-07, 12:02 AM #10285
From several months ago. Hair cut didn't turn out well, too round.

Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2011-07-07, 5:12 AM #10286
Originally posted by ragna:
A neckerchief? Are you f-f-f-****ing serious? Actually, you are probably above-average looking among Massassians, just lose that stupid-ass thing on your neck Tony... (edited out my last part cause I had a change of heart (seemed too caustic, even for me).

The neckerchief thing was given to us at the start of a teambuilding event by the guys who work there. The event was AWESOME (our TL took photos w/ his ****ty work BB cuz was too afraid of damaging his iPhone, most of the pics are too blurry to post).

More vids:

2011-07-07, 9:10 AM #10287
Seriously, am I the only one who sees the Mentalist in Koobie?
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2011-07-07, 9:27 AM #10288
Not as hot, but close. Add a neckerchief and you almost get there. Anyway, yeah he surly reminds me of a short simon baker.
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "
2011-07-07, 10:10 AM #10289
Originally posted by ragna:
A neckerchief? Are you f-f-f-****ing serious? Actually, you are probably above-average looking among Massassians, just lose that stupid-ass thing on your neck Tony... (edited out my last part cause I had a change of heart (seemed too caustic, even for me).)

Also, Mentat kinda looks like SiliconC but with facial hair.

how old are you?
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2011-07-07, 10:40 AM #10290
I like how he replied by posting a video of him doing something way more badass than ragna probably ever does
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2011-07-07, 12:06 PM #10291

oh god oh god oh god oh goooooddddddd-
2011-07-07, 12:59 PM #10292
Originally posted by mb:
how old are you?

how old are you?

Originally posted by Emon:
I like how he replied by posting a video of him doing something way more badass than ragna probably ever does

it's not really that badass (read: go out more).
2011-07-07, 1:06 PM #10293
Originally posted by ragna:
how old are you?

I think his point is that you're an immature, judgemental prick that projects your own incorrect perceptions onto everyone else. Several times now you've seriously tried to give "advice" to people in this thread based on what you think they "should look like."

Originally posted by ragna:
it's not really that badass (read: go out more).

It was a damn good response to what you thought was "sissy ****." Also I like your veiled attempt at downplaying his experience.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2011-07-07, 1:49 PM #10294
Originally posted by ragna:
it's not really that badass (read: go out more).

Okay, let me correct Emon for you. You don't need to get out more, you need to get out and practice socializing more. A lot more. Or... at all, really.
2011-07-07, 2:06 PM #10295
Originally posted by Emon:
It was a damn good response to what you thought was "sissy ****." Also I like your veiled attempt at downplaying his experience.

I wasn't trying to downplay his experience, but that it was laughable you would call it something so badass as if your regular joe schmoe couldn't do it, LOL.

Originally posted by Cool Matty:
Okay, let me correct Emon for you. You don't need to get out more, you need to get out and practice socializing more. A lot more. Or... at all, really.

No comment.
2011-07-07, 2:35 PM #10296
Originally posted by ragna:
as if your regular joe schmoe couldn't do it, LOL.

Don't be an idiot, of course it's not. But it's not "sissy wears a scarf" or whatever other crap you were thinking of
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2011-07-08, 1:13 AM #10297
Originally posted by Emon:
Don't be an idiot, of course it's not. But it's not "sissy wears a scarf" or whatever other crap you were thinking of

Also, never said it was "sissy ****" or "sissy wears a scarf". And then you lost all relevance. Shoo fly.
2011-07-08, 10:48 AM #10298
My Daughter and I the last time I got to see her, back in August.
"It sounds like an epidemic."
"Look, I don't know what that means. But it happens all the time." - Penny Arcade
2011-07-08, 12:26 PM #10299
cute kid! she looks like she is going to start a fire with telekinesis...pyrokinesis??
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2011-07-08, 1:38 PM #10300
Go on then.

I never would've put my picture on Massassi back in the "day". This was before Facebook etc and when putting your mug on the internet was less acceptable/unweird.
Xbox Live/PlayStation Network/Steam: tone217
2011-07-08, 1:57 PM #10301
Originally posted by Darth_Alran:
cute kid! she looks like she is going to start a fire with telekinesis...pyrokinesis??
She'd been smiling and joyful all day, and then the one time she was willing to snap a picture of us, my ex said something (and I can't remember what) that caused her to make a face like that.
"It sounds like an epidemic."
"Look, I don't know what that means. But it happens all the time." - Penny Arcade
2011-07-09, 7:29 AM #10302
Here's a photo of me from this year's Halloween party.

? :)
2011-07-09, 7:40 AM #10303
Were you trying to look like someone specific?
2011-07-09, 8:04 AM #10304
Nope. Why, do I look like someone specific (besides my mom)? It's very difficult to get our group of friends to dress up in costumes for some odd reason. The only way that we could get some of them to attend was to make all of the guys dress up like women & vice versa. The guys weren't exactly hot on the idea (at least not outloud) but the idea excited the girls & they were able to pressure them in to it pretty well. I didn't mind but getting in to & wearing high heels for 3 or 4 hours was relatively painful.
? :)
2011-07-09, 10:25 AM #10305
Originally posted by Emon:
I think his point is that you're an immature, judgemental prick that projects your own incorrect perceptions onto everyone else. Several times now you've seriously tried to give "advice" to people in this thread based on what you think they "should look like."

It was a damn good response to what you thought was "sissy ****." Also I like your veiled attempt at downplaying his experience.

I ****ing love you, Emon. I don't think I let you know this often enough.
>>untie shoes
2011-07-09, 11:07 AM #10306
I take full credit for inventing the style GOTH MOUNTY

And in this one you can call me "Nemo"
2011-07-09, 2:19 PM #10307
I'm on a boat.



Let the controversy begin. :)
2011-07-09, 2:42 PM #10308
man even your wine has a neckerchief

2011-07-09, 2:47 PM #10309
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2011-07-09, 3:01 PM #10310
shut the **** up Kroko
2011-07-09, 3:10 PM #10311
shut the **** up zully.
>>untie shoes
2011-07-09, 4:23 PM #10312
Originally posted by MFalse:
My Daughter and I the last time I got to see her, back in August.

She just looks super thrilled to see you.
2011-07-10, 8:28 AM #10313
Originally posted by Mentat:
Here's a photo of me from this year's Halloween party.

Wowza. You should dress like that ALL THE TIME. :D

Also, Koobie, I don't know why you cut off your hair and lost the neckerchief.. but I'm sad you did.
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2011-07-10, 8:56 AM #10314
A picture where you can actually see my face quite well?

2011-07-11, 6:47 AM #10315
My friends and I went on an adventure! I'm told I look like a cartoon in this one.
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2011-07-11, 4:19 PM #10316
I haven't posted a picture of me in quite a while. Here I am, about 40 pounds lighter than the last picture I posted.
2011-07-11, 5:40 PM #10317
Originally posted by sugarless:
My friends and I went on an adventure! I'm told I look like a cartoon in this one.

I was at least expecting a giant hammer.
2011-07-12, 7:58 PM #10318
Pommy, happydud, Emon, and I met up tonight in Seattle! We got dinner and played Kinect. The first picture is dinner and the second picture is Emon and happydud boxing.

Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2011-07-12, 10:04 PM #10319
Damn, Pommy's good looking. Welcome to the Good-Looking Massassians Club.
2011-07-12, 11:06 PM #10320
We were Pommy's first IRL Massassians! Yay!

Brian was also invited, but he did not attend. :(

Also let it be known that I wiped the floor with Pommy and Emon's face in Kinect Boxing.
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