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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Camhoez
2015-11-24, 3:13 PM #11281
He thinks that's Joncy.
2016-05-24, 7:40 AM #11282
2016-05-24, 5:05 PM #11283
You've gained weight.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2016-06-07, 11:08 AM #11284
I'm just a little boy.
2016-06-07, 11:29 AM #11285
[Unable to find specified attachment]
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2016-06-07, 11:36 AM #11286
Originally posted by Nikumubeki:
14:30 <@Nikumubeki> Look at my balding head
14:30 <@Nikumubeki> LOOK AT IT

And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2016-06-07, 11:41 AM #11287
2016-06-07, 2:16 PM #11288
2016-06-07, 4:21 PM #11289
>>untie shoes
2016-06-07, 4:58 PM #11290
/me nods in approval
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2016-06-07, 8:29 PM #11291
either picture is flipped or you're driving on the wrong side of the car
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2016-06-07, 11:08 PM #11292

me @ work
2016-06-08, 5:51 AM #11293
u a professional street hassler?
2016-06-08, 7:20 AM #11294
Camhoez is active. This is pretty nostalgic you guys.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2016-06-08, 7:22 AM #11295
emphasis on pretty~
2016-06-08, 3:13 PM #11296
Oh you! :awesome:

Hey look, the "awesome" smiley is broken along with a bunch of the other ones.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2016-06-22, 2:04 AM #11297
MEANWHILE AT THE LEGION OF DOOM and male pattern baldness.

I can't wait for the day schools get the money they need, and the military has to hold bake sales to afford bombs.
2018-02-16, 1:35 AM #11298
Let's keep the Inauguration thread at bay the old fashioned way.

Sorry for the lousy German
2018-02-16, 8:10 AM #11299
Good plan
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2018-02-16, 8:35 AM #11300
Hey Vincent Gallo -___-
2018-02-16, 2:07 PM #11301
Holy **** you're right
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2018-02-16, 3:49 PM #11302
2018-03-28, 1:43 PM #11303
I'm ill.

Also I took this while I was taking a dump.

2018-03-28, 2:10 PM #11304
2018-03-28, 7:06 PM #11305
Darren and Shaun, I am totes jelly of your non-gray (grey for Boco) hair.
2018-03-29, 6:31 AM #11306
My hair is either almost never going to go grey or it's going to go full-on white, but still luciously thick either way.

I've successfully avoided the going-bald-in-your-early-twenties gene the men on one side of my family have.
2018-03-29, 7:34 AM #11307
zul please tell me that video wasn't taken in your house/apartment.
2018-03-29, 2:22 PM #11308
Steven, you just can't see it. Trust me, it's there.

opie, why not? The ceiling tiles? But no, I was procrastinating at work.
2018-03-29, 5:43 PM #11309
I have a full head of thick, salt-n-pepper-but-mostly-salt hair. Seriously, it's so thick, whenever I go to a new barber he calls his coworkers over to see how thick it is. They can't run clippers through it because they get clogged up. I need to invest in a pair of sheep shears.

(please excuse how scruffy I look, I have a six day old baby at home and haven't cleaned myself up in a while)
2018-03-29, 6:15 PM #11310
Jesus, that is gray. I suspect the baby is the big difference. I still can't find a stylist who is overwhelmed by the luxurious volume of my hair.
2018-03-29, 6:26 PM #11311
I've been graying since I was a teenager, but I'm sure my family has caused it to increase in recent years.

It's most likely genetic, as my brothers have it as well (though not as badly).

I'm gonna look like Anderson Cooper by 2020 :(

[But better grey than bald!]
2018-03-29, 9:33 PM #11312
Originally posted by Steven:
[But better grey than bald!]

Hey, if some of us had a choice we wouldn't have to wear hats all the time.
But wow, I've never seen hair go gray like that. It almost looks blue. Kind of like someone took that Halloween hair spray and skimmed the top of your head.
Also, how are things with the new baby? Do you still only have sons, or have the tides changed?
My blawgh.
2018-03-29, 10:26 PM #11313
i'm the white guy, in case anyone forgot

I had a blog. It sucked.
2018-03-30, 7:59 AM #11314
Originally posted by Phantom-Seraph:
Hey, if some of us had a choice we wouldn't have to wear hats all the time.
But wow, I've never seen hair go gray like that. It almost looks blue. Kind of like someone took that Halloween hair spray and skimmed the top of your head.
Also, how are things with the new baby? Do you still only have sons, or have the tides changed?

Before it got this bad, people would ask if I had been painting, or if I had a spiderweb in my hair or something. Fortunately, I'm taller than most people, and the very front is almost entirely black, so if I cut it into a high and tight military style cut, it's not too bad. At the moment I'm growing it out for my brother's wedding in May, so gray it is. The beard will go, too.

As of a week ago, I'm the proud and surprised papa of two little boyos and one little girl. Babby and mommy and are just fine, and the whole family is thrilled. I'm convinced grandma has already racked up hundreds of dollars in pink and cutesy babby clothes. She was a dainty 9lbs 3oz (smaller than both of her brothers).

Originally posted by Zloc_Vergo:
i'm the white guy, in case anyone forgot

wow Sam, she's beautiful, you're a lucky man
2018-03-30, 8:03 AM #11315
What do you mean before it got this bad! It's not bad at all. Think how *****in' it will look when it's a solid gray. It doesn't make you look old or anything.
2018-03-30, 9:07 AM #11316
You good-looking SOBs with your full heads of hair and your sparkles in the eye.

My hair is only giving more way to my scalp, and my wrinkles have only gotten more numerous and apparent!
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2018-03-30, 11:55 AM #11317
2018-03-30, 1:40 PM #11318
Originally posted by Steven:
wow Sam, she's beautiful, you're a lucky man

and to think, we just met 6 months ago <3 <3 <3

My friend invited me as his platonic date to a bike prom thing where I awkwardly stood around and he did shots with lots of crazy people who ride pedicabs for a living and that picture was the end of the night back at his place

Also I think gray hair looks good, especially while you have thick hair. Keep on keeping on, Steven.
I had a blog. It sucked.
2018-04-03, 4:54 AM #11319
Congrats Steven.

Also the grey looks A+.
2018-04-10, 10:53 AM #11320
Shaved off the old whiskers and have opted for the Don Johnson stubble

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