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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Camhoez
2008-01-24, 9:43 PM #5401
But it's not an Italian mustache.
Pissed Off?
2008-01-24, 10:00 PM #5402
Originally posted by Freelancer:
what the hell? so you want every man to be some kind of sissy metrosexual? Real men have hairy chests. Get used to it.

I can't grow hair on my chest. :(
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2008-01-24, 10:17 PM #5403
Originally posted by JediGandalf:
I can't grow hair on my chest. :(

If you want, I will sell you some of mine.

Then you can glue stick it on. No one will know the difference (if you keep your shirt on.)
My blawgh.
2008-01-24, 10:31 PM #5404
Hey, lets all chip in so we can make a pube toupee for JG's chest a la Jackass 2!
Pissed Off?
2008-01-24, 10:42 PM #5405
Originally posted by Freelancer:
what the hell? so you want every man to be some kind of sissy metrosexual? Real men have hairy chests. Get used to it.

Not so. Real men have done so much manual labor that the hair on their chests has been ripped out repeatedly by virtue of not wearing a shirt, wearing something that rips the hair out, or flannel.

Also, real men pluck their eyebrows. Because real men make love to beautiful women. And beautiful women make love to beautiful men.

But only beautiful men who can kill you by flexing their hairless pecs.

You fail.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2008-01-24, 10:51 PM #5406
real men give bigfoot a run for his money

2008-01-24, 10:56 PM #5407
Originally posted by Greenboy:
real men give bigfoot a run for his money

You know, the reason there is only one bigfoot is because he was too hairy to pick up on the fine ladyfeet.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2008-01-24, 10:56 PM #5408
Originally posted by Greenboy:
real men give bigfoot a run for his money

In that case, my cousin is the manliest man that ever manned.
"And lo, let us open up into the holy book of Proxy2..." -genk
His pot is blacker than his kettle!
2008-01-24, 11:42 PM #5409
Originally posted by Spook:
Not so. Real men have done so much manual labor that the hair on their chests has been ripped out repeatedly by virtue of not wearing a shirt, wearing something that rips the hair out, or flannel.

Also, real men pluck their eyebrows. Because real men make love to beautiful women. And beautiful women make love to beautiful men.

But only beautiful men who can kill you by flexing their hairless pecs.

You fail.

Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2008-01-25, 12:08 AM #5410
Originally posted by sugarless5:


:D thanks.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2008-01-25, 12:12 AM #5411
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2008-01-25, 3:17 AM #5412
I get the feeling that FGR just waits on the sidelines for the perfect moment to post the burgerpic. :D
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2008-01-25, 5:32 AM #5413
Originally posted by Greenboy:
real men give bigfoot a run for his money

They steal his wallet?

2008-01-25, 12:37 PM #5414
May I present to you;

How to be a real man.

see also

And so that this qualifies for the thread...

I don't think I posted that one yet...
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2008-01-25, 12:40 PM #5415
Real men sell paper towels.
2008-01-25, 12:43 PM #5416
Universal health care is for communist wimps!

Real men have penile cancer!

[People can GIS that pic themselves]

Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2008-01-25, 12:45 PM #5417
Originally posted by FastGamerr:
Universal health care is for communist wimps!

Real men have penile cancer!


Yeah and I bet they got that cancer from overuse because they coudln't keep the women off of them because they removed excess body hair.

Epstein didn't kill himself.
2008-01-25, 1:36 PM #5418
Originally posted by Avenger:
Hey, lets all chip in so we can make a pube toupee for JG's chest a la Jackass 2!

I'd contribute if the hair went onto his head. :P
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2008-01-25, 6:48 PM #5419
Originally posted by Krokodile:
I'd contribute if the hair went onto his head. :P

...***** :(
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2008-01-26, 12:15 PM #5420
I got new glasses. Look at me pretending I'm smart!
Attachment: 18361/reading.jpg (98,529 bytes)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2008-01-26, 3:28 PM #5421
Should have sprung for the polycarbonate.

I'm going to try and do LASIK with my tax return.
2008-01-26, 4:55 PM #5422
how much does lasik cost nowadays?
On a Swedish chainsaw: "Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals."
2008-01-26, 4:57 PM #5423
30 day contacts are awesome.

I just acidently wore them for about 40 days cause i forgot


2008-01-26, 5:07 PM #5424
I wear dailies for months. Saves me hundreds.
2008-01-26, 5:22 PM #5425
I dont wear glasses or contacts! Saves me even more!
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2008-01-26, 5:24 PM #5426
Originally posted by djwguitarman:
how much does lasik cost nowadays?

$1000-2000 per eye.

I get a special discount because I work for UPS, and better financing when I pay more than $400 up front.
2008-01-26, 5:31 PM #5427
I've thought about Lasik, but I'm going to let the technology progress even further..I can deal with contacts for the time being.
2008-01-26, 5:36 PM #5428
Originally posted by JLee:
I've thought about Lasik, but I'm going to let the technology progress even further..I can deal with contacts for the time being.

I was holding out for robot eyes too...

But, my eyesight is probably alot worse than yours.
2008-01-26, 5:39 PM #5429
Originally posted by Rob:
I was holding out for robot eyes too...

But, my eyesight is probably alot worse than yours.

20/400 uncorrected.
2008-01-26, 5:53 PM #5430
I don't remember what mine is.

But I can't read street signs until I'm literally within about 2 or 3 feet.

I can't read a license plate of a car stopped at a traffic light in front of my mother's Toyota Matrix.
2008-01-26, 5:56 PM #5431
Originally posted by Rob:
I don't remember what mine is.

But I can't read street signs until I'm literally within about 2 or 3 feet.

I can't read a license plate of a car stopped at a traffic light in front of my mother's Toyota Matrix.

Neither can I. It's pretty bad...fortunately, I'm alright with either glasses or contacts - 20/15 or 20/20, depending on the day. :)
2008-01-26, 6:25 PM #5432
My actual perscription causes migraines, so I have to step it down alot.

Still can't see that well with them on. :/

Myopia blows.
2008-01-26, 6:25 PM #5433
Originally posted by Rob:
My actual perscription causes migraines, so I have to step it down alot.

Still can't see that well with them on. :/

Myopia blows.

Yep...I know...
2008-01-26, 8:23 PM #5434
This turned into a chat session real fast.

2008-01-26, 8:26 PM #5435
Originally posted by BombayZeus:
This turned into a chat session real fast.

Then post a picture and end it! :psyduck:
2008-01-26, 10:21 PM #5436
i hate you people for only allowing one real picture on this page
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2008-01-26, 10:54 PM #5437
My Parkour blog
My Twitter. Follow me!
2008-01-27, 10:39 PM #5438
sorry guys, just had a formal event which means I'm going to be a cam ho. Again. As usual :P

Same dress, different occasion.
Attachment: 18369/katie and me crop.JPG (11,670 bytes)
Attachment: 18370/dancing.jpg (43,782 bytes)
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2008-01-27, 10:44 PM #5439
That's a "Are you seriously humping my leg?" look if I've ever seen one.
Pissed Off?
2008-01-27, 10:45 PM #5440
Originally posted by sugarless5:
sorry guys, just had a formal event which means I'm going to be a cam ho. Again. As usual :P

I'm pretty sure you don't have to apologize :downs:
"You want the truth?! You can't handle the truth!! No truth-handler you!! Bah!! I deride your truth-handling ability!!"

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