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ForumsDiscussion Forum → recent purchases thread
recent purchases thread
2013-01-04, 9:45 PM #2561
I like them. They work quite well with my phone, and sound as good as a headset so I'm set, only cost 35 too.
2013-01-05, 4:11 AM #2562
Steam sales:

- Civilization 5 GotY Upgrade (2.50)
- Civilization 4 Complete (6.24)
- Serious Sam 3 (5.99)
- Far Cry 2 (2.49)

Probably would have bought more if I hadn't bought a lot of games full-priced earlier this year. (and not really playing them /_\)
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2013-01-05, 6:19 AM #2563
Originally posted by DrkJedi82:
i think you need a bigger mobo

my old one died, I bought this as a replacement to my loaner. MicroATX blows BUT LOOK AT ALL THE ROOM FOR ACTIVITIES.

And yeah my video card is kinda askew, but it hasn't blown up yet. In fact the case helps it stay rather cool. Probably next on my 'to upgrade' list
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2013-01-05, 2:22 PM #2564
Built a computer:

2013-01-05, 3:03 PM #2565
that case is extra gay, nice work ragnana!
2013-01-05, 9:03 PM #2566
This may be the only time I have ever seen LEDs improve the aesthetics of a case. Bravo. That's a slick looking pulsating electric box.
2013-01-05, 9:51 PM #2567
What is that tiny PCI card?
2013-01-06, 7:40 PM #2568
Originally posted by Tibby:
What is that tiny PCI card?

It's a wireless card. Bring on the hate.

Originally posted by saberopus:
that case is extra gay, nice work ragnana!

*_* it can do like 20+ different hues/colors using a control knob!


LED lighting for back IO panel:

2013-01-06, 7:47 PM #2569
Originally posted by ragna:
*_* it can do like 20+ different hues/colors using a control knob!

so it's extra gay because you can match your case lighting to your shoes
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2013-01-06, 7:57 PM #2570
why would i hate wireless
**** wires
2013-01-08, 10:09 PM #2571
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2013-01-09, 6:00 PM #2572
13'' Macbook Pro mid 2012
holy moly going from an asus piece of **** to this is amazing
2013-01-09, 7:59 PM #2573
Sweet computer Ragna!
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2013-01-22, 9:29 AM #2574
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2013-01-22, 9:33 AM #2575
Why did ragna surround those awesome PC parts in one of the most hideous cases? I'm not exaggerating when I say I think I'd prefer a cardboard box to that. NZXT have terrible looking designs to start with, then he picks the awful hospital-sterile glossy white, and throws in some ugly LED coloring. The case itself looks like it's just cheap plastic.

Edit: And now we know why: because it cost $250! *facepalm*
2013-01-22, 11:41 AM #2576
Says the person who likes the Corsair Obsidian, which is literally just a black metal box.

I happen to think it's gorgeous, and the asymmetric indirect diffuse lighting makes the case look like a million bucks, esp. with the white light. Lighting can be turned off/on based on your taste. I'm coming from a full-tower Lian-Li which pioneered and perfected the whole "black monolith" case design to begin with. The design seems dated to me now - that said, even my Lian Li case looks better than any Corsair.
2013-01-22, 1:30 PM #2577
I'm gonna sit here and enjoy my cheap Corsair case with the rest of the peasants.
2013-01-22, 1:48 PM #2578
Originally posted by ragna:
Says the person who likes the Corsair Obsidian, which is literally just a black metal box.

It is a black metal box. It is exactly a black metal box. It was designed purposefully not to be obnoxious and gaudy. I bought it because it was a black metal box. It was also designed to be quiet, something it achieves better than even your $250 case.

I happen to think it's gorgeous, and the asymmetric indirect diffuse lighting makes the case look like a million bucks, esp. with the white light. Lighting can be turned off/on based on your taste. I'm coming from a full-tower Lian-Li which pioneered and perfected the whole "black monolith" case design to begin with. The design seems dated to me now - that said, even my Lian Li case looks better than any Corsair.

I laughed really hard at this attempt to make fun of a black slate.

1. Asymmetric indirect diffuse lighting: aka "we just put lights in here randomly, hope it doesn't shine through the ****ty plastic we used to make up the exterior" (it does). I remember when gaudy crappy retina-burning lighting was popular. It was 2004.
2. Who cares who invented the black slate? Lian Li made the mistake of sitting on their asses the past 5 years and it shows. Their cases literally haven't changed internally or externally in that entire time, they charge 2x what the cases are worth, and they suck ass for it. The fact that you had a Lian Li just emphasizes that you prefer price points over actual case features and quality.

Edit: and the worst part? The case comes with a somewhat unique gunmetal grey color that actually doesn't look nearly as cheap and ugly. Yet you went white.
2013-01-22, 2:33 PM #2579
who cares it's a computer case you shouldn't even see it most of the time
2013-01-22, 2:33 PM #2580
I can just feel the love happening in this thread right now.
"Hello one day ban." ~ Baconfish
>Liberius when he's not on Massassi<
2013-01-22, 2:37 PM #2581
Originally posted by Tibby:
who cares it's a computer case you shouldn't even see it most of the time

Says the one who bought a Macbook in tyool 2013.
2013-01-22, 2:42 PM #2582
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
It was 1998

Yeah, I went there.

It was like some guy got tired of uilding car stereoes with ****ty neon lights and thought "ERKADERR ILL PUT DESE IN MAH COMPUTAR!"

Hate it. There isn't even anything interesting going on inside of a PC. (well that you can see) I could put a plastic window on the hood of my 40 year old truck and it would look more interesting than the inside of a computer. (well for about 10 minutes, then it would e coated in oil and carbon.)

I also hate blue lights, with a ****ing passion. Every god damn thing you buy now either has blue lights, or lights that never ****ing turn off.

Edit: I bought a bright yellow motorcycle helmet, so my face doesn't get smashed up again. I call it "bumble bee," but I don't have a camera to take any pictures.
2013-01-22, 4:01 PM #2583
hey now don't hate on the blue lights...
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2013-01-22, 7:30 PM #2584
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
Says the one who bought a Macbook in tyool 2013.

Yeah it's an amazing laptop, and the best computing experience of my life. I would be done with windows forever except for the fact that video games work better on it and, as a baby I still play them.
What, are you gonna sperg about how PCs are better then Macs now?
2013-01-22, 7:32 PM #2585
Gotten a few new toys this week.

Yes I realize the bitting gauge doesn't work for the warded keys. But on the plus side I got that set of files for 10$ from Home Depot and they did quite a number on those blanks. The second one I made (on the top) is magically useless. It opens this one door only from the inside. :D

There were a couple other picks that came with that half-diamond, but I'm mostly excited for it itself since my old one was too bendy for my tastes.
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2013-01-22, 7:46 PM #2586
Originally posted by Tibby:
What, are you gonna sperg about how PCs are better then Macs now?

If a magic genie appeared and offered to grant me just one wish, I might wish for Apple to die a painful and humiliating corporate death.

Probably not, because a bunch of supermodel sex slaves sounds like a good wish too but god help Apple if I'm feeling vengeful when the magic genie comes a knockin.
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2013-01-22, 8:05 PM #2587
I can see the appeal of glossy white and blue lights (think Portal) but the idea is very poorly executed. It's an industrial designer's nightmare. Well, a good industrial designer's. It's obviously a crappy industrial designer's day job.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2013-01-22, 8:53 PM #2588
Originally posted by EAH_TRISCUIT:
If a magic genie appeared and offered to grant me just one wish, I might wish for Apple to die a painful and humiliating corporate death.

Probably not, because a bunch of supermodel sex slaves sounds like a good wish too but god help Apple if I'm feeling vengeful when the magic genie comes a knockin.

I would too, Apple is a horrible corporation and Steve Jobs was an evil, evil man.
But they make the best laptops, so I might as well dive in and be part of the problem.
2013-01-23, 10:49 AM #2589
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
It is a black metal box. It is exactly a black metal box. It was designed purposefully not to be obnoxious and gaudy. I bought it because it was a black metal box. It was also designed to be quiet, something it achieves better than even your $250 case.

I laughed really hard at this attempt to make fun of a black slate.

1. Asymmetric indirect diffuse lighting: aka "we just put lights in here randomly, hope it doesn't shine through the ****ty plastic we used to make up the exterior" (it does). I remember when gaudy crappy retina-burning lighting was popular. It was 2004.
2. Who cares who invented the black slate? Lian Li made the mistake of sitting on their asses the past 5 years and it shows. Their cases literally haven't changed internally or externally in that entire time, they charge 2x what the cases are worth, and they suck ass for it. The fact that you had a Lian Li just emphasizes that you prefer price points over actual case features and quality.

Edit: and the worst part? The case comes with a somewhat unique gunmetal grey color that actually doesn't look nearly as cheap and ugly. Yet you went white.

Your taste in aesthetics is so ****ed, but that's okay. Different strokes for different folks. I could buy any case in the world and chose that one. You were thrifty and chose a shapeless, colorless block of metal. Apparently with a "gaudy" side window too. Good for you, good for me, stop being an envious, sad little man.
2013-01-23, 10:50 AM #2590
Did he really buy a window box?
Jesus how the hell can you judge ragna.
2013-01-23, 5:46 PM #2591
Originally posted by Tibby:
What, are you gonna sperg about how PCs are better then Macs now?

Are you going to sperg about how they're not?

Originally posted by Tibby:
But they make the best laptops, so I might as well dive in and be part of the problem.

When did the only qualification for "best" become "expensive"?

Originally posted by ragna:
Your taste in aesthetics is so ****ed, but that's okay. Different strokes for different folks. I could buy any case in the world and chose that one. You were thrifty and chose a shapeless, colorless block of metal.

I am amused that by spending a reasonable amount of money on a reasonably priced case makes me thrifty. No one is envious of your case, but I do like that blowing $250 on it gave you such an ego that you believe people would be jealous of it. Throwing cash into a fire is not something to envy.

Also, trashing a design that you just a couple posts prior claimed to own ("Lian Li cases look just like that, I had one!") is amusing as hell. Make up your mind, buddy. Besides, the beauty is, as with most good designs, in the detail. The texture of the case is a rough feel instead of just glossy plastic/sheet metal, and the front door has a very, very nice looking vertical striped texture.

I mean, really, if you're going to trash other designs, you'll have to do better than "it doesn't look like a white alienware from 2005".

Apparently with a "gaudy" side window too. Good for you, good for me, stop being an envious, sad little man.

Originally posted by Tibby:
Did he really buy a window box?
Jesus how the hell can you judge ragna.

This is even MORE funny for two reasons:

1. The Corsair doesn't have any windows on it, anywhere. The side has a snap-out panel with fan vents if you want to use it, just like the rest of the case. Otherwise it's just solid slate with sound dampening material.
1. Ragna's case actually has a gaudy side window.

I mean seriously, you went hypocritical, and you didn't even get the insult right. That's like a double whammy of fail.
2013-01-23, 6:25 PM #2592
Why would you spend money on making your PC case look fancy when you could spend it on locksmithing paraphernalia and lockpicks?
I'm just a little boy.
2013-01-23, 6:26 PM #2593
I used a pc laptop that cost the same and it was terrible, this macbook fits my needs.
Also lol @ yelling at me over the window thing, instead of the guy who I got it from a post above.
2013-01-23, 6:31 PM #2594
Originally posted by Tibby:
CM you care too much about the wrong things.

I don't see anything wrong with it. :P
2013-01-23, 6:32 PM #2595
Oh no you replied just before I edited that post to make it less ****, well uh.
2013-01-23, 6:35 PM #2596
Originally posted by Tibby:
I used a pc laptop that cost the same and it was terrible, this macbook fits my needs.
Also lol @ yelling at me over the window thing, instead of the guy who I got it from a post above.

If you spent the same amount of money on a good PC laptop and it was terrible, I have no idea what you did. Really, I don't. Am I giving you too much credit in being able to pick out a good laptop out of the ****e?

I yelled at both of you, that's why his post is quoted right above yours.

Originally posted by Tibby:
Oh no you replied just before I edited that post to make it less ****, well uh.

Yer welcome.
2013-01-23, 6:39 PM #2597
Yeah I did pick out a good laptop in the end..
...a macbook
2013-01-24, 1:25 AM #2598
I thought about buying the phantom, but then I remembered I don't use my mouth to wash cocks.


Why does everything come with blue lights? Red would be easier on the eyes, and less detrimental to my night vision.

If I had a glass desk like I used to, this thing would light up my entire room. As it stands now, it gives me sufficient light to move around without having to bother to turn on my lights.
The xbox controller is brighter, but I've had it for about 1.5 years now. Thankfully, it comes with a switch to turn the LEDs off, unlike the fans.

It's nice and quiet though, and my 3800 idles at about 10 C less than my previous case (not to mention having actual 120mm fan bays), which is what I was aiming for to begin with.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2013-01-24, 1:45 PM #2599
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
Are you going to sperg about how they're not?

... says the resident sperger.

When did the only qualification for "best" become "expensive"?

never said anything about how expensive mine was. you were the one nerd-raging about how expensive my case was. i never mentioned the price, nor do i care at that price point, but apparently it really matters to you for an unknown reason. like i said, sad.

I am amused that by spending a reasonable amount of money on a reasonably priced case makes me thrifty. No one is envious of your case, but I do like that blowing $250 on it gave you such an ego that you believe people would be jealous of it. Throwing cash into a fire is not something to envy.

seeing how rabid you are about my case choice, you either are really secretly envious of my case, or for some reason like to see me "waste money". i'm guessing it's the latter, in which case, i think you'd get a kick out of my property taxes!

Also, trashing a design that you just a couple posts prior claimed to own ("Lian Li cases look just like that, I had one!") is amusing as hell. Make up your mind, buddy. Besides, the beauty is, as with most good designs, in the detail. The texture of the case is a rough feel instead of just glossy plastic/sheet metal, and the front door has a very, very nice looking vertical striped texture.

used to own. i'm upgrading out of that dated style, you fool.

This is even MORE funny for two reasons:

1. The Corsair doesn't have any windows on it, anywhere. The side has a snap-out panel with fan vents if you want to use it, just like the rest of the case. Otherwise it's just solid slate with sound dampening material.
1. Ragna's case actually has a gaudy side window.

1 - thought you had the 800D. you don't even have the 700D, from what you're telling me, so you must have the 550D. the one that looks like the budget coolermaster case i bought back in high school. sweet.
2 - it's not that gaudy.
2013-01-24, 1:48 PM #2600
Originally posted by Alan:
I thought about buying the phantom, but then I remembered I don't use my mouth to wash cocks.

good one :) don't hate.

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