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ForumsDiscussion Forum → recent purchases thread
recent purchases thread
2014-03-13, 11:50 AM #2921
I buy too much **** to post it on here
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2014-03-14, 7:27 AM #2922
That never stopped Jim... <_<
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2014-03-14, 4:32 PM #2923
Two, two astonishingly handsome mushroom Cinderella bowls, ah ha ha.
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2014-03-16, 12:23 AM #2924

A heatsink for an LGA771 socket and 16GB DDR2 Fully Buffered PC2-5300. Also, purchased a blacklight CFL bulb. More to come in the next few days.
I can't wait for the day schools get the money they need, and the military has to hold bake sales to afford bombs.
2014-03-21, 9:32 AM #2925

2.71 EUR in total
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2014-03-21, 3:03 PM #2926
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2014-03-21, 5:25 PM #2927
You bought an android phone; now's a perfect time to panic.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2014-03-21, 5:26 PM #2928
Moto X, nice. Probably the best midrange phone available, for any OS.
2014-03-21, 7:17 PM #2929
It's the little things. Also my old peeler is terribad. And I haven't had a scrubber in like, a year. So. I am so excited about these potatoes I can clean now...
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2014-03-23, 10:47 AM #2930
Yeah, I love it so much. Even better than my Galaxy Nexus, which was the best phone i had owned to date.
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2014-03-27, 12:40 PM #2931
z3ta+ 2 @ Steam (29.99 EUR)

Well, technically the bundle with Music Creator 6 but I have no use for that, so at least I had to pay less money for the VST.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2014-03-29, 11:35 PM #2932
Descent 1 + 2 ($4.99)
Descent 3 + Expansion ($4.99)

Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2014-03-30, 1:06 PM #2933
Who said you could buy Descent? I won't allow it.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2014-03-30, 3:54 PM #2934
2014-03-31, 9:22 AM #2935
2014-03-31, 9:22 AM #2936
man I really want to get rich quick. I KNOW! I'LL TAKE UP WRITING!
2014-03-31, 9:41 AM #2937
I bought it because Mur Lafferty recommended it ... so far it's really good.
I made you a thread, Joncey, please try to confine your attention-whoring to it. Thank you.
2014-03-31, 9:55 AM #2938
Look at me! I'm a writer! I buy writery things to help me make money off of writing! Buy my fanfics!
2014-03-31, 4:38 PM #2939
Originally posted by Koobie:
I bought it because Mur Lafferty recommended it ... so far it's really good.
I made you a thread, Joncey, please try to confine your attention-whoring to it. Thank you.

My only disappointment is that Jon`C beat me to the punch.

I, for one, have lots of books about writing at home. However I also assume nobody here cares.
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2014-04-01, 7:18 AM #2940
i don't even know why... it was dirt cheap, and i was thinking spare camera/possibly give to mom, sister, someone/play with it a bit then sell it for small profit

eat right, exercise, die anyway
2014-04-01, 7:32 AM #2941
Originally posted by Dormouse:
My only disappointment is that Jon`C beat me to the punch.

I, for one, have lots of books about writing at home. However I also assume nobody here cares.

I just bought it yesterday. The thread is called POST YOUR RECENT PURCHASES.

How ****ing dumb are you people, really. ARRRGGGH.

Nice cam, DrkJedi82. Very suave​. ;)
2014-04-01, 7:55 AM #2942
Originally posted by Koobie:
I just bought it yesterday. The thread is called POST YOUR RECENT PURCHASES.

How ****ing dumb are you people, really. ARRRGGGH.

Actually being dumb would be asking: why did you post this in the recent purchases thread if you just bought it recently?

Go smoke some more weed in the corner until the voices calm down.
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2014-04-01, 7:58 AM #2943
>>Actually being dumb would be asking: why did you post this in the recent purchases thread if you just bought it recently?

Good thing you didn't ask me that then, you clever, clever man.

:psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck:
2014-04-01, 8:02 AM #2944
Originally posted by Koobie:
>>Actually being dumb would be asking: why did you post this in the recent purchases thread if you just bought it recently?

Good thing you didn't ask me that then, you clever, clever man.

I'm too hammered and busy writing amazing novels with my other hand to be able to find the "Reply With Quote" button. Maybe once I'm sober and published I'll finally figure this forum out.
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2014-04-01, 8:08 AM #2945
>>I'm too hammered and busy writing amazing novels with my other hand to be able to find the "Reply With Quote" button. Maybe once I'm sober and published I'll finally figure this forum out.

I did not use the "Reply With Quote" button. I am a disgrace to humanity, Dormouse.

2014-04-01, 11:12 AM #2946
Originally posted by Dormouse:
My only disappointment is that Jon`C beat me to the punch.

I, for one, have lots of books about writing at home. However I also assume nobody here cares.

In all fairness, Dormouse, you assume incorrectly. At least one person on this forum cares. I do. And I care because I also have lots of books about writing at home. Well, not lots per se, but at least 4-5. I'd be interested to know which ones you have. I will not say which ones I have because even though I usually do not operate on assumptions, you are too annoying, and I will only list them if you would ask me to.

Which you probably wouldn't, because, who reads books on writing, right?


That being said, I'm only a few pages into One Million Dollar Outlines, and I would already like to recommend this book if not to you (I'm too humble for that), then at least to everyone who may theoretically be interested in what makes a best-selling story or franchise. Please, allow me to do this "terrible writing exercise" which Jon'C continuously mocks me for, and re-type a paragraph from my Kindle into this MASSABYSS post as I listen to music.

* * *

from Million Dollar Outlines by David Farland

* * *

The Scope of the Problem

Most people who try to define what a story is are secretly more interested in another question: what makes a great story powerful?

Thus, Aristotle began to define a story in those terms. He reasoned that a great story has a sympathetic hero with a powerful conflict, and as the story progresses, it has a "rising action" which arouses passion in the viewer until the problem is resolved and we either feel elation that the hero has won, or we pity his fallen state.

Feralt's Triangle


Feralt said that in a successful story, the tale begins with a character in a relaxed state, but soon a problem is introduced. As we progress through the tale, the suspense rises, the problem becomes more complex and has more far-reaching consequences, until we reach the climax of the story, where the hero's fortune changes -- either he resolved the problem, is destroyed, or must learn to live with the problem. In any case, the tension diminishes, and the reader is allowed to return to a relaxed state.

That triangle describes most commercial fiction of the 1800s, and indeed describes most of the genre fiction, television, and movies today.
2014-04-01, 11:58 AM #2947
Not a purchase per se, but I got a bunch of my stuff back from my mom and she gave me what stuff of my dad's she had since he died and inside of a huge canvas Camel duffel bag was these things

A Canon Rebel 2000
Crossman CO2 .177 pellet gun (minus 2 shots)

So yeah that was a surprise.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2014-04-01, 7:08 PM #2948
nice piece.
2014-04-02, 7:18 AM #2949
Originally posted by Koobie:
In all fairness, Dormouse, you assume incorrectly. At least one person on this forum cares. I do. And I care because I also have lots of books about writing at home. Well, not lots per se, but at least 4-5. I'd be interested to know which ones you have. I will not say which ones I have because even though I usually do not operate on assumptions, you are too annoying, and I will only list them if you would ask me to.

I'll refrain. I'd hate any more books to be ruined by your droolingly devouring them as 4:20 munchies then regurgitating them onto the carpet and/or this forum. The guilt of that bookslaughter being on my conscience would no doubt lead to me having to Hemingway out of writing (and life).

Despite your own assumptions about your own behavior, given every other thread I've read from you, assumptions are the only thing you do operate on.

Which you probably wouldn't, because, who reads books on writing, right?

Lots of people read books on writing. The reason I wouldn't ask is I can't imagine any way that your opinion would be worthwhile.
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2014-04-02, 2:29 PM #2950
sooooooo much faster than my inspire

eat right, exercise, die anyway
2014-04-04, 1:42 AM #2951

2014-04-05, 5:37 PM #2952

All of this but the Randy Rhoads pedal has been purchased recently.
>>untie shoes
2014-04-06, 10:45 AM #2953
Here is a rhetorical question, for you, Dormouse:

Dude, really, are you ****ing retarded?



Translation: no u
2014-04-06, 10:45 AM #2954
Pretty cool actually, Antony. :D
2014-04-06, 10:48 AM #2955
Originally posted by Koobie:
Here is a rhetorical question, for you, Dormouse:

Dude, really, are you ****ing retarded?



Translation: no u

Are you seriously cross-posting this in multiple threads? Why are you trying to start fights with people when the respective threads have moved on? Why are you hell bent on derailing every thread and making it into an argument?
>>untie shoes
2014-04-06, 10:54 AM #2956
Because Dormouse.
Come ON.
Guy says he has books on writing, but that "nobody cares"; I say, I care, man, tell me which ones you have ... is this thread for posting pictures of random ****, or can we use it to perhaps hone in on other members who may have similar interests, be it writing, music, books, or video games?
Don't you think it would be more useful? Is it not all about exchange of information?
So I say, "You are a ****ing idiot, mon."

Peace, love, & inity.
2014-04-06, 10:56 AM #2957
This thread is not about posting pictures of random stuff. It is about posting recent purchases. No one wants to carry on a conversation with you because you're deliberately antagonistic and argumentative, not to mention being completely obstinate when someone disagrees with you.
>>untie shoes
2014-04-06, 11:03 AM #2958
I am antagonistic and argumentative only to those I consider fools out of respect to the members who aren't.

In fact, I'm not even antagonistic unless somebody starts acting like an ass to me first.

Allow me to remind you that the "discussion" about writing books started with Jon'C's remark about my recent purchase of a book on writing, in which he insinuated I'd only bought it because I WANT TO GET RICH QUICK. It almost lead to a potentially interesting discussion about common interests / books on writing with Dormouse, but that never happened (and never will) because Dormouse would rather Hemingway out of his life than talk about writing with me, as per his own admission.

And here you are, arguing with me about it all.

2014-04-06, 11:13 AM #2959
Don't worrry, koobie.. You're right.
>>untie shoes
2014-04-06, 11:24 AM #2960

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