Question: when you go into finance, do you forget how to spend money wisely, or is that something they ingrain into you? I still think it's amusing that you believe because someone doesn't spend money like an idiot, that they have no money at all.
Besides, here's the amusing thing:
1. The mic /isn't/ great. It's a 5 dollar electret mic that you can find in any of Logitech's ****. You'd probably know this if you didn't just buy the first thing that sprung to mind.
2. I find the idea of you walking around the house with those things hilarious.
3. You bought a wireless headset just because you're too lazy to take off your headphones. You spent $100 just because of that. You sacrificed significant audio quality, reliability, and having to deal with batteries all the time, just because slipping something off your head is too challenging. So not only did you blow money, but you didn't even realize that it's actually more of a pain in the ass than simply taking headphones off your head. Way to go.
4. "Better for gaming" is a sentiment you hold only because it's called a gaming headset. It has no actual functionality that makes it better for gaming (in fact, thanks to it being wireless, it's pretty much guaranteed to be worse for gaming).
5. It apparently never even occurred to you to just buy a good mic.
He's not trying to win an interior design award, genius. He made something because he wanted to, and he is happy with what he made. You're trying to insult him because he actually had some creativity. Go you, buddy.