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ForumsDiscussion Forum → recent purchases thread
recent purchases thread
2014-04-06, 2:55 PM #2961
Originally posted by Dormouse:
It's the little things. Also my old peeler is terribad. And I haven't had a scrubber in like, a year. So. I am so excited about these potatoes I can clean now...

Why would you need to scrub them if you're peeling them?
2014-04-06, 3:49 PM #2962
Originally posted by Baconfish:
Why would you need to scrub them if you're peeling them?

Because I don't necessarily scrub the same things that I peel. For example I scrub potatoes but I peel ginger.

Originally posted by Koobie:
because Dormouse would rather Hemingway out of her life than talk about writing with me, as per her own admission.

Not true at all. That comment wasn't about discussing writing with you, it was about you reading some actually good book on writing and drunkenly misinterpreting it to support your idiotic beliefs that it proves you're a good writer if anything in there agrees with your unchangeable preconceptions. Also it was hyperbole; I wouldn't actually kill myself of course.
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2014-04-06, 4:01 PM #2963
Originally posted by Koobie:
Here is a rhetorical question, for you, Dormouse:

Dude, really, are you ****ing retarded?



Translation: no u

Oh, good point, Koobie. Ableism is pretty ****ing awesome, right?

No. It's not. Shut up.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2014-04-06, 4:49 PM #2964
Originally posted by Michael MacFarlane:
Oh, good point, Koobie. Ableism is pretty ****ing awesome, right?

No. It's not. Shut up.

It was a hyperbole. I didn't know Dormouse was actually retarded.

I suggest a new subforum, called SPECIAL MASSASSI. You can be the moderator. OH MY GOD I REALLY SHOULD JUST STOP POSTING NOW BUT YOU GUYS MAKE IT SO EASY. :D
2014-04-06, 5:12 PM #2965
Originally posted by Koobie:
It was a hyperbole. I didn't know Dormouse was actually retarded.

I suggest a new subforum, called SPECIAL MASSASSI. You can be the moderator. OH MY GOD I REALLY SHOULD JUST STOP POSTING NOW BUT YOU GUYS MAKE IT SO EASY. :D

Koobie, look. You're the kind of person who thinks it's okay to use slang terms for disabled persons as slurs. Don't tell the rest of us that we make it easy for you to do that; it's obvious that you're quite comfortable with treating disabled persons as less valuable than non-disabled persons on your own, and that you don't need our help with it.

You should have gone ahead and not posted for two weeks.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2014-04-06, 5:14 PM #2966
I try to treat everyone equally ... but if somebody interacts with me, then I would usually treat them in accordance to how they treat me. I'm comfortable with using any word I damn choose, and if I offend your sensibilities, it is not my problem; it is yours.
I didn't know Dormouse was mentally handicapped. It all makes sense now.
Good night.
2014-04-06, 5:40 PM #2967
Originally posted by Koobie:
I treat everyone equally ... but if somebody interacts with me, then I would usually treat them in accordance to how they treat me. I'm comfortable with using any word I damn choose in Russian, English or Hungarian, and if I offend your sensibilities it is not my problem, it is yours.
I didn't know Dormouse was mentally handicapped; it all makes sense now.
Good night.

No, seriously, look, you ****ing idiot. There are people in this world living with developmental disabilities who don't need their lives made harder by having their conditions turned into punchlines. Dormouse is not one of those people, and you damn well know it, and you're using their conditions as a cheap joke at her supposed expense. If you'd called Dormouse a ******, gotten called on it, and then said "I'm sorry, I didn't realize he (sic) was actually black," would you think that was acceptable behavior on your part?

Yes. Of course you would. Because that's who you are. You've done this when talking about the disabled, you've done it when talking about transgendered persons, and you've done it when talking about the Romani. Don't even pretend this makes you a "straight shooter" who courageously "says what he thinks even if it's not popular." There's no courage involved in punching down. It makes you a bigot and a coward.

If you'd lived in America in the 1850s, you'd undoubtedly have been in favor of slavery. If you'd lived in America in the 1950s, you'd undoubtedly have been in favor of segregation. Because that's who you are.

You are the kind of person whom we all need to die so we can all, finally, have nice things.

Good night, and get ****ed.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2014-04-06, 5:45 PM #2968
Originally posted by Koobie:
I'm comfortable with using any word I damn choose in Russian, English or Hungarian, and if I offend your sensibilities, it is not my problem; it is yours.

You might want to spend some time considering the difference between someone being offended, and what you say being offensive. Because it does become your problem once people around you, your friends, hookups, potential few readers, realize that you don't consider the impact or merit of the words you choose to use. Calling someone retarded or a transvestite or whatever else matters because words have meanings bother literal and acquired. You as a writer should understand that more than anyone.

When you choose to use one word over a different word, it is a choice that you are making. When you resort to choosing to call someone retarded as the only possible reason they might disagree with your opinions, it doesn't just offend one specific person, but it is offensive to anyone with differently-abled person. It is othering, it is dismissive, it is reducing and grouping an entire extremely diverse group of humans based upon a single shared arbitrary characteristic into one category: People I am better than, people who I am more intelligent than, people who don't get it as well as I do.

That is why words are slurs, not because they hurt somebody's feelings (although that is often true as well), but because they demean an entire group of individuals.

My partner has multiple sclerosis, I'm autistic. The last thing anyone needs is some ****head like you puking your ableistic drivel all over the place.

This isn't about political correctness or freedom of expression or anything else. It's about realizing which words you choose to use make a difference.

(And chris****ingsake, how have you made it this far in these threads and not actually picked up that I'm not a dude.)
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2014-04-06, 5:48 PM #2969
Originally posted by Dormouse:
It's about realizing which words you choose to use make a difference.

That'd be an awful thing for a writer to do.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2014-04-06, 6:02 PM #2970
[quote=Michael MacFarlane]You are the kind of person whom we all need to KILL so we can all, finally, have nice things.[/quote]


Originally posted by Dormouse:
You might want to spend some time considering the difference between someone being offended, and what you say being offensive. Because it does become your problem once people around you, your friends, hookups, potential few readers, realize that you don't consider the impact or merit of the words you choose to use. Calling someone retarded or a transvestite or whatever else matters because words have meanings bother literal and acquired. You as a writer should understand that more than anyone.

Words are words and meanings are meanings.

One word can have multiple meanings, depending on both the context of the conversation and the culture and upbringing of those involved in it; the word n*gger has one set of connotations when used by a black dude from Brooklyn, when used by me, when used by a White Power Extremist, and a totally different set of connotations in a Samuel Clemens novel.

When you choose to use one word over a different word, it is a choice that you are making. When you resort to choosing to call someone retarded as the only possible reason they might disagree with your opinions, it doesn't just offend one specific person, but it is offensive to anyone with differently-abled person.

I find no other explanation for the things some of you people type other than stupidity to the point of retardation. It is my subjective view. Deal with it.

Originally posted by Dormouse:
My partner has multiple sclerosis, I'm autistic. The last thing anyone needs is some ****head like you puking your ableistic drivel all over the place.

Life is hard. Deal with it.

Originally posted by Dormouse:
(And chris****ingsake, how have you made it this far in these threads and not actually picked up that I'm not a dude.)

You looked like a dude on your pics; I always thought you were a transgender dude / crossdresser / INSERT PC TERM TO MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER, but basically I thought you had a dick. I don't really care either way, because the color of your skin or the set of your genitals or how you choose to call yourself doesn't really change how I see you as a person.

What you do and what you say changes that.
2014-04-06, 6:11 PM #2971
Originally posted by Koobie:
I find no other explanation for the things some of you people type other than stupidity to the point of retardation. It is my subjective view. Deal with it.

The correct way to "deal with it" re: your ****ty, subhuman opinions is to permanently ban you from posting everywhere.
2014-04-06, 6:12 PM #2972
Originally posted by Koobie:
Words are words and meanings are meanings.

One word can have multiple meanings, depending on both the context of the conversation and the culture of those involved in it; the word n*gger has one set of connotations when used by a black dude from Brooklyn, when used by me, when used by a White Power Extremist, and a totally different set of connotations in a Samuel Clemens novel.

The thing you cannot seem to accept is: you don't get to dictate which meaning of your words people will interpret them as.
When you intentionally use words which in most circumstances will be considered by most people to be offensive, you don't get to tell them not to be offended because they didn't choose the least likely and most benign connotation to hear.

It isn't a matter of "Life is hard. Deal with it." It is a matter of you intentionally going out of your way to make it harder than it has to be for everyone else.
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2014-04-06, 6:13 PM #2973
Originally posted by Koobie:

If you think you fixed anything, it's no wonder you can't write worth a damn. I've no interest in killing you; I'd just like you to die, and anyone with a firm grasp of the language would recognize the way I expressed that preference as grammatical.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2014-04-06, 6:15 PM #2974
Life is hard. I know this because I am a white man who has never faced any discrimination or hardship, mostly thanks to a lifetime of slouching away from personal responsibility. It's your fault for being offended by my horrific, sloppily-expressed opinions. Deal with it.
2014-04-06, 6:15 PM #2975
>you've done it when talking about the Romani.

The Romani LOL.
Dude, I've talked to more gypsies than you've seen on TV.
Easter Europe style, rememba? ;)
2014-04-06, 6:16 PM #2976
Originally posted by Koobie:
>you've done it when talking about the Romani.

The Romani LOL.
Dude, I've talked to more gypsies than you've seen on TV.
Easter Europe style, rememba? ;)

"I don't hate blacks, I talk to ******s all the time."
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2014-04-06, 6:19 PM #2977
Originally posted by Michael MacFarlane:
If you think you fixed anything, it's no wonder you can't write worth a damn. I've no interest in killing you; I'd just like you to die, and anyone with a firm grasp of the language would recognize the way I expressed that preference as grammatical.

My point was that you wished death upon another human being whom you consider inferior to yourself, which basically makes you an evil son of a *****.

Originally posted by Jon`C:
Life is hard. I know this because I am a white man who has never faced any discrimination or hardship, mostly thanks to a lifetime of slouching away from personal responsibility. It's your fault for being offended by my horrific, sloppily-expressed opinions. Deal with it.

That's okay Joncey, you may face some challenges in your life that might make a man out of you yet.
2014-04-06, 6:19 PM #2978
Koobie is probably one of the россиянин out lynching gay people. Well, at least during his infrequent and increasingly blurred fits of sobriety.
2014-04-06, 6:21 PM #2979
Originally posted by Michael MacFarlane:
"I don't hate blacks, I talk to ******s all the time."

Ma *****, now we're talkin.

Also Jon'C, if you think using Google Translate is impressive, think again.
2014-04-06, 6:23 PM #2980
Originally posted by Koobie:
That's okay Joncey, you may face some challenges in your life that might make a man out of you yet.
What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason, how infinite in faculty! In form and moving how express and admirable! In action how like an Angel! in apprehension how like a god!

I'm not really sure what you'd know about being a man, but I guess the world looks a little bit different after you've abandoned your family to live a life of hedonism bridled only by the fact that you're too ugly, abrasive, and untalented to attract another woman.
2014-04-06, 6:24 PM #2981
Originally posted by Koobie:
Also Jon'C, if you think using Google Translate is impressive, think again.

Did you really think that you were the only person on the forum who spoke more languages than English? It's not some special unique snowflake gift of yours.
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2014-04-06, 6:27 PM #2982
Have a good night.
Enjoy Massassi.
2014-04-06, 6:32 PM #2983
Originally posted by Koobie:
Have a good night.
Enjoy Massassi.

It's "stoop", cockbreath. Learn English, stop pretending you can write in it, or both.
2014-04-06, 6:35 PM #2984
Oh, for those curious, Koobie's original post above ^ was advising me to reconsider my marriage.

Because misery enjoys company, I guess?
2014-04-06, 6:35 PM #2985
Originally posted by Koobie:
My point was that you wished death upon another human being whom you consider inferior to yourself, which basically makes you an evil son of a *****.

Eh, well, agree to disagree.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2014-04-06, 6:37 PM #2986
It's Like, I don't care about nothin man,
roll another blunt, Yea (ohh ohh ohh),

La da da da da da La, Da Daaa,
La da da da, La da da da, La da da daaa

I messed up my entire life because I got high
I lost my kids and wife because I got high
now I'm sleeping on the sidewalk and I know why (why man?) yea heyy,
- cause I got high
- cause I got high
- cause I got high
2014-04-06, 6:38 PM #2987
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Oh, for those curious, Koobie's original post above ^ was advising me to reconsider my marriage.

Because misery enjoys company, I guess?

I'm very happily divorced. But this is none of your business. You know nothing about my life, I know nothing about yours; you and your friends throw around your presumptions to try to look big and smart, but all you do is appear like teenagers who weren't raised right.

Perhaps you appear different to others, I don't know. Everyone who's posting certainly seems to agree with you, so I guess that makes you right.
2014-04-06, 6:39 PM #2988
Originally posted by Koobie:
My point was that you wished death upon another human being whom you consider inferior to yourself, which basically makes you an evil son of a *****.

"You wished death upon Hitler, which basically makes you an evil son of a *****."

Look at this *******.
2014-04-06, 6:41 PM #2989
Kak ty znaetsy'a Jon`C ne govarit po-russki? ****head.
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2014-04-06, 6:43 PM #2990
Dumb. Band. Matty or Joncy or someone else can let him back in if you want.
-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
The OSC Empire
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
2014-04-06, 6:44 PM #2991
Originally posted by Koobie:
I'm very happily divorced. But this is none of your business.
Not as happy as your ex-wife, I bet. Heard she didn't have much of a problem finding a new husband. Meanwhile you're still pining over girls you've met once, and getting yourself drunk so you have the courage to ask someone out. What a big grown man you are.

You know nothing about my life,
I only know what you've posted; i.e. entirely too much, certainly more than any other living person on this planet cares to know.
2014-04-06, 7:01 PM #2992
Well that was overdue
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2014-04-06, 9:43 PM #2993
Anachronox for $1.49 off

(Yes, I already own the boxed version)

(wrt. this page, viva la yectiwan!)
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2014-04-07, 2:03 PM #2994
A stick of gum!

But I eated it :C
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2014-04-07, 4:09 PM #2995
Ok since I've not been reguarly posting for some time.

Was Koobie always a gigantic gob****e or is that recent?
2014-04-07, 4:22 PM #2996
Originally posted by Baconfish:
Ok since I've not been reguarly posting for some time.

Was Koobie always a gigantic gob****e or is that recent?

Well in 2005,

Originally posted by Koobie:
Well, don't know about this, but I've definetly seen some people turn into retards after too much pot abuse. Scary, really. So I'd rather not experiment.
2014-04-07, 10:38 PM #2997
2014-04-08, 1:26 AM #2998
Reid, I picked up The Crying of Lot 49 and V. based in part on your recommendation of Pynchon in that otherwise useless thread. Decided to start with V., which I'm really enjoying so far.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2014-04-08, 5:37 AM #2999
The Crying of Lot 49 is one of the most curious and singular books I've ever read. Definitely enjoyable. I started trying to read through Gravity's Rainbow a few times though but it's very very slow going for me.
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2014-04-08, 8:39 AM #3000
I hope you enjoy the whole book. Pynchon is a great author.
Originally posted by Dormouse:
The Crying of Lot 49 is one of the most curious and singular books I've ever read. Definitely enjoyable. I started trying to read through Gravity's Rainbow a few times though but it's very very slow going for me.

I'm going to read it soon I think. I read a few reviews of it and it sounds great.

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