A blind old man with a walking stick wanders in, crashes into walls, doors, and various other paraphernalia strewn about the Neverending Story, and finds Gebohq.
"Smellyfishhead!" he cries hoarsely. "Ubishmal abavacunt Fvir Mishmein'Leem! Etcum batara ve szad mookay!"
"Um, what?" Gebohq asks quizzily.
[Sorry,] the author's voice comes down out of the sky. [I accidentally wrote his language in Old Jikeemian. Here's the English translation.]
"Geebohq!" the old man cries hoarsely. "Ey am de Dark Lancer! I shallenge you to ay doo-el!"
An optimist is someone who stomps on the floor and calls it tap dancing.
"Smellyfishhead!" he cries hoarsely. "Ubishmal abavacunt Fvir Mishmein'Leem! Etcum batara ve szad mookay!"
"Um, what?" Gebohq asks quizzily.
[Sorry,] the author's voice comes down out of the sky. [I accidentally wrote his language in Old Jikeemian. Here's the English translation.]
"Geebohq!" the old man cries hoarsely. "Ey am de Dark Lancer! I shallenge you to ay doo-el!"
An optimist is someone who stomps on the floor and calls it tap dancing.
An optimist is someone who stomps on the floor and calls it tap dancing.