< Our heros finish cleaning the bumper of the small VW Bug and polish it to a glossy shine... >
Sem: Now, about these people.
Phantom: Good day, I was wondering if I may be able to get a lift.
Geb: Well, jumping out in front of the car is a strange way of showing it. But, I guess we could squeeze you in.
Randy: What about Falcon?
Otter: Let's just tie him to the luggage rack. We can't leave dead people lying around like this.
Randy: Now where are we going to fit this new guy in?
Maybe: That's easy. Just put Otter in the trunk with his inflatable doll.
* Our heros, with the help of Phantom, tie Falcon to the already crowded roof of the car as Otter slips into the trunk of the now fully-loaded Beetle... *
Geb: We're off!
< Meanwhile, in the now ruined offices of the NSP... >
Geb(hugging Losien): I'm so glad your ok, where's Krig?
Losien: I'm not sure. He went down stairs and then the building blew up and...
* Just then, the remainder of office door falls free of its melted hinges revealing a slightly startled Krig *
Krig: What just happened??
Geb: Not sure, but I would venture to guess that someone or something is out to get us.
Losien: Well who ever it was wanted to do a through job of it.
Otter(still trying to button his pants): No kidding.
Ante: Who ever did this would have to be extriemly depraved and twisted in thought. Filled with an all consuming evil. A vile wretch whose one desire is to obliterate all that is good and humorous from this earthly sphere.
Sem: There are only two entities that fit that description: Microsoft or UGO.
Krig: But why would Microsoft want to destroy a forum post that exists in the very world they commercialized?
Randy: That's just it, Microsoft would have been more precise in their strike. Probably using an elite commando group to infiltrate the building, dispose of us, and leave not trace of their presence.
Geb: Or they would blackmail us and push us out of the competitive circles.
Maybe: Then that leaves only...
All: ...UGO!!
< Meanwhile, at UGO headquarters, in the dark lair of the CEO... >
CEO: Have we disposed of that bothersome agent.
Flunky #1: No Sir, apparenty he escaped with several classified documents...
CEO(eyes glowing a slight reddish hue): HE DID WHAT!!!
Flunky #1:... but we have our best and brightest working the situation at this moment and hope to recapture the documents with in the hour.
CEO: Very well...
* With blinding speed the CEO grabe Flunky #1 and hurtles him through the plate glass window to the parking lot below. Just then Flunky #2 peeks into the office... *
Flunky #2: Sir, Satan is on line two. He wants to discuss the purchase of Hell.
CEO: Tell him we shall buy that antiquated operation of his.
Flunky #2: Yes Sir.
< Will our heros stop this 'phantom menace' ( no pun intended
). And what of this multi-accented Phantom guy? Tune in next time to find out... >
"Build a better level, and the JK community will beat a path to your door." - Randy