Sem finally decides just to do away with this whole business once and for all.
Sem, at the official's table:"yes I need a pocket-sized fusion generator."
Official:"well young man, you'll need forms 1582, 1584, and 1589, certification of in-state residence, and a quantam physics safety certification."
Sem produces the required items, and recives a bluish-glowing cylander marked "energizer"
he then runs back to the crow's nest and stats looking through the otter's things.
comming to the closet, he flips through 2 pairs of black-leather pants, a black leather thong, and a few of the otter's prized volumes, and finally comes to a pink-velvet bunny suit.
returning to gonk2m4, he strapps the narrator to the top with some leather bonds he found in the crow's nest, and pop's out gonk2m4's duracell battery. replacing it with the energizer fusion thingie, he clads gonk2m4 in the bunny suit, and ZOOOOOM!!!!!
at a rate of 587 "gonk"'s per second the little guy shoots off, gone out of the arena forever....... we think.
<<<<<The events in this post have been altered to concern Gonk2m4, which was reconstructed by the crew of star-trek from the molten puddle of Gonk left behind by the wet rat, in order to restore the space-time continum
Speeling is a state of mind I prefer not to occupy.
[This message has been edited by Semievil333 (edited April 15, 2000).]
Sem, at the official's table:"yes I need a pocket-sized fusion generator."
Official:"well young man, you'll need forms 1582, 1584, and 1589, certification of in-state residence, and a quantam physics safety certification."
Sem produces the required items, and recives a bluish-glowing cylander marked "energizer"
he then runs back to the crow's nest and stats looking through the otter's things.
comming to the closet, he flips through 2 pairs of black-leather pants, a black leather thong, and a few of the otter's prized volumes, and finally comes to a pink-velvet bunny suit.
returning to gonk2m4, he strapps the narrator to the top with some leather bonds he found in the crow's nest, and pop's out gonk2m4's duracell battery. replacing it with the energizer fusion thingie, he clads gonk2m4 in the bunny suit, and ZOOOOOM!!!!!
at a rate of 587 "gonk"'s per second the little guy shoots off, gone out of the arena forever....... we think.
<<<<<The events in this post have been altered to concern Gonk2m4, which was reconstructed by the crew of star-trek from the molten puddle of Gonk left behind by the wet rat, in order to restore the space-time continum
Speeling is a state of mind I prefer not to occupy.
[This message has been edited by Semievil333 (edited April 15, 2000).]
In Soviet ISB, NeS writes YOU!