(NSP: If you could Tracer, change the "code" tag in your last post to a "quote" tag, as the code tag makes it hard to read, as well as adds the annoying side-scroll on this page. I'd be much appreciative
![http://forums.massassi.net/html/smile.gif [http://forums.massassi.net/html/smile.gif]](http://forums.massassi.net/html/smile.gif)
With that, I post again. Sarn better post soon, darn it! The rest of you too...but definately Sarn!)
Within the Admissions building at NeSU, Gebohq and Sarn approach the sign up sheets. Wait--sheets?
Geb: Why are there so many sheets here?
Sarn: *signing a sheet* What? A lot of people want to prove themselves too, you know.
Geb: I meant why are there sheets labeled "Villians" and "Other"?
Sarn: You think this school only teaches for those to become heroes?
Geb: Well, yeah... I mean, why would you want to teach someone to become a villian?
Sarn: Geb, Geb, Geb...
Geb: Sarn, Sarn, Sarn...
Sarn: You're so naive. You wouldn't have much of a future you know if you didn't have someone to fight against. And besides, there's some people who actually don't
want to be heroes!
Geb: *gasp* You're not serious, are you? Can't we all be heroes, like by retrieving kittens from trees? Helping an old lady across the street? Helping a young lady find the right lingere...
Sarn: Oh dear... I'm thinking you really shouldn't enter this competition.
Geb: *signing sheet marked "Heroes"* Why?
Sarn: Well, you'll have to pass the trials first, full of deadly traps and monsters that want to eat you, in order to even be
considered in the compeition. Then, if you manage to be picked, you have to face the villians and other competitors who are out for nothing less than your slow, gruesome death!
Geb: But... isn't that against some school, er... safety code?
Sarn: Um... nope. None that I can think of.
*Gebohq stands wide-eyed, frozen in fear*
Sarn: Well, I'll see you back at the dorm then! Dinner at seven? I still got some studying to do before the trials tomorrow...
*Sarn walks off, leaving Gebohq standing there.*
Will Gebohq pass the trials? What will he have to face? Who else will be competing? What of these mysterious, ever-growing pages known as NeS? What exactly DOES the Jump-bot have against Gebohq? You better find out, cuz there's a quiz on it tommorrow in Evil Cliffhangers 333, here at Never-ending State University!
[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited March 11, 2003).]
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