NSP: Whew! I'll be gone for a week. So I hope that the Neverending Story Thread doesn't die without me!
Here are the previous posts:
Antestarr's post
*NSP: Aaaah.... It's good to be back. Took me a while to catch up, but here it is, the Ante has finally come back to NES! Prepare for the most electrofying post in... aw skip it.*
*Gebohq and TLTENTW lay one on top of the other, guns touching each other's foreheads. With no other choice they pull the trigger. As the magnum begins to cock itself, the Klobb begins its volley of bullets. As the echo of the 20 rounds fades, both men open their eyes to find 20 bullet holes around Geb's head.*
TLTENTW: Stupid foreign innacurate guns! Why oh why couldn't they give me a Spyder like I asked?
*The magnum finishes cocking itself, and the hammer begins its painfully slow descent to reach the bullet. TLTENTW, realizing the immintent danger, throws himself to the side. 10 seconds later the gun fires. Afterward, the two stand up and brush themselves off.*
Geb: I suppose its time for the obligatory "chase through the bookcases", huh?
Geb: Well, how about I try a clever ploy to get a head start. OH MY! Look behind you.
*TLTENTW turns around to see a concrete wall and Geb runs off. TLTENTW quickly turns around and lays chase, continuing to fire his gun, bullets embedding themselves in the concrete walls. Geb, firing a shot behind him every 30 seconds, wonders if this is merely an excersise in futility...*
*Antestarr, now finished with his dispatching of the Spooky Taco writers, begins ambling back to his cubicle. He wonders what Geb is up to and how the ride in the fancy car went. Upon entering the office area he notices that something is missing.*
Ante: Hmm.... I wonder where Sem went... And what happened to all the cubicle walls? And the duct tape? Oh well, I guess I'll work on the story for a bit.
*Inside the story, inside the van, inside Ante's mind, an inside thought thinks about how boring it is inside this ride to somewhere he's not familiar with.*
Ante (to himself): I wonder how long Ares will sit idly by while a religion is created from this story that I'm a part of where people worship a pidgeon... And how did I realize that this is a story, anyway? Oh well, I gotta pass this boredom by somehow.
*Ante takes his singularity gun and starts to re-shape it. Soon he's holding a wooden acoustic guitar. He promptly begins playing a familiar tune...*
Ante (singing): Wasting away again in neverendingness. Looking for a brand new shaker of salt. Some people claim that I'm the person to blame, but I know (doo doo do do doooooo) that it's Miss Fire's fault!
What will become of Geb and TLTENTW? Where is the van going? How long will it take for ATW to call Ares about the whole Nessianity craze? Where is the van going? Attempt to find out these answers in subsequent posts of "The NEST"!
/Addendum\: NEST stands for NeverEnding Story Thread. HA!
[This message has been edited by Antestarr (edited July 30, 2001).]
Antestarr's post
*NSP: You know, thinking back, I can remember a time. A much simpler time. A time when the "writers" were nothing more than entities that somehow controlled our world. It's interesting how things go. One moment you have this idea floating around of people controlling your fate, the next moment half the story follows them, the moment after that they become more important than the story itself. It's almost tragic, really. Kinda makes you think. That is, if you've read every page... every post... Oh well, enough of my little outburst. Get posting, people!*
The Last True Evil's post
(NSP: According to the Massassi news page, any posts between now and approx. Tuesday will be destroyed when the server changes, so remember to save your posts from now on!)
*TLTETW stands on the deck of the Soviet Submarine Klass Akt, shouting commands to the troops.*
TLTETW: Avast, ye landlubbers! More power! Scotty, MORE POWER!!!
Scotty: (From the engine room) I can't dooo it Keptin, I dooon't have the power!!
TLTETW: No excuses! I want more power and I want it 90 seconds ago! Yuri, fire another torpedo at the aircraft wreckage! Miroslav, get the radar system un-jammed, dammitall! Boris, blow the ballast tanks! Bob, get me a cuppajoe! Vladimir, wipe that humanoid-shaped coffee stain off the radar!
Vladimir: I'm afraid that's not a coffee stain, sir, that's actually a human...he appears to be clinging to our submarine.
TLTETW: Give me a visual...
*The image of Michael McLongnameTW appears on the main screen, slightly blue due to asphyxiation, but no worse for wear.*
TLTETW: Damn you, McLongname...damn you.
*He considers for a moment.*
TLTETW: Yuri, lock up these documents and see that they make it to Siberian command, no matter what!
Yuri: Sir!
TLTETW: Bob, surface the sub!
Bob: Sir?
*Rapidly, the submarine rises, until they reach the ocean surface. On top of the submarine, MichaelTW sucks in a long breath and fights unconsciousness.*
TLTETW: I'm going up there to teach that ignorant American a lesson...in Russian combat.
*He races for the access hatch, stopping only to snatch a nasty-looking Russian scythe from the armoury...*
Janitor Bob's post
[Nsp: You mean that there's a realm other than the writers realm?!! Now you tell me. But, seriously, Once we get done with the TLTE stuff, and the other writers get out of prison, I'll try to put the focus more on the heroes]
*As the NES film rolls on, a member of the audience raises his hand*
Audience member: Uh… Mr. Narrator guy! I have a question!
Audience member: So… the plane has actually crashed in South Dakota?
North Dakota, yes.
Audience member: But… North Dakota isn’t anywhere near Russia.
Krig isn’t exactly known for his Navigational Skills.
Audience member: Krig’s a Viking! All Vikings are good…
Next question, please
Audience member: And there is a Soviet Submarine floating around too?
Your reading comprehension skills seem to be improving…
Audience member: Why is one of the crew on the sub is named Bob?
uh... That's going to be part of a major plot development... I think...
Audience member: But this Soviet Sub is in North Dakota…?
Well, maybe they got lost too
Audience member: But isn’t North Dakota landlock…
LOOK! Just shut up, sit down, watch the movie, and eat your Goobers ™!
*Meanwhile… (Ooh, that makes me feel so nostalgic saying that)… our writers are doing amazing physical feats with their robust muscles and lightning quick reflexes despite the fact that the only previous physical activity that they had engaged in involved lighting quick typing skills. I mean, come on, let’s face it. They're writers.*
*As the completely submerged plane descends to the bottom of Lake Sakakawea, in North Dakota, Losien gives sound advice to the frightened passengers*
Losien the Writer: Okay… whatever you do, don’t inhale.
*Krig the writer wakes up from his peaceful slumber. He too, gives one of his insightful observations that he is known for*
Krig the writer: Krig all wet.
Losien the writer: There’s got to be some way that I can save all these helpless passengers, while at the same time stopping the traitorous communist spies, preserving capitalism for the democratic majority!
*The camera pans over, showcasing the professor’s large Nuclear Submarine in the center aisle, that the other writers forgot about.*
Losien the writer: There’s got be some way, but I just can’t think of it.
*The camera zooms in on the Sub and shakes, beckoningly.*
Losien the writer*closing her eyes, contemplatively*: Hmm… I’ve got to think…
* A siren blares and the words, HINT HINT appear at the bottom of the screen*
*While Losien is too deep in thought to notice these hints. However, Krig does notice them. But where others see a giant sub, Krig sees… a giant sub*
*(Sub sandwich that is)*
*Still hungry, despite the fact that he had recently eaten an AK-47 and a large percentage of the airplane, charged up to the submarine, and just happens to open the hatch, and fall inside*
(Krig eating inedible things seems to be a reoccurring theme in the Neverending Story Thread)
*Losien and the passengers jump into the sub before any water can get into it*
Losien the writer: Professor!
Professor: Yes, Ma’am?
Losien the Writer: Get us out of this plane! Then stop that Soviet Submarine.
Professor: Certainly! But first, may I use a Kleenex?
*Losien hands him a tissue*
*The Professor immediately uses the tissue and his astounding engineering abilities to construct a ICBM missile launcher. He launches a missile into the side of the plane. With a blinding flash the plane is disintegrated; the blast causing a shockwave felt all the way at the city of Mobridge, South Dakota*
*Uninhibited, the Nuclear Submarine dives towards the Soviet sub, carrying three writers, the late plane’s passengers, and the entire cast of ‘Gilligan’s Island’*
May the Windex be with you
-Janitor Jack (Salk Wars)
[This message has been edited by Janitor Bob (edited July 31, 2001).]
[/b]Michael MacFarlane's post
(I was just about finished typing my post, and then I lost the whole thing. Oh well. :begins retyping post
[This message has been edited by Michael MacFarlane (edited July 31, 2001).]
Michael MacFarlane's post
(NSP: Quality over quantity, and in this case perhaps neither, as I've been lacking inspiration. I apologize in advance for the quality of this post.)
(Michael stands on the deck of the submarine, facing TLTE.)
Michael the Writer: Ah, you again.
TLTE the Writer: And more annoyingly for me, you again. If there was any justice in this world, you would be dead.
Michael: Yeah, it helps to have the writers backing you up...
(TLTE swings his scythe at Michael.)
Michael: Hey! (dodges) Put that thing (dodges) down. You could (dodges) poke an eye out (dodges) with that (dodges and gives TLTE a hard kick in the side).
(TLTE staggers back, and Michael makes a break for the hatch. TLTE hurls his scythe at Michael, but too late, as Michael has already ducked inside the submarine.)
TLTE: You son of a...
(Cut to submarine reactor room.)
TLTE: Alright, Mike. Come out now, or I start shooting.
Michael: (Sean Connery voice) Careful. Some things in here don't react well to bullets.
TLTE: I know this ship, and I'll take my chances. You've got five sec-
(Michael jumps out from behind one of the reactors, kicking the gun from TLTE's hand. Both dive for it, seeming to set up the standard struggle for the gun. Suddenly, a voice comes over the intercom.)
Voice: 30 seconds to critical failure.
TLTE: What? What happened?
Michael: (goofy grin) It's a Russian submarine. Something was bound to go wrong.
Audience: Booooooo!
Voice: 20 seconds to critical audience... ah... failure.
TLTE: Aw, screw it. (pulls a knife and stabs Michael) I wish I could be here to see you die, but it seems I'm not going to get that pleasure.
Voice: 10 seconds. 9... 8...
(With that, TLTE runs for the hatch. Just as the countdown reaches one, he dives out into the ocean.)
Voice: 0.
Michael: (suddenly realizing) It was the automated warning system that went wrong! This submarine is still completely operable, and presumably abandoned.
(Michael tries to jump up excitedly, and is given a painful reminder that he still has a knife in his stomach.)
Michael: Ow.
What will Michael do with an abandoned, but completely operable sub in the middle of North Dakota? You might find out next time, or you might not, in The Neverending Story Thread!
Gebohq's post
"Won't anybody jump in my hand-made arc?" Sem the writer asked in futility, as there was no more plane of passengers or writers, only two submarines underneath him. Feeling alone on his rickity and "cozy" arc, Sem tries to send a package of cookies by dove to be given to anyone who would join him in his arc. As he released the dove though, it promptly sank into the water with the package of cookies.
"What a waste of cookies, now that they're all wet," Sem the writer said to the newly born thread named "Battle for the Nexus", which responded with a burp.
Janitor Bob's
*The Last True Evil the Writer poked his head out of the water and gulped in air in quick, deep, gasping breaths. Clutching the his black leather briefcase to his chest, he looked around and found himself in the middle of Lake Sakakawea, in North Dakota.*
*It was just about that time that he remembered that he didn’t know how to swim.*
*Panicking, and inhaling water like Albueterol™, TLTETW starts to wonder if this really will be the final end to his short but firey existence as a main character*
*He needn’t have worried, seconds later a massive callused hand picks him up by his ears and dropps him in a fishing boat. The hand… and the boat, belonged to an old white haired, fat man, dressed in a black trenchcoat. He had a face that looked like it was the only cushion to several high speed head on collisions. He was one of those men that could only be described as ‘wrinkly’. He let out a low guttural growl*
*TLTETW shakes the fish out of his pockets, empties his ears and mouth of water and silt and stares at his rescuer. A flash of recognition comes across his eyes, temporarily blinding him*
TLTETW (out of character once again): Hey-hey! If it isn’t my old friend and employer Audrey Iosoffechekov’Golvokovichesegeyakatovo Popov! Or Ivan for short! Wassup! How’s the wife and kids?
*Ivan ignores the questions and introductions*
Ivan: Aw... so you have escaped as well, the fury of a self-destructing submarine. I didn't want to do it, but I knew the only way we could destroy that infidel, Mclongname, was to trap him in a burning radioactive hulk of molten metal...
TLTETW: Ah... beautiful imagery...
Ivan: Too, bad that we had to sacrifice the rest of the crew, though.
TLTETW: What? Didn't they escape.
Ivan: Yes... *sigh* they escaped, only to be eaten by large Man-eating sharks...
Audience Member: There are sharks in Lake Sakakawea in North Dakota?
I'll pretend I didn't hear that
Ivan *growling*: You… have the documents, Da?
TLTETW: Da. How could I possibly forget them, Comrade Audrey Iosoffechekov’Golvokovichesegeyakatovo Popov?
*TLTETW hands Ivan the briefcase*
*Ivan opens the briefcase carefully, being sure to not trigger the nuclear devices that so often guard these things. With a click the lid pops open. Ivan paws through the contents*
Ivan: Lets see… we have a blue cashmere sweater, some bifocals… and a book called Aunt Erma’s Cherry Pie Recipes™. No secret documents.
TLTETW: Aw… Rodina
*Meanwhile, in the submarine USS The Minnow, an old lady looks through her black leather suitcase*
Aunt Erma: Humph. I can’t seem to find my eyeglasses. All I can find are these guns and papers with red stamps on them.
Professor (looking at the sonar screen): All hands, prepare to fire on Soviet Contact at 216.
Losien the Writer: Wouldn’t it be better if we’d try to reasonably communicate with them instead.
Professor: Well, yes, but you guys are Never-ending Story Writers. You don’t communicate. You blow stuff up.
Losien the Writer: Stop generalizing me.
Professor: *sigh* It's so typical of young woman to say those things.
Losien the Writer: Hey...
Gilligan: PROFESSOR! The surface sonar’s making those beeping noises again!
Professor: That must mean we must have a surface contact!
*The professor studies the amplitude and frequency of the reflected sound waves coming on the sonar computer*
Professor: Hmm… it appears to be a small fishing boat with a crew of two…
Losien: How can you tell that from just the sound waves?
Professor: Well, the periscope helps too...
*The professor pauses, then turns to Losien. Military drum music plays in the Background*
Professor: Well, it looks like it’s up to you Commander Losien. Do we shoot the submarine or the fishing boat? Your choice.
Losien: Ooh. It’s like one of those ‘Choose your Own Adventure Books’
*If Losien shoots the Submarine, turn to page 483. If she fires on the fishing boat turn to page 252. If she is especially malicious and torpedoes Sem’s arc instead, turn to page 62,579. If she decides to give up writing and run for president of a small Caribbean republic turn to page 1,337 (Note: If you pick the wrong choice Evil WILL triumph and innocent people WILL die. Read the next post to find if you made the right decision*
May the Windex be with you
-Janitor Jack (Salk Wars)
[This message has been edited by Janitor Bob (edited August 01, 2001).]
Semievil333's post:
HUAAAA!!!! Post 900! 1337!
(I now must find some way to edit the post 900 times, in celebration of this momentous occasion!)
Semievil333's post:
Edit 900 times? Ohhh I get carpal tunnel just thinking about it.
On with the post!
Suddenly the surface sonar begins to spazam and bleep wildly. The Professor orders the crew to surface, and sends LTW to check it out.
LTW, clinging to the sonar equipment for dear life, staring at a sopping-wet white bundle, spazaming on the sonar
reciever: "Cookies? Mmm!"
STW, from his arc, notices the sub and the cookies.
STW: "In the name of NES, I have at thee!!! Ramming speed, One Word Post!"
The one word post immediately begins shooting out random, useless sentences, out the back of the arc, pushing it at breakneck speed towards the Professor's sub.
The sub, being held together entirely by bits of TBNNH, splinters into it's respective components, including a gigantic wad of TBNNH
The early bird may get the worm-
but it's the second mouse who gets the cheeze.
Omnia quae specto dominavi, et tantam magnus sum, ut non specto!
May the Windex be with you
-Janitor Jack (Salk Wars)
[This message has been edited by Janitor Bob (edited August 14, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Janitor Bob (edited August 15, 2001).]