(OoC: ARRRRRRRRGH!!! If anyone knows how to login to a .NET Passport, please tell me. I had to sign up for one so I could use the IGZ, but I can't get to the login page!!! MICROSOFT WILL DIE IN THIS POST
(Just kidding, I made this up BEFORE I tried to sign up for a .NET thingy. I came up weith this great idea for closing this chapter of NeS with a great confrontation w/DarkSide, him being defeated and promising revenge, yadda yadda yadda, and the crippling of the Galactic Microsoft Empire... but since I'm sure you ppl want to go to Switzerland first and have fun kicking arse and stuff... and since I would probably make severl of you angry with such a post... you'll just have to live with the PARTIAL crippling of Microsoft
-=< In the heroes realm... High above planet Earth in the MSN (Microsoft Star Neutralizer) Windows XP... >=-
Stupid Officer #474: Gee I'm bored... Mr. Gates was kidnapped, and so now we don't have a leader...
Moronic Officer #864224: Don't worry, I can lead!!!
Stupid/Moronic Officers #-5350 to +7927501: YAY!
SO474: Well, what will be you're first action as leader?
MO864224: I'll press this button here... *Points to the red one...
*Moments later a thunderous explosion rockets the ship, and in an instant, the ship and all 61751076011870178 Microsoft employees on board become puffs of smoke.
-=< In Darkside's torture chamber >=-
Gates: *Sitting in a chair and held to it by bonds and surrounded by Lackys weilding chain saws, arc welders, and the like* I won't tell anything!!!
TLTE Torturer: Wait, did something like this happen before? I just had Deja Vu... I mean... MUAHGHAAHAHAH!!! YOUR PITIFUL FLEET OF STAR NEUTRALIZERS CAN'T SAVE YOU NOW!!! (Man, I LOVE being able to talk in Caps...)
Gates: Um... ack.
*Suddenly, the door is blown off it's hinges by Force Push... MZZTTH steps into the room!!!*
MZZTTH:![http://forums.massassi.net/html/biggrin.gif [http://forums.massassi.net/html/biggrin.gif]](http://forums.massassi.net/html/biggrin.gif)
*The Lackeys tackle MZZTTH football style, effectively flattening him. Moments later, they howl in pain and burst through the ceilign cartoon-style. MZZTTH is there with his saber lit.*
MZZTTH:![http://forums.massassi.net/html/biggrin.gif [http://forums.massassi.net/html/biggrin.gif]](http://forums.massassi.net/html/biggrin.gif)
TLTWT: Darn you!!! You won't...
MZZTTH: *Vaporizes TLTET with his saber* Ah, shaddup.
The producer of this post, The Mega-ZZTer, now wishes to assure the audience that no TLTEs were harmed in the making of this post.
Gates: Thank goodness!! A Jedi Knight has come to save me!
MZZTTH: Actually, PM sent me to assassinate you...
Gates: Oh.
MZZTTH: ...so that the Microsoft Empire will fall apart.
Gates: GALACTIC. Galactic Microsoft Emp..
MZZTTH: Yes, yes, yes, Oh, and Mr. Gates, have you heard? Your officers pushed the red button!!! MUHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!
Gates: Isn't that a figure of speech?
MZZTTH: Not in THIS case!![http://forums.massassi.net/html/biggrin.gif [http://forums.massassi.net/html/biggrin.gif]](http://forums.massassi.net/html/biggrin.gif)
Gates: *Lifts his chin up* Well, I still have the MSD Office, the MSD Internet Explorer, the MSD Media Player, the MSD... *Time passes*... not to mention the TIE Fighters Notepad, Charmap, Paint...
*Suddenly, another figure enters the room... MZZTTH sences him and whirls around to face his foe...*
Darkside's Chief Lackey: Hello. You're probably wondering why I'm here...
MZZTTH: Not really.
DCL: I'm here to kill Gates...
MZZTTH: *Steps aside* Be my guest!
DCL: ...but of course, if I find any Massassians along the way, I'm to kill them too.
MZZTTH: *Steps forward* Try it!
Gates: *Cheerfully* Well, I guess I'd better look on the bright side! I'd rather be killed by a Jedi Knight than by a Darkside Lackey! Go MZZTTH!
MZZTTH: *Turns around* Really?
Gates: Yes!
MZZTTH: *Turns back to face DCL* If I run away, who will you go after?
DCL: Gates.
MZZTTH: Suits me fine. *Turns to Gates* Mr. Gates, I'd love to kill this guy, seeing he's one of the top guys and all, but I'd rather see you NOT get you're dying wish...
Gates: *Gulp*
MZZTTH: G'bye! *Falls out a conveniently placed closed window.*
DCL: Woah. Deja Vu. Well, anyway, time to do the job I came here for... *Turns to face Gates*
*Pulls out knife*
Gates: #$%^&.
-=< Some empty beach somewhere after sunset >=-
PM: *Talks into com* Misson successful. MZZT tells me Gates is assassinated, and the Windows XP blew itself up. Microsoft will take a long time to recover. We can concentrate on Darkside now. *Flicks com off.*
*Stares at the horizon as a burning piece of the MSN Windows XP plumits down in a fireball into the ocean... the full beauty of which cannot be described...*
PM: Ah, beautiful... Now, Switzerland or bust!!! *Gets out hitchhiking thumb and heads for the nearest highway.*
Disclaimer: The author wishes that, if any Microsoft employee reads this post, that they also read this: The author has no grudge against Microsoft, and does not wish for them any fate that is stated in this post. This post is purely fictional.
"You know when you've been away from the Zone too long when none of your Zone friends recognize you." - /me
[Edit: WOOHOO!!! I've got the first post on page 28!!!]
[This message has been edited by The_Mega_ZZTer (edited December 13, 2001).]
![http://forums.massassi.net/html/biggrin.gif [http://forums.massassi.net/html/biggrin.gif]](http://forums.massassi.net/html/biggrin.gif)
(Just kidding, I made this up BEFORE I tried to sign up for a .NET thingy. I came up weith this great idea for closing this chapter of NeS with a great confrontation w/DarkSide, him being defeated and promising revenge, yadda yadda yadda, and the crippling of the Galactic Microsoft Empire... but since I'm sure you ppl want to go to Switzerland first and have fun kicking arse and stuff... and since I would probably make severl of you angry with such a post... you'll just have to live with the PARTIAL crippling of Microsoft
![http://forums.massassi.net/html/biggrin.gif [http://forums.massassi.net/html/biggrin.gif]](http://forums.massassi.net/html/biggrin.gif)
-=< In the heroes realm... High above planet Earth in the MSN (Microsoft Star Neutralizer) Windows XP... >=-
Stupid Officer #474: Gee I'm bored... Mr. Gates was kidnapped, and so now we don't have a leader...
Moronic Officer #864224: Don't worry, I can lead!!!
Stupid/Moronic Officers #-5350 to +7927501: YAY!
SO474: Well, what will be you're first action as leader?
MO864224: I'll press this button here... *Points to the red one...
![http://forums.massassi.net/html/biggrin.gif [http://forums.massassi.net/html/biggrin.gif]](http://forums.massassi.net/html/biggrin.gif)
*Moments later a thunderous explosion rockets the ship, and in an instant, the ship and all 61751076011870178 Microsoft employees on board become puffs of smoke.
![http://forums.massassi.net/html/biggrin.gif [http://forums.massassi.net/html/biggrin.gif]](http://forums.massassi.net/html/biggrin.gif)
-=< In Darkside's torture chamber >=-
Gates: *Sitting in a chair and held to it by bonds and surrounded by Lackys weilding chain saws, arc welders, and the like* I won't tell anything!!!
TLTE Torturer: Wait, did something like this happen before? I just had Deja Vu... I mean... MUAHGHAAHAHAH!!! YOUR PITIFUL FLEET OF STAR NEUTRALIZERS CAN'T SAVE YOU NOW!!! (Man, I LOVE being able to talk in Caps...)
Gates: Um... ack.
*Suddenly, the door is blown off it's hinges by Force Push... MZZTTH steps into the room!!!*
![http://forums.massassi.net/html/biggrin.gif [http://forums.massassi.net/html/biggrin.gif]](http://forums.massassi.net/html/biggrin.gif)
*The Lackeys tackle MZZTTH football style, effectively flattening him. Moments later, they howl in pain and burst through the ceilign cartoon-style. MZZTTH is there with his saber lit.*
![http://forums.massassi.net/html/biggrin.gif [http://forums.massassi.net/html/biggrin.gif]](http://forums.massassi.net/html/biggrin.gif)
TLTWT: Darn you!!! You won't...
MZZTTH: *Vaporizes TLTET with his saber* Ah, shaddup.
The producer of this post, The Mega-ZZTer, now wishes to assure the audience that no TLTEs were harmed in the making of this post.
Gates: Thank goodness!! A Jedi Knight has come to save me!
MZZTTH: Actually, PM sent me to assassinate you...
Gates: Oh.
MZZTTH: ...so that the Microsoft Empire will fall apart.
Gates: GALACTIC. Galactic Microsoft Emp..
MZZTTH: Yes, yes, yes, Oh, and Mr. Gates, have you heard? Your officers pushed the red button!!! MUHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!
Gates: Isn't that a figure of speech?
MZZTTH: Not in THIS case!
![http://forums.massassi.net/html/biggrin.gif [http://forums.massassi.net/html/biggrin.gif]](http://forums.massassi.net/html/biggrin.gif)
Gates: *Lifts his chin up* Well, I still have the MSD Office, the MSD Internet Explorer, the MSD Media Player, the MSD... *Time passes*... not to mention the TIE Fighters Notepad, Charmap, Paint...
*Suddenly, another figure enters the room... MZZTTH sences him and whirls around to face his foe...*
Darkside's Chief Lackey: Hello. You're probably wondering why I'm here...
MZZTTH: Not really.
DCL: I'm here to kill Gates...
MZZTTH: *Steps aside* Be my guest!
DCL: ...but of course, if I find any Massassians along the way, I'm to kill them too.
MZZTTH: *Steps forward* Try it!
Gates: *Cheerfully* Well, I guess I'd better look on the bright side! I'd rather be killed by a Jedi Knight than by a Darkside Lackey! Go MZZTTH!
MZZTTH: *Turns around* Really?
Gates: Yes!
MZZTTH: *Turns back to face DCL* If I run away, who will you go after?
DCL: Gates.
MZZTTH: Suits me fine. *Turns to Gates* Mr. Gates, I'd love to kill this guy, seeing he's one of the top guys and all, but I'd rather see you NOT get you're dying wish...
Gates: *Gulp*
MZZTTH: G'bye! *Falls out a conveniently placed closed window.*
DCL: Woah. Deja Vu. Well, anyway, time to do the job I came here for... *Turns to face Gates*
![http://forums.massassi.net/html/biggrin.gif [http://forums.massassi.net/html/biggrin.gif]](http://forums.massassi.net/html/biggrin.gif)
Gates: #$%^&.
-=< Some empty beach somewhere after sunset >=-
PM: *Talks into com* Misson successful. MZZT tells me Gates is assassinated, and the Windows XP blew itself up. Microsoft will take a long time to recover. We can concentrate on Darkside now. *Flicks com off.*
*Stares at the horizon as a burning piece of the MSN Windows XP plumits down in a fireball into the ocean... the full beauty of which cannot be described...*
PM: Ah, beautiful... Now, Switzerland or bust!!! *Gets out hitchhiking thumb and heads for the nearest highway.*
Disclaimer: The author wishes that, if any Microsoft employee reads this post, that they also read this: The author has no grudge against Microsoft, and does not wish for them any fate that is stated in this post. This post is purely fictional.
"You know when you've been away from the Zone too long when none of your Zone friends recognize you." - /me
[Edit: WOOHOO!!! I've got the first post on page 28!!!]
[This message has been edited by The_Mega_ZZTer (edited December 13, 2001).]