*In the dark recesses far far away from our heroes...*
Morris the cat: Yes, dem foos think they can just forget about me. They'll see otherwise...
*A loud thud can be heard*
Morris: Ow! Whoever said that cats can see in the dark wasn't a cat, that's for sure. Now to stop at the nearest meat-packeging plant to get a snack before visiting Geb and his friends.
*Meanwhile (NeS usage count: 697, give or take a few hundred. 65% of statistics are made up on the spot anyways...), inside a bar in a parallel universe...*
Ares' clone: *finishing his drink* Why doesn't anybody believe that I invented the Internet? The Lord will strike you down fer such lack of faith...
Benard the pigeon: *mechanical chirp*
Are's clone: You're right, my fine feathered friend. We shouldn't be on the sidelines like this, let's get back in the action--hey, what the hell?--I mean *in very monotone voice* what the hell?
[begin "The Sixth Day" rip-off]
*Ares' clone turns his attention to teh TV that's in the bar, tuned into the PPV's ongoing special coverage of Gebohq and the other fighters. He notices Burby and two Nazi's on the screen, with...himself on the screen? It had to be the original Ares, but then he noticed the Bible in the hand...*
(on TV)
Burby: Just tell me where I can find the Lost Ark of the covenant Ares!
Ares: (in monotone voice, reading from a Bible) Those that are enemies of teh Lord shall fear his wrath. Repent now, adn thou shall be saved...
(back at the bar)
Ares' clone: There's another me! But I'm the real Ares!..er..the real clone I mean..man, this is too confusing. Well, whoever did this is going to pay. They messed with the wrong clone.
[/end "The Sixth Day" rip-off]
*Off in a lab someplace, the real Ares stands in fustration.*
Ares: (speaking to a scientist) Idiot! You messed the cloning again!
Scientist: But sir, when you said you wanted another, we assumed that you couldn't have meant your car--
Ares: Why not?!!
Scientist: Because it's not alive and--
Ares: Don't say that ever again! (walks up to his beloved Mercades and pets its hood) Don't listen to the mean aweful man, you'll always be my one true love...
*Meanwhile, back with the fighters (random audience menber: finally!) Randy and the others stare into the darkness ahead of them.*
Randy: Uh...well lead us on Geb!
Geb: I'm not stupid! There'll be some monster waiting to eat me whole. Send Krig in!
Krig: Krig afraid of the dark.
Maybe: Oh honestly! Afraid of what lies ahead...you're all such big babies...
*Maybechild walks into the dark tunnel, with the others simply watching in anticipation*
Otter: Think anything will happen?
Ante: Well, I would think if anything good is ahead, it'll be guarded by something bad--
*Just then, Maybechild runs screaming and arms flailing*
Maybe: AHHHHH!!!! It's David Bowie and a sex-crazed fat teenage-boy!
Will our heroes be able to defeat this new threat and move on to see what's ahead? Will Are's clone go take his rightful place and replace the clone with himself with Benard? What does Moris have planned for the fighters? I don't know about you, but I'm about to pee my pants if I don't find out in the next episode of.. THE NEVERENDING STORY!
Morris the cat: Yes, dem foos think they can just forget about me. They'll see otherwise...
*A loud thud can be heard*
Morris: Ow! Whoever said that cats can see in the dark wasn't a cat, that's for sure. Now to stop at the nearest meat-packeging plant to get a snack before visiting Geb and his friends.
*Meanwhile (NeS usage count: 697, give or take a few hundred. 65% of statistics are made up on the spot anyways...), inside a bar in a parallel universe...*
Ares' clone: *finishing his drink* Why doesn't anybody believe that I invented the Internet? The Lord will strike you down fer such lack of faith...
Benard the pigeon: *mechanical chirp*
Are's clone: You're right, my fine feathered friend. We shouldn't be on the sidelines like this, let's get back in the action--hey, what the hell?--I mean *in very monotone voice* what the hell?
[begin "The Sixth Day" rip-off]
*Ares' clone turns his attention to teh TV that's in the bar, tuned into the PPV's ongoing special coverage of Gebohq and the other fighters. He notices Burby and two Nazi's on the screen, with...himself on the screen? It had to be the original Ares, but then he noticed the Bible in the hand...*
(on TV)
Burby: Just tell me where I can find the Lost Ark of the covenant Ares!
Ares: (in monotone voice, reading from a Bible) Those that are enemies of teh Lord shall fear his wrath. Repent now, adn thou shall be saved...
(back at the bar)
Ares' clone: There's another me! But I'm the real Ares!..er..the real clone I mean..man, this is too confusing. Well, whoever did this is going to pay. They messed with the wrong clone.
[/end "The Sixth Day" rip-off]
*Off in a lab someplace, the real Ares stands in fustration.*
Ares: (speaking to a scientist) Idiot! You messed the cloning again!
Scientist: But sir, when you said you wanted another, we assumed that you couldn't have meant your car--
Ares: Why not?!!
Scientist: Because it's not alive and--
Ares: Don't say that ever again! (walks up to his beloved Mercades and pets its hood) Don't listen to the mean aweful man, you'll always be my one true love...
*Meanwhile, back with the fighters (random audience menber: finally!) Randy and the others stare into the darkness ahead of them.*
Randy: Uh...well lead us on Geb!
Geb: I'm not stupid! There'll be some monster waiting to eat me whole. Send Krig in!
Krig: Krig afraid of the dark.
Maybe: Oh honestly! Afraid of what lies ahead...you're all such big babies...
*Maybechild walks into the dark tunnel, with the others simply watching in anticipation*
Otter: Think anything will happen?
Ante: Well, I would think if anything good is ahead, it'll be guarded by something bad--
*Just then, Maybechild runs screaming and arms flailing*
Maybe: AHHHHH!!!! It's David Bowie and a sex-crazed fat teenage-boy!
Will our heroes be able to defeat this new threat and move on to see what's ahead? Will Are's clone go take his rightful place and replace the clone with himself with Benard? What does Moris have planned for the fighters? I don't know about you, but I'm about to pee my pants if I don't find out in the next episode of.. THE NEVERENDING STORY!
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