*The heroes walk out of the Holographic Training Area, and out into the twisting corridors of the HoH. Kyle, being the new guy, quickly gets seperated from the others and completely lost.*
Randy: "So, um, how long were we in that simulator thingy, exactly?"
Ante: "I think the simulation began when we took a wrong turn and stepped into the submarine, which wasn't really a submarine at all, but a simulation of a submarine. We thought we were stepping into a submarine, but it turns out we were actually stepping into the Hall of Heroes' Holographic Training Area. So pretty much everything that happened to us after that didn't really happen. Now that I think about it, the HoH doesn't really have a real submarine at all..."
Randy: "So all the people we met and all the things that were destroyed since then weren't real, but were, in fact, simulations?"
Ante: "This is correct."
Randy: "So, um, how come that Spasm guy is still with us? Shouldn't he have dissapeared with the simulations?"
*Everybody looks at Spasm. Spasm sorta smiles and waves back.*
Spasm: "Well, you see, what happened was, I was wandering along through the streets of London, and I decided to go take a tour of Big Ben. I saw a door with a sign that said 'Holographic Training Area', so I went in there. Then I met some really crazy guys, and then I got smashed through the wall, which hurt a lot, and now I'm hanging out with you guys."
Ante: "Ok, that sounds logical. *whew*, we very nearly had another plot hole there!"
*The other heroes sigh in relief.*
Otter: "And so, the world is safe once more. Let's all go have a party!"
*Zip-pan to Kyle, wandering through the HoH's corridors.*
Kyle: "Hey guys? Guys? Where'd you go?"
*Zip-pan back to the Heroes*
Spasm: "Woohoo! I'll get the miniature Mexican sombreros made of nachos!"
Randy: "Wait, wait! The world isn't safe at all! The Legion of Spookay is still converting the Arena into a super-base of Evil, Gettleburger is trapped in said Arena, Ares is God knows where, our leader Geb is still in that eerie "TACC" place, Mick and Losien still have issues to work out, I think TLTE still wants to kill Mick when he gets back from his vacation to the Caribbean, Krig still has that uber-powerful Holy Helmet of Halibut, and..."
Otter: "Hey, look everybody! There's already a party going on in the HoH! They're playing 'Pin the Tail on the Drunken Donkey', and they're using Mark Hamil as the donkey!"
Mark Hamil: "Hey ever'body, com an' shjoin th' parTAY! Ow! Quit pokin' me!"
Sem: "Nyeh, sounds kinda boring to me."
Otter: "Ooh, hey, and they also have a bunch of generic hot chicks who've been drinking for some time!"
*Our Heroes leave Randy in a cloud of dust, the kind that results from people running really fast. Randy looks down at his shoes.*
Randy: "Well the least they coulda done was help get the gator off my leg..."
*Inside the Main Room of the Hall of Heroes, the party that MZZT started is still going full-bore. All of the partiers are either drunk, crazy, or both. Actually, most of them are both. As Ante, Krig, Masetto, Otter, Sem, and the others walk in, the party kicks up another notch. Only a few seconds pass before Otter is hanging from the chandelier, Sem is regaling the crowd with incoherant stories of his duct tape prowess, Masetto and Ante are passed out on the floor, and Krig is go-go dancing in his underwear. The sad part is that none of them are drunk.*
Otter: "Wa-hoooooooooo!"
*In one relatively quiet corner, MacLongname is holding Losien by the shoulders in a dramatic pose from one of those icky romance movies.*
MacLongname: "Listen to me Losien, darling! I care nothing for anybody but you! So why would I lie when I tell you that that Pizza Delivery Guy is just trying to get in your pants?"
Losien: "Mick, I don't think they would fit."
MacLongname: "Huh?"
Losien: "My pants. They wouldn't fit the Pizza Delivery Guy, so why would he want to wear them? You're just making things up, Mick, I don't think you really love me."
MacLongname: "Please, Losien, listen to me! I've never -"
*Just then, the Pizza Delivery Guy walks up, looking all tough in his Pizza Delivery Uniform.*
Pizza Delivery Guy: "Hey, buddy, stop harrassing my girl! You want me to get medi-eval on your can?"
MacLongname (to himself): "If I beat this guy up, then Losien will never forgive me. I have to think up some clever yet romantic way to win back her heart, and show up this Pizza Delivery Guy for what he really is."
Losien: "Um, Mick, if you don't want other people to hear what you're thinking, you really shouldn't say it out loud."
MacLongname: "What? How much of that did you hear?"
Pizza Delivery Guy: "Pretty much all of it, moron. Now why don't you move along, or you'll get a royal face-beating!"
MacLongname (to himself): "Hm, I know what I can do! If I let Pizza Guy stay with Losien until TLTE gets back, TLTE will go berserk and annihilate Pizza Guy. Of course, Losien will hate TLTE for this, and she'll turn to me for comfort! It solves all of my problems!"
Losien: "Um, Mick, you're still talking out loud..."
*Meanwhile, in the Arena - aka the Legion of Spookay - the Villians have completed their insidious renovation project.*
Darkside: "Hahahaha! While those foolish heroes were foolishly dealing with holographic versions of ourselves, we, our true selves, were finishing completion of the Legion of Spookay! Now we shall be invincible! Hahahaha!"
Farr: "Hey, when you say 'we', do you mean 'we' as in 'us', or 'we' as in 'you'? Because, you know, you do refer to yourself in the plural form a lot..."
Darkside: "What are you talking about? We never refer to ourself in the plural form!"
Farr: "Dude, you just did!"
Darkside: "We did not!"
*While the incarnation of the Dark Side of the Force gets into a petty argument with a really weird-looking Bad Guy, Ernie stands off by himself in some shadows.*
Ernie: "Yess, argue amongst yourselves, you fools. You shall never see, never see, your demise coming. And then one day, when the world is conquered, I shall destroy you all and rule the universe alone! My rubber duckies will be free at last! Khee-hee-hee-heeeee...."
*While the incarnation of the Dark Side of the Force gets into a petty argument with a really weird-looking Bad Guy, and Ernie stands off by himself in some shadows, the Keyboarding Teacher stands off in some other shadows.*
Keyboarding Teacher: "Yes, argue amongst yourselves, you fools. You shall never see your demise coming, you shan't. And then one day, when the world is conquered, I shall destroy you all and rule the universe alone! Then and only then will the world realize that good keyboarding skills are the true way to power! HeeHEEheeheeheeheeheeee..."
*While the incarnation of the Dark Side of the Force gets into a petty argument with a really weird-looking Bad Guy, Ernie stands off by himself in some shadows, and the Keyboarding Teacher stands off in some other shadows, Morris the Cat lies on his stomach in still other shadows.*
Morris the Cat: "I'm hungry."
<<Bzzt-bzzt-Beep! What will happen next? Do all the writers understand what has happened recently? If not, send $20 dollars and a box of high-powered microchips to "Frank the Computer, Hall of Heroes, Big Ben, London, England. You may or may not get an answer in return. Thank you. Bzzt.>>
Randy: "Y'know, this gator on my leg really hurts a lot..."
When the blind leadeth the blind.... get out of the way!
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!