(NSP: This is the start of the sub-story that will (hopefuly) inspire the point-and-click adventure game version of NeS.)
Within the mission room of the Hall of Heroes, Gebohq, acting leader-like, debriefs the other heroes further upon their new quest.
Gebohq: *munching on a donut* As you can see here on the screen behind me, the time/space thread that we exist in is being purposely altered by a currently unknown source. Our mission will be to travel into key points of the "thread" and search for some clue as to who is behind this evil, and stop them, before they undoubtedly endanger the world as we know it.
*The other heroes act indifferently, munching on their own snacks and busy with other things. Highemperor continues to stare into space in a dead manner, which isn't surprising, considering that he is dead for all practical purposes.*
Geb: *ahem*
*The other heroes quickly spring into attention, pretending to be following along. Highemp's head slumps onto the table. Gebohq's face grows worried, and motions to Losien. She props him back up, puts a paper bag over his head, and draws a smiliy face on it. Losien looks upon her work with a good deal of pride. Gebohq continues.*
Gebohq: I chose the nine of you because each of you is most qualified and experienced with our previous missions. I am further dividing this group into one group of three and three groups of two...or is that two groups of three...
Maybechild: *to Galvatron* Why did he have to be our leader?
Geb: Three groups of two, right. Group one will be Galvatron and Semievil, whom will go back to when TotallyEvil's threat was imminent.
*Galvatron nods, while Semievil shudders.*
Geb: Group two will be CookedHaggis and Krig, who will travel back to when we first encountered The Last True Evil, who initially tried to kill me, but is now a full-fledged member of our cause. Speaking of, I wonder where he went...
*CookedHaggis and Krig give each other analyzing looks.*
Geb: Group Three will be Maybechild and Otter, who will go back to when we tried to retrieve the legendary Holy Hand Remote.
*TheOtter beams a big smile at Maybechild, who shoots a cold stare at Geb.*
Geb: And the fourth group will consist of myself, Losien, and Lt. Randy, where we will risk traveling two hundred years into the future, for reports have indicated that the strongest of possible sources in the space/time distortion can be found there. I was going to send Highemperor with group three, but he, uh...doesn't seem to be in any such condition right now.*
*Camera pan to Highemperor with the paper bag on his head. A low "uuuuuuurgh" can be heard underneath.*
Geb: Any questions?
*Everyone raises their hands, including Highemperor, thanks to Maybechild raising his hand for him.*
Geb: Very well, let's go then!
*The heroes make their way to the Thingy, used before in the quest into the realm of TACC, now allowing them to travel in time. Each group prepares to enter through. Galvatron appears to be having second doubts from watching Semievil nearly shaking in fear.*
A new quest, these "heroes" embark on. Apparently this is a special kind. Bah I say! They'll find a way to screw this up--I mean, save the world. Yes, save the world. To find out, continue playing!
(NSP: I left Galv in the position to be able to change with one of the other writers such as Kyle or Spasm if they wish. Though I ask that if you do, that you please contribute as much as you can. Also, if one of the more experienced writers could be so kind as to give a short description for the characters in the game substory, as done in previous parts, that'd be much appreciated. I will be gone for a week, so I won't be able to post until then. I hope this goes off well
[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited July 25, 2002).]
Within the mission room of the Hall of Heroes, Gebohq, acting leader-like, debriefs the other heroes further upon their new quest.
Gebohq: *munching on a donut* As you can see here on the screen behind me, the time/space thread that we exist in is being purposely altered by a currently unknown source. Our mission will be to travel into key points of the "thread" and search for some clue as to who is behind this evil, and stop them, before they undoubtedly endanger the world as we know it.
*The other heroes act indifferently, munching on their own snacks and busy with other things. Highemperor continues to stare into space in a dead manner, which isn't surprising, considering that he is dead for all practical purposes.*
Geb: *ahem*
*The other heroes quickly spring into attention, pretending to be following along. Highemp's head slumps onto the table. Gebohq's face grows worried, and motions to Losien. She props him back up, puts a paper bag over his head, and draws a smiliy face on it. Losien looks upon her work with a good deal of pride. Gebohq continues.*
Gebohq: I chose the nine of you because each of you is most qualified and experienced with our previous missions. I am further dividing this group into one group of three and three groups of two...or is that two groups of three...
Maybechild: *to Galvatron* Why did he have to be our leader?
Geb: Three groups of two, right. Group one will be Galvatron and Semievil, whom will go back to when TotallyEvil's threat was imminent.
*Galvatron nods, while Semievil shudders.*
Geb: Group two will be CookedHaggis and Krig, who will travel back to when we first encountered The Last True Evil, who initially tried to kill me, but is now a full-fledged member of our cause. Speaking of, I wonder where he went...
*CookedHaggis and Krig give each other analyzing looks.*
Geb: Group Three will be Maybechild and Otter, who will go back to when we tried to retrieve the legendary Holy Hand Remote.
*TheOtter beams a big smile at Maybechild, who shoots a cold stare at Geb.*
Geb: And the fourth group will consist of myself, Losien, and Lt. Randy, where we will risk traveling two hundred years into the future, for reports have indicated that the strongest of possible sources in the space/time distortion can be found there. I was going to send Highemperor with group three, but he, uh...doesn't seem to be in any such condition right now.*
*Camera pan to Highemperor with the paper bag on his head. A low "uuuuuuurgh" can be heard underneath.*
Geb: Any questions?
*Everyone raises their hands, including Highemperor, thanks to Maybechild raising his hand for him.*
Geb: Very well, let's go then!
*The heroes make their way to the Thingy, used before in the quest into the realm of TACC, now allowing them to travel in time. Each group prepares to enter through. Galvatron appears to be having second doubts from watching Semievil nearly shaking in fear.*
A new quest, these "heroes" embark on. Apparently this is a special kind. Bah I say! They'll find a way to screw this up--I mean, save the world. Yes, save the world. To find out, continue playing!
(NSP: I left Galv in the position to be able to change with one of the other writers such as Kyle or Spasm if they wish. Though I ask that if you do, that you please contribute as much as you can. Also, if one of the more experienced writers could be so kind as to give a short description for the characters in the game substory, as done in previous parts, that'd be much appreciated. I will be gone for a week, so I won't be able to post until then. I hope this goes off well
![http://forums.massassi.net/html/smile.gif [http://forums.massassi.net/html/smile.gif]](http://forums.massassi.net/html/smile.gif)
[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited July 25, 2002).]
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