[NSP: First of all I want to apologize for the pathetic nature of this post. I'm kinda in a 'unfunny' mode right now. I just wanted to advance the "plot" a little bit]
*Meanwhile… in the heroes realm*
Masseto: Okay. Were back here, in the city…
*Masseto sees an anvil tottering off the edge of a nearby building*
Masseto: That wishes to remain anonymous. Now what do we do?
Geb: Well I supposed we could just wait till we get attacked or something. That’s what we usually do.
Losien: Hey, has anyone seen the Last True Evil, the Hero?
*Seconds later, a blinding flash occurs and the heroes find themselves circled by at least twenty… figures. The figures are dressed in long flowing druid’s robes; hoods cover their faces Darth Sidious style, they simultaneously reach into their oversized sleeves and draw out various weapons. Guns, Knives, Grenades, Scythes, staffs, and cooking utensils. They all stare at our heroes with villainous intent.*
*Krig sticks out his hairy Viking hand in an attempt to be friendly*
Krig: Me name Krig. Who you nice people?
*The hooded figures look up and respond in a haunting, raspy voice, simultaneously. The echo reverberates throughout the town.*
Hooded Figures: We are The Last True Evils of the Sacred Order of Light- Intent on Sacrificing Breathing Livestock By the Light Of A Full Moon And Drinking It’s Blood. But you will call us TLTEOTSOOLIOSBLBTLOAFMADIB!
Krig: Nice meet you, Hooded Figures.
Hooded Figures: You… you… are the heroes prophesied by the sacred and holy scrolls of Nostrodamus. You shall die as it is commanded to us by our bloodthirsty hands, this very morn!
Cooked Haggis: Bloodthirsty hands?
Hooded Figures: Silence, skeptical heathen!
Losien: We’re not Heathens. We’re Nestians!
*The Hooded Figures raise their weapons and start uttering an oscillating moaning chant*
Randy: Wait! Before you kill us, can you at least tell us where we are.
Hooded Figures: We…. are… in… the chosen… city… of…
*Anvils materialize from the sky, fall and crush each Hooded Figure*
Geb: Quick thinking, Randy. So, it looks like a new menace has infiltrated the heroes realm. And from the looks of the NES cliff notes, they appear to be Evil Clones of the Last True Evil.
Masseto: Aw, Clone, Shmone. We can stop them.
Geb: Yeah, well, we may be invincible, powerful, and good looking, but even WE can’t stop this Clone Menace by ourselves. We’ll need help.
Sem: Are you thinking what I’m thinking Geb?
Maybe: Yep. The number’s (216) 666-6666.
*In the Canadian Governmental Place, the High Demon rubs his hands chuckling softly, thinking up of new evil laws to write into existence*
High Demon: And we’ll make spitting on sidewalks illegal! Mwa ha ha.
*Suddenly the phone rings*
High Demon: Well, get the phone.
Secretary of the Interior: Um… you know, Mr. High Demon, the Secretary of the Interiors job does not consist of answering the phone.
High Demon: I know that, idiot. It also consists of writing memos for me.
*The secretary sighs and picks up the phone and gives it to the High Demon*
High Demon: Oh, It’s probably just Satan again, with another bloody performance review… Hello?
Sem: Uh… hi, is this the Demon residence?
High Demon: Yes it is. May I ask who’s calling?
Sem: That’s not important right now. What is important, is that I have some bad news to give to you.
High Demon: This better be important. I’m on a per-minute calling plan here.
Sem: Well, you want world domination, correct?
High Demon: Well, of course. Doesn’t everybody.
Sem: Yes, especially The Last True Evil. Never heard of him? Well, he’s the man who went beyond simply wanting World Domination, and actually did something about it. He almost has world domination.
High Demon: What!
Sem: Yup. While you were busy reforming Social Security they was taking over the world. You may be able to stop him, and still achieve absolute power for yourself. Better hurry. Well, I have to go now. Bye.
High Demon: Wait… wait! I need more information!
*The High Demon is rewarded only with a dial tone*
High Demon: Mr. Secretary of the Interior! I want a task force on this immediately!
*Meanwhile, in the writers realm*
*Janitor Bob opens his eyes to see once again the crazed face of... Head Guy. But his eyes look red, blood-shot, and sleep deprived. They look sucken back and distant as if something has been occuping his mind for days that he doesn't understand. Either that or he went out and bought those new 'Darth Maul' contact lenses.*
Janitor Bob the Writer: Okay, I’m ducttaped to a chair in your conference room again. This better be important.
Assistant: Yes, Head Guy, I’m curious to the nature of this meeting as well.
Head Guy: Oh, it’s just that I was drinking last night and I had an incredible idea!
Bob the writer *dryly*: Really. You can just see how excited I am to hear it.
Head Guy: Well, I was thinking, the title ‘NeverEnding Story’ seems too, well, it gives the impression of Never-Endingness.
Bob: I wonder why.
Head Guy: So I was thinking, in the story, there’s like Clones, right? And they’re like attacking, y’know?
Bob the writer: Well, yeah, but I’m not sure I like where this is leading.
Head Guy: Well, in a fit of inspirational ingenuity, in the spirit ‘fun’ and ‘delirium’ and harkening back to the days of sci-fi pulps with horrible plots, bad writing, and even worse titles, I have decided to rename the story: ‘Attack of the Clones’.
Bob the writer: But… but… that’s… it’s… the most nefariously stupid idea I’ve ever heard…
Head Guy: Hee hee haw haw! Exactly! And then… heh heh… then we’ll find out that Sem is actually Maybe’s sister!
Assistant: Oh, no. I knew something like this would happen?
Bob the writer: What?
Assistant: The lack of viewership and the stress… its caused his mind to, well, snap. He’s completely and totally nuts.
*The Assistant sprints away, and dives out of a closed window.*
Bob the writer: It’s times like this that I wish I wasn’t tied to a chair with duct-tape…
*Realm: Writers. Location: The Jasper National Park Golf Course in Canada. Situation: Volatile*
*Hole 18. Two armies are on either side of the fairway, staring each other down, hands nervously fingering the triggers on their weapons. Both sides have a massive formation of loyal soldiers, tanks of all shapes, sizes, and nationalities, and hulking artillery. But there is something… different… about these armies. Or rather something… suspiciously the same. On one side stands an army of thousands of Last True Evil soldiers, and on the other… hundreds of Ares’ clones. There are more Last True Evils but the fact that the Ares’ Clones, are clones of a god of war, gives them a slight advantage.*
*Each side readys for battle. The artillery men shove shells into their guns, the tanks roll into position, and the soldiers pick their noses.*
TLTETIG (The Last True Evil the Inspirational General): DISCIPLINE! We need more DISCIPLINE. If we are going to WIN this battle, and thus WIN the world, we can’t be squandering around like a bunch of sissified sissies! We need to come to order. Fight to Kill! Kill to Win! Win to Triumph!
Ares’ Clone General: *Yawn* Well. Looks like it’s another battle. Guess, *sigh* we shall have to defeat these idiots once again. Get ready… for a really… *yawn* exciting time.
TLTETIG:… so go out there, and MAKE ME PROUD. Remember, don’t fire until you see the whites of their FEAR STRICKEN… BLOODSHOT… eyes!
*All the Ares’ Clones close their eyes*
TLTETIG: Okay. I take that back .Fire when in range. But make sure you don’t waste ammunition! We are expendable. Our ammunition… is not!
Ares’ Clone general: Remember. The objective of this pointless battle is not to die for [/i]your er… country… but to make the other side... get killed a lot and stuff… or something like that… * voice trails off*
TLTETIG: Dig, men DIG!
TLTE the soldiers: Huh?
TLTETIG: Don’t question my authority. Take away their liberty… and give them death!
*The Soviet Clones cheer and jack shells into their guns*
*Several of Ares’ clones lay down to take a nap*
*Both sides stare down the fairway intently, thirsty for carnage, but neither side dares to take the first shot*
*As if on cue (which it was) a golf ball soars through the air and hits TLTETIG in the head*
TLTETIG: Who fired that…
*He looks around and then guessing that it was an assassination attempt by the enemy gives the command*
*Artillery shells arc through the air
Ares’ clone: Go ahead. Kill them.
*The golf course is lit up with Pyrotechnics and the sounds of War*
*Yet another escalation of the ‘plot’! Which clone will triumph? The slow and methodical or the wreckless and power-hungry? How did the Clones get into the hero realm. Oh no! Does that mean that our lovable Gonk2m4 the writer has been captured and forced to suffer through the newly invented 'Overly complex device designed specifically to trap Gonk in a long, drawn out death while simultaniously opening a gaping hole between the writers' realm and the heros' realm to permit Original Last True Evil (note the explicit lack of abbriviation), and his company of clones to take over the heros' realm and finally crush NESianity and the Arean sect'? Does Canada even HAVE a Secretary of State? All this… and more… on the *sigh* exciting… fun-filled adventure of NES
May the Windex be with you
-Janitor Jack (Salk Wars)
[This message has been edited by Janitor Bob (edited August 26, 2001).]
*Meanwhile… in the heroes realm*
Masseto: Okay. Were back here, in the city…
*Masseto sees an anvil tottering off the edge of a nearby building*
Masseto: That wishes to remain anonymous. Now what do we do?
Geb: Well I supposed we could just wait till we get attacked or something. That’s what we usually do.
Losien: Hey, has anyone seen the Last True Evil, the Hero?
*Seconds later, a blinding flash occurs and the heroes find themselves circled by at least twenty… figures. The figures are dressed in long flowing druid’s robes; hoods cover their faces Darth Sidious style, they simultaneously reach into their oversized sleeves and draw out various weapons. Guns, Knives, Grenades, Scythes, staffs, and cooking utensils. They all stare at our heroes with villainous intent.*
*Krig sticks out his hairy Viking hand in an attempt to be friendly*
Krig: Me name Krig. Who you nice people?
*The hooded figures look up and respond in a haunting, raspy voice, simultaneously. The echo reverberates throughout the town.*
Hooded Figures: We are The Last True Evils of the Sacred Order of Light- Intent on Sacrificing Breathing Livestock By the Light Of A Full Moon And Drinking It’s Blood. But you will call us TLTEOTSOOLIOSBLBTLOAFMADIB!
Krig: Nice meet you, Hooded Figures.
Hooded Figures: You… you… are the heroes prophesied by the sacred and holy scrolls of Nostrodamus. You shall die as it is commanded to us by our bloodthirsty hands, this very morn!
Cooked Haggis: Bloodthirsty hands?
Hooded Figures: Silence, skeptical heathen!
Losien: We’re not Heathens. We’re Nestians!
*The Hooded Figures raise their weapons and start uttering an oscillating moaning chant*
Randy: Wait! Before you kill us, can you at least tell us where we are.
Hooded Figures: We…. are… in… the chosen… city… of…
*Anvils materialize from the sky, fall and crush each Hooded Figure*
Geb: Quick thinking, Randy. So, it looks like a new menace has infiltrated the heroes realm. And from the looks of the NES cliff notes, they appear to be Evil Clones of the Last True Evil.
Masseto: Aw, Clone, Shmone. We can stop them.
Geb: Yeah, well, we may be invincible, powerful, and good looking, but even WE can’t stop this Clone Menace by ourselves. We’ll need help.
Sem: Are you thinking what I’m thinking Geb?
Maybe: Yep. The number’s (216) 666-6666.
*In the Canadian Governmental Place, the High Demon rubs his hands chuckling softly, thinking up of new evil laws to write into existence*
High Demon: And we’ll make spitting on sidewalks illegal! Mwa ha ha.
*Suddenly the phone rings*
High Demon: Well, get the phone.
Secretary of the Interior: Um… you know, Mr. High Demon, the Secretary of the Interiors job does not consist of answering the phone.
High Demon: I know that, idiot. It also consists of writing memos for me.
*The secretary sighs and picks up the phone and gives it to the High Demon*
High Demon: Oh, It’s probably just Satan again, with another bloody performance review… Hello?
Sem: Uh… hi, is this the Demon residence?
High Demon: Yes it is. May I ask who’s calling?
Sem: That’s not important right now. What is important, is that I have some bad news to give to you.
High Demon: This better be important. I’m on a per-minute calling plan here.
Sem: Well, you want world domination, correct?
High Demon: Well, of course. Doesn’t everybody.
Sem: Yes, especially The Last True Evil. Never heard of him? Well, he’s the man who went beyond simply wanting World Domination, and actually did something about it. He almost has world domination.
High Demon: What!
Sem: Yup. While you were busy reforming Social Security they was taking over the world. You may be able to stop him, and still achieve absolute power for yourself. Better hurry. Well, I have to go now. Bye.
High Demon: Wait… wait! I need more information!
*The High Demon is rewarded only with a dial tone*
High Demon: Mr. Secretary of the Interior! I want a task force on this immediately!
*Meanwhile, in the writers realm*
*Janitor Bob opens his eyes to see once again the crazed face of... Head Guy. But his eyes look red, blood-shot, and sleep deprived. They look sucken back and distant as if something has been occuping his mind for days that he doesn't understand. Either that or he went out and bought those new 'Darth Maul' contact lenses.*
Janitor Bob the Writer: Okay, I’m ducttaped to a chair in your conference room again. This better be important.
Assistant: Yes, Head Guy, I’m curious to the nature of this meeting as well.
Head Guy: Oh, it’s just that I was drinking last night and I had an incredible idea!
Bob the writer *dryly*: Really. You can just see how excited I am to hear it.
Head Guy: Well, I was thinking, the title ‘NeverEnding Story’ seems too, well, it gives the impression of Never-Endingness.
Bob: I wonder why.
Head Guy: So I was thinking, in the story, there’s like Clones, right? And they’re like attacking, y’know?
Bob the writer: Well, yeah, but I’m not sure I like where this is leading.
Head Guy: Well, in a fit of inspirational ingenuity, in the spirit ‘fun’ and ‘delirium’ and harkening back to the days of sci-fi pulps with horrible plots, bad writing, and even worse titles, I have decided to rename the story: ‘Attack of the Clones’.
Bob the writer: But… but… that’s… it’s… the most nefariously stupid idea I’ve ever heard…
Head Guy: Hee hee haw haw! Exactly! And then… heh heh… then we’ll find out that Sem is actually Maybe’s sister!
Assistant: Oh, no. I knew something like this would happen?
Bob the writer: What?
Assistant: The lack of viewership and the stress… its caused his mind to, well, snap. He’s completely and totally nuts.
*The Assistant sprints away, and dives out of a closed window.*
Bob the writer: It’s times like this that I wish I wasn’t tied to a chair with duct-tape…
*Realm: Writers. Location: The Jasper National Park Golf Course in Canada. Situation: Volatile*
*Hole 18. Two armies are on either side of the fairway, staring each other down, hands nervously fingering the triggers on their weapons. Both sides have a massive formation of loyal soldiers, tanks of all shapes, sizes, and nationalities, and hulking artillery. But there is something… different… about these armies. Or rather something… suspiciously the same. On one side stands an army of thousands of Last True Evil soldiers, and on the other… hundreds of Ares’ clones. There are more Last True Evils but the fact that the Ares’ Clones, are clones of a god of war, gives them a slight advantage.*
*Each side readys for battle. The artillery men shove shells into their guns, the tanks roll into position, and the soldiers pick their noses.*
TLTETIG (The Last True Evil the Inspirational General): DISCIPLINE! We need more DISCIPLINE. If we are going to WIN this battle, and thus WIN the world, we can’t be squandering around like a bunch of sissified sissies! We need to come to order. Fight to Kill! Kill to Win! Win to Triumph!
Ares’ Clone General: *Yawn* Well. Looks like it’s another battle. Guess, *sigh* we shall have to defeat these idiots once again. Get ready… for a really… *yawn* exciting time.
TLTETIG:… so go out there, and MAKE ME PROUD. Remember, don’t fire until you see the whites of their FEAR STRICKEN… BLOODSHOT… eyes!
*All the Ares’ Clones close their eyes*
TLTETIG: Okay. I take that back .Fire when in range. But make sure you don’t waste ammunition! We are expendable. Our ammunition… is not!
Ares’ Clone general: Remember. The objective of this pointless battle is not to die for [/i]your er… country… but to make the other side... get killed a lot and stuff… or something like that… * voice trails off*
TLTETIG: Dig, men DIG!
TLTE the soldiers: Huh?
TLTETIG: Don’t question my authority. Take away their liberty… and give them death!
*The Soviet Clones cheer and jack shells into their guns*
*Several of Ares’ clones lay down to take a nap*
*Both sides stare down the fairway intently, thirsty for carnage, but neither side dares to take the first shot*
*As if on cue (which it was) a golf ball soars through the air and hits TLTETIG in the head*
TLTETIG: Who fired that…
*He looks around and then guessing that it was an assassination attempt by the enemy gives the command*
*Artillery shells arc through the air
Ares’ clone: Go ahead. Kill them.
*The golf course is lit up with Pyrotechnics and the sounds of War*
*Yet another escalation of the ‘plot’! Which clone will triumph? The slow and methodical or the wreckless and power-hungry? How did the Clones get into the hero realm. Oh no! Does that mean that our lovable Gonk2m4 the writer has been captured and forced to suffer through the newly invented 'Overly complex device designed specifically to trap Gonk in a long, drawn out death while simultaniously opening a gaping hole between the writers' realm and the heros' realm to permit Original Last True Evil (note the explicit lack of abbriviation), and his company of clones to take over the heros' realm and finally crush NESianity and the Arean sect'? Does Canada even HAVE a Secretary of State? All this… and more… on the *sigh* exciting… fun-filled adventure of NES
May the Windex be with you
-Janitor Jack (Salk Wars)
[This message has been edited by Janitor Bob (edited August 26, 2001).]
"Your entire base belongs to us."
"It would be highly appreciated if someone would set the bomb up for us"
"Launch all of our ships, christened 'Zigs', to insure that justice will be achieved swiftly and powerfully."
"It would be highly appreciated if someone would set the bomb up for us"
"Launch all of our ships, christened 'Zigs', to insure that justice will be achieved swiftly and powerfully."